— ‘ ° THE DAILY NEWS - — , = _ THE DaiLy News H < Seeniten “tise: a veritable treat for the eyes, and|the German arms has been too ment IT suppose the poor fellow Specialty. Nstis iene a and herself from Slavoni J aie bs sini e_|the moment there is a lull in the}long delayed. This, along with the for@ot his cover, and he was shot logticee: Smith Btk., Third Avenue 1 Slavonic in That, at ivast, was the fixed b . fluence; went to war with lief of the British people, and | fighting they start playing games.|mysterious whereabouts of the through the heart. A_ pathetic France because France is Rus- we are sure that Mr. Blythe|I saw them many times break off| Kaiser and the awful monotone of}ineident also oecurred in the case — - ee sia’s ally; and went to war with must have heard that in Eng-|a friendly encounter among | st . . a T , “ke |] Phone 174 ' 7 ; s a f ’ mg atements in the daily reports ofjof a Tommy whom we pic ked up TRANSFER F P a : Belgium because Belgium was land. Why then does he ignore|themselves to rush back to the], poeta staff ot it in} He had been shot in the chest. By UNION C0 een ARS WEATIN the rr ar to France. this reason, which accounts trenches, where they coolly pro-) feared. some deeper significance.|a curious coincidence the bullet GENERAL TRANSFER ANO STORAGE | SMITH & MALLE T 7 perfectly for Great Britain’s|ceeded to pour volleys into the “Winter shadows are black it South Weilington Coal | Largest stock Another view is that Ger-| attitude, and adopt the absurd | foe.” Berl H mat ' nee a which killed him had also passed | ayongs, 96 oftiee RESIDENCE 110) yay gc 18 . many went to war because of| and fantistic idea that Great eo emeeiadee aecieietease hed ee ee ee ee, See Sees Third Ave, Head of Second Sur the military and imperialistic] Britain is influenced by trade| HERR BEBEL AND THE WAR. ||. ae heen tae then aed ee ee —_ emt ambitions entertained by the] rivalry? anes “ learn that ¥ arelhe carried with him. — Kaiser and his junkers and Europe is in arms today be-| The late Socialist generalissi- aq so dentdeas an Seti serail alii BOAT BUILDER es officers, and fostered by such cause of German ambition—j|mo, Herr Bebel, said: “When|p y Se cee Sane r a a ogue - holes or replaced by new i DOMINION ’ j on ; np anes Gate Camiine pairs free. : + het Undertakers and Embalmers JAMES GILMORE are dependent on its sale. eee OFFER W hich Has Just Been Distributed FUNERAL DIRECTORS © every one sending us Gugetica 50c to cover shipping meee napemenzis seme == - Term Mumoteesl eo Priece Arch ite Roya! Standard Sales Support you and your bus- charges, we will send, sub- ee ee oe : Will aid you in making your selection of Christmas Gifts RPACLETT, manager, iness whatever it may be. You see every dollar ject to duty, absolutely free: y mantag 9 on @ eomnas , , ; tA Nias you spend on Foreign Fiour is just so much fs Theee pairs of our famous Write for this book if one has not reached you. Note the . eRe — AMERICAN SILK fi RINGS sent out of B.C. Of money so t little finds HOSE ne range of SIGNET on Page 11 and our assort- fae dashotieaate ores wae written GUARANTEE, ment of Ebony, Silver and French Ivory Toilet Ware from FOR SALE eo ss | Sitbene “s E Pages 45 to 53, inclusive. - AND ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR a gg Ade hg on a alae SAVOY Hi kK COSTS NO MORE White colore, with written ia ; GUARANTEE. DON'T DELAY—Offer ex- Henry Birks & Sons, Limited One Good Deliv- mo end Oola. Run ya Vancouver Milling & Gram Company, Lid. §)) stor tx." sier sectwoa. JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS ere re ae ce ¥ . 7 * ee international Hosiery Co. Granville and Georgia Streets ’ : Ee BRITIGN COLUMNS ‘ancouver, New Westewaster, Nanaimo aad Vicioria . 24 Bittner Street eee ae Prince Rupert Dairy PRUDHOMME & Proprietors —— J Phone Green 252 ismnaull POPS PSPS SOOT OE Drawn for The Dail) BOS5- DID JUHANOW THAT THESE BELEIUM gage?) PEA FARMERS HAVE GERMANS WILL > SHELLEM S3 a Bo ALL QUIT PLANTING— -— / READY . \ AIM ~ PEAS ? LS Wr A toe ] sqrt — ee SPD ROTO ON ere