==! THEDAILY NEWS = y NO PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1914. ——$ — — —__—_—_— PRIGE FIVE CENTS ERMANS PREPARING FOR ATTACK ON ENGLAND .NADA WILL SEND 108, 000 TO F RONT-—RUSSIANS BELIEVED TO HOLD STRATEGIC 1 POSITIONS ) WEATE AR STOPS FIGHTING FIGHTING CONTINUES AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT RUSSIAN COMMANDER CANADA TO INCREASE ARMY LITTLEDOING AT THE FRONT ee eit ei as eS 108,000 TO BE SENT TO FRONT (Special to The Daily News) Oflicial - Petrograd, Nov. 23 The situ- . : (Special to The Dally News) : d : sa i i JLTORY ARTILLERY DUELS CONTINUE AND OCCASIONAL t ! Valibaver., Maw 28 rn oe ation in Poland is considered S@t- | gRpDER SENT MILITARY DISTRICTS THIS MORNING TO START INFANTRY CHARGES—ATTACK UPON YPRES : eat p nd ibn che hetinn le ol the | Miaetory from a Russian point of RECRUITING—58,000 TO BE UNDER ARMS AT TOWN HALL. ’ obtained lview. The sition is gtrategical DESTROYED terrible accident which happened| —. ee a ee HOME. —s t ht I ; nat ' , jand extremely interesting. The , it Coquitlam Saturday, when at (tpesta! to The Dally Wows) Jbeen mes compared . ee ee tomol ver the ed , Russians are moving forward on) ©ttawa, Noy. 23.—The Militia|seale, The foree under arms in . ; ym | ran over e edge o : : . > . ame . wows ee eeeratied t oe Wel he whart j|Hast Prussia on the north |pepartment this morning sent a|Canada is to be inereased to 58,- exhaustion | than a month preced { nay oO | ‘ and a ee and Cracow onthe south. In the) coneral order to the officers of the |,000, while Canada’s contribution virtually Paris, Nov. 23 Oflicia - , In Galicia sh auffens. with Store & jcenter the Germans are driving | mijitary distriets to prepare to|(o the army at the front will be +b in Flanders | Today there was a violent atta ie evecueve | Campa Struthers Gunn, al.” Weber Poland and straining eV-| carry on recruiting on a larger|inereased to 108,000. ase 't standstill AiG Ypres, during which the me : : inder the pressu secuntitih tisbdeial gtever: Alets “ effort to burst through. Fhey el continues }ket place and the town hall we t ps nites inst ithe t-te strongly ee posi- | the front. jdestroyed. Ser postofice, and Matthew) ls on Me’ Vistula aud’ the CASTOEF CLOTHING FOR |OVERSEAS CONTINGENT J ” , TONIGHT’'S PICTURES . Warthe but even their complete has ee Of Gelscens « av can wasueeng |“. 3! Se Vemeewne ers BELGIAN SUFFERERS HAS LOTS OF WORK ew t during the} Vailiey there is strong cannon Golf Club eo a rin oa ane avert the strategic hammer stroke sa three days | lighting has jading. The rescued are: John Russell, 2 : By reason of missed connec , ‘ » the es the Russian commander is pre-| The ladies of Prince Rupert (by P. F. G.) jsecretary-treasurer o he an- g tions at ‘Vistoria the thirtecnt ‘’ Athletic Club: John King, |?2"ine against them. have organized to assist in the re- . eee a ee il ia ae ates live elie ; Jo g, ; ovember 19, y MAN FLEET LOCAL MERCHANT SAYS , ae el the Hotel Gifford, and Owen . lief of the Belgian sufferers. Mrs. inivianat ; i lar Mystery” will not arrive i a SEWING MACHINE . The intricacies of skirmishing, MAY COME OUT) PRICES ARE CLOSE HERE veince topert untii Wednesday [8 Meee Me Griver PRE tats FACTORY TO MAKE Jarvis MeLeod received a letter | .ignaling, bayonet exercises, etc., il +. ‘é ik jail te thre are in the Coquitlam ARMS FOR RUSSIA few days ago from Mr. John M./are gradually being unfolded to " re i _ . \ ee —— vane eat clear i . (tpecial to The Daily Mews.) A well known man of this city | therefore be shown on Wednes pital. Frank yeas go: ela ——_— Whitehead, the Belgian consul in|the members of B Company of ae A ENTE deputies 1! ter j day and Thursday instead of Mon MW the automente before 4 wem Petrograd, Noy, 23.—The huge! vancouver, asking that assistance |the 30th Battalion, and under the disputes 7 statement made al a ws \w Nort ind indicates a aes ,,javer the vy recent banquet that prices in this the (ie t is prepar- ilen be a ther g it fe harf. factory in Russia of the Singer|in the way of either money or|immediate eye of Lieutenants Sewing Machine Company has|.iothing be sent. She has brought | Moore and Lee, the boys from the atul : § . ‘ jr a a ction in the|wn were Higher than those in) Wednesday and Thursday's CHILE WILL STOP been taken over by the govern) this to the attention of a number /north are daily making marked » & Henry of} Vancouver lie has had large ex- |, wn two-reel war picture BREAC H OF NEUTRALITY | nent and will be devoted to the) of the toeal ladies, who have progress. “At Present Capt. C. W. : en yesterday|perience in that city and k ‘ a : a : manufacture of small arms. The) soneed to assist her in the good|Peck is at Work Point barracks, Whe pe torpedo and where of he talk- As far as the |} ia ve rh fea (Special to The Dally News) factory of the American Phono-| work, but is expected back at The Wil- meine craft sicthina business is couserned, |; smells ‘tins 5a ae I , Per Nov. 23.—Chilean |¢raph Company also has been a Their idea is,'as far as pos-|!ows to take his command next * . = he says that there is nothing : Ay eaching here say that|@isitioned for the same purpose, | .inie t> send clothing. Partially week. MMIZERS ARE OFFERED. |i... cpatoment unies ¥’ddnaid oe eet Dollar | Cl et ned to stop ana | waste « smelting concerns operated | worn garments of both men and| Sinee the first announcement of ers the prices asked by men who | Myst will be shown on Mon-|G neutrality |by Americans are now moins used | women, or, indeed, children, will probationary non-commissioned ito! Petrie. of Guelph, Of- Deiiiianiiineiiel eed obbtioen il bien ond Geaniinn on wile / wat to make steel bullets for military |),,, gladly reeeived but it is desir- officers, Private Leslie has also wi lo Organize Howitzer sacrif pri fhe margi | re gran . y l ‘ ins are said to be/PuUrpose 8 fed that they be in good state of been promoted corporal. B Com- Brigade. niet hove, he save, is the closest 4 im. epiie. of the town * a naval station out of| Russia has lacked arms fac- repair. Indeed, there is hardly |P@?Y has already its full eomple- aaa SIE icihidicns wien Mn eeebel saan kann ot “Hie Oe Dollar | Valpara vhere they get coal] lories, having feos largely |.ny family where each member |™ent and several of the boys who 23 ste 0 for er 4 arms. as ¥ mg » > = rs re : = ste ah Sa -tatheaak ‘tentenleni.. for their vessels. | Frane _ ; ’ r small arms, ; [doesnt possess a few changes of wane down late ere feeling dis Iph, « ae aneeth ibe Bask” has ee saline well as her artillery. But today |... ,thing in perfeet condition that|®#PPpointed in having to go into a oN nengioys. Se) . dicates, a mystery story, | CHOLERA IN SILESIA practically nothing is deiug re-|iney do not see from one end of |»@s¢ company—of which forty- ies, 536 off} AMERICANS EVACUATE c : ie onal isin | ceived from France, and the sup-/ 4p, year to the other. ‘For a three are already assembled—and , (Ole Ser over CITY OF VERA CRUZ Phe . ia tonight's program | (Special to The Dally News.) plies in Russia are so short that) ation that has been reduced to|"°t with their comrades. on eer . - s also exeellent and sure to] P . 23.-Several cases |}some muzzle-loading muskets, a5) )overty by no action of their own Drills are getting stiffer and os ao ae (Special to The Daily News) ve os jor ch ire reported to have }well as cannon of this same tyP® |these will @ome as a Godsend,|™re frequent, and from the first it present as ae Mee Mow: Of ..chfier _—" laps upper Silesia, ac-|have been used in th Polish Anybody who hasn't any garments parade at 7 a. m., with its two to wpe lies have not eecupation of seven months, the Canal Earns Money. | adviees from Switzer-!campaign. The taking over of to give away might assist in the three mile run (or physical ex- vitver brigade. | American forces began embark Washingt: Nov. 21.—Tolls|la deaths so far have oc-|these factories, it is expected,|.o04 work by purchasing stock-|¢'eises inside if the weather is eptanee, the)... ror their return to the States unounting to $735,182 were col-| soon will remedy the existing de-|;.0. for ehildren in the local}»ad) until 4 p. m.—and later for hat the full atte idem -weinéls ‘wolas the | * ficiency. stores. It is the desire of the |®9-coms who have to attend r drawn from ma vieunn Mien) tisteiades Dama th | BAZAAR. $$$ committee that all the money be |4ily leetures—the hours are fill- wae ‘ corps, of FOOD SHIP FOR a - eeeis ' Refore the 0 \ esday, November 25, OBITUARY. | expended here. ed with activity for all ranks, e POLED Se BELGIANS ARRIVES Cana va pened to merehant|4! and evening, the ladies McLeod—At 9 o’eloek Sunday On Tuesday next, from 2 to 5 The weather has been cloudy e ship 11,010 had been colleeted esbyterian Chureh will| norning the two-months-old|o’elock, the following stations |®®4 "@w 1 ee = } ’ ork s 1- | . ag y zi 4 Y GERMAN OFFICER peas News.) barge trafli making the a8 Sa ° work in Bt ” j}daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman will be open to reeeive the goods: heavy pres : ae 7 London, Noy, 23.--The Rook << income to November 4 total|drews Hall of plain and faney),, . 44 96 Bighth Avenue West. | Methodist Church. Anglican |®! the training is done indoors NEEDED ON FIRING LINE . i ship ‘Mas-|._. dy and home cookies. : ’ . nc oa . and it is always a relief to have feller Foundati food ship Ma 18746,792 | ly and h 8+) died at the General Llospital Chureh, St. Peter’s Church, Seal |*" ’ . nd. Cee ae sapequa, which left New York on i}Many useful and eer | Se \Gove, and Hays Building, Second ra foie _ ee here from meeeree 2 Ep .prenewne * vane a wera ' : 7 os oe il Tomorrew night at hind Rink Avenue. There will be ladies at me “ . ; Soo for a ma sa) the German victtiesow’ieedaotinae ne a5 ae ar ~~ eee ie * ca ee ae , - i peel Callies and the ©. C.s at 8:15 cath. pines (o'vensine Sie athe a c ae visttenii from the ral, hems chanted day at Rotterdam, The cargo Will) oniid s toys repaired Phon the evenmg esa . ; , ; The Following ladies have vol- eng we — P os h + that be on its way to Belgium by the] 5.3 3t| friends sharp. aiesues tein eumelanin are been Jack Hilditeh, w 10 will eave of 42 eanal boats Lomorrow - Philpott, Mrs. Jennings, Mrs. W. had a warm welcome from his —* “ery flee is SULTAN HAS PULL TOO . va IT. Kergin, Mrs. MeMordie, Miss | friends in B Company. red oy | o tien . \ (f | Clark, Mrs. Hugh Dunn and Mrs. ™ a | snide 5 eae | Jarvis MeLeod. Wetersee Ri a ans Constantinople Nov z or ) ; Pg . | Assist the ladies in the good EST HO LM Berlin.-Knver Pasha ’ a " { a iaiaal al iuoere |work by giving what you ean. Re- AUCTION SALE. Minister of War and leader 0 }; ae " CAMP L¢ : trent ae jmember the date—Tuesday from @| Young Turks party, has publish PP \ “f " xa ___ Mil CAMP 12 to 5 p. m. OPERA HOUSE _ ; ind equip. #}4 @ proclamation to the Tul kish é “ae ne ENPORD 4 “TIDWORTH a T ay 7? 1, Ham. #*}army as follows \ , 0 hee oe (Denne 7 GERMANS STILL PLAN TONI GH Mott formerly #* “Comrade | have the hono tenes, , / fe, ge Ba at Public Auetion afte Sanaunce to yous noble irate ‘yg tetra > ATTACK ON ENGLAND |} «THROUGH THE DARK” Mm Tues tl Auction . from the Sulta Our army wi 4 ay Prong CAN ——— PReven ith day # ——ae TWO REEL MYSTERY we | 1914. at 3 {destroy our enemies will Allah j-* aa allel (Special to The Bally Mews.) AND A FINE PROGRAM », “atthe prem. @ help, and the assistance of the aah. o SOUTH CAMP Rotterdam, Nov. 23.—-No civil- Next iy, 4) a Avenue, # Prophet and by the pious prayel ian has been allowed within two trea! * Sank of Mon. @ of the sovereign Forward, al-] miles of Zeebruge for the last WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY “ B. PET HSON, 2 ways forward! Victory, glory 4 i fortnight. It is known that big “THE MILLION Assignee, #*| Paradise are before us; death at engineering works are in prog- DOLLAR MYSTERY” Seen, 7 *) disgrace behind Long tive ress at the head of the canal. +e eee wpa dishan!’ The entire coast from Knocke cmepente i ttetecccccssssseain to Nieuport is dotted with heavy Admission 10 and 160 WANTED, WASHED NUT COAL—$8.00. per. + Mey 7) MAP . ¥ gun positions. The Germany ar. Mop) : dierent por el { ont WAGON ROADS tillery is being regarded as of Wai Miliiwn , ‘nd see our New Wellington Coal ‘“f PEALE OF NES 3 Joweee RAILROADS sufficient range and calibre to|*#*#*#*#* #2 *# #8 ORE Mang ; of Seeond pany, Phone 116 : . make an effective response tole NOTICE. . Mapas, ; We must D PICK OUT YOUR SOLDIER BOY’ SCAMP. \Viiere TiTrTS thousand Canadians are at present @M- | voisning attempting to bombard] Until further notice * M gui * Prices WANTE camped Chis map represents an area of many square miles and the reader will see the names |pitteral. ‘Phis is said to be only|* subscribers are asked not # hing te 7 Corner of | : , of various eanps made familiar by the letters home of the men of the. First Canadian Gon- |ine fst step in a great scheme | to pay subseriptions toany @ Buren Seventh §| be know of rena : tingent now there, "Phe eamp is twelve miles away from the town of Salisbury and it costs four | for preparing the coast in prepa-|# traveling collector. * Phon, Stores |b Kastern | = a shillings to ride there on a motorbu The camp is three miles from any village Canadians ration as a base for an attack on je MANAGER « . ‘nd 465 jmranth Apply | ; tf are mostly at “Pond Farm,” “Bustard West Down and “Bulford” eamps Kngland,. m . ee eRe eee eee One rove