— THe O-I - Te ee _Aariaative Library THE DAILY NEWS GET THE LATEST WAR NEWS FIRST IN THE DAILY NEWS soe Zz pakes ©. tenmediately . wer oie rand ' Rocelve it {8 — —————— = y, V. NO PRINCE RUPERT, I Ik JOHN FR C., BATURDAY, NOVEMBER 214, : = 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS Le) CHIS PROUD OF THE BRITISH ARMY ANADA WILL RECRUIT ADDITIONAL 50,000 MEN~POPULAR FISH BANQUET HELD LAST NIGHT p JOHN FRENCH PRAVERY BRITISH SOLDIER uns WITH GREAT PRAISE ance OF THE MEN—S .YS IT 1S AN HONOR TO LEAD SUCH AN ARMY. (special to The Daily Mews.) ration and solieitud ‘ond \ remark fand made by th . avery of the | Majesty the kit ince ia paid etferts | ma @ a special po ion wil " the Second gallantry a ifa ny | rourage are ¢ ‘ iv vor in chief has all praise it i nor t iched wit eatest admi-jsuch an arin PRAISES oF F THE COURAGE AND ENDUR. NADA WILL. RECRUIT §0,000 MORE MEN (Special |) The Dally Mowe.) tuwa, Nov. 21.—-The Cabinet péecided to increase the num- @f recruits to 50,000 to assist mployment. The greater part je recruited from the West. MDIANS ARRESTED FOR HIGH TREASON FRANCE ADMITS FREE PRESENTS 76 SOLDIERS (Special to The Daily News) ; i ; RUSSIANS HAVE BOMBARDED TURKISH ARMENIAN PORTS PORT ON BLACK SEA BROKEN UP BY RUSSIAN FLEET — Ccus- TOM HOUSE AND AMMUNITION DEPOT DE~ STROYED — PLACE SET ON FIRE (Special to The Daily News.) paring an offensive movement in Petrograd, Noy. 214. Official.) |the direction of the Zatcharekb A Russian warship has bom- . . jregion. Besides destroying the barded Port Khopa, in Turkish vine F Armenia, about eighteen miles port customs house and blowing southwest of Batum on the Blaek | jup the ammunition depot they set Sea, whence the Turks are pre- | Le place on fire. \ to eompetitive firms. ae ! WITH CITIES IN SOUTH | tion could be given valuation placed on wraterfront- age so that the maximum rate Of} Phe most patriotic and telling speech made at the banquet,last which the government allowed the |night. was that of Mr. George W. 6 per cent on assessed valuation, G. T. P. to charge, would not be|Merrow. Mr. Morrow has always ; sia been a great booster for the city 2, ; ' 2 but he is mere than that. He un- G.: WW. Baeees nae . ~ derstands economics and if the pbtempesier ie een cae city is standing on the wrong same rights the East ha now. foot he is not afraid to attack it, They had the free bait principle (itlawa N | \ dispatetl has bee received Tf ' h = retary State f the ¢ on Stating that presents t individ ual vlalier r bedies of men ft onging t the Canadia XI tionary force ‘ i vdmitt Franee free f duty WILL HOLD CUSTOMS. Phe Monies From Vera Cruz Collec- she | IN THE MARKET SQUARE AT F URNES.—T his little ys the Belgian city hé of the Last night in words that were clear and convincing he showed that the first thing this city had Alderman MeClymont proposed |;,, qo was to reduce the cost of the toast, “Fish, Markets, and there and shipment in bond to the States under the modus vivendi. fight- of of the convoy the thiek « is been in town occupied by a living. He had been in the meat tions to Be Retained in Trust. ahs d his two sons, esas. ; : under ar. ea Fourth Regi mt ar ged with high ” pling to take tra ts aeress the er American side 7 4 a death pen- The » have been un- for some time we iatrap. They : to land four dria \ineriean side mor iid and four posed A were brought het of militiamen utd ty and impris- ithe s the armory Cas hands of the lary THE WEATHER. lompiied by F. W. Dowling, Observer. er 24, 1944 jomet 209.428 aD. .....,, 00 46.0 M 42.0 3 MASHED NUT COAL—$8.00. i Coal om 5 wees “eee RE * AUCTION SALE. * ' * nd equip. * J. Ham. * formerly * . Lon will * \Nuction 4 the 24th day * , 1914, at 3 #4 the prem. * I \venue, * ink of Mon- * * 'TRRSON, * \ssignee * thee * * B ‘eee eR EH Merron, W.NTED. Pew i vnd see our Hil) is of Beeond al d ' We must : ™) ' Prices | bo Py Corner af sit | Sian ‘id Beventh p) ‘ Stores i and 465 Transportation From Prince Ru-|) uciness in the early days and pert.’ He said it was contended)... accused of charging big the industry would support 8), ices. The same prices are in Washingt DD N FISH BANQUET PROVED VERY POPULAR population of 25,000 here. Even] oipet today after direct com- Fue United Stat if that were cut in half it was 4) uniecation was secured. This, several mill lollars in cus | big thing. (Mr. Johnson interject-| ine centre of the fishing industry, ene af Sore ent HEARTY INTEREST SHOWN INDUSTRY that it would support 60,000) jaiq more for fish than they did a stable oa maw.) if developed.) He was in favor/j, New York. Something was ed in Mexieo and will not turi ty er removing any barriers to the wrong. We could never induce ver to the French bondholders |Mlanagement of Hotel Prince Rupert Gives Complimentary \ nate esau Wachee fihden- tia President W said the mon », Noonan, of the Atlin Fish-| showed them that they could live ey would be delivered to. neither| Dinner to City Council, Leaders in the Fish Business ,“’ Via ovine hare bess itive laces a tea faction in Mexico under present | coster He believed this port|/he ever took it into his head to conditions and indicated that onty| And the Press---Developed Great Interest in thet" le blwvel fils nottiie ever took i into bis head a government recognize : the th I d his His company was the first to|that one issue, to cut everything United State would reeeive the Welfare of e Fish n ustry in T Vicinity send a schooner to the halibut|down to a level with other cities money : | banks. in the south. Then and only then - Hie feels that responsibility for | Phe Hotel Prince Rupert gave a,sired also to give a boost for the | was that the Geneenl compat ee Aidacuion Montecenesy baliened lenadé wo-inpest: 40-4aeleaial which faction gets control of Vera} complimentary dinner last night} ind y that will make Prince | should nennnad, Then others nn saneiiemenia bo -bedihito tkdiatnee cine. seen Crus fle is evacuat by ito the members of the City Coun-| Rupert }would come, The city _— -~ | caks-iiinees ent.of conceal: eediaeabn at Uule-qemeliiimndie oa een Wore eh i M Morrow wssuredithe old land, It would make also spoke to the toast. He be. | loudest praise of the outlook * traveling collector * i = " . = | guests W . product of sal-|ppince Rupert the Gloucester of lieved Prince Rupert would be the | here, He was ea = a * MANAGER. * we : re ae an na turned out at the Cassiatithe Pacific. The industry should greatest fishing center m Ameri- | cester, where “his father lived for - oe eee man’ equnery lreceive the help and assistance ea. ‘The sea contained innumer- 300 years.” He believed the out- CHEE RHEE EEE EHD — oer " enu was as follows: lot the city. Mr, Morley Donald-| able varieties which soon ee —_ ya “3 ee eee ee ek Seeeeeee8 ‘ dOeuvres son had intimated to him his|be developed. He had great faith |city should cater to the ime n- ons acen = _onuagegar _— i | : be oil en Tasse oat faith in what the fish would. in the outlook here. ident fisherman. There were lots : SEND FISH. — { 5 7 tin Ex-/s8 ed Black ¢ 1 la Shrubsall|de for Prince Rupert Alderman . Morrissey proposed |" a ee ee 2 Bee peee quested SS sheque “ s Pome Julien Referring to the complimentary |the Toast to the City Gouneil and i eee we ee ae * that all contributions to #* tien ai a vdditio | i la PeregueuXx jdinner, the Mayor said that in-'their part in the development of} ae eal del 06: Siaahdhe * the Belgian relief shall * ae ; vont Choux Fleur [stead of them thanking the City | this industry. He referred to the adits shad sont * consist of local products. # es an toe sau Gores Council for doing what was their great expenditure this city had to < n a ad * ‘This is the plan followed # re Pommes en Glace lduty in assisting them the thanks undertake and the need of econ- alarmed, The Chamber of Com- * jn Vancouver and the # BAZAAR herbert au Kish of the city was due to the man-'omizing funds The council | Merce deared Caner * same should be done here. * Qn Wednesday, N Salide Sasanova agement of the hetel for provid-| might assist by low tax rates and | deokded 7 me “ _ - ee * What the Belgians need #* sfternoon and evel the lad Petits Fours ing such high-class accommoda- | inducing the G, 'T. P. to Bive low | dollar meet ot 2 * ot ae re * most of all at present is * of the Presbyterian Gh reh wi Cafe Noir tion in the eity. rentals on waterfront Speaking | the esc e wx - : _ © tebk end etek belie Siete. sal y in St. A ' afe to say that as a Pre- Mr. T. H. Johnson, of the Gold about the free bait, he outlined | lever oe ppet: Coes , * could be sent them than ®@ Ateeee He f plai An that dinner fish will be-|gterage, responded. He apolo- |conditions in the Bast-where sim. | them bo it. * Prince Rupert salmon and * sewing, candy and hon me more popular in Prinee Ru-}geized for not being a speaker, |'!@! conditions prevailed and The Overseas Contingent, the), halibut. “It also has the @ Many useful and ornaments ort. especially among these Wholput when he got started he prov. | Showed how there would be strong} Press and’ the Ladies were duly), advantage of keeping the # shihs puitabis for Gh sted of the dainty dishes there}og that he was quite at home on |oppes!tion to the principle being | honored * money in the distriet and * \- musical program VED) Dpowided. The chef of the hotell pis feet He told hew the fish |established here The Couneil The event was one of the mosti# we need it. The advertis. # @uring the ev lonme in for considerable notice |p ysiness was G@ifferent to all|wanted to open up Highta Ave-)popular ever pulled off in Prine@}® ing it will give Prince Ru. #* friends land mplimentary remarks be-| thers in that it was a perishable uc bo the Cold Storage but while }Rupert. Messrs. Morrow and Ro-|™ pert, loo, is considerable, # cause of the exeellence of the} jpade It had to be handled|the G,. 'T. P provided access the |chester proved exeellent hosts.j% No doubt a very cheap * What is spread quickly Phe fish trade in this Gouneil had no authority to build) Indeed it was with diflieulty thathe pate could be had fromthe # Photos for \ ™ Phe idea of management, idistrict was hardly begun, Only ® read ever private property ithe party broke away and it would | aor’. P. and a shipment * } Studio sa - however, was two-fold Besides | halibut and salmen > were han Alderman Dybhayn thought | be unwise to publish the hour, je could be easily made. Let # place mplimenting the members of | dled tk ny ereat extent Other that private citizens eould help|since every man no deubt had tol®. thoae in charge of the # ir Sslthe Gouneil and Press for sym-.|tines would develop, aueh as the |the industry more than the Goun-j| swear to his better half that hej# fund get busy and see that # } — ~ it pathy and assistance. during the | herring l., ete The best ad. ici rhe Municipal Aet prevent-|was home by midnight——Dut hel® this is carried out. * la Loug, Lone rip ae construction of the hotel they de~|vertisons it for the fiah business jed the eity from giving» bonuses | wasn't “ee ee ERE RRR RRO ORE | Mrs Carpen M ' '