agi AS THE DAILY NEWS. a ‘| KARLSRUHE HAS Five s&¢ outs | RAG tee, cae ., GERMANY 1 TRANSPORTS ARE mayb all rk 0 ea EOF SIH LOADER FOR THE INVASION f=". 00 57 steamer Pruth The war, it is predicted in many rored Terribly for 15 Years Until He r the a ae THREE LINERS AT HAMBURG FILLED WITH TROOPS---A bi rel is he om af oO prove Tried “F ryit-a tives” | he end of the fo suSsiINness | fom the const ot DOZEN ZEPPELINS TO CO-OPERATE IN RAID = |animnats tor broris soyoet jrived here He Not only is it true tb it the cash} jruhe is using a ON BRITAIN---KAISER,S SUCCESS AT ecanndt be raised +t the cas iRocas Heel as a « which options were given but the Serta ibid the | DIXMUIDE. price of foxes has scctined | ' Values now are only nominal, but nans have a $8,000 to $9,000 would compare! lores and coa | las at | ' ! N 0.While Eng- |tempt to invade England. A dozen — i eeetaaies i“ ago THE UMON STEAMSHIP 0, | OF BC, | LIMITED : : i doing me points are e Zeppelins, he says, are preparing ae me, said th oe we ee vt : nothing but wait When the in-| lexpected to be this week an unaceustom- a make a simultaneous attack. dustry revives, after the war, and| Ss. VENTURE it is apparent that Englishmen . British before | pageantry, Germans in| whem Raancial coditions improve, hile it 1 in general are not nervous. They]it will have to operate on a pelt SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P. M. while if was e land at sea made dis . ; ‘ -— ate aie a ° — : » made distinel know what the British navy can]basis, with only a few cageptions | Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT fs i aie This morning's news |do and will do it for breeders. MIDNIGHT i A eneti ' aaa rr A very ea}; ) 1a) Tha ata . . " p. A. WH Esa it aaa . : . re Phe latest incidents of the A coat hanger to which is at-| For Further Particulars Apply to wei ‘ for i tritish gunboa . » > Cals also | a1 W A FORONTO, | cave us twelve h erday | : : {sre for Calais also show thatliached a clothes brush has been PHONE 5668 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. atti i ie . rday be sunk by a Ger | Germany is far from being beat- patented by & Denver resident AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS 2 pt Ss slip en ey — — . onthe . ? on seedon ; ag ware ty tw 11e5 len yet. Dixmude, which they re- An extensive deposit of asphalt rer from | YIPIVHS ana the shy from the favorite London]... ‘ a” . anion . ; ; ; p ‘ veal ye os blew up the Pruth , fl "\ gained after desperate fighting, | .,¢ superior quality has bene dis- : at night J, y ; , ae Deal. If Germany| is an important road and railway] ..ered in dhe Philippines a the Vivo re Semererred the penetration of the . 4 , tals ee ; pen ation © centre, only 42 miles from Calais, A motoreycle street sweeper an aaa : right under Eng jwhile Armentieres, where a much has been invented which gathers of same, 1 | ©8'80 wats accompany jland n this way, the war] oe mente 5 se onn a orce ‘ . 7 with that |} Karlsruhe, which she w jstrengthened German force WAST refuse into a sort of side car. a, thanks to : . S| commerce enters repulsed by a flerce British eoun- : . ap rth ; 7 scl i ‘ 4 . —T a ee 3 th their |° , | et There maylter attack, is similarly near Cal e suffering as | } recommend rR ” s x said for the ais from a more southerly point Asthma, SrEare sow te t | alarmists picture the dis- “If,” says the Daily Mail edi- raggravated his content that the . a , . : . : ; D. A. WHITER b Cae s possibilities of a raid}topial, “we are to beat back the a war sto ike ta h j ‘} Reif bi » * | ! h coast enemy, we, too, must*be in a po- “ foe TT eve rible as possibls vel hta we < rA . . hoo ae : e ' ‘1 : ene \ American just returned|{sition to pour in men. Victory e 6 Ity Digestion en - ty In Europe as ‘TY lamburg describes threejin this desperate, bloody struggle e ns ] e Cc on om 1 e s Pruit-a-tives"’ farewell perf nee . jh ge Hamburg American liners|depends ultimately upon reeruit- e. abox, 6 fort » ee jpainted gray with yellow funnels|ing. Less cheering, less talking, row -a-liv Ottawa ne oldiers swarming on theland more men, is the Empire's — 1836 THE Bank or 1914 j ; in lecks awaiting word of an at-|proper motto.” are getting more than usual consideration in these troubled times, e 7 . entra! Clams, eipwate. 1m the B iti hN thA j even from those who have hitherto spent freely. The steady toll of na Mining | on of Cassiar Dis- r S or mer ca tl I t I is ti j 2 1 t Bn ] Mai, cre OF eae fet Ee Te Yeane im Business LIFE AND TIMES OF COPPER BRINGS BIG day are shaving themesives at home with the ’ tio te 4" Bee tne hte Camirat Ano SuRPUS $7,786 666 LORD STRATHCONA PRICE IN GERMANY |, Pedro Salinas, as ——- o ' a j yeeguen Tee Min- The Life and Times of Lord The Engineering and Mining : oe He, Spt 7; Bank Money Orders Are | xjpaiheona by Mr. W. T. Pres-|Journal, in diseussing the deten- oversee ts, for the pur: Safe And Convenient ton, a well known former oficial|tion of American vessels carrying wn Grant of the if the Dominion government, has|copper to neutral countries, such t forth notice that action, If you want to send any sum been published in London by Eve-|at Italy and Norway, says it is se 5 st be commenced be- ; . Se issue h Certificate of Im up to Fifty Dollars, to any leigh Nash. The alternative title|diMeult to conceive of serious mrnis - r . . me) ay of September, A.D. point in Canada, Yukon for the book might very appropri- friction between the United States PEDRO SALINAS. itely have been, “How the Cana-|and Great Britain , but the result *xcepted, or to any of the . . : ° — ee Taited [liam Pacific Railway Came Into|may be very adverse to the copper To their surprise they find, in the Gillette Safety Razor habit, WHET T ETE EEEESESEESS principal cities of the Unitec Deine for a goodly portion of}mining industry. “Germany is other things even more important than economy. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM ; States buy a Money Order the volume deals exhaustively|manifestly in great need of cop- : at any Branch of the Bank vith the inception of this under-|per,” says The Journal. “Her wil- It saves many valuable minutes a day — sends them to business — epeadd: $| of British North America taking. Considerable space is also|lingness to pay 20¢ per pound clean and refreshed, with toilets completed — and enables them to és end Sr ave $| The cost in trifling levoted to the Hudson Bay Com-|shows that. The fact that cop- enjoy anytime, anywhere, a shave as smooth and comfortable as the . st. and Ord Ave | e ee Deep St. ond O06 ane : pany'’s d#eper influences on the| per realizes 20¢ per pound a best barber could give them. _. : f tet, 3nd and Z| PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH West, states a Canadian Associat-jand only about ile per oer mie isi Ave. Between Sth and | P MARGETTS, Manager. d Press cable pare chews Cet oe The Gillette Safety Razor eliminates honing, stropping and ms ‘ Hotel 2) iene Phe author betrays no hesita-|have as yet been able to deliver :. si , 1 i 1 mT 1st Ave and 70H St (04m :| on eeaeves in Gating whahMelbes [litle canser ( aneeee. fussing, as well as the need of skill or practice. You just pick it up s| P . R t F d Co thinks concerning both these cor-|The copper seized last week was and shave with solid comfort the first time you try. x CROUIT NO > oe sl nace uper ee ” porations and the prime directors |shipped by the principal Ameri- 3 trd Ave ni 1 : Pan Ome oe + DEALERS IN thereof. He has plenty of ob-|ean selling agencies to their own Cut out the waste of time and money! Get a s Ave. Gm eBride St ' a rain, Feea servations, too, regarding IT order in Italy. On 1e face o 1 j izi HB 1 McBride 8 | y, Grain, Feed ling tt the f f Gillette and enjoy economizing! Standard Sets n c » 8 : on° Sas om. ORE. ; and Seeds effect upon the political life of} things there seems to be no jus- cost $5.00 — Pocket Editions $5.00 to $6.00— - 2. ee 3) ercousry $1], anada, while full eredit is @iven| tice in interfering with the ship- Combination Sets $6.50 up. At Drug, Hardware 7 3 | a FeED A to Lord Strathcona’s strength of} ents by citizens in one neutral and Jewelry Stores. CIRCUIT NO. 8 Z| Agents for character, foresight and charm- eountry to their own order in a= and Pulten St 3 | DOMINION NURSERY & ng pe lit The author con- . . *y iret ing personality. ve author CON-lJanother neutral country. Great tay ORCHARDS CO. traste hia career with that otherlmritain is ‘apparently convinced GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR COMPANY OF CANADA, mou and Comox ave. 3} Mai! orders promptly attended to naster Empire builder, Cecil) joweyer, that this copper is ul- " BUILDING, MONTREAL. Bem ave. ond Dedes PLL en en aed Gin ka ae ea ain Office and Factory:—THE NEW GILLETTE mu 38 and Thompson St | aes, . timately going to find its way cir ile to compare, but much to con-| Germany, which is something HROUIT NO. 4, \ aos , : m4} 4th Ave and Emmerson =| 908 Third Ave. Phone Black 268 trast, not only in their early, but not to be permitted, If Italy her- - 3 | Lee eeSjaiso in their later careers.” He} _.i¢ had put an embargo on cop- m 43 5: * aoe St :| -——— — —— —igoes on to pay tribute to Hon. per, as has been reported, there oe th Ave and Bastl St + Clifford Sifton as the man Te-). i) be a new phase of the situa- mn 14) = A > ADVERTISE iF sponsible for the only successful tion. The eritical thing is that if an wing Bt . —* . : nthe s : immigration propaganda, He the United States is limited to ttt hee e erties : aurier ¢ : an * ** THE DAILY NEWS speaks of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and exporting copper to England and POPP OP OPO POD ODOC a > . P ats > > sreeccorccocs sir Robert Borden as statesmen France alone the outlet for our » > epresenting the highest aspira-| s ee t the present % mer pcoquetion,: ep aes GEE IEISISIIIIIIISIIOISISISISIIISINIIISINISIIAISII SII IIIT IE IDIOT IIT IO fl al Uirectory tions of political purity, and ~ greatly curtailed rate, will be in- * i specting whom not a breath © sufficient.” The blockade may do|¥% EE CANADIAN PACIFIC seandal has touched their careers as much toward shortening the ' kabers PR L. Vintners Association RAILWAY The author foresees an agita- war as the armies in the fleld, a etna tion by the Western farmers, de- ee WINDSOR MOTEL Princess May southbound mandinge to be relieved = of re WAR HARD ON FOXES. , . e 7 rter of First ave | Friday, 8 p. m. heavy burden now erdured, by meine ra phate} means of raising eash for divi- ~ hone 109 : ovements, for she mine is ie Island o rae, ; of | Improvements nee iy th above cialan, | 101M is on the Island of Guagcac,). 4, pividende im stock, ar at mnoE PuPren) IMPORTING 00., | oan onto .." ake * ‘ommenced pe \ strong solution of alum and least a good propertion in stock g me LimiTEep rare wee inate of such Ce aa soap is excellent for polishing and not in cash, is the rule of RARAAAAAAAAAEAAAAA ARERR RARER RARER REE REE Paser provements ie f sept or, . : ‘ no Stath Hts Dated this 21st (a) silver, the fox companies this year, and D ae iota PEDRO SALINAS Preece sit, | eben |