nll AAALAC ews THE DAILY N 50 Special Effort to vive War News Immediately i, Is Received ae apanne ne THE DAILY N ho PRINGE AI TTY HALL PERT, B TUFSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS ERM AN NAVY LOSES TWO MORE SHIPS-—-VON HINDENBERG AGAIN REPULSED BY Y RUSSIANS GERMAN NAVY. HAS LOST SUBMARINE AND DESTROYER ‘TISH PATROLLING VESSEL RAMMED AND SUNK sUBMA- RINE — DESTROYER MET WITH AN CITY TREASURER’S STAFF REDUCED FROM SIX TO THREE | |IN REPORT TO FINANCE : COMMITTEE TREASURER SIGNIFIES | HIS CHOICE OF CLERKS — COUNGIL GIVES HIM ACCIDENT. . FREE HAND. Pe Son rhe Admir-lteers and twe u On A report from the city treas-| was of longer standing than Mr. the German | one of the i i | urer to the finance eommittee| Vance the treasur@r reported that pre ie came Setars the ieiinll lnoty oe a as y has been A dispateh m | nhager a TE Teen OF tee te Wp williong to abide by their decision. lish patroling| says the Da h steamer Angl City Hall. The treasurer report- Alderman Montgomery moved I marine foun-| Dane collided in Ore Sound with ed that by crowding matters a lit-|that the treasurer's report be a German torpedo boat destroye tle he could cut his staff in two| adopted and thet he be given a rt hip rammed the 8-124, which foundered. One of and recommended that Messrs.|free hand in the choice of his 12:90 yesterday |the German sailors, who, accord- WELL EQUIPPED GERMAN RED CROSS .\ detachment of German Red Cross soldiers in Bel- Clapperton, Carmichael and Me- staff. , I 18 was not seen ing to the report, was rescued by ~— They are equipped with guns and dogs, used to scent out the wounded. Lennan be let out.. The remain- Alderman Dybhavyn seconded being ed until 1:20 in/the steamer, was seriously injur " ' _ ing members are Messrs. Birch,|this and it was carried, with Al- al hen she appeared |ed and succumbed to his injuries Allestone and Vance. He said his|dermen Morrison and MeCly- flying a white | after being taken on board. ‘The EXTRAVAGANCE UNDER ‘CABINET MINISTERS GEN. VON HINDENBERG selection was purely from an effi-|mont dissenting. -~Those in favor ire mainder of the crew of the de- BAN OF DEBUTANTES TO VISIT THE WEST } AGAIN IS REPULSED ciency point of view. On account| were Aldermen Montgomery, Mor- hortly af hat she founder- | I stroyer were drowned. | MAY MEAN ELECTION — of the fact that Mr. Carmichael|rissey, Dybhavn and Basso-Bert. ; livitieh destroyer) A dispateh to Renter's says the! Baltimore Buds Sign Pledge to London, Nov. . 24.—Reports | vines on enasheiennmennensinesatitiateatatinaitiamueaisiieill ry side. The Brit. | rew of the 8-124 has arrived at] Insure Absence of Rivairy It is @ very significant fact that \from Petregrad say that General jest scued three off. | Copenhagen. | in Entertainments. ? ath oe es rm yen |Von Hinderberg’s advance upon ELECTRIC DEPT. LONDON POLICE HEAD more than one Dominion Cabinet| Warsaw has been checked. SHOWS BIG PROFIT 1S KILLED IN BATTLE e i Baltimore, Md., Ne 4—Thir-| Minister intends to visit the West | It is further stated that a vie- en —— yiS OF MISFITS GOVERNMENT MAY PAY dae pean caine anal ‘this fall. The News has it on the|tory has been won at Kutno by The aa light department |Casualty List Contains Names of ! ; a lhest of authority that a wire has|the Russians in whieh 12,000 will show less revenue by about Three Well Known Officers. ARE NOT ANNOUNCED re ; ee ee ee been received from Hon. Sam|prioners were taken. It is also $400 for this month than the cor- Me: gress It is expected that the provin- ty th the next few weeks Hl ne aving that he will visit}said thet & new Russian army hes responding month of last year. London, Nov. 23.—It is an- pion From canadien Con- - a r ‘uae "aie , lean agreement which |;), : ; ae " Whe cabinet seastea the battle line. : {There are about an equal num. /nounced that “ pneu e- aes Megarded: an ditine hand over oe a eli _— ie silica Rees inde shat tin stein Oia 5 hen a eas ber of consumers but they are \cers have been kitted fa the fight- ishment Enough. eer, a - . gances the spective sé nt for unless an_ election THAT TARDY GOVERNOR. mostly sindil ones. The chief big)iné in France: owe _ on Market Place adjoining their wa consumer missing this year is|¢ral Norman Reginald McMahon, a property. The government agent jeial 1 ewe, and \predace : ee AS That . ft the electric|the works of the late Archie Me-|0f the Royal Fusiliers; Lieuten- The names oMul now in the south and their fa s to re-|! of the fact that some of an nig ws ; ad ant Colonel Raymond J. Marker f the Canadian eee re , tl strongest Conservative pa- | plant is causing a lot of diseus-|Dougall. In spite of this, how- ) ' y . , s expected to bring back a check f-om extravagané nte . sion and trouble among the city|ever, the electric department will|0f the Coldstream Guards, and e to be returned). jotion was passed last night tl Sing : Canada — tat an fathers. The Canadian General|show a net profit of some $7,000/Captain Sholto William Douglas, : Plain WH Reverlinat upon receipt of the money An cement was made ‘ al, cs se cae sree | Rleotete Company is under con-|for the year. June was the only|/chief constable of the London ie dando at oe a coer. en fyiew of the widespread misery) ca fely widishal: ai the i tract to have had it here several wee ao that does not| Metropolitan Police. vlween rbth eel ane if | -~ as > haven’ > show yfit. —_——__-—_—_——- I lopartment of mi- sath ty edenthted GUD. - aused by the war the debutantes if d be re wa eo mise OW a pre a RITONIE SEWER CASE. she de ahd | have agreed that the entertain- up to &. Ham ine pampany ange anneian 6700s ee ck from the COURT OF REVISION. | ments be given by them will EASTERN ELECTION who is installing the machinery we maine mesenel A wire from the ite. coleiee oréisiaites ‘ex. a | be free , extravagal here wants to put in a hand sys- Aeon i ie athatae of the appeal disorderly con- fhe court of revision to decide | der that large ibutions may VOIDED BY COURT tem that ne says will do until the Officials of the Alaska Steam-]'" the Ritehie sewer case came up shment of be-jon the voters’ list for next elee-|be made for the relief of suffer-| other ee ship Company have announced|!ast night at the Council, The n their fellows|tion will meet in the City Hall at|ing both at home and abroad Agents of Conservative Member- : Some of the members of the that the vessels of their fleet will| Judges decided by three to one in suMecient without]}2:30 p. m. It will consist of the} The hope is expressed that) Elect Found Guilty of cone gee ~ eee continue to run to and from Alas-|favor of the city. 3 being given un-|mayor, Alderman Dybhavn and | those entertaining apna Corcupt Pease oe 2 . aa —c he , *~\ka by the inside passage. Anim-| Alderman Montgomery, in view Canada by the| Alderman McClyment. |will “co-operate in this effort to (i ania, any the hand affair — wee pression prevailed in some quar-|0f this, wanted the Counsil to e help. anmedin: CS }ward simplicity.” Halifax, Nay, 24.—Judge Rus. — ~ if it es wot ” ters that the corporation might} Hroceed with the settlement of a certain num-|MAISER STAKES ALL v yesterday Aled his decision we Cree = route its vessels to Queen Char-|this matter by arranging to have from the Cana- ON POLISH BATTLE BUILDING BUNKERS the Vietoria County, C. B.,|Others df pu cam ¥ lois Baan ber the eutaidn senna ther veahéania ef thie sal s not taken by , of ON PORCHER ISLAND | election ease. He declared the ee ne i ey 4 panes but the company, it is stated, has tied up with the sewer. It will 1s being any se-| | bonden, Nov. 23 The Post's] leleetion void for corrupt prac-|'e P ol — os ol "F _|never contemplated any such|be remembered that this is a pri- santa cet, as | Petros uid correspondent says:} Aldermaa D, H Morrison, who jtices by agents of the respondent, They anme the btw ? ; ake etic ta ia tontt bole vate sewer running over ole recognized here Emperor William is staking his jh 1s been doing some work on Philip MeLeod, Conservative sa patie or ( oe 7 — With the closing of Broughton property and that the owners re- be black sheep all upon the great battle tn Po-| poreher Island, was back in his | rave nber-eleet, He decided, how- aes Re . % - pF * Strait by the Canadian naval of. fused to allow any more connec- i when it is con- land He has brought his finest|}piace at the Couneil last night | ev that no corrupt practice a 7 “a orga . 7 cials, the steamship Alameda was tions without a® suitable charge, ry large proper. troops from France borrowed the |/ije is constructing a 400-yard j\was proved to have been commit- ne: _" fi a ie a : - despatched by the. outside route which the applicants considered who went from |¢*! cavalry, namely, the Hun |erave bunker for W. R. Morri-|ted by either eandidate. He then aie ss , a ’ while the company investigated exhdrbitant. The Council, how- ala wer been accus./2etian horse, depleted his garri-|son at Secret Cove. named twenty-three persons who |Hothing In the matter. the* remaining available inside}ever, thought it better to wait for line of any kind|*°"* by moving their guns wher Mr. W. R. Morrison has an @X-|have been proved at the trial to erry TAXES ARE ae channels. Two channels, Weyn-|the return of the city solicitor in of rejections te/*¥*’ possible, and now strikes for }eellent gravel bed over there. Iti have been guilty of a corrupt NoT Comina in|" Passage and Blackney Pas-|order to have his adivee on the i victory death Having based/is located on a coast not very | practices including Dr. Joseph os sage, were found to be every bit} matter, i ee all his hopes on crushing France Ifriendly to the big seas and after}}ayes, Conservative organizer, According i a conference of|as desirable as Broughton Strait. NADIAN HORSES REACH he now is similarly turning "build x a bunker there found he/and W. H. Muirhead, Halifax, The the finance committee with the|Some of the company’s masters WASHED NUT COAL—$8.00. BARRACKS AT LEEDS Russia, and this battle must ° |! ould net get to it in bad weath-|jydge acquitted the respondent of city treasurer fears are expressed prefer Blackney Passage as New Wellington Coal Com- af cide the fate of Germanys whole ler, Now he is having it rebuilt} personal responsibility for bis] i114 tne city will be $6,000 in the against Broughton Strait. Tt is/Pany, Phone 116. . P ' Mr. Claude | ®dventure . pon ee _ — ageet tn.thig. coameerian. TBs, pe hole with the bank at the end ofjeclear of obstructions, with high BAZAAR. trade commis. Macher, ond De Sh) the |titioner will have the eosts of the this month, This is beeause|bold land on either side. Black- , 5 ihe I ined WILL EXPERIMENT |, wel a short distance by rail. |¢pijal, . taxes are not being paid, The|ney Passage lies east at Rename On Wednesday, November 25, Ii WITH SMOKED FISH ). vantage is thet the present : . . . afternoon and evening, the ladies nd 300 Canadian | es : date of discount was extended to|Island, while Weynton Passage . meesbetertan Chee ae Dritish army have wore oh G. W jsite cam be renched — come ve Gaver November 30 in the hope that/lies west of the island. af the Breshyterion ae . endian , a Wim. Shrubsall, oper? 7: i weather A few days more will FISHING BUSINESS sve weniiiieas’ tm Siete ean pee roe E hs hold a sale of work in St. An- the } esha SM Nickerson, applied to tn : nplete the buunkers. om in will diieinss ae a ee oe WELSH TIN INDUSTRY drews Hall of plain and faney L for a ‘8 to be traim-Joouncil last night for the priv \lderman Morrison reports} The Couneil last night gave au-| ° , HARD HIT BY EMBARGO) *eWing, candy and home cooking. purposes, The ilege to erect an experimental that tHat seetion of Porcher Is-|thority to the mayor to eall a this faet the finance committee Many useful and ornamental este Ss hed by the joeal amokehouse for fish on Lol land is a good hunting ground for|meeting of the City Couneil, the is very wary of new expenditures, Swansea, Wales, Nov, 24.—The]cles suitable for Christmas gifts. . ‘gnificent crea-| pio, 47, Section 4 rhis is | agen While there he has been|local member, Wm, Manson, the ELECTRIC CLUSTER prohibition of the exportation of|A musical program will be given ™ vst stamp, ‘They the same block as the elect able to supply his eamp with/fisheries committee of the Board FOR ELEVENTH STREET tin plate to Denmark, Holland andjduring the evening, Bring your AEN fy thing Ee lighting plant rhe oes © | fresh meat continually, of Trade and the heads of the nd Sweden will mean the closing of] friends. ed . was speetor had refused peermisstol ~~ fishing business in this district P. McLaughlin and nine others thirty-five mills and will direetly Whey | ely by the train as there was ne r ‘ errs THE MAYOR LAUGHED. to consider means of assisting | petitioned the City Council for an} afreet 1,700 men, cones Mbere.| * coast, and SOMO loring such an institut eT ws the industry in the eity, The re-lare light at the corner of Elev- init ee WANTED. A th Were witnessed pointed out that exper’! The mayor actually laughed |sults of Friday night's banquet is}enth Street and Third Avenue, WANTED. People to come and see our Mit leeds before the ment was success! manent lout loud last night, Never mindlevidently taking effect, It was|They reported this to be a dark! Yo know of reliable party going immense stock of Second M the Y stabled with-lyuiiding would b It Was) nat he laughed about it is the}shown clearer than ever before}and dangerous corner, The elee-|to Rastern Canada within al% Hand Furniture. We must seforred to th 1 of wae psychological fact that is import-|that it was suicidal for, the city |trie superintendent reported that} month. Apply Box 4, Daily News. dispose of it at once, Prices . = . repo . : P . oe a . : THE CRADLE. and the eily so! i ant. It is rumored that the fish|not to foster the business, Tfjan are light er: would cost oe ; ee susie =a e to suit everybody. Corner of w ies BASKET BALL. banque was the eause and that everybody gets together now $900 while a otunien which — rhose Ren Jobs an om Third Avenue and Soventh: Ms. - to ‘ite. eel Tonight a. inkl ever since lie has heen euhibiding, there will be something doing tulalt the foment wen only cost on Frits oe a = 80 Street. Farniture Stores. h, \ a, SAA Mialiled and the (| 1 8 15] the finest kind of good nature; The date for the meeting will be} #5 or 86, It was decided to in- ~~ ren's toys repaired, tone Phones No. 86 and 465. a Obs abarp. 4t| Hurrah for the fish! announced tater, stall a cluster at this point, 583. at