vane” | ' ’ DAVID KNEW THE | : eh . 'd Ww CRUISERS LOSS HOSTILE FLEETS MAY KAISER was COMING | THE UNION STEAMSHIP 00., ‘OF B. } orry I C., LIMITED You Oe ae BLAMED ON AID MEET AGAINSOON) F B.C, | safe an reliable remedy r the ‘aes w two verses « ; g were dificult to find « Baie tive action of the rts GIVEN GERMANS} yijaraiso, Nov. 14. —1The Jap-[t0 the followin | a $8. VENTURE it, ents © ; ry ments are likely to ; snese fleet, reported to have been} °° 1 Psalm as peculiarly appl - = 4 eo ee iiace, Serious Allegations of Violation|' a as aa a é‘ appears|bl¢ to the German Kaiser at th SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P. M. orse oo | see o e Cniean coas f anyone: like! of Neutrality by Eouador and j . present time: He hath put forth Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT Colombia Made by Alli now to have been the German]®” - y es. his hands against such as be at MIDNIGHT Ti, - Squadron which is cruising near] ™ ~ : . a _ tne ay ' ff Washington, Nov, 18—Regard- Valparaiso. The report that Jap- omg: oe _ oe eee peony For Further Particulars Apply to protests made by Great Brit-lanese warships had been seen|"!* en om vores of Bis PHONE 668 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. famous ' en ore’ ‘They’ eloahea, the to correct Hens i ind France to Keuador and near Punta Carranza was denied mou are smoother than butter, AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS aly eance fr : Aas 118 eart is wah +c ataly q ete tonie upon ee nt nt a nia against faid given by officially. but Po wa 2 | heart: hi 4 the bio } enone, constipation might, indeed, ¢ 6® you pre epublics to German war- German naval officers deny a ee OS ON, yer ? Indigestion, > pose you to danger if Dk ; ; ; . re . - ee ‘ “f o de” . jonged & an om 7 the ministers from CGolom-[¢hat another action besides the) *°™ een ewor g Nof On Rar Me teeas uador volunteered ttbattle which occurred between the FEW PRISONERS DIE. e tne ttn aad eran ec aro KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY Prepared onty by Themen Boadherps Bt, Pleloes, Lenwerhirs Pn tend f neutrality November 1 has take place off] London, Nov. 17.In reply to ———————— a What the infractions consist-|Chile. It is expected here, how-[the statement made by the Fra: THIRD ANGHUS P.O. DRAWER 1684 PHONE No. 8 - ! ' not bee rade blie “ver e ah ¢ ler ‘ter Zei gz that fo fo8 rel ot ten Ce ‘ i a ) oa ever, that the British and German | furter = itun ha rty-six ( Builders’ Sapplies Sheet and Plate Glass . 0 FROM Certificate of lmprovemente, : ndassy 1 Was fleets may meet at any moment}man prisoners have died in Eng — Supplies Plate Glass Mirrors i NG MA wines i “Claims, siti ‘a keene Mine ive proof was in thelin another engagement. land from pneumonia and typhoid on HARDWARE — ' DIE "Where locsted ntl e it Fractior f the French government.| The taking on of provisions by| fever, it is offifially stated that Varnishes Graniteware { ERR ocated between the “| tha’ i the British government — there have been only five deaths bane ‘Aldebaran” Mineral Cla ‘ eed a z imnentithe German cruisers Leipsig and among the prisoner Or leat The “S s Alice Arm, Observatory # “Black ' te details of the allege ade . “ . I : eo 7 wer ‘ * Sta atiafacto' Merchant Thinks His Life | Bear Mineral Claim ute ne ‘a 7 ! leged| Dresden, which steamed into Val- was accidental and the others MONARCH MALLEABLE an 7 ee r “ Fruit-a-tives he wae eee Se a It is charged by them] paraiso harbor was delayed for al were due to natural causes. the servatory Inte ne ” Galapagos Islands, o . » hecs , ; rote ateme says. There has hee we ae” fone rth, 191g. TAKE NUTICE that 1, Ped alina, Pree ae ‘nds, off} short time because of a protest|statement says. There has been, ‘ f spaLt, ON Miner's Certificate No. 803431 Keuador, have no typhoid fever or pneumonia. ee D i intend : been ade iciala ; tam ageneral storekeeper at the sixty days from the date hereot’t a S : ‘ made by British officials to the © 9 bas address account of the or eee tee for a Certificate tically as a coaling base|Chilean government. The Ger. |———————— , i e experienced from , EPTUVESRON TS, : ” purpose of ot ‘ . ; . : = —_—— —- canara cts ‘ gat good I } * — am tatning a Crown cent of the ab ve claim ps, and that wire-|[ man minister made salisfactory | se eee eee ® e eeneees 4 ruit ( i w f notice that actinr tal aon 0 8 tomers. They were a |under section 85, must be commenced be in both Equador andjarrangements with the govern-|# ’ * to me an tell vo fore (Be issue of such Certinc of Im : ‘ 4 et peta li was te 2 : provements , — in i been giving Ger-[ment and the warships continued * LATEST WAR NEWS * - i oe y - 5 4 5 tennis Cole we tle Sist day of September, AD. | . ' ers news of the where-Ito replenish their supplies. s * " a Soa ee ar \ the base of 1 skull ; The pais PEDRO SALINAS. | a}yvyyt f the British fleet. In] The Chilean steamers Valdivia]® The latest war bulletins # ? siiy drove me octors fearec | . nineties d * received exclusively by The * f Inflammation of the ADVERTISE IN sponsibility for the de-land Chilee thus far have been un- * Daily News are posted im. # E. Rand, President, J. 8. Rearce, Manager 4 ; took ‘ Fruit-a-t ” Peat nf T “ wee nr til I was ont ro" THE DAILY NEWS ea the B sh cruisers in the[ successful in their search for thel@® mediately after coming off * { ned fifteen pounds since taking vattle off the Chilean eoast is laidfwrecks of the British eruisers|® the wires at the following # i ad , lie Pruit-a-tives ; 7 : yn Boone yy British officials to some extent] Monmouth and Good Hope, or for * places :— * tey saved me from a Gisas y - Di 5 ; % Mr, J. A. CORRIVEAU, p ; it the doors of Eeuador and Co-|survivors from these warships. > aes tos oe oe ‘oa : AND DOOR COMPANY LTD sd ‘ : 8 Jewelr e, we. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, rince Rupert Feed Co. nbia The Valdivia and Chilee, however, | @ avenue i goa . * 9 ” os armory Fe aden, DEALERS IN Satisfied With Chile. will leave again for another ex-|#® Prince Rupert Hotel, 2nd #* Manufacturers ? iis Feed | It was stated by British ofi-ltensive search. ® avenue. * Doors, Sash, Mantels, Mouldings, Scroll and Sand Sawing, of improvements. lay, Grain, Fee jttaate tele ie ? ct * Royal Hotel and all kinds of Finishings, Store and Office Fix. - ‘ineral Claim, situate in the ie ils here that no complaint has oya otel. * F ening Division Of Cassiar Dis and Seeds boon mode agelest Ghte. Greil THE RIVER SCHELDT. * Central Hotel. * tures, House Finish a Specialty. 7 sncis teieaniio Rethtie tals uibtideh cn thal eh * Windsor Hotel. * Factory and Office: Seventh Avenue, Hays Cove Circle +4) fo oe, moe a = — ee 8 ee ae se For centuries the free naviga-|*® Knox Hotel. * Telcphone 218 - P.O, Box 207 - Prince Rupert, B, C, i black Bear Mineral clatm Agents for unirye observance of néUrtion of the Scheldt, which,|* Daily News windows, 3rd #* the trality * avenue. * TAKE 0 that I, Pedro Salinas, as DOMINION NURSERY & through the recent occupation of 3 1 um J. Vaughan, Free Min- » thie connectic enor & CRETE EHH 5 at - a pe ORCHARDS CO. In this connection, ERenor Ed- Antwerp by the German army, has ** s Certificate No, 80313 iardo Suarez, the Chilean ambas- yes ne at = =o bereot, Mall orders promptly attended to , oad bl bi assumed for the moment a posi- iD » sador ere ade p > ‘e - rements, for the pur. ; ; nade pubiie & cable-ltion of great importance, has B Seat Louse Gimatation , Cre ran gram receives oO Senor t : , . ' — > ived from Senor Manuel been a subect of international H FREE i E sonen ea mass bn a A. Salinas, Minister of Foreign Al-i., pute and of international : e section 85, must be col P : ais , “rhe é generooe bie issue of such Certificate of Im- 808 Third Ave. Phone Black 268 fairs at Santiago, giving the lat- caresinne In the last half eS sna med this ist day of September, A.D ter’s reply in the Senate to pub- ; ae = ant ot " ae - : century the position has perhaps | 64+ PEDRO SALINAB. ished rumors pf assistance to : eivertisement. Now , , hil been clearer than at any earlier te your ¢ rate on German ships from Chileans. = ESSERE EERE RE EERE REESE CANADIAN PACIFIC = i “is ii} : mn . a oho time: but even today there is con- ae ' 1 foreign minister sak , e fashionable Ladies’ siderable difference of opinion as Guarda, FIRE ALARM SYSTEM RAILWAY vas rapidly “discovering andj... ... , Scots’ Aihara’ sont nan to whether the control belongs carriage paid to wear ppressing all wireless installa- - oy . det Princess May southbound nd that the movernment( ey, &° Holland or is divided Sa sizes Pree eH { ; : Friday, 8 p. m. avr - - ee equally between that country and should Fon. take ad : 12 Sth St. and Sra Ave ’ iad adopted various measures to Belgium. The fact that prior to | [ene ote. we expect you Poe gli t pee 6th St. and Sra Ave : _ ; 'g : ‘ a | shout us Land show them the beautifal Swatch. | prevent the belligerents from ‘ t think this offer too good to be true. bat tie ve sth St. and Srd Ave ; the outbreak of hostilities ships |] a6 cemss today and sain © Free Watch You fm 1%SJunction of 1st, @nd aud Princess Maquinna south- making use of ports or territorial proceeding either up or down the Seuslien eet it), #8 Cornwalia Koad, Lamson. Ne ves nday 8 p. m. ers as ses 0 ‘ opers se ae tr 16—ist Ave, Detween #th and Bound Sunday » wat as ba f naval opera- river might take pilots of either St. (Knox Hotel tn 17.181 Ave. and 7th St (Cen we) Hotel ns against their adversaries ountry would seem to argue that 4. @ McNAB, Genera! Agent and especially from installing the control was not vested solely Corner Fourth Street and Third Ave thereon radio telegraphic stations : . in the Duteh; but Holland does nol admit this interpretation, and OmOUIT NO. 2 im 22-3rd Ave. end Sra St at OMce apparatus designed to serve as neans of communication.” 4 } ; when war broke out assumed sole Ready Help Fleet Prevents Seizures. rights to pilotage, ordered the In the meantime the Chilean i 23-Srd Ave. and McBride St er 24--tst Ave. and McBride St SHEER EEEEEEESEEREEEEEEEEEESEEEEEE ERE EERE EEREES HEHE SEER EE ES i et 2nd Ave, and #od St in time aay al trouble caused by Belgian lightships to harbor and et 26--2nd Ave. and 6th St indigestion, biliousness resultingfrom | fleet is patrolling its long coast took complete control of the wa- = @-6. t. P torpid liver, inactive bowels, is al- band Foreign Minister Salinas says PRs | w riven, quickly, certainly, safe! terway, at the same time declar- oR | Ways giv ,qu ys y. ely ) a a © | bythe most fa of familyremedies | these precautions have prevented), 1. and her neutrality. Bel- on 31 Gth A a Ful | 0 ore ‘ one occasio acts ” : jon 82-1 m 2 ue taylor Sts | ssambery See ality, cuuh aoe gium had at the time other things i es 947i Ave. and Fulton St | rt ah nt to think about than the raising —One trial will convince you that en $3 — 01h A . | seizure of merchant vessels in , asure and safe remedy for any m Bin Are. aod Dodge Pi territorial waters.” oe cateaal ee ai ke oun Aer the bath with BABY'S OWN SOAP the uw » ~ . 322 jor BB 6th Ave —_ --——- ernational law with her neigh- oa yim fe: aoa Toumpecn ox. | PILLS spent ce mucosa, jurnstions er neig skin is smooth, comfortable, and exhales the CIRCUIT NO. 4 } bor, and aecepted the Dutch in- Nervine Pow Powders c bh flo a ies 08am wBhag | Larocet Sale of Any Medicine im the World, BY THE CZAR FOREVER ; i oe ber allel aroma of freshly cut wers, i Ave. and Emmersoa | a ar i oie structions by removing her pilots 181m 2S. . ; e +: é : : 7 ' eae oo and her lightshipe: but this ac Yow det docavotsettnerveo all Freed)-m from skin troubles, explains in some measure on 425th Ave. and McBride St = I have decided to prohibit for and her lghtships, : - Saas enamel tame, 3 = the refreshing sleep which “Baby’s Own Soap” babies | or 435th Ave. and Green St ever in Russia the government}duiescence, no more than the enjoy. Lspecially for nursery use insist on “B by’sO ” ose Ave and Basil St 1836 THE BANK OF 1914 |sale of alcobol.” Belgian consent to Holland forti- T SOAPS MONTREAL. on 141 a ~ Yung St N A 2 Phis, Reuter’s Petrograd cor- fying Flushing a few years ago ALBER Limited, Manufacturers, - Its 7th € u . » r espondent reports, is the mes- , oft iimsine a he for- TRAN cheek eh ered ee British orth merica same of the Caar to Manned Duke oe h, ae on “ - ing o » Sche settles e ; - ; Te Years in GSueimess { onustantine, the president of the} *'’? Py 3 SS sean f OOP OOOOOIO OOOO OROOL OLS | Garrat ano QuRPLUS $7.786,666 Russian remperance Society, |PO'Le OF PProTr ship. ‘ | which aims at the complete sup- SED intel flirector one pression of aleohol, in reply to A KAISER STORY. ' | > . : a an address from the society beg- Shee : l A Service Business Men ging him to suppress the sale off One of the most amusing|¢ a . spirituous liquars stories of the Kaiser is again go- lembers PRL Vi : Appreciate rhe sale of spirits is a govern- ng the rounds After some dis . Vintners Association ent monopoly in Russia, and = age : oui t —— The complete and valuable vben war was declared all the }®s"eement with the Reichstag his WINDGOR WOTEL service rendered by the Bank spirits shops were closed, The |{mperial Majesty was sitting in a ; horner of First ave. and Eighth Si | of British North America has sale of a single drop of spiritsfdejected attitude in the Imperial oe arg a raeee W. Wrient, Prop. secured and retained the ‘ oe a oe gaan "i Palace. One of his courtiers, in = ees e results exceeded e® ex-f. i . . > 2 Pirst — — | fidence of a goodly proportion temperance advocates, There pPesting on the royal on ane nue and Seventh 81 | e la’s prominent busi aati antane deer > “Ah, sire, ‘Uneasy lies the heac European and A ; } of Canada’s pr was an instantaneous decrease in , ’ . : oun Geek ie oe ness men. ‘Thesame service crime, and the dissatisfaction}that wears a crown,’ as the im- Fhe Daily News goes into nearly every home in i ; iti penieavemeieinis aK | awaits you, whether your among the spirit consumers}|mortal William said.” Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of aNOXx Ho | account be large or small quickly died out. The Kaiser gazed at him ques- the city because it is clean and reliable. It has ail Firs ve. _— - The estimated revenue from the » wf the cit d kee in touch with events ; ‘Ave. Between Eighth and Ninth §| the sale of spirits this year was tioningly for a moment, and then © news ¢ city, and Keeps in tou! = re ttee toe wo 01.00 3) PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH |... s,000,000 pounds. asked, “When did I say that?” eave and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- Beener a meee Prope. P MARGETTS., Manager. rhe effects of the enforced -_-- bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- ettnereeen , ; sobriety throughout Russia have STREET NAMED SYDNEY. SANE mism and retiability, 1h , Reshestes [ll iainc vlc dalilde dll Wet” Lie: proved to the population how naa The Daily News is the most valuable paper to wena bevoticial the government meas-|Torente Changes the Name of spicy advertisers because it is read by the buying public, THM AVG, Between Sixth amd no eat’ ton ) a — meee a se IMPARTIAL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in i“ w osts “tre A BD ‘re o -_-- : : Covent Sernann ing otrogre rrespon & : iad > the vity, It is read by the class of people the f Curopean dent roronto, Nov, 17.—*Wilhelm, INDEPENDENT : } P a» © 0.08 Per Oe 8) “Village women are openlyjas identified with the Kaiser, is advertisers want to talk to, ——— saying that Heaven has ecome]}not considered a suitable name INTELLIGENT ERK WOYAL HOTEL upon earth, and this in the midst]for a Toronto street, Yesterday Corey & Burgess, Props ‘The Whisky of the most bleody war everja citizen took down the name-|} 2 }) BR | = Third Ave, and Sixth Bt | li t known in history,” plate on Wilhelm Avenue from Plan of Qu tata ee the street and presented it to the Steam Heated all eeay ae ee 2, y ARABS ARRESTED IN WINDSOR /sireet-naming committee, to = WHOLESALE Liquor co. 3! Aged in Wood gether with an emphatic protest ia LimiTED 8 Years Windsor, Ont., Nov. 48.—Be.|The committee reeognized the rs aud Siath Bt before bottling lieving that they were about tofvalidity of the objection and oy : Ff . * . Ty . . . eee ee pantera | GUARANTEED BY wus nee nae meso ae . Turkey, promptly changed the name of NOE RUPERT IMPORTING co ese oO Tent, the police locked up sev- the street to Sydney Avenue, in Larva: " en Turks here, All the men say}honor of the Australian cruiser (eee aa pall they are Arabs and enemies of|which disposed of the German + AARRRAR AAA ath Ste the Sultan ars i, seescscenes 100Re 9 at ae w Sault _ |warship Emden, SE