THE DAILY NEWS - rea ———————— - —— —_ + . i ir LOCAL NEWS ITEMS In the L Box nt etter Box CLASSIFIED ADS. Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream. oS SS a TEMPERANCE AND THE WAR e FOR RENT Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. Phone 4.- tf. To the Bditor of The News — ee - a * *.* * Sir, Amidst the ’ rN ta warm hover, 6 roome re a tale Rxtures” and elee- Captain Graves was 4 passeN-jeigom caused by the devast : lights; close in splendid arbor ‘ . - T .% os trie eK e> four rooms near business |@er south by the George war it is well for us t center Apply 31. W. MeKiniey 7 a gleams of light which her oe ary odes ith hot R. J. D. Smith, of the plumb-jthere are breaking: through th FOR RENT—Furnished rooms : ; ond cold water. Clean . conte = ing firm of Smith & Mallett, left dark clouds. One of these « ony €2.50 per week jondyke a ® growing . ‘ Fullon and Seventh Avenue. f.|/for the south this morning th rowing spirit + “ socapniliennas —— ee emperance FoR SALE Mr. and Mrs. George Little, of In Russia the Czar has pr is jited the sale of vodka eee di Terrace, arrived town last | penef ‘al Rest en } P s E : de furniture of six- : ’ ‘ s bee wy Ray —_ ral Metrical fxtures night and registered at the Hotel | striking En overs Villas t » Also safe, typewriter, , ay A office furniture appliy| Prince Rupert. jhas been an increase i Ww MeKiniey, 416 Green so’ . . 7 ines of the people and 1 337 eee ae The Prince Rupert Towing Oo.,| testify that it is like hea) POR SALE—Splendid kitchen range, bed | general towing; the new crude oil|earth to be free from th a ioe Semana apply | *US “PAT, No. 1." Phone Red/of intoxicating drink j a a, |90% or Black 322. Addrese: P.O.) In France the sale of absint nin Box 96. Agency for the “Avance” | has been prohibited, and th : one a“ nd 480 Petals ~~ ots | Grae Ol] Motor. 166tf | now hope that the Fri os. Box | . * . imav be delivered fron — Tracts # Land oes | Mr. W. H. Lannic, formerly of) sidious evil which has bee Vaile fey coutainin per acre. were Mecafrey. “Gibbons. siete, | | this city, is spending a few prada) rmining their vitality as \ tion. POR Ae—00- as. capacity steam potter | he “re this week He is residing : = 8-LP engine. can . | In Great Britain Lord Kit “Ta excellent order. e | at present in Vancouver, where oo Box 1b, Dally News. : ener has appealed to the people} a —— jhe is associated with the Vancou- to cease giving drink to the re-} WANTED ver Trust Oesspesy, jeruits and soldiers of the new| be - armies that are being formed, and} WANTED — Two-roomed furnished ence A dance and entertainment in | has also forbidden the sending east of McBride. Apply Box 146, Daily aid of the Canadian Patriotic !strong drink to our forces at the WANTED—Four- house in Section Fund was given recentiy at Fort | front. Five or “ s Fetes a penn 83 SiGeorge. The event was a great}; The Archbishop of Canterbury month until pa - 7 ‘isuecess and about $200 was|has followed this up by an earnest} WANTED—Situation by young lady as : t i ; ; | bookkeeper or office beip. Salary rea-|raised for the fund. appeal to the British peop im | sonable Apply Box 115, Daily 7“ * ¢ *# ithe exercise of their freed ‘ty ] WANTED—View lot and house; close tn; Constable Matthews went | make what would be a real and| about ge to $3,000. will 2 4708 south today with a wumber of|«sn&tained act of self-denial and! Daily ‘News. s *|prisoners for New Westminster,|become “abstainers’ during the including Mainprize, Palker, Har-|continuance of the war, adding} MISCELLANEOUS rison and Greenwood. the remark that if this were done - 2 by those who can rightly do SACRIFICE SALE—Excavated Lot 7, Block 1, Section 1; worth $8,000; $1,000; For a comfortable room, come cash; balance 5 years, 7 r cent, or) $3,000 cash, O. J Ledue P. 0. Box|to the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec- 1385, Montreal. w, $15 WEEKLY—Men wanted everywhere, no bours work in > time, experience unnecessary Se permanent. The Co- sOperetive nion, Windsor, Ont. matter how small the village, for few ond Avenue, near Eighth Street. Newly opened. Steam heat and hot and cold water in every room. Free baths. Rates reasonabie. * > > For Rent FOUR ROOMED HOUSE Across Hays Creek—Well Furnished $30 PER MO. EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE With Bath—8th Ave. East FOUR ROOMED COTTAGE Near the Drydock $20 PER MO. THREE THREE ROOMED COTTAGES Across Hays Creek $7.50 TO $10 PER MO. APPLY TO— G. R. Naden Co., Ltd. 324 SECOND AVENUE J. D. MeNiven, fair wage offi- cer of the Federal Department of Labor, came in on last night's train. 6 6 * Dr. H. C. Winch, of Hazelton, on last night's train. Dr. Wrinch is in charge of the hos- pital at Hazelton. * Jack MeNeill, of Aldermere rived in town last evening reported at the Hotel Prince pert. , ar- and is Ru- * * MecMullin, government this morning for Viec- ria He will visit the local ees besides attending to other business. Ju gent oft RRR | og e The Majestic Theatre is put- ting on a series of local vaude- ville stunts that are proving pop- ular. These are in addition to the popular picture show. A boxing contest will be seen tonight. i ee The basket of coal, the weight of which was Opened for guess- ing at the circus, proved to be 78 pounds 10 ounces. Mrs. Still- well and Mrs. W. E. Fisher each guessed 76 pounds and were the nearest. A ton of coal, the prize, donated by the Canadian Coal and Coke Company of Alberta, will be divided between them. ¢ = I. 0. D. E. will noon tea at the hold an after- residence of Mrs. P. I. Palmer, 720 Fourth Avenue East on Thursday afternoon, No- vember 26, from 3:30 to 6 o'clock. Dr. MeNeill will give an interest- ing address. A collection will be taken at the door. the proceeds to be donated to aid loeal Everyone cordially invited. * * 8 Pat Welch, of Stewart, arrived night over the G for the south by the Prince George. He was non-committal about the extension of the Pacific Great Eastern to the Peace River country. He was aecompanied by \. BE. Griffin, superintendent § of the company. distress 209 Foley, in the T. P. and left Welch & City last Salvation Romy. Publie meetings, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m Sundays at 7:30 p.m. on Over a million dollars oa given to the heathen by the people | of this country last year for the purpose of lifting them out of| PATTULLO & RADFORD savagery, What a pity it wasn't | SECOND AVENUE sent to Europe! St. Louis Re-! publie. ; “the resultant good might be euch as to surprise us all.” In Caneda there shouid be 4 movement in the same direction if we would take our share of the Imperial burden. During the ten vears IT have been on this coast} I have seen many with bright prospects falling out of the ranks of “Empire Builders’ because smitten by the fire-tapped dart of alcohol. Without becoming fanatics there is a very urgent call at the present time for us to tighten the belt of self-discipline and to keep ourselves fit service in our country’s cause abroad as by example Iron Cross. for either at home or others the trne well as to inspire our wear F. H. DU Bishop of B. ¢ VERNET Caledonia. | Prince Ne 19, 1914 Rupert wember Girl to assist with light house- work whole or part time Daily News. Box 1, tf. | “NOTICE. The Canadian Patriotic Fund. Will those who need assistance from the above fund, resident in the city or district and whose breadwinner is on active service with the forces of the Empire or her Allies, kindly notify the seec- retary of the local organization. W. EF. COLLISON, P. O. Box 735.—tf. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: TAKE NOTICE that I, the undersigned, having bought out the interest of James | B. Lun in Lot 19, Block 5 rownsite of | Smithers, B. C., ments thereoh sponsible for any debts owing by the sald James B. Lim, unless presented to L. W. Patmore, Prince Rupert, B. ¢ on or before Saturday, the 28th day of November, 1914, up to 10 clock in the forenoon 268-273 WONG KBOCK including 1! improve- will not be re CORNER SECTION 2 yauthorities, having prived us of our mined to put already de. theatres, deter- stop to this en- lertainment well They sent up a French king bird to drive off the marauding German crow Next day an aeroplane appeared at the usual hour, but the tators, after straining their at the mieroseopic silhouette til they were sure the not curved, but straight, disconeerted sigh of “*AW--W- one [ suppose the German airman! flattered himself he had been| ‘demoralizing™” the population. a Limited spec. eyes un- wings were gave a disillusion of ours!” | ! Its only tm Ask your Shoe Man 164W Walpole Rubber Co. Montreal CLOSE IN ON PLANK ROADWAY $300 CASH BALANCE G. T. P. AND EQUITY AT $300 PER YEAR FOR COAL WOOD AND GAS STOVES ‘on « ¥. F. DALLEY C° cimireo TOM. ONT, BuUPFALoNyY. EMPRES F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR — (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS ee NAVAL VICTORIES _ Die... PARISIANS ARE NOT NOT WHAT YOU EARN, BUT WHAT You aoc" EXCITED BY THE WAR ROUSE ALL ENGLAND Provo COMFORT IN OLD Ac; Life Goes Very Much the Same |Cry Now te That Good Hope and | NINETY-FIVE PER CENT OF THE men oy +, As Usual in the French Monmouth Must Be COUNTRY AT THE AGE OF SIXTY ARE DEPEND: otis. Avenged. | Upon Their Daily Earnings, Their Families or ohariy THE EASIEST WAY TO SAVE IN THE SAFEST sory a ; ' Coming on] . )F way aris, Oct. 15.—Americ 1S BY A POLICY IN ‘ i tance who ‘ the stirring cual “— Pee ee sabia tala THE EXCELSIOR LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY Linue coolly about th . | vat ae all KISSICK & EDWARDS Mtings pete Et. Tar, re ‘ ty, the feat of the Syd 4 DISTUICT AGENTS slies from home, the ¢ vi the kinde n| Sixth Street Prince Rupe ac . liow brave y . rh truth o Paris ha | ; fer or en =? www WOOOOPO CCC C00 DCC ost e ages nor enue Modern « rh \ that] eoa gas, electri ! p rnd Monmouth be | a st 42 nenal we ; SEEEESE ESE EEEESEEEEEEEEE EEE EREE EERE Meee ees 8 sua : Oe Nene sy, k th is abundance } on Hi i ( W k nf y ®! ie : ’ mT le shments have ve ! i had “thal i] Ki of um i (eI Ung k the shutters ied the I { by the and sheet metal work ype f to what exte . { ‘ anf wot mel ; ds upon tourist a an aa wr, Western ?lumbing ( )., Ld b . se ft th ‘ TULLE Releledelaleieleiehahalalalelalalaieieleieioleieleisheleleidiehichhhahi ett tt et . "= are rading a : ‘ . ’ Ch g etreet ears ar « i and hips, the} oe aut buses gone t ' kama pT Madras ON) get poe ore PPC +++ CC CC; CON he subway is i perati Sey mt shelled the etty 1} fone ‘Resey ANS & — Wi he g the fortifiea “Hl javailable day and night ', 13 When the first Uhia ! ted |! i one ‘| through the forest of Chant 1ish xtinguished her lights at wi month ago there was a pa lisappeared N great damaks: | Paris. Impressionable peoy w ! ' mbardment | SHINGL®’, MOULDINGS, _— DOOR: lowing the example f the Frene Madra } gevernment, hastily wer i t ited that the Famder ‘| PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. for the winter. The governme caused not Vee ‘| A 4. BURROUGHS, Maneger with everything to fear fr i the allied powers by the destruc trermans was acting is t ' ‘apture yesseis nm ti tet Ave. Gnd MeBride St. PRINCE RUPERT Bc al i i gz } PHon: : . oid Including the soldiers, ab: lin the los rad Pro. | a am Ve SD third of the population is g j test al from B bay to ‘kel gaat The benefits f this exodus are Ad iralty declaring that trad =a two-fold First, the streets are| was being ruined by the Emden no longer dangerously congest The nearest approach to the | ——= oe ed with traflk It is now possible} record of the Emden has been| on meeting a friend in the middle|made by the German ert iser | FRED STORK’S HARDWARE jof the boulevard to stand right|Kirlsruhe, which is operating on] there with impunity until such/the Atlantic The Karisrube has i time as the conversatio: maylsunk twelve British vesels i : a have languished. Second, the _ : i 710 SECOND AVE chances of someone being hit by Those armored autos are all a bomb dropped from a German|right in Belgium; what we need | Carpenters’ Toois Suilders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery aeroplane are reduced one-third.|here is the armored pedestrian i Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle 1'We have come to despise these tron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns bomb-dropping exploits, not only | Rope Valves Ammunitio because they are cowardly and . ; Pumps Hose Paint have no place in civilized warfare, i . , but beeause they really do very cA Ww | Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Ro /) Corrugated tron little damage “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST Bombs Kill Few. CUSHION aa Es RPS: I am inapt at statistics, else I ” " Pa should undertake to substantiate mutivwatiatls me theo that) [RUBBER HEELS) | ERED STORK’S HARDWARE motor buses are more dangerous ' to human life than bombs from aeroplanes In normal times, as are made of the f 6 rllect, sé ro a ed roe | finest, lightest kHled injures eek b traflic in the streets rhe tots | weight, longest : damags wrought in the course i wearing Rubber of the month by hostile el over Paris is the killing on that can be had old man, one old woman, one lit . tie girl, and one cow In the world— There was a German aviator regardless of who used to appear in the sky ‘ ee ie every day about tea-tim: We price. oe ome 48 rather enjoyed him A man up or Montmartre ade week's Om -* . =e I a 1 we Yet they cost wages renting camp stools and opera glasses no more than Stopped the Attraction. ° ‘ But just as the attraction was theordinary kind beginning to boom, the military “Old Fashioned Cleanliness” cost our mothers many day. The “new Soaj >. This purest « fa ll laundry so: a * back- brea fashioned ” costs only the pric e of a cake olf clea PRINCE RUP gentle ina thet moves di without rubbing, And a So, roves there is no adulte: im it to injure the finest fabri the dainticet hand For the thousand and one around the house—there is just one ° ‘e na! ; F ! ee ecu A ee - S_ COFFEE ERT, 8