dat THE DAILY NEWS ' - — Te . ¥ a ' Mo ree eee | SCHOOLBOY HOWLERS. PMPRESS AND CANADA SUGGESTS ~ N . | hb Wetlal etipian: ‘wre in DAUGHTERS WORK er an eel FIC jamart women of Rome, ar H RD § NI E l e 0 very much sought after bv ¢t! A A IRSES FLE tien for wives tralia and If it were Not for oxween. living Czarina and Duchesses Don Uni- may Unite With Austra cuts Mond , § aqay lel people could live, forms and Undertake Heavy New Zealand in Joint Nava in halt la lean Sixty gallons make one hed Routine of Hospital. .Defence Scheme. ap The Sunlight way ; ial . -L - om of indigestion is . Petrograd, Nov 15 Gorre i dar Nov { The pre --just note hae asy me to make a square mea ndenee lo the Associate ; esponden ! “he ap round stomach. i stencil Ga i aes ilia : ee i : the garmen then ro] it up esas os : 7. Shadow Mi ’ iv m ’ sma Ll A ts . Composition on man Ma ' i \ Bolees , , ! ' a ti ‘i to soak Atter wens ae the thing woman marries fe 0 a ee ~~. Seer Tinse it thorough if : drinks chews awears ais the winter home of bt We the e und dirt drop: out ii i ne , 5 Ol the rh snores, and still she marries | Nicholas, there is a the Swd whiel um the © magi “ The Dail News ” : oe is theological and line half hidden behind her death Why scrul ane wical “ if nd CLASSIFIED ADS. hsprune m a monkey, ar - he hes "| 1 Woman, but if she did sh rkadle hospital ap probabl on ee the ge nh ¢ Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream. | better springer than mar ing the present war. Th: il defences ! he Pa be Sunlight S 11 the FOR RENT : ieee sprung a better spring than man | pital is supported by funds a n Avatralia and Ne sland work with 1 o% ' > } ever spr 2 ty cereale Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners.) © prune sposiiton of the ministe ad mentions that the ports of fabric or har ' 6 vs | Phone 4. tf. Describe the metamorphosis of imperial ae At th ' "OR RENT-—Ext warm house, 6 rooms) , wae ain . — mperial cour e& aper the nronosed tiat the pa ee bath, ‘hot water fixtures and elec- | we ja butterfly Answe ‘Phe ite ' (rime jthe prop 7 T , - ao alee oor rai ge pane! The Prince Rupert Towing Go... |p lar eats and eats till he busts quest of th mpress, a pa the Canadia : 0 thi: ' 6 onlieht center Apply J. W. McKinley, 416) general towing; the new crude oil jand the butterfly comes fort! he building has been s¢« Vet Australia and is ountient Green Street Phone Red 337 uw tug “PRT No. 4.” Phone Red | Henrv Wadsewortl Lonet \ — hospital eine he | x a in “Madd way. R RENT—Furnished rooms with hot) « —*k 399 | : P.O.i was bort it Portland M vend cold water. Clean and comfortable So? or Bleck Ses on : | <7 po . Empress and her twe eldes it i une evive in At all grocers Only $2.50 per week Kiondyke Hotel,| Box 96. Agency for the “Avance” |while his parents were travelin ; Fulton and Seventh Avenue. Crude Oil Motor. 165tf | mn the Continent He made many daughters the Grand Duches he 1 sibility ar . saree — - — a fast friends: amone the fastest Olea and Tatiana, work amor arly : it 1 Pacific FOR SALE In the basket ball game at the} were Alice and Phoebe Cary. the other Red Cro&s nurses fron as: dominion ee oat es oe ‘Auditorium last night betweet The te aids cs at a 10 clock every morning unt , be ; en) ee FOR SALE—-Hi ade furniture of six . ae increasing the number of Ve room house, Ticluding Crectrtcal fiatures the C. C.’s and the Tigers, the for- a ‘ late in the afternoon of New Zealand, Rt. Hon. Andrew NOT WHAT YOU EARN, BUT WHAT YoU save and new piano. Also safe, | typewriter = avid eee Gate POPUrasron Rank Aside PROVIDES desks and other oMce furniture, Apply mer won @ good game-by JO to 2s The alimentary canal is in the . Fish expressed the hope that . Mckinie) 416 Green Street, Set ) Phone Red 337. 265 _ 79 northern part of India. There is nothing either in the yp). time is not far distant wher COMFORT IN OLD AGE FOR | SALE—New house, | Section 7, e100 Ghief Vickers, of the City Police A sensation is that state of nature of Aheir work or in th the. aliter Gacinione waited: te NINETY-FiVE PER CENT OF THE MEN OF TH: 14 . = 93.886. is moving into a new private ef | public mind that exists in a com a th aidieataiiaass COUNTRY AT THE AGE OF GIXTY ARE DEPENDE: Oo : oe = os : appearance o eir gray ginghs : , coal yee a fi across the hall The room munity when one man’s wife runs ee j er oe 7 Upon Their Dally Earnings, Their Families or Charity / ALE -— Trac ce across » he > Pot liforms — ¢ hite ralike and ie ron, sa a se i Acres each, a tail i an alll off with another man uni m ind whi nut K share with Australia the i THE EASIEST WAY TO SAVE IN THE SAFEST sorRT oF wai per acre. Me’ ya di aides. | Was former used as a ¢ . A delta is a river with its mouth hoods to distinguish them from) .¢ 9 pacifie sea fore 1S BY A POLICY IN POR SALB—S0-H.P, capacity steam boller fee room Tt will be very con-/ fyi of mud the others Their rank is not Shot Rudder Away. HE EXCELSIOR LIFE INSU C ) ; = = a anaa. a venient for the publie as well as Simeon de ane Gave DICER | ode the ences for any eecane i the ade 8 etait T RAN E COMI ANY , Dally News. . ‘ to the House Commons . ot = jthe chief, | ae eee nor any respite from any hard fron Melbourne Austra ti KISSICK & EDWARDS WANTED Peis eh i ships from the daily routine. At) poytor's Telegram Compa col DISTHICT AGENTS For a comfortable room, 1 OSTRICH ee DELICIACY, ull the most dificult operation eS tl i ' a ae — ' . >= ers site s part of e repo whieh WANTED — Two-roomed furnished house j to the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec-| iia tah aili maki steaeee ae oes. : : seuscosesiiiil cost of McBride. Apply Box 116, Pen ond Avenue, near Righth Street. |F fty-Pound Chick Enters Field '''' ajesty acts as head Nurse, | Cantain John Glossop, of the Aus ate a oie | Newly opened. Steam heat and to Compete With Turkey. handing the operating surgeon!;.atian cruiser Svdney. made re a Wiive or Six for $125 down and $25 a| hot and cold water in every room his instruments while the two|oorgine the fieht in whieh the month until paid. Box 102, Daily News. | Pree baths. Rates reasonable. ; . 7a K 4 ORR e eer Tee TORR IOONNT TET 4445444045: lady Chicago, Nov. 24.—The ostriet |#tand duchesses pass the neces-| @prman cruiser Kmden was de-|¢ ‘ tans bi or | nal 1 2 airy cloths and bandag Th z Plumbin Steamfitt eeper or office ary r i Oe fin eee av as a chal. | sary cloths an ¢ ages Cl etunwe saya: | - Apply Box t1b, Daily news, | IN A WASTY SITUATION. entered Chicago today as a chal troyed. It say i* q, Nt ilies lenger in the field oceupied by the |¢feet of this imperial presence: The Emden’s firing seon fail and me enctel werk WANTED—View lot and house; The ay ; “ke The see (On the simple peasant mind can-| a : ev betran to i about $2,500 to $3,000. With pay ‘70% a0 | German hoger Suspends for Phanks¢iving turkey. They were Coys ete lod when the Sydnev begat hi : cash rrange balance = . 2 » 4 are | ne ” appre > ‘ ar TT den’‘a der Daily News. Speaking Frankly of Ger- grown in the Southwest and are Pi i jthe mark The Emden's rudd : at fair prices Western Plumbing Co. many’s Plight. mere chicks weighing only fifty;/U0derstanding the religious awe] was destroyed early in the fight . 1 _ RRA AAA ER AEH REE MISCELLANEOUS 7 pounds each. They were offered which the peasant feels towne ne speed suffering greatly it sterds lov. § T : for sale at 50 cents a pound, live |the Imperial family consequence SACRIFICE SALE—Excavated Lot 7, Block; ‘™sterdam, Nov. 2{—The pan- : ste ! - Weun i i, Section 1; worth $8,000; $1,000 |\Germanist Post has been sus-| Weight. jeases ded. iler next loss was the numbe “as alance 5 years, r cent, or nn . tis : $3,000 cash. o's. ledue’ P. Oo. Box pended for a violent article at- insists This semi-religious exaltation one funnel, then ‘the foremast A985, Montreal | ; 7 of the wounded soldiers, has, ac-| we MARAY!—wh —a ‘| jtacking the Austrians for inea- NOTICE. *s io . ne ‘a and this was followed by — the “Why remain sione y= ; | ee Be cording to le surgeons in 1 | iber two funnel Pinatlhy the better your position? Our club is pri yacity in the field. It is owing to nun ' vate and dependable. Best in the west. a ' , : svat Ot | The Canadian Patriotic Fund. hospitals noticeably hastened | jyumber three funnel fe nformation i0c in stamps Idea n em, it asserted, 1a we entire } N ose oO - as : —— SESS UES ’ troduction Club, Box 264, Vancouver, | : | Will those who need assistance their return to health Onee al B.C. plan of the campaign would have }from the abave fund, resident it ' nuein } SHINGLE’, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS n 7 week the era Sits it wr ry : 4 ‘ ron ead $15 WEEKLY—Men wanted everywhere, no |to be changed, that Cracow must |the city or district and whose : mpes be You can’t make the preefrea ' matter how small the village, for few io ; ‘ »,, |breadwinner is on active service | younges daughters Marie and/ers believe that there have bee PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER C0 hours work in spare time, experience \HOW be abandoned and that both so Sheer hated ¢ the Rmetre orl A, : rine ey teeta! ; . unnecessary, position permanent. The! — - seltem : tn ut OFCesS OF LO & . lWaistasia uring eae eee Sho Nussian atrocities A 4. BURROUGHS, Manager 0+ 2 U , jarmy leaders and diplomats find : ; ; ls Co-Operative Union, Windsor, Ont. - ra her Allies, kindly notify the sec- is his custom to make the entire es oni: ct es pninen QUPERT, 66 nninenees remselves in a very nasty situa stacy’ of ss aiens weraniss pr: j : retary f the local org anization lrounds of the 124 beds for pri PHONE 25 Branch Yerd et Smithers jtion. The paper proceeded to de- Ww. . COLLISON. | 4 Ww n’s ‘ ivates ¢ 20 for officers at ” oma Health een ; clare that much of the blame for P. O. Box 735.—tf. | vals - ee ‘de i . Nea ae sation the men as to how they and s,irits depend 1 her di t r all this satisfactory state of af- | aque — pend upon her digestion ill this unsatisfactory state of a | PACIFIC, Peace RIVER AND ATUAEASSA saceived their wounds and circulation. Sallow skin, pimples, ry ad j fairs must be laid at the door of} RAILWAY COMPANY i : . facia! blemishes and depression dis- — = | : . j All the hospitals in Tsarkoe- pear after the system has been |} j}the Imperial Chancellor, whose | NOTICE. ' cleanse > ifi { j | ae Selo and Pavilosk are under the cleaned and the b purified by { , iblundering policy had dragged| pacime peace River and Athabasca Rail soacel 4 the . Ki ; > © the P malronage o ress ane e iGermany inte a war_in which, | way eee eee eee ram Act, Tr tie —— nf a ep i} ‘i sania inansilanapataraiiiipaliitmmthcinsiniaaistaia ' - com . av out, ¢ ou edo are conveyed rom ie { now, there was no telling how she | 24thorigie Merate ine following lines of ; a a ios in abihathicellie i . * | ‘ { ‘ encing al yoint on! hospital trains the automobiles 2 | would emerge. tide Water at or wear the head of Kittmet| ey { 710 SECOND AVE . TAXI * | }Arm, following the Kitimat River im a/'! the Imperial garage : > ee re REAL inertheriy direction to the summit between , , i FOR A : | SALARIES REDUCED. | kititnat and Lakelse Lake, thence in @, tor eto : Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery ; er! 1 cion lor the valley De sel ae ies" iat at tiver te Ge joie SWITZERLAND DENIES Divectios of Social Vaio to Women with Every Bas. Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing on e KR thence crossing th Skeena River everywhere bones, 25 conts { hotgur Vancouver City Council has de- lby means of a high level bridge and over SLANDEROUS STORY iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles an iti Grand Trunk Paci Rallway with! nition cided to reduce city salaries as een "clearances thence north-easterly | ! | Rope Valves Ammu P= to the mouth of the Kitsumkalem River} Berne, Switzerland, via Paris,|)**** ** ** © *##@ # & © # #/)) Pumps Hose Paint | follows: and following its course to the summit of . * { - os a ; ee hhiver, and the following the) Nuy 2 Repeate state ants | rrugated iron Salaries of $300 or over per pa of the . Nass River, at or near ' : epeated tatoment * LATEST WAR NEWS * i Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing a A b, a distar approximately one | ; wearing } : aliz aS8 ° PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 60 Fi month, 30 per cent; from $200 to |humdeed and twelve Inilee. the trom the |2PPe@ring in the Talian pre o *' i “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST Rebtisanenenentenieeweenadt |*20? ner month, 25 per cent: unetion of Un Bie wwater River, ies that Switzerland has entered into], the latest war bulletins *|j} — ae | te o ein oe e the Biackwat : River, t© the summil be ja secret convention with Austria) « received exclusively by The * n from $100 to $199 per month, 20 |tween it and the Galanskeest Riv thence | i . 1 eee ————— | et nt; from $75 to $99. per south easterly along the Galanskeest River} and Germany, binding herself to|* Daily News are posted im- * i T K’ H RDWAR ipe ce ° ‘ iv 0 of '}to the Skeer River, thence D the Skeena . . - : . | | ‘i a Suc’ a5 aie denen ar nar te spprou! |support with her army an inva-|* mediately after coming off # |} A ° tmonth, 45 per cent; below $75 @ |matety ritty-seven miles ‘ , }*# the wires at the following #*/|% or en Imonth, 10 per cent 2 DATS D at Ottews this nine th day of }sion of nerth Italy and to permit |* places ald eas aa | te weliebion valli. apply to |? Rieu THOMPAK N, Bt n it 0 oan an Austro-German force to pass | Cole's Cigar Store, 3rd Ave # anyene on half-time or relief through Switzerland in the event . Wark's Jewelry Store, 3rd ® i audon er net avenue ~ F H }work. The monthiy saving is es-| of Ttaly abandoning her neutrality - é i ce Prince Rupert Hotel, 2nd * ltimated at $11,000 to 812.000. } in favor of the Triple Entente, | , platen wi ° Across Ways Creek—Well | CORNER SECTION ? has brought forth a strong pro-|, tl POO . Furnished a ee | ; ; , soya ) j $30 PER MO. WARTED. | SnD 2\'°* From me Owes geepnee ie ‘Contenl Gots) e) - } lhe existenee of anv such con-|* Windeor Hotel 7 Girl to assist with light house- | vention is denied and it is declar.|* Knox Hotel * EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE ; CLOSE IN eet ie bart iceaiaihe * Daily News windows, 3rd * x . ead Ma i? reports are an With Bath—8th Ave. East work whole or part time. Box 1 * avenue *) $30 PER MO. Daily News. tf ON PLANK ROADWAY to Switzerland and her army eC ECHEHEROHEDES FOUR ROOMED COTTAGE Cevation fom. | $500 Cass Near the Drydock Public meetings, Tuesday, BALANCE G. T. P. AND $20 PER MO. Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m oudihibiins Sundays at 7:30 p.m. THREE THREE ROOMED COTTAGES Across Hays Creek $7.50 TO $10 PER MO. MISS B. KAYNE APPLY TO— Professional Masseuse G. R. Naden Co., Lid Appointments by Phone Call 110 324 SECOND AVENUE KAIEN HARI)WARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1824 Oils me" HARDWARE MONARCH MALLEABLE ™ EQUITY AT $300 PER YEAR PHONE No, 3 uilders Plumbers’ Paints Supplier hee i Supplies ule to linwave Granite Wate FOR COAL WOOD AND GAS. STOVES PATTULLO & RADFORD SECOND AVENUE “Stay Satisfactory ™ FF. DALLEY C° Kange semen el: OF EMPRESS COFFEE F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR 8 (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS PRINCE RUPERT,