‘ ! a ; j Anau 8. en ¢ : ———— : ¥ | ¥ — oOee ns o ons Fee Beene enunee * KAISER'S MOUSTACHE. Not wear vou EARN. eur sees POPCPPPO Fees teres “ ” 41} LOCAL NEWS ITEMS j: "*t4Acoots an ois» BUT WHAT You save WS . TRICT NOTES * Disappearance of Upturned Ex- : +e eee eee eee eee’ *.) ~~ treomitios Said to Mave Given COMFORT IN OLD Ac: ; CLASSIFIED ADS. | rv Smith & Killas’ ice cream. | From The Court Impression of Despondency. NINETY-FIVE PER CENT OF THE MEN oF yu, L. i ot a woe COUNTRY AT THE AGE OF SIXTY ARE DEPENDE, - - —___,_———| Pantorium Pioneer Cleanerts.| &..8. Camosun arrived on 8 penhager Nov 7 Phe Upon Their Daily Earnings, Their Families or Ohariy ; | Phone 4. tf. | day, bringing the usual large | has clipped off the up THE EASIEST WAY TO SAVE IN THE SAFEST sony o¢ , : rr Linen : : _ lsignment of freieht ' ends of his moustache 18 BY A POLICY IN way | roR RENT—Purnished rooms with hot The time of the launching of | and cold water. Glean and comfortable I tartling change in the Em | THE EXCELSIOR LIFE INSUR ANCE ) 1 | only $2.50 per Week Kiondyke Hotel, Lhe pontoons at the drydock & Mr. Pete Marrin has i , bserved i MI AN i ) Fullon and Seventh Avenue. morrow has Seen changed | ippearance Was CNRCTVE . ee ; ene 8:40 dees ce he oma visit t Takush tarhb past day or two, when the KISSICK & EDWARDS “ wd : ’ espe aly ( FOR SALE | pul tie 1: pernited t vitne > > : the moustacte end the ere tranged i} —-+--—_— aioe tobe 4 —e ts | dat WANTED | The Prince Rupert Towing Co., Mr. J. W ver i ; ‘ ha uck the public imaginat | , a ees - : : a i ___ | general towing; the new crude oil | southbou eam exp ienckne an fH thaw seem, he presen is | “ +, 7 ” > : wif hue ( lye ime quite} HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Housekeeper |tug “P.R.T. No. 1 Phone Red | ple of weer jone more, perhap than any ' Sons ntl in for Yamily of three. Address P, 0 eee 391 or Black 322. Address: P.O.| siaies in fe months age 1640 ! Rox 96. Agency for the “Avance” M W M ' id af else eor ee he people ; . i} h landing fi WANTED—Two young ladics to Pose to| Crude Oil Motor 165tf |, Berlin that the war outlook 18) United States troops at Vera] SHINGL , MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS 00 comfo je home close ‘ 4 . toria n Sunday ( Mia Bee a } con, "Te rane reasonaDi _ Apply | s-6 * ; : CORNRE AAC 10F VerMmany ' ; | PRIN: UP R L P.O. Box 445, or Phone Blue 41 = | “Dad” Corley Old Unele Sam ; —_ :, LE R E T UMBER C0. WANTED Gentleman wane aapry ane jof the Roval Hote leaves tonight tr At the re ean There wont be rose ose al | A J. BURROUGHS, Manager om; close in APP) at f oap s he » whe thar — vant . Jewelry Store, 223 Sixth St "for a holiday south, He intends | Mr. Rolsto t sure tjthe way" when th hack DICKEN'S IMMORTAL STORY, |} a: ave. ond metrige 9: a home fo the anadiatr oldie ‘ a WANTED—four-room house in Section |}t visit the Rupert contingent I ture 4 eve " ree “anaG : “THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP | PHONE 25 Branch Yard at 6 ore Five or Six for $125 Tea balls $28 * | Victoria and then proceed ; h have hee declaring ha aft ' ‘ ertaine th i Op . ; ‘ fe eeeoooe illo tbeaaen - cade ne ; M ltour of the Southern States the girl i Piymouth are (he in Moving Pictures at The West- , /ANTED—-Situation y young lady ” ; that he would I i mpans tlie ' ‘ orl mar none by or office help, Salary fea ce.@ ' prettiest he world, bar n holme Wednesday and sonable, Apply Box 115, Dally Nowe | William Vincent was up in the|!! ps on active service to Bu-| Thursday. eeennen meeeenens WANTED—View lot and house; close tn;| Police = Court this reels P about ed to $3,000 wil y iy charged with assault He hac Ir seeping with their settled ’ balance. Ox Pe arg ih ane eta gaccaaee on Tad wae Tet your} yl) allow 8) BRED STORK’S HARDWARE fist, in whieh he held a roe He Shoeman ltoo good for Prince Rupert, the MISCELLANEOUS pleaded guilty but sentence was I edo | N ; the Jay | s we ae indieinigheiindn ; ; ; you want jmanagement of the Westholme ferre til tomorrow fanes¢ \ has le I by FOUND-—Rowboat adrift outside of har-|deferred un LQeera Hanee.continue to book the bor. Apply Mr. G. B. Hull, Department * * * c hil , Kia h poy a Hou nti ie | bh k th 710 SECOND AVE of Public Works. T . _ ‘ ; : " gest | nest features that ' ie Board of Works rep. rted , | bine and finest atu ia , 965 SUNN ~-ttem wanted ererywtere, 20 The Board « k y as > se Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery matter how small the village, for few|last night that it would undei take : : jean be obtained anywhere and for Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle pours wore in spare time, cxperieees(to build a plank roadway fron] ay. omicial ‘- CATS. PAW | Wedn dk nud Whuvediay weitt of twon Pt Pine Fil nurs . . B e otlieial ep to w lo , ese ! ‘ , Co-Operative Union, Windsor, Ont. Sixth to Seventh Street on First} : _ Cushion Rubber Heels liek ie ein od eaakins VOR we pe ngs ifles and Shotguns MARRY!—Why remain’ alone? Why not] Avenue if the debentures wer ! eri madet ’ e Valves Ammunition better your position? Our club 15 pri-ltaken up by those interested. Thejtotals as 200 dead and thirty jfounded on Charles Dieken’s im Pumps Hose Paint vate and dependable. Best in the west . a : | s j i Old Cur ' Information 10¢ in stamps. Ideal In‘ |}cost will be $415. Mr. Peter Black | wounded. Captain Von Mull yn mortal story he Ol uriosity Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated tron troduction Club, Box 264, Vancouver has agreed t take the deben lied i Pr : I B. { yas agreed to take up the debetr of his offieérs, ane ince ranz ‘i : ao tures. Work will proceed at once.| Josef, of Hohenzollern, and twet WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST ..-— | ty of the crew are prisoners. The For a comfortable room, come|Sydney was undamaged J to the St. Elmo Hotel, 856 Sec- = ond Avenue, near Eighth Street The Japanese port the fol Newly opened. Steam heat and/jowing war \ ‘ found sur hot and cold water in every room 1K aochow Bay Jagua | he CUSHION ee ee. ie Ee ee Salen 4 win:| | RUBBER HEELS FRED STORK’S HARDWARE this story. Both those who have and those who have not read the ator will theroughly enjoy these pictures as they are complete i themselves and do not depend o1 a previ knowledge of thre | i Shop.” and illustrating the prin cipal seenes and incidents from | | | | | ee " _ : Tenders for a new telephone} at. all G ul we K . ne them intere directory were received last night : | bet Austria There wil i be anothe fine | ees were rece ht} : ; . S\by the Couns The Jou put | Don’t ask for just \ Gazett howin iwclua FOR A TAXI: jin a bid of $104. The other of-| 1 ' é Rubber Heels—ask for scenes from the seat of wat ; fices put u — . S140 n 7 ‘ ‘ “ Asa coaler I “CAT’S PAW” Cushion I. > oan ¥ _ eo te oo Wednesd ame Rubber Heels. Corporation of the City of Prince | snow! ial rw cel i then lef the ast f Chile Rupert. | ala! ee all its printing done! ai rs ieee mee th aose Stn Salvation Army. Have “CAT'S PAW” TENDER FOR GASOLINE BOAT hose given in Vancouver | Public meetings Tuesday, | put on your winter . int * * * | Thursday and Saturday at 8 p.m boots —and you will lhe City invites tenders for a PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO In the past the members of the|Sundays at 7:30 p.m walk safely, with a sure Gasoline Boat, length about 28 § eevece curenr sro oo #} tot - a ry : —— aw 1 footed tread. _ es aan, : me En nm the ounel lamber a rickets gine abou ih of woo stan old table that geht fall dow: ss dard make renders @ gw ck il ba ; be! of nie oe la dl They cost no more than calle i full to ~ in see tnt oe on if Last night there was the ordinary kind-— the Gity Clerk before 8 p.m. Mon or en dandy new table installed on- | day the t6th taining a cute little drawer with} } 163W The lowest or any tender not lock and key for each reporter. | ecessarily accepted. FOUR ROOMED HOUSE The new table attracted so mucl | WALPOLE RUBBER CO. - — of the seribes’ attention that they} Limited - Montreal NOTICE. Across Hays Creek—Well eae forgot to report the pro-| $11 (i) i : Sues |ceedings. : 1914 Taxes. $20 PER MO. °. 3.” | PER MONTH NOTICE. By authority of Bylaw passed si Wm. Angles account against | } es his Fourth Day of November, EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE | city for drawing plans toro} HOUSE ON 2ND AVENUE 3) rhe canadian Patriotic Fund. |. 1. 111, a rebate of ten per seow is still unpaid Aldermat Dybhavn said the price of 870 was renames He only had given a Near Ninth Street i a centum (10 on General Taxes | Will those who need assistance|@nd Health Rate will be allowed tch pl f hieh tl t 4 ROOMS lfrom the above fund, resident in|if paid on or before November sketch plan, from whieh re city FT FOUR ROOMED COTTAGE | i ‘ ' T | the city or district and whose Thirtieth, A. D. 1944 School and a . ae _ ibreadwinner is on active service |Special rates, as heretofore, will ee, Id F d Cl Near the Drydock |Board of Works had ordered it lwith the forces of the Empire or|be NET O ashione eanliness” * With Bath—8th Ave. East $30 PER MO. an | $20 PER MO. | ns vved but it was decirded to hol 1} eee iher Allies, kindly notify the sec- bk. D. JOHNSON, c jit ane Sat 5 Seas Oe 2S - ~ | lretary of the local organization. City Treasurer cost our mothers many a “ back-breaking THREE THREE ROOMED =" ©! eee eee 18 PATTULLO & RADFORD 3) W. E. COLLISON. |, day. The “new fashioned” cleanliness jmean another te su or ec | . ae \ n ! ' Senaiertiees las Mr. Angle has placed his ac SECOND AVENUE | P. O. Box 735,—tf. costs only the price of a cake of Sunlight he s solicitors for eol-} _ Soap. $7.50 TO $10 PER MO. jeount with his so | PACIFIC, PEACE RIVER AND ATHABASCA Sixty > APPLY TO— ere | adr Years the Standard This purest of all laundry soaps has a Pacific, Peace River Sad Atheheses Rel ‘DR: gentle strength that moves dirt q: ickly wa Compan will apply to the Parliament f Canada, at its next session, for an Act without rubbing. And a £5,000 guarcat tuthorizing the company to lay out, con _ j strued i operate the following lines of proves there is no adulterant or impurit raiiway ‘ Commencing at a point nh} . e am “ or a tide wate t or wear the head of Kitimat] In it to Injure the fimest fabric « mn 1 ‘ ‘ Kitimat River im a} ° . therly direction to the summit between | the dainticet hand. Kitimat and Lakeise Lake, thence in a nor | riy direction along the valle or the Por the . ’ ; woap Use Lakelse Lake and river to the Skeena| CREAM t thousand and one svaj Hive there crossing the Skeena “over | around the house _ - . ‘ (. R. Naden Co., Lid, WANTED. | Girl to assist with light house 324 SECOND AVENUE taiiy News OES a ENO. & re thas soap by means of a high level bridge and over 1ere 18 just one sea} i Grand Trunk Pacific Railway with om standard clearances thence north-easterty | t the mouth of the Kitsumkaiem River) nd following its course to the summit of © e | on Seeax Rive nd = thenee following — the | . i on Yr valle of th Nass Hive at or m ar | | be . j z \iyaneh, a distance of approximately one | ‘ 77, hundred and tWelve mile (b) from the | } Dr PRICE Chat Athi the Nass River, following the course of} | ' j «8 &: the Blackwater River, to the summit be | rd BAKING POWDER Bs OS RN The Dye that colors ANY KIND’ tween it and the Galanskeest River, thence | 2 Cth eae ay 1 cgathiy inthe tialalakces' hier | & Cream of Tartar Powder All groe on A aaa a ave srenee up the aSeens | i | yer } we mou ‘ ° jiver appro Tl ge ee ssaattnate River ne mat of ar River approsi Made from Grapes | : om ae gah jet Bupa oe Be DATED at Ottawa this nineteenth day of | NO recommmecne it etober iota ; PRINGLE, THOMPSON, BURGERS & core, | ALUM Solicitors for the Applicant lean seen ee 4 F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) PRINCE RUPERT, © '