THE DAILY NEWS. eh VOLUN EER , | | svnsnvauavavavavavavarsensneneneneny wei SAIL FROM N) ’ DUMDUM BULLETS usep By enemy ? High-Grade Work Plumbing, Steaming and sheet metal at fair prices Western Plumbing Co., ‘a li War Office Denies That British) Troops Use Soft Nosed Bui- lets but Accuse Enomy Curry Bono oof | for and mana Star and Arne | | | keer REE EEREIES, | ————— hampton, buy London, Nov. 17 ' War Of | ees core eee Tt fiee issued tonich! tement | number of B denying Germai that | Care: Por ‘aot the British trooy dum taking with h aiaab oft 1: ia a | bland) , maintaining tha missle | barnes have been used b: ann SHINGLE’, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS rett lonnate The atement ibe the ’ nie The ston PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. ee | British and G: i e am a 2 wonnee ee munition as ve ur, the to Ave. end MeBriee O PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0. lets being pointed with steel and PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers GOVERNOR OF Warsaw the envelope coat th sup ~ nickel, covert thie re except Russian Official is Tak Pri at the base and conforming with| oner by the Germa the provisions of The Hague Con _— vention. d. 1913. London, No In the opinion of Sir Vietor| en years . vam Uine orse « e : probabl tie most} ’ e ; a it ino were the G ‘ i lowing at the Olympia last year humane projectile yet devised, ae — — f ridesiuy | ner | taf ue USI hy General Alderson, the com- |for the reason that the “long | 3 and Hlin telegras Canadian Expeditionary Force. The General’s |sojid point consisting almost en The Sunlight way is so easy that | ter’ from Amsterdar Adan seated on the horse’s back tireély of a hard nickel sheath,|} --just note. First you soap ‘ . 4 ee precludes as far as possibl any | the garment; then roll it up as |SLEW WORSHIPPER wWiTH tendency toward deformation of co Sees] see swone = res VISITOR TELLS WHAT A CITY seca ea a sheath prevents the bullet break A. WHITER wae Singh Acquitted of Murder by 4 ing up into fragments except in : rvoushens Was Also Killed | be tosoak. After a while you rinse it Se and the dirt drops out like magic. Why scrub, and rub, and wear and tear the clothes Concluding, the statement says: tee ne : : : |‘There is, however, clear evidence when the gentle strength of | t-a-tives ai ' livia OFFICER DESCRIBES TRENCHES OF THE ALLIES IN FRANCE— a She Sunlight Soap will do the anal that Germany has not confined q ial size, age. Igingty \ ion OPPOSING FORCES CLOSE TOGETHER — nebedit- nadie te Ges cite ot Oe work with never a hurt to ' Pruitetives al TRENCH FEVER ai dicks. aeaiia a fabric or hand mc ; Pee OF m — , unobjectionable ammunition. Her abric or hands. with the deat j Sir — ‘ “ tifteate provements. troops in both ‘Togoland and aa: — tn tne | iy Sikh te , . ine | i \ i A fe da afts hea x it for two or three France have been | ved to have a & = wining [ Cassiar is- | e ‘ b ht i as f : ld 5 ranee “ave er rove » he t te S li: saline rs three-quar rs oo aed : , Ve ess: a ons used bullets with a soft core and way. less, from Bily th et] ; | ‘ pr Hopper i a iong it ? ll sd of Allee Arm | , ; an envelope not entirely eovering ad 8 ’ sr Mineral s ked f f rr dire ; trenche The bad noise is the noise the cope; @htth type of Guties ie At all grocers ® . ake a em vide while ifle I K ‘eins ¢ _ , ee Se —* ee , : ; ; edb : : 46 - aa 7 7 expanding and is expressly pro- pate i ce _ eu ' — me Oyen ane’ se~lnhibited by The Hague Conven-|* o the date ieee i a m y wounded overshadows the! tion Recorder for a| t} Se ot % is, for the pur-| It hi ate i : © ure " tose shout you *n Grent of the ' ; ‘ i i he hem miles awa some that action, | ‘ } = ai@estins _ aunanest be ; en ¢ i i i ni \ . . PIwe e e a sullerme a tifeate of Im ™ ' vbich Krupp uns pre t : i ‘ wh ! i i” be september, A.D M ail E SALINAS. ; ‘ inn nal Se | : 555% Cee | It . } ; ' th a aht | i n trench N 3 t tl s, all] FIRE ALARM SYSTEM % . ha ‘ slep : 7 ° ind y because ‘ ‘ 3 leep they eo wu ave » he Ave 3 nay eu Ave * Gets the Trench Fever. Stes is vod and & wit x >» iting these she en 8th and 3 : ri K Vi is roar- . : 2 amt « / me ho | eould have | mt th St om 4! a » ‘ th h | t i he previous night ‘ > enews $3 Prince Rupert Feed Co. He lost his way |a y thoughts were in| yim 2 om 3rd St ® German sen-|N ind, thinking, I un-| p » DEALE! IN } + | j ne he that surrounded | t 2 McBride St. » Hay, Grain Feed | te McBride St x f : hie along ind wounded the ears oe vad St » and Seec's the Prenech | a th gun thunder and} te: 28 end 6th St » : he 2 | OHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY the : es, soldiers can write > Bi re hh is take hol : entrance of trenches | CIR “Oo. 3 x Agents for o : f vhalic i tre the : trenches funny ings mn fulton DOMINION NURSERY & , pty a ale ‘ oe mr = * } ORCHARDS co. here s< e® me lave ‘ ‘ heir tt eat a ane — september 18 and 3 in read | f; understand what brav- os omox Ave, | Mat! orders promptiy attended to ” oie ‘ Dodge PI u ins plion y means. pe to Thompson 8 — each trench: Tranchee de} “Now I am back in my train After the bath with BABY’S OWN SOAP the ci NO. 4 z ! lranchee” de I 1 which was loaded with skin is smooth, comfortable, and exhales the a . nd tome = oie ‘Chane Ge Se Kronprinz, ‘Tran-|s es for the fighting men, and aroma of freshly cut flowers. fer a2 memes Bt 7 | \ Kluck, Tranchee Vor with 345 wounded Eng-| : Freedom from skin troubles, explains in ee - ireem Gt 2 | i ] a water I i ' i Freneh wounded by GOVERNMENT of CANADA } { the oe a which onay s on Soap a —_ Basil § i njo ‘specially for nursery use insist on “Baby’s Own”. GT ay ; a | ADVERTISE IN } l i Guillaume d rifle bullets—some of iD Heng wy T — ey y ‘ : , : Manufacturers, - MONTREAL. ~~ Yung St : | rhe 1 h also have shtly, some severely, but | 70Svteqtebatel NR Brand Z ALBERT SOAPS Limited, oe TPR A eee fete teteb teint 7 iS with hote erful and with only one de- SS ee a SS ee SS PR OPOOOOOOOOOOOTE HE DAILY NEW ; : Ca re | eturn soon to the front ea = Se — ee i i Russel Trench, et We are pack, and my first oe ig ' irector Noisy Guns Do Little Damage. = guestion is, ‘When goes another - otk 1 wi 1) { the big Ge iin to the trenches?’ “Tomo ee 7 - ee CANADIAN PACIFIC tl noise be w night, is the answer. ‘Mer! - } ee ee : " st i ere or s train?’ ‘I will} hhabes p ua RAILWAY MW u thu 1 ke dered for this train? 3 = hen 7 pla But it) see to it,’ said the colonel. > | WINDSOR NOTEL Princess May southbound big a | L hoy : : will go : Cee | } ! a4 weay the trench ever, ane “« se retatesitiiaiaeen } Comer of Pins and Risen at Friday, 8 p. ™ ee ssilioed . a Wow y ; Prop : wl tre ! it gen my friends to eoame soon, s« i ere 1} Princess Maquinna south- ann a rs Fs, have anothe or e y awa ’ sleep. Mrs: oo — ; bound Sunday 8 p. ™ trencl . ver slod » : ench | lil ee i ; , _ a0 Phan , : At night} MARKANLA raLaane The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Peter ¢ ' | a ay Prince Rupert, It is the popular newspaper of — 7” i 4. @ MONAB, Genera! Agent by little} OFF IN BRITISH CRIME ; . —2 Corner Fourth Street and Third Ave =) ail the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all one aL pe . the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events Pin ay i shots are; London, Noy, 24, Phe falling Duropes sud Ninth 3 cit oviatan tn sine todas cli aud topics interesting to Northern British Colum- Ny ‘ each d 0 of erime in 8s ct ry i 1 ° } " = tain taba er bla bia, It treats these subjects with moderate opti- . » t eo (it an 6 ra) : 1“ go > war Ae ne or — SUBSCRIBE FOR hh An OR Ae DOS NDINE OF Che War. Ae . mism and reliability. | | ~ i } ‘ 4 > CImMaArKE *,, aac , T : j ’ | - | | he Frouch and Brit-|teuly remarkable, as eompared to The Daily News is the most valuable paper to Yt this une ’ “ years ago, T “eo . e : ‘ aes D. Casey $| NEWS wail ie ee nt, | thre eo There has been advertisers because it is read by the buying public, Sty martes wove | TH HE DAILY commanding Ofeer'sta diminution of 80 per eat in in IMPARTIAL It has a bigger civeulation than any other paper in oo ith and hea ear, ‘Chargezjdictable offences,” said Tustice | the vity, It is read by the class of people the Wirepe0n pi, | ial { improvements te!’ and the seeepTe alker in charging the grand : INDEPENDENT advertisers want to telk to. ty | Per Da } Certificate of im . mace to take! jn e justice e@ i at | ¥ | pn chance It Fraction, and Black pace to take! jury, Th ustice explained that * INTELLIGENT fe as nee " Mineral Claun { ate - ‘ hes Dy storm, he atiributed this deerease partly | > HOTEL b slo ' 455 1 . on . tears located : ! F acd j i of Oetober 42,}t0 the public restrain in wat ; THE " liocated betweet a of { Third 4 — ; “Aldebaran Minera Black . i er twelve trenches | time but principally to the redue y Wrens, at }Alice Arm, Ubserva mw . | | c Pie Steam sented | Hoar otinet 7. oe 1 by the Preneh five by ftion in the number of hours pub ; DAI | Y N EWS Waven “ ons the head of Alice j ind net One trenueh | lie houses were permitted to stay | 7 WO. | servator niet . 5, Pree ; — “Quon co, BE NOTICE tua hy two or three in the lopen » fee |} Miner's Certifica appl . Md 4 : sixty days frou al enerally all firing emeneone ° o the Mining t we . of Eiovoveasen git ov two hours, and} Por the aid of oihiates a ‘Texas Pmnoe Ruren ’ rT further 1 De ik the guns of both! invent: has patented a eruteh "PORTING 00, junder sectiot in imine 6o, Bi und Jogger vt a tervifie noise, but}with a folding eamp stool be.|f » FOOD rmaner ‘ Peenaied this 2tst da ' » quickly used to it that jtween its sides Pi toe ALINA | _ ~ WY! **ereeee