ee - - THE DAILY NEWS senile ~ ren egret canaoum LAKE KATHLYN COAL FIELDS reve meer ergy mm ee ane se se, “= WILL BEDEVELOPED AT ONCE Guaranteed Largest Circulation S.S. Prince Geo) Sails for Vancouver, vi. toria and Seattio on Friday: Plain. at 9 A. m ig ITH IN HIS HOLD- #. a, B io ondo . ooden (PRANK FRANK, VANCOUVER, HAS AS GREAT FA . li. F. MeRAE, EDITOR AND MANAGER London, sen. 40 W i Oe, TE . ame wae ADOPTED MEAS HEAD OFFICE winter quarters for the Canadian URES TO SUPPLY LOCAL CONSUMERS. Through Service to The Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98,| Contingent are rapidly approach — iiaan . ” - ill help put this distri¢ Over the ing completion at Lark Hill. See On exhibition in the O«neca| places wil ; RANS) LAY ADVER — inch. Oontract]. sneer clase It will . , . T “rater appiaton TISING—50 cents per in ing that a frost-edged wind] |jeraid office is a sample of coal|out of the piot cla Bred GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RaiLwy r : ae e susiness to start ant scythes over Salisbury Plain al-|fpom the Chicken Lake coal field| cause new busit nail Passenger trains carrying Standard Bleeping Oars, , = a _———== — =— —<—= | smpolo ent o A Bre a most daily the members of the(which m= now being operated by} will sive emp ymet i Cars leave Prince Rupert on Wednesdays and Se : ot ae a sal Friday, November 20, 1914.) contingent naturally hail with d Frank Frank, of Vancouver, This|many mel aot a on Poe susan, Goiige ant i Gaon @ . ; ’ : 1 TS ) e smelters | ’ ’ 7 wore vw tlight the prospect of leaving the}, a) is the nearest to the Pen: if it answers for th _ For pointe EAST of CHICAGO woe the GRAND TRUN» - Make your Sleeping Car Reservations early. For + Full information apply to @. T. P. Ticket Office, Ty AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Lin E D ] T OR R I A L Ss tents for more enduring habita-|.vivania anthracite of any coal[{without eoking, — ever eat tions. The men from the West] vps brought into this town, a ian knows what that will mean —————————— do not mind the loneliness, @l-|;pe owner is confident that wh lo Mr. Frank everyone will ex A recent decision of the future to decide is whether it though they say that Salisbury/he gets some development w nd their very Dest aon cal mint om wa Privy Council will produce an- wae wise to invest so much Plain beats Calgary way for that,| gone he will get a hard, smok: ibundant res “ tht 7 : “i a other laugh on British Colum- money in a plant when the city and at Lark Hill they will be aljogs coal that will be of ereat|taking. May = ae : * hal ie? eee e eee bE bia. In case a few people have couldn't pay its bills, It's all bit nearer such company as the] vajye, not only to all resident ¢iwhich will in any _ a ad MUSIC forgotten it it might be well to very good to own our own elec- thatched village of Amesbury can] Northern British Columbia, but in] the development w ; nis na Teacher of Violin and All point out that this province is tric plant but what is going to offer. the development of the resources |P eas sate nal i? Band Instruments run by an autocrat who be- happen to the people who can- “What they abuse mote heart-| of the country. this is hngs first = : ; i “a A. PESCOTT lieves that he has sovereign not pay the taxes to support ily is the English damp,” says the Mr. Frank was for many years | thing like the real arti : as ae Siem Ace, em powers, At any rate he is al- it. The interest on several mil- peesaspeneen of the Manchester}, ¢oal merchant in Guelph, Ont.,| peared within a a stance @ . ¢| ways puttnig his own authority lion dollars which the city has Guardian, who gives a highly en-|and of late years has been a resi- | portation which will vermit o tertaining description of a visit to} dent of Vancouver. He knows coal |development without the invest ahead of that of the Federal borrowed must be paid. If the : sethel {| ens Parliament. The recent case people cannot pay the taxes the * cae Nevertheless, they in a practical way and believes he ment of immense <= ul | Martin S Wa nsor over the fisheries jurisdiction their property will be sold. a aan unde os o - me has a large commercial deposit NO TRACE OF WARSHIPS. . 2 ' is still fresh in memory. The What good then will it be to oF @ Bond mona of such dIry) near Chicken Lake, or Lake Kath : | ian ew » often|), Sea last case to be decided against own an electric plant? If the eh cen es ee 7 lyn. Chileans Have Made Final roh | CUT PRICES ‘ for y “ 1s vr rs. oO TT TT : . "ye our sovereign (?) attorney city had provided fer the ex- ‘ or da} lo The Herald, Mr. Frank spoke] for @ood en and Monmouth. : ‘6 ‘ cw » Canadians _ ‘ i general has to do with his li-] piring treasury certifictaes in-|°°0 DO! ms with the Canadians) of his coal as follows: $—The Chi-| Call and Save Money New Welling) on U0 , , . for long without being struck by “The area of the field may be Valparaiso, Nov 46 The Chi censing act whereby he sought stead of borrowing more funds aret ay to compel all companies with for an electric plant a good a — loyalty of “Can-/jimited—I mean not as extensiv on ty sand ware et sage xg mnana Dominion charters( as well a8] many people would feel much e ‘ai - F me Re ay the Pennsylvania or Ground-|"@s mg . oe . ae mittee’ DR. GILMOY, DENTIST Cleanest, Brightest, Bes others) to pay tribute to the! petter about the future. 1p Signin stanagimap? ih ca. open noontiaremdipononiepadeen vanereceetene bapa eee: iearie| aae sali ile NEW WELLINGTON coal ¢ province before doing busi- : + Se which ” a part of their love for|j. pich. When properly opened | cruisers lost in the engageme nt} Grown and Bridge ork a on ness. The Privy Gouncil de- Besides the fact that the] Britain,” continues*this writer, “I up I would not be surprised to with the German —— “ the | Specialty Second Avenue Prone cided that a Dominion charter city’s plant ties up too much}|4id not find a single soldier WhO}haye a coal equal to the Penn- SE ae aera an | Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue was supreme over any provin-] of our finances it would be a does not intend to return to Can-| .vivania anthracite. oats ae eae euhiodls othboiut sae a sik cial act and W. J. Bowser will rather fortunate state of af-|848 80 soon as the war is over. “The croppings are only twolsuccess. She found nothing in Phone 174 1 have to take a back seat or join fairs if we now had a big cor-|5aturday was a half-holiday in|ang a half miles from the G.T. P.|the way of wreckage or boats | UNION TRANSFER C0 Ton PLSEEINe ane HEATING. the Sultan of Turkey. poration to worry along with|©@™p, and baseball games were) tation at Lake Kathlyn. I have| from the British vessel, The a GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE SMITH & M ALLET oe us about the future of this city. |0ime on at half a dozen places.) aipeady opened up a trail from Rah ROREOD rem 86 a South Wellington Coa! eas stock of orth The city hydro-electric plant} 4 company with several million | T° ove English observer the game |pake Kathlyn station to the pro ee ee PHONES + 86 Office RESIDENCE 110) ngs, Pipes ° is almost completed and both dollars invested in our neigh- looked like ‘a violent form of perty, and this will also serve as Bvety office holder in Canada "33 Second avense PRINCE RUPERT hire Hoy, Gens s Secon Sire those who opposed it under borhood would be compelled to |"unders.” At Bustard they dread], snow road to bring out coal in} would lose his job if the Ger- — present conditions as well as boost the city along for its own the long black evenings and alljine winter: possibly a quantity]™ans won in the present war, BOAT BUILDER those who favored it will wish protection. We have decided,|PT@ise Valcartier, which was) wii) be available for use during |*"** a aa " = ae a Ales. M. Manson, BA it success. So much of the however, that we want it all for |!i#hted from end to end with elec-|ihe coming winter. eae er . > * * + > * * Wark's Jewelry Store, 3rd * * * * * * * * * only two and a half miles. Coal | * avenue. * * Sr ee a as fuel in house and business |* #*## # #2 # #2 # #8 # # CREAR ERA ARATE REE Se eee There is no better flour made. It goes further. the shape is knit im not —— = = IMPERIAL MACHINE 5 It’s economical. —— oe are ae 7 = ALF HALLIGAN Repairing Quick!) Done BECAUSE— style, for superiority of ma- } TOO IORI OR it With its quality value—which is undisputed—it’ terial and Senenean, > O ] ] 5 C ] ws Pw Bat aad e solutely s 88, . ~ ee ' ens “ naw i ae ao wear six months without ur 9 ala ogue ia @ Royal Sbentest. Star aut Ghote Gentine ee Sosa JAMES GILNiURE : y an r families pairs free. ° . ° Undertakers and Embaimers v are dependent on its sale. OUR FREE OFFER Which Has Just Been Distributed FUNERAL DIRECTORS To every one sending us Caskets and Undertakers’ Supplies Architec BECAUSE— 50e to cover shipping , ' si ta canara —— Terni Keasonabie “Phot ” Se eee tO SRE ten an0 gene Gate a a Will aid you in making your selection of Christmas Gifts. AP RLLETT, Manager. eos a a ae ee » ew cap every datier Theee paire of our eae Write for this book if one has not reached you. Note the —— - — ee P ose = aaah ane ur ie just eo pa oo no AMBRICAN SILK HOSE fine range of SIGNET RINGS on Page 11 and our assort- eevereesees os + Gi nanny ep apem very Witte with written GUARANTEE, ment of Ebony, Silver and French Ivory Toilet Ware from FOR S ALE —— cs way baok. ~~. color, 0 se . = : Pages 45 to 53, inclusive. AND ROVAL STANDARD FLOUR te ae ee uennanensmmnneiemn saaniiinsitiiii SAVOY HOT COSTS NO MORE Wihite colors, with written Fs aan guunttll GUARANTEE. ° e - z “i . FIRST © eae > le o Running DON'D DELA¥—Ofter ex- Henry Birks G& Sons, Limited One Good Deliv tat and Gate eee pives when dealer in =e ery Horse, Cheap at Only finest wands of quore por _ amaiat. e JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS wus enet paver in noni i Co Qranville and Georgia 8t BRITIBH ae nternational Mostery le v 0 reets . ° Fish: PRUDHOMME & 21 Bittner Street Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C Prince Rupert Dairy Proprieiore Dayton, Ohio, U. 8. A. 1 Phone Green 252 8 nnneonoccconossossosresoen EEE = = = ee —— EEE a — — ‘There Would Be No Blood Shed If Scoop Had His Way ee meee oo” \F WEVE GOT ‘YO SWEEP TH ENEMYS POSITION - aad NOT BO \T NICE Now SIR- WHERE \s TA’ ENEMYS POSITION - ee POSITION 1 gig rt Bie set