THE DAILY NEWS “The Daily News” CLASSIFIED ADS. ie 9 FOR RENT FOR RENT 22.50. ride. 5 rooms, corner Mc 261-65 Furnished house, 108 Kighth Avenue, FOR RENT—Furnished rooms with hot and cold water, Clean and comfortable. Only #2.50 per week Klondyke wane Ww. Fulton and Seventh Avenue. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Splendid kitchen range, bed lounge, tables, chairs, pictures, books, crockery and kitchen utensils. Apply Suite 2, Emad Block. wu. tee. FOR SALE—New hou ni cash and $20 a mo P. O, Box 100. Section 7 th; total 1 FOR SALE — Tracts Land in Lakelse Valley comaintng 10 acres each, §20 per acre. McCaffrey & Gibbous, 214tf. FOR SALB—50-H.P. capacity on polier and 8-H.P, stationary engine. In excellent ae Ap: 220tr. had cheap. ply Box 15, Daily News. WANTED WANTED—Woman wants plamn sewing or mending, Box 113, Daily News. 261-64 WANTED—A general servant. Apply 415 Fifth Avenue East. : tf. WANTED — Board and room in private family; close in; modern conveniences. Phone Blue 332 259-60 WANTED—A maid iv general house work. Apply Mrs. de I. Palmer, 720 4th Ave., East, Phone 2 258-259 WANTED—-Young toon woman wants a few hours work daily, Box 111, The Daily News. 254-60 Section 25 a ews. wee TED——Four-room house in ve or Six for $125 down and month until paid. Box 102, Daily WANTED—Situation by young lady as bookkeeper @r office help. Salary rea- sonable. Apply Box 115, Daily — WANTED—View lot and house; oes $2,500 to $3, ae cash and arrange Daily News. MISCELLANEOUS | close wi pay © voi $15 WEEKLY—Men wanted everywhere, no matter how small the Village, for few hours work in spare time, experience pasposeeery, position permanent, The Co-Operative Union, Windsor, Ont. MARKY Why remain alone? Why not better your position? Our club ts pri vate and dependable. Best in the west Information 10c in stamps Ideal In troduction Club, Box 264, Vancouver, B. C. SUEEEEE EEE EEEE EERE EEE ELEY FOR A TAXI: 75--PHONE-75 PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO RERKERR RRR ERE For Rent FOUR ROOMED HOUSE Across Hays Creek—Well Furnished $30 PER MO. EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE With Bath—7th Ave East. $30 PER MO. FOUR ROOMED COTTAGE Near the Drydock $20 PER MO. eaere THREE THREE ROOMED COTTAGES Across Hays Creek $7.50 TO $10 PER MO. APPLY TO— G. R. Naden €o., Ltd. 324 SECOND AVENUE *|the } LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Try Smith & Killas’ - €- 6 ice cream. Cleaners. tf. Pantorium Pioneer Phone 4. For Bargains in Millinery, Miss M. Kuster. 263-64 > 7 * * The Princess Maquinna left for Granby this morning. She will leave here for the south on Sun lay evening. + Mr. Charles EK. Lewat, connected with the firm which vill eonstruet the G. T. P. round- », is staying at The Royal. e.6-s The Prince Rupert Towing Co., ‘| general towing; the new crude oil tug “P.R.T. No. 1. Phone Red 391 or Black 322. Address: P.O. Box 96. Agency for the “Avance” Crude Oil Motor. 165tf * * * * who is house * Mr. M. Crossing, days. He tel Prince Rh. is of Skeena for a few at the Ho- Jameson, in town is registered Rupert. oe. 's* Mr. F. F. Quinn, Dunn's father, left on this morn ings train for Forsythe after short stay with his daughter. o.¢-2 Mrs. Hugh For a comfortable room, come to the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec- ond Avenue, near Eighth Street. Newly opened. Steam heat and hot and cold water in every room. Free baths. Rates reasonable. . &.2 The city is building a new side- walk on Fulton street opposite Fire Hall. It is not a broad road and it leadeth to the police station, but it is a great improve- ment on the present mud bath. o:-