i. F. MeRAR, EDITUOR AND MANAGER HEAD OFFICER Daily News Buiiding, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.« Telephone 98 TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract |’ rates on application. ‘ DAILY EDITION GE ja. Wednesday, Nov. 18, 1915 EDITORIALS The wa ha« w been it Egypt has« Rf progress f almost a third of Turkey declared ar the Kt a year and it is teresting t& dive went { ‘ sum up the results The Ger- stantinos ar sue ens mane within that me—and his yalty aused be itis they have been the agreseors authorities t forbid his have launched three distinet turt He was be ed t i campaigns. Their first ery wae sympathy with the Tur Paris or bust,” but they didn't trouble makers and now his take Parise. They next tried to actions confirm this ali« break the heart of the Russians glibly of the day when the G A great sig- nal defeat in that quarter sent by taking Warsaw mans will set Egypt free them helter skelter a pre- It would appear that the en- cipitate retreat Their third trance of the “despicable Turk distinet move was to secure a into the war will at least give | foothold on the Straits of Dover a temporary advantage to Ger and although they lost a hun- many The Russians are re- dred thousand men in the at- ported to have decided to put tempt, they do not seem to be off their invasion of Germany any nearer to it than they were] Util they have defeated the a month ago. Turk This may enable the *. ¢+ @ Germans to transfer a portion The whole training and plans of their eastern army to the of the Germans show that they hoped to win before the other nations could get their men in the field. This policy in their past it won. In this fight, thanks to the Belgians French's “contemptible little army” their plans failed to carry. They must now fight on terms with the odds of numbers against them. Look ing at the this light there possibility that fail their attack Dunkirk whole scheme will collapse. * weet to the disadvantage of the allies in France. a TRADE ANOMALY. too was their wars and Big Increase in British Exports however, to the wee States. and 17. states that London, Nev. Consul Gen- eral Skinner ports from London to the United for October million dollars in excess for July, August and September. In spite of many things which the British govern- ment will not allow to be export- ed. No particular material pre- ponderates in these exports, the increased amount of which is to the closed German the ex- equal States were more than a war in of the average is a if the strong Germans in thes suddenly on as if the largely due markets. REASONS WHY? «ouuas You Should Buy «=== :: Royal Standard Flour :: It looks Khedive of There is no better fiour made. It’s economical. BECAUSE— With its quality value—which is undisputed—it’s a 8B. C. Flour made ‘ight in the Province. Over @ hundred workmen are employed in the manufac- ture of Royal Standard. They and their families are dependent on its sale. BECAUSE— Roya! Standard Sales Support you and your bus- iness whatever it may be. You see every dollar you spend on Foreign Flour is just so much money Sent out of B. C. Of money so spent very little finds ite way back. it goes further. AND ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR COSTS NO MORE Vancouver Milling & Grain Company, Ltd. Vancouver, New Westm'nster, Nanaimo and Victoria What Good’s An Overcoat If You’ re Going To Be ~TO DRAW THE ENEMYS FIRE - AND ONL HAVE ONE -MOU BE THE OTHER SOA CROW - STAND THERE AND LOOK AS MUCH LIKE AREAL SOLDIER AS PossIBLE. AND LLL Give 50 YOU WANT A JOB AS A SOLDIER IN THIS ARMY-TD EARN A WINTER OVERCOAT ” WELL-I NEED A COUPLE SCARE © 1914 -wivi- ST MD BALD, — | FORCED TO WAR BY A SECRET TREATY Reason 1s Advanced for Turkey's Entrance Into Mostilities Lond Now. 18 ! uM ne Posts Athen« “aye According to «ta by a diplomat hi I mpelied t enter the secret treaty te . ze with G nar wt I w“ 1 assiat G was ared ‘ Rus«eia Ir Germa ae assist T he i 4 1 ‘ fc - ’ | < : led T y 4 I aie : ' I aw “a . se} a « e th g ‘ ganiz th f powe | apital (serimnat answ j ® Dy = ind ships, wh I : mpel to enter tt 4 use fh . " aty EQUIPMENT IS READY FOR LIGHT INFANTRY Oltawa, Nov i7 Tha f equipment is ready for the ght nfantry battalions now z ing for the second contingent at divisional and district area head- quarters, is the statement made by General Maedonald, quarter master general. This includes ri fles, ammunition and clothing The uniforms now being distributed at rifles been issued to the of every description. are and some points have already men. VALUE U. S. FARM CROP Washington, The United States this year are Nov. 17 important farm crops of the worth 25,068,742,000 or 8104.000.000 nore than the value of the same crops last year, notwithstanding a joss of $418,000,000 sustained by cotton planters on lint alons 1s a result of the European was GUARANTEED FREE American Silk HOSIERY We Want You to Know These Hose They stood the test when all others failed. They give real foot comfort. They have no seams to rip. They never become loose and baggy as the shape is knit in. not pressed in. They are GUAR- ANTEED for fineness, for style. for superiority of ma- terial and workmanship, ab- solutely stainless, and to wear six months without holes or replaced by new pairs free. OUR FREE OFFER To every one sending us 50e to cover shipping charges, we will send, sub- ject to duty, absolutely free: Theee pairs of our famous AMERICAN SILK HOBE with written GUARANTEE, any color, or Three pairs of our Ladies’ Hose in Black, Tan or White colors, with written GUARANTEE, DON’T DELAY—Offer ex- pires when dealer in your locality is selected. Give color and size desired. international Hosiery Co. 21 Bittner Street Dayton, Ohio, U. 8. A. BATTALIONS FOR WAR CANADA LOOKS UP Dominion Government That Battleship Australia May Br lere it ra THE DAILY NEWS “| NO DOUBT AS TO THE RESULT, SAYS SIFTON TO AUSTRALIAN NAVY Hopeful Alberta's Premier Declared Cana-| dians Would All Be Dead Be- fore Empire Failed. Soon Engage Germans _— N 18 There is on Pacific. fe of Cana N R 4 lians ¢ i} eult f the war : « ’ . ’ re ; } al i wu British Empire 4 Canada congratulates ‘ ' fa tw t affect any of us Canada, f that event we ‘ » » 3 es - ‘“ » I : se a? ia ind) «should j : a a. | lkane 6 1 t said Ar- was< spatched by §& \* A neg , Fos ‘ , Pr fjth i Sift I M ster 0 * 7 - ; tt est of D It i« hardly Alberta, wh va - ° ; ‘ ‘ f the Canadian 7% xpla that tt ae or “ses f the was ‘ ub he TT . Th f doubt « Sydney hat we t 2 possible euccesefi ’ avy bring nd to ca ’ i : stance ' he career, in the | : me oe he ! it} G : ivy De i : the t a; Emd ay 1 itt f years, but , si wh the war is Canada Wil i. gz x] - ‘ , . » afl be the ga | " » o ‘ Increased | “ft ty will come h ds t! } ster predict p Aus 1. w ‘ ap |b Canada n I a | d ! sus any Europeans | , : #7: ; whose h « have been wiped out . t lare the P by the war will emigrate to the Ir va s it is stat-[ Dominion hat owing to supe e| rhe annual international bar g a Australia : quet f the Canadian Club has : beer abandoned because of the} r s . . , need of money for the families of is me’ = — the Canadian soldiers at the Pacil SI has a speed ofifront. and ts stead the lub ’ . d ght 12 g s |has substituted monthly dinners ggest G an boa the ee a en ee | tO RAISE SUNK SHIPS. 5 as ij 2 ~int a a a ee Reported That Japanese Will En- s considered more likely, deavor to Recover German ver, that the German squad- ee | Sunk. will ultimately meet its fate ' it the hands of Japanese cruis- Vancouver Nov 17 Accord- ; ing to private advices received in LOW the northern Pacific Tl vanc uver from Tokio. the Ger- ish battleships recently or- man officers whe eurreatered of d to the Pacific as the Aus-| Tsing Tau have been treated with in dreadnought is believed to |every consideration and allowed in home waters to retain their swords " : It is understood the German HOW GERMANS PUT IT. The Hagenback Conglomer- 7 “ : REQUIEM. ation” still bars the way to Ca- lais, and the Germans are hurl-| Weep for the dead; weep for the swift slain dead i insults as well as projectiles November skies; . Too few the tears that day and night are at it Hagenback is the greatest shed rom women's eyes of all dealers in wild animals . ; ; : Blow er them lightly with a soft caress, From his menagerie in Hambure ed of aie aan. f r or ‘ t y me iss lov can be securéd anything with} 75° “ee* Sey sey mise tom teeth and claws, from a royal] Where eer they be Bengal tiger to an ordinary, ev - i hee , — a rydas . » Ge On reddened fields wr yee wildeat Phe Forman iq And find the lonely harvest of the night sult is really a compliment. If] That battle yields it is only an ill-assorted menag-|®anlsh the darkness filled with quivering dread erie that bars the way to Calais, Lest they should know - Some last strange: horror—even they German culture and science do the dead not amount to much, else they| ‘et ™oon, swing low would long ago have found a way|Fold them at dawn, dear earth, with your arts through the jungle When the So safe and strong patient and painstaking Canadian _ een =e beay of the and expr entire ships sunk in the harbor wil! be raised and repaired if possible ull they alarms and wrong forget woe er the others animals | conglomeration the Kaiser his generals will no doubt - their detestation of the rodent tribe. joins Master of Kings pain These paid the price; show Thy tortured world that all in If peace be bought with ess vain Is sacrifice! VIRNA SHEARD « ‘ —— —— ——_ Our 1915 Catalogue Which Has Just Been Distributed — — Will aid you in making your selection of Christmas Gifts. Write for this book if one has not reached you. Note the fine range of SIGNET RINGS on Page 11 and our assort- ment of Ebony, Silver and French Ivory Toilet Ware from Pages 45 to 53, inclusive. Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Granville and Georgia Streets Geo. E. frorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C y Sails for Van toria and Seatt at Through Servic Over Passenger trains carrying Sender Make your GBieeping Car Reserve Full information apply to @. T. PF. Ti Vic le on Fr days couver e to The East the GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY @ Siteping Cars, Dini Care leave Prince Rupert on Weinescsys and Seiurdeys . ’ ay Edmonton, Saskatoon, Melville, Winy pee, ete necting wits ’ reins %, Paul, Guiuth, Chicago and al! Eastern Ceonires For pointe EAST of CHICAGO wee the GRAND TRUNK SYSTEm tions early For ohet Office. Tr Th. ae , re er * Pf AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Lines AMERICAN TAILOR CUT PRICES Call and Save Money OR. GILMOY, DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue UNION UNION TRANSFER SFER CO GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE South Wellington Coal WHONES : 86 Office RESIDENCE 110 633 Second Avenue PRINCE KUPERT BOAT BUILDER | H. JOUNSTON ' ss Cove Phone Green 321 —_— — ——_— — | MAJESTIC ROOMS 3 CENTRALLY LOCATED Steam Heated—Ali Conve- niences—Very Moder- ate Price SPECIAL RATE MONTHLY a EERE ARERP RAAT i 35~-PHONE--35 : | TAXI ALF HALLIGAN SED SESSS SSS US SF SSS SES RERRERER ERR ee | | DOMINION Undertakers and Embalmers FUNERAL DIRECTORS Supplies at Wholesale Prices bys —. “teas 1 2 ACLETT, Manager. FOR SALE Caskets and Underiakers’ One Good Deliv- ery Horse, Cheap at Prince Rupert Dairy Phone Green 252 —— IC hore »4 f Be Teacher of Violin and All APERHANG| Band Instruments AINTING as one nee, OLISHING AND WALL TINTING Martin Swanso New Wellington G Tne favorite Householg Cosi Cleanest, Bri ghies:, Bes NEW WELLINGTON coa- Rogers «& Second Avenue Albert, Agts Phone Phone 174 Le FOR ae ae Heating SMITH & [MALLET Largest «( VatMouver ra Valves & f tings, Pipes order Third Ave. Mead. of Becond Gtr: Prince Rupert | Alea. M. Manson, B W. B. Williams. 6 A. 1 WILLIAMS & SANSON 4 Barristers, Solicitors, Ex MONEY TO LOAN Box 1585 Helgerson Block Prince Hupert ffice wher @nd Street « PACIFIC “CARTAGE uM Genera! Cartage LADYSMITH COAL 63 —Pnone—93 JOHN CURRIE Contractor & Builder - Estimates Given on Mov Phone Black 294 e 6 IMPERIAL MACHINE S Repairing Quickly Done Keel oOW BAY 1ONI Pi JAMES GILMORE Architect 2nd Avenue, near M PRPOPROOOPPORORPE PE OPE EAE ITT Phone 37 P.O. Box 1 SAVOY HOTE FIRST CLASS CUISINE Hot and Cold Running Weir all Roome Only finest brands of Liquors ! Cigars kept THE GEST HOTEL IN NORTHE BRITISH COLUMBIA PRUDHOMME & FISHE Proprietors . . OO eel “OU AN & OWER- = =, COAT Pes Shot Drawn } for The Daily News by 0! WM INDER It He THINKS I WANT A WERCOAT W BE BURIED at