rHE DAILY NEWS > ’ i | SE =e PROP 6084 : INK PPOOPOPOFODED CD Cobb ey HMMM: ILLUMINATIONS PLANNED THE BRITISH S NOT WHAT YOU EARN seeececesen DUUDAU AAA AAT AANA LEAA LAAT Wiidniti = FOR PEAKS AT BANFF GERMAN SUBMARINES RN, BUT WHAT You save = Ri COMFORT IN OLD AGE = searchlights May Be Installed on) | N 6 ' ' NINETY-FIVE PER CENT OF THE MEN OF Tu)« = Mountain Tops at Moun- th hannel COUNTRY AT THE AGE OF SIXTY ARE DEPENDEN+ = tain Resort. ' which we Upon Their Bally Earnings, Their Families or Charity tor supp: The Housekeeper = ede er fat splosives, it|g THE EASIEST WAY TO SAVE IN THE SAFEST soRT oF wa = y, Alta vy. 18 catiieniien tal 18 BY A POLICY iN ¥ =— irrangements can e enpt is Right E ord to tbe powte \ s owewt- | THE EXCELSIOR LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY — : the vicinity = the mountains in the vie are aessen blown up,"| KISSICK & EDWARDS Sometimes a housekeeper requires a quick leaven- = BEA will be iieana’ he Daily Telegraph Sixth Street — nae ing agent, and finds she has no baking powder. = lights archtight : lies Ghat rince Rupert, 8.0 — at ne ; , |. What does she do? = 1 ! at I sppeare of | eaten = 1! Bantfl in th She raises her biscuit by a mixture of cream of tartar and = be a ve vo —d Syerrtage: . soda, or soda and sour milk. She may not get the propor- = acintift LAL LLG) EEE EEE EEE EE ee ey tions quite right, but she knows her food is safe. But does = ' " Ailie, he is hoe : z ; : aa she ever use a mixture of alum and soda? Was there ever = . lee” bie ' nnel Dov. | , | en) I'd p or Plumbing Steamtittin a housekeeper who bought alum and soda to make a home = , ty gthy | * ’ q ' —_ baking powder? Intuitively she feels it would be = ‘ enle i Snotl ‘ urine ‘t and sheet metal work ; unsafe. } ‘ h ha terty Srous | ' ‘ sta “nh @ ~ . = ; ' s of the Me at fair pri p ' Then why use baking powder made from alum or the = ght plant the bombardment t ee Western i lumbing Co., Ld same mixture that the housekeeper would not dare to mix = sioner Clarke h a a cn ja pe, | eee eee ; ) | i = , . 8 eektkhteeee and use in her food? = suf f f t) ; 1 Belgia | WHRARRAON! NDR HehEtEHEE EEE EE,! : : — ‘ ‘ it n | Alum is alum, whether bought in the drug! store or in = ike ex rh ft oe — baking powder, = : t ; . . ab ; Preeroroos = I he auth iy = Ba nt 13 | 5 = nage eg haar MORE THAN TWENTY 3 | ICES = | ho THOUSAND TROOPS | = | } = MOOSE JAW EDITOR ‘ = GRANTED A PATENT Wl! Leave Canada ~ an “ Sec- CREAM = | ond Contingent Sails in SHINGLE”, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS a 86| «Ottawa, Nov. 18.—E. J. MeMil- January. cameras eat ee as PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER C0. = granted pate i . ah head A 4. BURROUGHS, Maneger = ist for 1 ti ‘ , mn ¢@ : vo an fet Ave. and McBride #t. PRINCE RUPERT, Bo is made from pure cream of tartar and contains no alum, = s Tl Sieeee! ie Meee dent Meade salad PHONE 25 Branch Yard st Smithers lime or phosphate. There is absolute safety in its use. = i ' e ; , 5. te hee been te wonteceees = - ad . . . e . = ind s d them an| expected that a certain am int of | = lt and adopted by th a u th the cond eontingent SaaS = way .- vies | but juest f two months { MATA! totcerally stood the reeercemros or ot oO ERED STORK’S HARDW EE —- - ae at ‘tee this git ‘ vith th main body wil E } : f railway m _ that an extra six battalions . ; The Prince John arrived wee HOO ene vill be required be ” ‘ — = | ; . : ca rh will make a force of 21,000 7 $ ; ny passage. EE. J. Tingley| gpg al Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery CLASSIFIED ADS. fey emitn & Kilns oe cream. 00! 1. M: Camuteit wore swone | E eyym PR egg he tte to ison or otantrs ff Wire Gable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle * * ne passengers have 3,65 nen rhe nine —$ $< —— Dre poet f j Tone at cotikink aia ion “ae oo Fittings Rifles and Shotguns antorium io tleaners. i Crs Speers sf ow i FOR RENT ; | Phone 4. tf. Mr. Wineland, the well knows jheavy battery, with ammunition oui nn nay — alien * * * drydeck contractor, and Mrs FOUR ROOMED HOUSE umns, el wit Rave 3,579 Sto c dR Rub id Roof ~- we nag ees eee eel Win. Smith, charged in the Po-| Wineland returned to the city & Across Hays Creek—Well 3,447 hor soe o se ans ves an anges Rubberoid ing Corrugated tron Only $2.50 per week Kiondyke Hotel,/jice Court with supplying liquor|day on the George Mr. W Furnished we fleid companies of engineers “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” Fullon and Seventh Avenue. “| | will have 474 men and 160 horses, ie dee Ea __ __| to Indians, was fined $50 today or |iand is now in charge of the | $30 PER MO. utp there wil) be 200 men in the = <== FCR SALE 30 days in jail in lieu thereof. struction of the Imperial O cyclist unit and (74. men with 30 2 , ces “company’s tanks at Hays reek | EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE fis: ue sient ors Teel! FRED STORK’S HARDWARE. FOR SALE—High-grade furniture of six-| Some of the new members of the | ee a With Bath—Sth Ave. East i al train of four companies Gad new plano. ‘Alss safe, typewrier, [Oder of Cohoes have been seen} Wild Wm. Vincent was $30 PER MO. Of the Army Sarvs Cups we aoe Sa gs i Ww. "Mchiniey, 41 Uren, street, | around town today with their need to tl months’ ha FOUR R MED COTTAGE }ha e 451 men and 78 h : m3 he ee =< ome Red 337. 265 | hand softly embracing a very ten New West ter today 00 pmeans: o eee eee ae * FOR SALE—Splendid kitchen range, bea/der portion of their anatomy sssaull. He had ick a mat N he Beutesk j Bele pte ei = lounge, tables, chairs, pictures, books, a we tl ace with a s h yd an @ — and 178 horses 1 crockery and kitchen utensils. Apply; The Prince Rupert Towing Co., | held his hand, W um is sa 08 © 0. rhe above sectio ad w Suite 2, Emad Block. uf. general towing; the new crude oil | { a ey wild mea eunes unas eeanen g mol zed at the different di FOR SALE—New house, Section 7, 9100/48 “P.R.T. No. 4." Phone Red) Pe COTTAGES ' Se ere cash and $20 8 month; total $1,150./391 or Black 322. Address: P.O.| «i. B. Hall, ©. H. Orme and J | giments of Lec P. O, Box 199. 18tf. i ot Across Hays Creek fantry are mobilizing though they , | Box 96. Agency for the “Avance” |(. Halsey were returning yester $7.50 TO $10 PER MO ‘ : | VOR SALZ — Tracts of Land in Lakelse | Crude Oil Motor. 165¢f|day from a hunting trip to Pitt : $ . CF O08 NEM One OF che Cecone | Valley con 10 acres 20) I APPLY TO - diviaio Mobilizali« has per acre. Me y & Gibbons. 214tt. ee lIsland and disc ed sma ul hiv n za is | : — i rol yet begun of certain parts of FOR SALE—60-H.P. capacity steam boiler Mrs. FE. Munro, of Portland, |boat adri the water It was G. R. N d Co Ltd 7 : : a4 ‘aa. > ee belOregon, arrived in town this | thought at first that it indicated a en ey t . a a n —_ oo oa wows . ply Box 15, Dally News. 220%f./ morning on a visit to her daugh-j{a serious acecid but there was | ' an ert i Pe en ter, Mrs. Casley. lnothing to show that it had not ENU wel FOge? yee were oes ” > WANTED * * * fete adrift. 7 324 SECOND AV E \ sient ition parks 209 For a comfortable room, come | eS Cee . , a ae _ ra « . | 92 men fk ele mke '6H5 for HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Housekeeper | tO the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec- | WANTED. sup ““ : f a e n Mee for field for family of three, Address P, 0. Box ond Avenue, near Fighth Street -- Tell your! |; itchery, 64 for railway s ipply Newly opened. Steam heat and Girl to assist with light house- Sh . ee bay ert ~~ Fp A = ae hot and cold water in every room work whole or part time tox 1 oeman ts of a ag woe 0 Terms ve asonable. Apply|Free baths. Rates reasonable. | paily New ee ee PD. Bor sit, or Phone blue ais. 0b es are ee tf you want —~ WANTED—Four-room fouse in Section] Mr. and Mrs. Tippens have a f nnaae Salvation Army. Five or Six for $125 down and §25 4 6 ag Pon Eppen ainé NOTICE. Pe i} Publie meetings, Tuesday month until paid. Box 102, Daily News.|Suile in the MeMordie Apa ae ~~ Mh opiden ink Untnden ot © zt WANTED—Siwation by young lady as| ments. Mr. Tippens has been | The Canadian Patriotic Fund CATS PAw = a ee irday a p. m. bookkeeper or office help. Salary rea-| transferred to this end of the ser- | ? , Sundays at 7:30 p.m. sonable, Apply Box 115, Daily News a - -_—— Teles tf.) vice recently, Will those who need assistance Wabout 82,400 wo $3,000 novi cay 9704 a oe ae from the above fund, re oa ta eta uu D ° . - , t una, Side cash and arrange balance. or 100, _ Mr Kidwell, a brother of A.|the city or district and whose 1914 Taxes. Daily News. Kidwell, whose body was found nad . eon as . oo @ ; ; % epee | a aig ; breadwinner 1 1 active service By authority of Bylaw passed MISCELLANEOUS oe ° rey. at Dighy coe with the forces of the Empire or this Fourth Day of November —_——_—_—— ——— ——_——— | arrived in the city today ¢ Willlher Allies, kindly notify the see- A D. 1044. ao rebate of te ‘ SACRIFICE SALE—Exeavated Lot 7, Block| inquire into the circumstances in|petary of the local organization ’ cea ' a ee ° . “9 section or #8 0 00”U | “ry « Fan illo centum O% “o Creneral axes > tipechon 1; worth #8.000; °'8t.008| which his brother met his death. | em couLson ' cenium (10%) om General Tax Old Fashioned Cleanliness es.0b0 cash 0 a Ledue, P.O. Bos =e: } : — an ealth Rate will be allowed 1385, Montreal tf P. O. Box 735 tf ~ if paid on or before November pee Emily Venn, an Indian girl wh« . aking” $15 WEEKLY-—-Men wanted everywhere, no |). " rhirtieth, A.D. 1914. Sehool and cost our mothers many a * back-breaking Matter how small the village, for tew| "as been giving the police a lot of CUSHION Ty 2 ” hours work in spare time, experience |trouble, was arrested last night Special rates, as heretofore, will day. The “new fashioned” cleanliness ce , po ol he . . , 4 e ~ : . . ‘ Co-Operative Union, Windsor, Ont ™*\ for being drunk. She was let o RUBBER HEELS jbe NET, costs only the price of a cake of Sunlight Fe aE CORNER SECTION 2 | tp pompeon, Soup a - ‘ Treasurer : does not leave town will be sent |} quyu—s——nqenmmemmmememes ty Treasures This purest of all laundry soaps has a lo New Wen ane Don’t ask for just entle strength thet moves dirt quickly ae 4 ine A a &5 ‘ uitee The body of A. Ray was fonnd CLOSE IN Rubber Heele- ask for without rubbing. And a $5,000 _ - yesterday floating in Shawatlan’s | CAT’S PAW” Cushion roves there is no adulterant or lmpurity Passage a short distance below | ON PLANK ROADWAY Rubber Heels. in it to injure the finest fabric or hurt Butsi Rapids. G. W. Lindsay the dainticet hand. found it and towed it to the pipe] $300 CASH | Have “CAT'S PAW” 1 line and notified the . vial | | . For the thousand and one soap Uses : % an i fles 1 provincial | put on your winter d the h i is j > s0ap— AEPREEEEREEE police. ee BALANCE G. T. P. AND boots—~and you will aroun © house-——there 1s just one 508; ; : MA TAM Sires] | Sree — . letter today from the Chief Com- | oote: ead. missioner of Dominion Poliee, A PER VEAR a 4 P. Sherwood, ordering him to| They cost no more than | 7 7 PHONE 75 keep a lookout after all citizens | as the ordinary kind-- an of the Ottoman kingdom residing — . The Dye that colors ANY jhere. There are several here who 5B yr KINDS roce } i 163W of Cloth Pert with All grocers |were born in Turkey but they! PATTULLO & RADFORD SAME DYE. - , eas PRINCE RUPERT AUTO co % !8!¢ Turkey worse than we do.) SECOND AVENUE WALPOLE RUBBER CO. pi sesDepntoet Sane ead ie th, recommend it There are not likely any “un-' Limited - M ail Co. Mooueal attthte dee eRER® Cooakable Turks” in the city. — | antned ys a le EMPRESS COFFE F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) PRINCE RUPERT, & ‘