THE DAILY NEws THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Ciroulation | NAVAL DEFENCE QUITE ADEQUATE Sir Richard McBride Sees Govern- Il. F. MeRAR, EDITOR AND MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. ment With Regard to Coast Defence and ts Satsified. i Telephone 98. Ottawa, Nov, 17.—Sir Richard THE DAILY NEWS EYE-WITNESSES OF WRECK OF AUDACIOUS TELL STORY [wars ON BOARD WHITE “STAR AR LINER OLYMPIC — SAID THE WRECKED SHIP WAS AFTERWARDS BLOWN UP AND SANK. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—60 cents per inch. Contract |MeBride was here today on his| — rates on application. way home from England. While} New York, Nov, 24-—Two men a sid de a |OCliNing to say anything as | j whe saw the British guper-dread DAILY EDITION ot os Monday, Nov. 23, 1914, [%*® "ew plans for naval defence /naveht Audacious lying helpless ’ on the Pacific Goast he stated that in a heavy sea some 27 miles to he had diseussed the subject with the northwest of Lough Swill) E D 1 T be R i A L Lz the government here and also shortly after she had struck 4 iia iti nen __jwith the British Admiralty, an ne on October 27, arrived her aa Ce ~ the was perfectly satisfied that today on the steamer New Yo The question brought up wv] success have a “spirit” or & jadequate steps would be taken to/from Liverpool. They confirmed Mr. George Morrow at Friday) “personality” like a person. It/protect British interests the /the stories of the toss of the wa night's banquet deserves seri- is born of the enthusiasm and, Pacific. ship that Ras peeviguay reached ous consideration. His charge devotion of its citizens. We) Asked as to report#of his com-| here and added numerous deta is that the cost of living is have been repeating this fact}ing to Ottawa at an early date as The men ‘who told the stor} much higher in Prince eras than in any of the Coast cities to the south. If this is true it! will automatically act as a! damper on on the growth and | prosperity of this city. There surely can be no excuse for | such a state of affairs now that the G.T.P. links us up with the big markets of the East. however, a charge that must | not be accepted lightly. A committee of impartial citizens should go into the matter and get proper data so that the true state of affairs should be known beyond the shadow of a doubt. The local business men themselves cannot afford to lie under the charge. of buying as closely as Tt was a very significant) staiement made by Mr. Morrow that the price of meat is as in business here. ed that the cost of fish to the consumer here was just as) great as it was in the Eastern! sion markets. This is surely a mat-|such as Holland and Spain, of the ter that the ket could remedy city’s public mar- if it were in oe riages in Great Britain are be- competent hands. For this city/not hesitate to join‘in such aj{ween first cousins. to have the cost of living|;movement, if any of the bellig- higher than its neighbors is|erent countries showed a desire nothing short of suicide. It} to accept the mediation of several GUARANTEED will mean that the stream of/neutra!l countries, instead of one, FREE American Silk population will pass us by and|the American government will «+ HOSIERY seek more promising fields. It|the present refrain from taking We Want You to Know will mean that industries canjthe initiative toward joint action They Donen y oe hen never locate here for with an|with other neutral nations. additional first cost their prod- uets could not hold their own in the markets The ture of the world. is vital to the fu- of the city and should be righted at once. * * matter * The spirit exhibited at that little. gathering on Friday night was one of the best and most promising ever in this cily. There were present elements from parties in the past that have been antagonis- tie to each other but the pre- vailing feeling was that the welfare of the city came first. Indeed, if a number of such meetings were held in this city the time would not be far dis- tant when everybody would be} boosting so hard for Prince! Rupert that he would forget his! antipathy for his Such gatherings are seen neighbor. the birth-! places of a city’s progressive spirit. Cities that are a huge HERE S LUCK- A FOUR LEAF CLOVER IN It is, UNITED STATES TO time when more of the belliger- ents indicate a willingness to ac- cept It either) known from persons who have means that they are incapable |jately discussed the Ruropean sit- the uation Vancouver merchants or that)/The president's position is that their prices are grossly unfair.! the United States, having already, |the British arms may be victo- in a forma! as well as informal jrious. The action of the overseas way, shown its readiness to act as|dominions in sending forces to an await the initiative of the bellig- high in this city now as it was /erents. in the early days when he was/ean government, by pressing for It was also | peace, might get im a position rather staggering to be inform- | where that end would be impaired. | Seeteee ity of concerted action. While diplomatic of the belligerents is thal the eon- flict through the winter. knows its own par. restore handles that have turned yellow. to each other since the found-|a member of the government, he} were James Rupert Beames, lead-j when the | ing of the city but we have not | attained it. isuch a that these strenuous times may | said there was no foundation for at all. While England he had given attention to be the means of compelling us / financial! for to “shake all British Columbia and had accom- and get busy about the welfare | plished all that he went over for of our city. yet Is it possible report in and other business hands” around | The financial affairs of the prov- ince were in excellent condition | Oe ee WAIT PEACE ACTION could be expected with the war. FROM BELLIGERENTS The province was standing wn] well under the strain. Washington, Nov. 23.—Efforts Referring to the war and the by the United States to bring /situation in the old land, Sir peace to Europe are awaiting a|Richard added that Canadians could not possibly appreciate too much the seriousness of the war. We must all realize that this is a life and death struggle for Can- ada as a part of the Empire. There should be no hesitancy in putting our whole strength into it so that mediation. This became with President Wilson. intermediary, should now aid the British army and in aid- ing it in the defence of the seas was greatly appreciated in the old land and was everywhere mented on. He feels that the Ameri- com- its ultimate influence to The King had spoken to him and to Mr. Perley of the splendid appearance and qualities of the Canadian contingént. much discus- neutral There has been among countries, Twenty-one of every 4,000 mar- the United States would all others failed. They give real foot comfort. They have no seams to rip. They never become loose and baggy as the shape is knit in. not pressed in. They are GUAR- ANTEED for fineness, for style, for superiority of ma- terial and workmanship, ab- solutely stainless, and to wear six months without holes or replaced by new pairs free. OUR FREE OFFER To every one sending us 50ce to cover shipping charges, we will send, sub- ject to duty, absolutely free: Thaee pairs of our famous AMERICAN SILK HOSE with written GUARANTEE, any color, or The general expectation of the representatives here will continue indefinitely Nowadays it’s a wise stock that Rubbing with the color turpentine lo will ivory knife Sivetvament. A Three pairs of cur Ladies® Sina one. Wee Hose in Black, Tan or sents tor one ct one White colors, with written oe Seentn or GUARANTEE. carriage ‘paid to wear DON’T DELAY—Offer ex- with the watch, which ; Sil be_eiven ree pires when dealer in your Seesaateed See veare, locality is selected. Give hae or. wo een von Sa a nee — and a desired. TON ckins tate alles (os oped tbs Gan hee en y Go. 25 cents to-day snd unin © Pree Wateh You 24 Bittner Street will be amazed WILLIAMS & LLOYD, Wholeale fevelions (eps. 14), Cormenttia Head, London, Be, Dayton, Ohio, U. 8. A. ~All Kinds Of Luck Coming Scoop’s Way and business was quite as good as} 7 the tluch Griffiths, one of the orches- tra’s musicians. “We sighted land on October 27 at 2 p. m.,” said Beames “The land was Tory Island. An hour later we came below, when one of the stewards said, ‘you had better get on deck and see those two lovely warships.’ “As soon as the steward told us about the warships we ran up The day was dark and gale OF our starboard side we saw a big battleship down by the heavy breaking over She was fly- ing a distress signal. “As we on deck. cloudy and a stiff westerly was blowing. and ‘stern seas her. approached, the other later who high Hardly warship which learned the came over we was cruiser Liverpool, to us and at a speed crossed our bows. crossed when she turned kept this movement for had she and recrossed and up sort of serpentine a half hour. “Tt was said on board later that the for af only vessel in of Audacious to a shoal, “Hardly the crossed our bow when the order this performance was for purpose of clearing the way the White Star that time was the ship, which these waters capable towing had Liverpoo! was given to man the starboard boats. Before this a eall been issued for volunteers. than the had Me re could answered boats accommodate, “The seas were high and the men in the Olympic’s lifeboats had a hard pull. It took them twenty minutes to wet over to the Audacious, which laid We quarters. 200 yards see the crew They were the calmest body of men IT have ever away. could at seen, “The was perfect. There were about 900 men on the Audacious, but only 280 taken to the Olympic. “About 400 were transfered to other war craft by the Olympic’'s fourteen lifeboats. Some of the small boats made threé trips be- tween the battleship and the mer- chanman. About 100 feft the Audacious assist handling of while the Olympic futile efforts to take Audacious Later lo the life. it was decided that discipline were men were to lines board the cables, on in and made her the these men were in tow, taken off the Olympie's Liverpool in boats when er of the orchestra on the White /|up Star liner, Olympic, which res-| —_——— cued the erew of the Audacious |(GERMANS TRIED To oET and made fruitiess efforts to tow COAL FROM SEATTLE I the battleship to shoal water, and —— ithe Seattle, Wash., Nov 24 Agents said to be acting for the German government to get coal} ifor German eruisers in the South} Pacific, have reached Seattle, it | has become known. Giving the | name of a local banker as refer Audacious should be blown up and sunk,’ version of the final the Audacious New York was that Another destruction of brought by the toria and Seattic on Frigy Through Service to The I M for Vancouver, y ato A. Mm Over the GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC Raiiwo, Passenger trains carrying Glanderd Sleeping c.. Care leave Prince Rupert on Weitnesdays and ss : Edmonton, Baskatoon, Meiville, Winnipeg, ete . Si, Paul, Duluth, Chicago and al! Easter For pointe EAST of CHICAGO use Make your Bleeping Gar Reservations eariy » _ Full information apply to G@. T. P. Ticket Office, 7 AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSH |: Cer the GRAND TRrunwe PRE ry ane she was blown up by her own ew by direction of the fleet} mmander Only two lives were lost, One vas a petty officer, who was drowned out of a lifeboat, and the other a gunner’s mate, who was struck by a fragment of steel) Audacious blown was MUSIC Band instruments A. PESCOTT 452 Eighth Ave. Prone Green aaT Teacher of Violin and All recently tried to to a stranger 2 600-ten charter a steamer earry coal to San Francisco He the that San Francisco had plenty of answered suggestion coal by stating that he intended to start business, but the posed charter an opposition local agent took the pro- advisement. goOvV- ernment officials advised this man under Two favs later Canadian that this caller evidently had en- gaged a crew ‘to be the that South put on board boat Flattery and the to go to America to coal warships om Cape steamer was Investigation substantiated this report as to the crew, and show- ed the banker given as reference did not know the man, who failed to return. IRISH must HELP WAR OR LOSE HOME RULE ; Nov. 21 “We cot to either bid goodbye Rule this war,” London, have to Home or Welp England honestly in | said William O'Brien, of the House of Cork, leader Independent member Cam- of mons from and the writing Nationalists, to against a constituents, the reply who protested sug- gestion of eonscription. “were be “Trishmen,” he said, ing cruelly led astray, and rete attitude toward the government was inexplicable. This,” he eon- tinued, “was furnishing to certain English politicians their only ex- cuse of for deserting the cause llome Rule.” BIG COTTON Loan i FUND COMPLETE Washington, Novy. #135,000,000 loan fund, to help the whose great 21.—The designed cotton producers, to hands crop) threatened become a burden on their at the outbreak of the war, today Secretary Me- his stood complete Adoo declared of the that the suecess of the was assured the textile in announee ment fund's completion loan plan He said it had been delayed by oft selfish opposition certain manufacturers and local interests who have trie | to defeat it, AMERICAN TAILOR : CUT PRICES — Call and Save Money "Martin § 1S P 1U a The favor cl ‘ DR. GILMOY, DENTIST — 4 |NEW WELLINGTON cx Crown and Bridge Work a | dahon Dal Specialty. | Second Avenue e Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue | Bs Lae Phome 174 " UNION TRANSFER (CO © | "¥8% Hmeiee oo. ss Genera. traweren ano stonace | SMITH & MALLE Bouth Wellington Coa! Seage stock uve PHONES; 36 Office. RESIDENCE 110/} tings, Pipes e 339 | Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT Third Ave, Heed Second 8 Prince Ruper | Ales. M@. Manson, Bb ui. JOUNSTON ! W. E&. Willan. Seal Cove Phone Green 321 WILLIAMS @ "ANSOF ae colin Barristers, So! E money TO AN Boa 15% MAJESTIC ROOMS CENTRALLY LOCATED Conve- niences—Very Moder- Steam Heated—All! Helgerson Block i 1Office corner ¥nd PACIFIC CARTAG! LIN Sire ate Price SPECIAL RATE MONTHLY Genera! Cariay LADYSMITH COAL ' 83 Pro g REAR EERE EEE EERE x ee NE--35 3} JOHN CURRI 35--PHO 2 Contractor & Buiide 3] .Ketimates Giver n WN ; Phone Black 294 TAXI : aT ceiieettattaattin 2 ; i = IMPERIAL MACH a: 3 | Repairing Quict Dx _ REAR EREERERRERERRRER ERR DOMINION FUNERAL DIRECTORS Caskets and Undertakers’ Supplies at Prices Terms a oe ¥ Manager. COW BAY | } ; | JAMES GILMORE Architec 2nd Avenue FOR SALE — One Good Deliv- ery Horse, Cheap at Prince Rupert Dairy Phone Green 252 wy : Qyiqi4 - irirt ~ sino Faure SO OPOOOOPOOO OO EOE EEE OOF Phone 37 SAVOY HO! FIRST cLAsS CUISIN and Cold Ru we ali Rooms brands Cigars ** THE BEST HOTEL | BRITISH COL! PRUDHOMME & ~'°" Proprietors i tot Only finest me o eee Drawn for The Da AN HERE MORE LUCK A REGULAE HORSE » AOE