rue DAILY NEWS Pees ooo a — — - - + eye ‘ORUISER GLASGOW IS . 7 © rece e NOW AT RIO JANEIRO monte af Raw Furs then “The Daily News LOCAL NEWS ITEMS IN THE L E TTER BO x SeTRET ES, , Both r | arene Which Fought CLASSIFIED ADS. Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream. Leipzig and Dresden Shows ® | LAM'S TR _— Pr } ro the Editor T N efforts, why we cannot obtain Marks of Naval Battle. GUIDE french or Earince Sua cots ————— Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners.) '° te Editor of The News | P HALLAM'S TRaPrr pe FOR RENT > Mr. Editor ; ference t | esults without the slight . whe SUPPLY CaTacor Phone 4, tf. fr. Rditor,-With refer ni ra wals Nek } "The Gtveres ; oom een : ee _ ' . " ' ‘1 o one ad HALLAM Ss pf your complimentary remarks, i iry to anyone, ich was one Aw p .N Extra warm house, 6 rooms; ay. . naa ‘ , » Patina’ i’ ; wiser Glasgow, which wa FUR QUOTATIONS a hot. water fixtures’ and elve- Phe concert given by the Ladic ISaturdays issue, in connect My opinion is that the time has|"' rin ' ised in the Worth $60.90 to any ome ec lights; close in; splendid arbor . : “ee . fl : ‘ of we vesat engaged writ Siew, Alen four. fo ts neat business Musical Club netted the sum \ with my speech at Friday even-ja ed when the railway officials, th the Germat juadron J LIMITED snd aatress renter Apply VW. Mokiniey, bl eos ne on. a \ ‘ +i . . . feht with e jerman sd OHN Green Street Phone Red 337, u.| #234. It has been decided to buy ling’s fish dinner, in case any|City Council, business men, and aah vet of Chile November ’ “¢ . aes ) 5 bot " f ol re FOR RENT—Furnished rooms with, hot local canned salmon with this to wrong inference might be take generally, must get ra fhe dam nd cold water. Cloan and comfortabie . . » telaig “rere . ’ irrives ere ‘ f - wT Only $2.5 4} per , Klondyke How be sent to the Belgian sufferer from same, T beg to say my in friendly business terms and , 1 by the German shell ee Fulton and Seven venue. * +. . ge causes ; ‘ ie { = ; TI p rn tT Cc tention was to impress wv to work out to our m ; é_ iy vieible uaa eras emer a ee 1 rince uper owing Go.,, vas plain aibie FOR SALE dud teeta o ame Gils oll those assembled, that in my oj vdivantage every possible - na intament of KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY gener 0 1g: e new ec * oil} ; : ‘ ira tate ‘ ; tug “P.R.T. No. 4." Phone Rea] Se most important ques ee fight off Chile said the!) THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1 ug nas FeOr ‘ one er : why ‘ i { 24 FOR SALE—H en a. eo anton 5 a Black Add pol must now deal with is a la juilding and advancement , + by both the ing piano, dining roo set, ets, 1 Of or ack 322 ddress;: P. Gla w was ¢ ized b stoves, oak and mahogany dressers, | increase in the bona-fide fis ty 1 again repeat, the ex Builders’ Supplie brass and ri beds, Washburn mando- | Ry O68 rence or the Avance 7 ne yy | f e Gar 5 IPE e heeta in, sate typewr ter, de ck, eu WwW er ee oe 2 a ; population of our city, en i of our fishing indus ' nd I | Plumbers’ supplies Plate ¢ McKinley, 416 Green’ Street. Phone Re 1) Crude Oil Motor. 165tf. a in squadron while th rae HARDWARE ' 337 Titf ce“ «@ ing married fishermen with the every encouragement | 1 soharni my nt. 4 Oils icine SALE : t f six . — ati ine es being offeres o bon ot Sas Pees ae : Varnishes es were Granit vue bein eee rs rem of The Grossman clothing house familic¢ t make th 4 t bona . the Good Hoy d the Mon } , i Also fe, typewriter ‘re ne ‘ ancing i i en to come here th tl . feneeanaPather dae Tusuwste vapply| has opened today in their new|here—and in advancing that Brees Beng with th the TE aided That tie “| MONARCH MALLEABLE Pn = ned 987." ee postr” premises on the corner of Second proposition to be able to show A es and make this city tl ' » “i i Pho! " | w was no xl¢ \ aa . ’ { ye e here as}home, is one o » eres ct FOR SALR—New house, section 7 #100 Avenue and Sixth Street, the store|them that they can live her i i i f the great fa ail ei Oi Bee _ Pd. Box {90 ee vy formerly occupied by R, W. Cam-|["easonably and as well as they|that is going to make us a big ef I Be mora $$ << ° - . ' ’ 7 Pa a . Aft the batt ‘ ia ‘ “7 ore Seeererereroeetireetoes ‘ unm denmene 1 OF at other Coast t ob nd the time has arrived | FOR SALE— Tract of Land in Lekelsejeron. Mr. Grossman has a large|©®! in any other men Oly ae ae ee wccompanied by the transport NOT WHAT YOU EARN, BUT WHAT You save Vatiey comming £0, wares, cneh $30 and attractive stock and the im-|'#in as good prices for thei tart a campaign for it led rr , PROVIDES . & . : ; ; ; Otrant sailes uth and passes ror SALE —60-H-P capacity steam boiler | proved location ought to inerease product, and what will apply t Gko. W MORROW ‘hs . the Mireta ot Mien COMFORT IN OLD AGE fied. chea neap peg My "ab his business. fishermen will apply to all of us Prince Rupert, B. ©., November to the Atlantic Ocean NINETY-FIVE PER CENT OF THE MEN OF This ply Box on tt Daily News. 220i, es: 6 To my mind, this is now, 1Ot4. 4 ; COUNTRY AT THE AGE OF SIXTY ARE DEPENDENT WANTED Mr. Blakely, formerly employed, should immediately be quite fea- - THE WEATHER Upon Their Daily Earnings, Their Families or Charity for Suppor fat Work’s, will open a new jew-/sible, provided the City Council,| PRINCE RUPERT LODGE NO. 63, THE EASIEST WAY TO SAVE IN THE SAFEST SORT OF Way WANTED—Position as hous ekeoper st by le ‘Iry store in the Exchange Build-|the railway and the Dusiness in- 1. 0. O. F. Compiled 7. W. Dowling, 1S BY A POLICY IN widow with little girl. , Oo ox & | server. 7" sing in the office vacated by the C.|terests of all kinds get gether - <= ik eae 1944 THE EXCELSIOR LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY WANTED — Two-roomed furnished house RK. The place is now being fit-|on all important matters that in-| Election of officers Tuesday : ast of McB . ply B #18 Daily Barometer Of — on oe 268-271 | ted ». He li be associated thiterest all of us | November .24 All membefs re- KISSICK & EDWARDS t up. wi a ciated with us. Max. temp 7.0 | DISTKKICT AGENTS Warten —four_soum, Maes to _Seauen | a well known Yukoner as a Take the question of meats and|duested to attend. Min. temp 44.0 Sixth Street Prince Rupert, 8.0 j ae eck daee eaten . month until paid. Box 102, Daily ews. | sleeping partner,” fuel. Why should it now be nec-, \. R. PHILLIPS, N. G, Rainfall 1.56 eeerereroerroes ° li SMITRTAEE fe ec cess eoeeeets oF eee Slokbeeper ‘or ates : bic *asary ress tae essary for us \: bring meats from H. M. DAGGETT, Ree.-See sonable. Apply Box 115, Daily new, | For a te room, COME) pa njontor vig Vancouver and _—_— es ae ‘ito the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec- " . = seal —— ——— WANTED—Viewlot and house; close in;|ond Avenue, near Eighth Street. thence steamer and expensive We are snipette ee —_—— - quantities of pork to “ope, s oot ae e434, 000, | Will pay 0706 Newly opened. Steam heat and cold storage charges to Prince a. oo i fn » . ; a ~ s ro < agai f e ’ 8 Dally News. hot and cold water in every room.|Rupert, the same as we were mightier than the sword-—Es. MISCELLANEOUS Free baths. Rates reasonable. |,,))jooq to do years ago, when the * Par railway gives direct connections Cut flowers will keep fresh} NOTICE. I i SACRIFICE SALE pane hf 7 00a in about two days? Why are cat-|!onger if their stems be placed mi cash; | Dalance °F" bdel > cent, or The Canadian Patriotic Fund. |{!e not brought direct and — sand than if placed in wa . ° » A ‘ 0} i 3 “r, 1385, Montreal. tf, Will those who need assistance |sjaughtered here? [am informed > MARRY!—Why remain slone? Why not from the above fund, resident in that our bylaws prohibit the better your position? Our club is pri-|the city or district and whose ; [ bbet K vate and dependable. Best in the west, breadwinner is on active service erection OT an abbatoir on alien | Information 10c in stamps, Ideal In- . 7 v ' troduction Club, Box 264, Vancouver,|with the forces of the Empire or|!sland. If this is correct, why her Aliies, kindly notify the sec-|should such a bylaw be permitted | $15 WEEKLY—Men wanted everywhere, no|retary of the local organization. amns o- , matter how small the village, for tew . W. E: one LISON to remain there, to our own dis- hours” work in ae time, experience . 2 eee advantage? My opinion is that unnecessary, position permanent. The >. 6. Ba 158.1 ee . | Co-Operative Union, Windsor, Ont. aa lie the city should erect at once a } | WANTED. small but not too expensive slaughter house in a central lo- | MISS B. KAYNE Girl to assist with light house-jcation and charge a small fee to | ° ssdidaiemagnes s work whole or part time. Box 14, butchers per head for the use of | Professional Masseuse Daily News. tf.jsame. The railway should- erect Appointments by Phone ae aes - a cattle corral and shed to | c i A ; Call 110 ‘Salvation ent take care of cattle on arrival. | HE. Norfolk 1s a me on . ; ¢ a Public meetings, Tuesday, rhe Council should hasten the : ~|} Thursday and Saturday at 8 p.m.jcompletion of the roadway at serviceable two- Sundays at aie p. m. i once to the cold storage if at all purpose coat-——smart for vacwe. onnee wen bee & possible so that surplus stock * "RAILWAY COMPANY. can be kept in storage at mini- ' || street wear or travelling _ } NOTICE. mum cost and minimum eharges i and an ide al golf or titi | (i. eee Ge ee ent, oft of-date facilities are used prices i styled and tailored by | struct and operate the following lines of} must remain high. | BERBER EBEEES railway: (a) Commencing at a point on What sanlieés to this. avoiie expert needlemen. : | # |tide water, at or near the head of Kitimat at SP) » applies T Arm, following the Kitimat River,in a al s ‘meticsg ave , j FOR A AXI » northerly direction to the summit between to fue ! and prac bic ally every other } | kKititnat and Lakelse Lake, thence in a nor- > Pp . . Mar therly direction along the valley of the} me, and every combined effort 7 Lakelse Lake and river to the Skeena » ade ’ » C . _E. ¢ | ives. thats arocion thn” Ginana hirer should be made by the Couneil, I << by means of a high level bridge and over] p; av ¢ ‘itizer Of ‘oac = = bin the Grand Trunk Pacifie Railway with railway and citizens to approach ———-—— standard clearances, thence north-easterly se ‘ ars i We si. | a to the mouth of the Kitsumkalem River these matters in a broad, busi Pacife, Peace River and "Athabasca Rail way Company will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at its next session, for an Act, and following its course to the summit of for the old-time for long handling, just so long as haul and out- nesslike manner, and thereby ob- Seeax River, and thence, following the valley of the Nass River, at or nearjiain the results desired at the BRILLIANT Alyansh, &@ distance of approximately one PRINCE RUPERT AUTO co hundred and twelve miles; (b) from the|earliest moment. junction of the Blackwater River, with DUP AB LE RAKE REE RRR | bie zoe River, souowing the course of Population we must have and . the Blackwater River, to the summit be- ° ~~ tween it and the Galanskeest River, thence/the fishing industry must be the NOWNINI! LAMMABLE south easterly along the Galanskeest River to the Skeena River, thence up the Skeenajbackbone of that population; and River to the moutlf of Bear River approxi or NO HUST NO RUST ma Fifty-seven miles fishermen must be able to live a DATED at Ottawa this nineteenth day of jae 1914 here at reasonable costs, inelud- PRINGLE, THOMPSON, BURGESS & COTE, ; Solicitors for the Applicant. ing rents, lights, fuel, provisions, FOUR ROOMED HOUSE HAMILTON cam 88 FFALO.« + and there is no reason, with unit- ae rumishes CORNER SECTION 2 EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE Te FRED STORK’S With Bath—8th Ave. East $30 PER moO. FOUR ROOMED COTTAGE Near the Drydock $20 PER MO. THREE THREE ROOMED COTTAGES Across Hays Creek $7.50 TO $10 PER MO. APPLY TO— G. R. Naden Co., Ltd. 324 SECOND AVENUE ON PLANK ROADWAY $300 CASH BALANCE G. T. P. AND EQUITY AT $300 PER YEAR PATTULLO & RADFORD SECOND AVENUE 710 SECOND AVE Builders’ Hardware Stee! Blocks Pipe Fittings Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable tron Pipe Ship Chandlery Fishing Tackle Rifles and Shotguns Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated tron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” FRED STORK’S HARDWARE Sixth Street Cleverly | outing coat. WE ARE EX CLUSIVE AGENTS Bryant Company Limited Prince Rupert F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS)