THE DAILY NEWS : | a PLOT TO RESTORE THE DaiLy News FO EE, CONTRACTORS MUST THE LEADING NEWSP NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA i NTINUE $3 WAGE: THE MANCHU REGIME ™ Pubiched Dal 7141s (cae | = —— . TO POWER IS FAILURE Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation Joint Sewerage Board Gives Noti- fication That it Will Not Allow Terms to Be Changed. eT S.S. Prince Geor,, PTT Ls Sails for Vancouver. vy, toria and Seattic on Fy), atoa.m Pian to Replace Chinese Emperor Back on Throne Followed by Arrests and Executions. H. F. MeRAB, EDITOR AND MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. to wake up some morning and| Vaneouver, Nov, i 1 ° “oO ‘ac ' » Central : ° spec TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—60 cents per inch. Sontract find that their grand big fleet|the contractors for the a so Chicago, Nov. 23 A special rates on application. was in the bottom of the sea, | Park _ae Me China cablegram to the Chicago Daily and the Germans supreme on | reek trunk @ower Rave given no |News from Pekin, China, says: i 23,—Although Through Service to The East Over the | GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RaiLwa, : St, Paul, Duluth, Chicago and al! Eastern Ooni. For pointe EAST of CHICAGO use the arany TRUNK , Make your Gieeping Car Reservations early ¢o. + - Full information apply to @. T. P. Ticket Office T AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHip | = . . Passenger trai eeping « DAILY EDITION Tuesday, Nov. 24, 1944 the waves. Yet it -is only by | tice to the men that the 835 a day | Sun Yu Yen, an old-time ae ee Taian fen ts tte . 5 tee v9 Te ' looking -at possibilities not} wage will be abandoned and the}. holar and oficial, petitioned Edmonton, Saskatoon, Melville, Winnipeg, ete. con, : " | meee a probabilities) like this that the|rate of pay made 30 cents an Yuan Shi Kai last Monday to re- E D I T O RI 1 A L s- Empire can be awakened to its|hour, the joint sewerage board place the Kmperor on the throne | _— live duty. Tt is with satisfaction | will require the contractors to live with Yuan Shi Kai retaining the! ————-_— nv eee err that it is now learned that Can-|strietly up to the terms of their) ney phe censors impeach. | It is thoroughly understood thirds of that of the British is- ada is to raisean army of over|contract, which specifies that the | |, Sun Ju Yen, who has been ar- = by the British government, al- lands at the present time. 100.00 for active service. This|*3 a day wage shall prevail. At rested, os . - an though not altogether by the , wee should have been done months | the meeting of me board a reso “The propaganda, which had ineltiets Odiete, thet the geen. : It is true that drafting orf ago, yet it is better late than|lution was passed instructing - proceeded for some time with the | MUSIC P.O. Be conscription was necessary in never. If the war keeps on|secretary to notify the contra object of bringing about the res. | ent war threatens the very ex-| some states to procure their] Britain is certain to need|tors that the board will not per rani othe Menchus, tae #e-1 Teacher of Violin and All NHANGIN( Setenee af the Britiah impire. complete quota of troops for every man $hat Canada ecan|mit any variafion of the terms of an tt : + est of niany | — | NTIN It is realized that should the the war in this country and send and it is just as well|the contract and the $3 wage — - " cane nd tant an tan ee 2 HING AND Allies be defeated in the final that conscription was universal for us to get gown to business|must be paid until its comple- tag = si setae | none wreen 27 INTING operations the invasion of throughout the South, but at once. tion, : aiediaahas and sees ‘ail ' | Great Britain is certain, and) armies proportionately great- oeeseesiilintiatateanrnstignesinenas The contractors appear to rec- Manchus were arrested, twenty that the best which could be , : thio 3 ofeia 9 i — . progres a er than that wan h Britain |SUPPLIES FOR BELGIUM enize that the board has power being executed. The members of Martin Swanso expected would be the devasta- promises to raise were en- ARE SENT FROM SEATTLE |'0 enforce the order for they in- in é rial family claim to be| : : : me mnperté am ; oOo be Second A tion of the islandsand the im- rolied here by voluntary en- ee ee timated that if the 83 a day wage ; ' . : : in ignorance of the movement. position of a war indemnity listment before the necessity 2 : os ji : insiste y Ww 1 be , eeiaeraege Ear Mart rt ( } Seattle, Nov. 23.—A vessel sup-|Was insisted upon they would be ke former Menpenee sent 6 let | CUT PRICES - pp for conscripton arose.—Seat-| jied by the American Belgian|compelled to refuse employment : , ae . try for several generations. It tle P. I oe , ie : : ter to Yuan Shi Kai urging that) e a commission will sail Trom Seattle|to @ great many men sent out to | a ve oney is for these reasons that an + 28.6 . / dia the movement must prove abor- about December 15 by way of the|them by the board's officers and : : army is being mustered which It takes an article f . to merionse The| ive and saying that he is unwill ' - article SFom ©/Panema Canal, carrying supplies|insist on experienced men. The! | 1. neve China plunged into The favorite Mouse ] will be out of all comparison foreign and friendly paper'|,, — a . ~|position tt the members of the . , ae re 9p 7 vaperitrom the Pacific Northwest for) Position Shab the menier new strife. It is believed that OR. GILMOY, DENTIST = ee Om greater than any which was such as the above to open ones |ine destitute people of Belgium.|board take up is that there are - ~ . ; po ’ | wy WELLINGTON con : ; ; ; . : 5 uan Shi ai toree ie hanperor . , | , aape Sedna. eenees 66 'she Set eyes to the seriousness of the/Parmers are contributing liber-|Plenty of experienced men avall- to send we letter , eae 8 ~ Bees -~agetalig 7 : : ‘ » ” se er, : . ish islands and its dependen- war. British people have been}aijy. Wheat. flour. beans peas, jable. atsil ’ Specialty. | secona Aeenes Pree cles. so used to ultimate victories|pacon, canned salmon and con- a serene a oe cae ane Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue 4 that a few repulses are never |densed milk are accepted, Cash |PRINCE AUCTIONS HIS ese a ” * ieved the | — It is possible that to raise) taken to heart and they refuse | contributions are expended for BELONGINGS FOR FUND wate a. will be s le to dom- | a — an army of that size it may be/ to consider the possibility Of|yurchase of food. The port eom- —- mabe the’ suustion. UNION TRANSFER CO | for PLUMBING AND HEATIN necessary to resort to con-| defeat. With the present|mission has set aside a ware-| “onder, Nov. 23——The furni-| ee or a16ee. @ananat traneren ano stonsae | SMITH & "MALLET scription. It should not be so} strength and resources of the|house for the use of the Seattle | U'’ ®@4 other personal belong- : South Wellington Coat Largest stock ce ay: ; ; ‘ : : ‘ : s rs of the Prinee of Wales ir ca ee aiffouver, (ra ‘ and | ae na Even ee Allies the betting in any sane |Ghamber of Commerce, which is ca 2 m a oat Ce - eid Swiss Doctors Discover Prepa- ag ok. yoy SOancs sueene Thied _ Mead of Second Bt - % Ste, . : s rooms xhore ere ~? > con - ~ ain has 7 army ogo community would be on their) in charge of the work of assem- ie eed etek oe aed ration Which May Do Much - Prince Rupert , . ; yi . y ree 8 ) men under arms, that we side with strong odds but there |pjing the cargo. . % Service for Armies in Field. be considerably less than*the| would be no betting unless the seek Princes’ fund to aid sufferers BOAT BUILDER FS nmepiomene number of men enlisted in the unexpected often happens Any-| The weight of ore cars descend- aL ee i Geneva, Switzerland, Nov, 23. mantel | Alex. M. Manson, BA United States for the great body knows, who has evérling a mine in South Africa is he sale realized 970,000. Pne) A preparation which, iis said, H. JOUNSTON W. BE. Williave. 8A. L Neat : ; erince a . ‘te . } Civil War. According to the played the game, that you can-| used to produce power by pulling Prinee bimes If conduct ted the will stop almost instantly the }Seal Cove Phone Green 321) WILLIAMS @ NANSON best estimates the actual num- not play football by logic..|4 cable wound around a drum that sale, which .was held in his flow of blood from a wound has sip 't Barristers, Solicitors, Et ber of men enrefled on both; Neither can you so decide the|drives a dynamo. rooms. Among the bidders was}ioon invented by Professor Theo- Pi. ae sides in the Civil War was up- fates of nations at war. ei one of the Rothschilds, whol gore Kocher, of Berne, who was Helgerson Block Prince Kuper, wa Of BESO N0G;. and Chie -is gmiopislh : A new buttonless shirt for men nougynt three walking sticks for awarded the Nobel Prize for sur- MAJESTIC ROOMS _ in a country in which the pop- What an awful shock it|is fastened by pulling a string $10,000, gery in 1912, and his assistant, CENTRALLY LOCATED iffice corner ¥nd Streri « ulation was not over two- would be to the British Empire |that runs through eyelets in the AUSTRIANS, TURKS AND a Si NS: : SP ada a. ‘PACIFIC CARTAGE Le _ — ————— gen | Kand and front and tieing a eanmans ARE DIGMISSED ration is called coagulen. . yaa | -” | : rice Successors to ‘ single knot. It is in the form of a powder e BY TORONTO FICIALS General Carieve . oe om and is dissolved in water before SPECIAL RATE MONTHLY LADYSMITH aia Toronto, Nov. 23.—Peremptory being applied to a wound. The | 03-—Phone vs quananrago ||erders were given by the Boara|“°overers of coagulen have | oo eenawhheennrerie American 6iik of Control to the chief civic offi- |™#de 4 sift of their invention to JOHN CURRIE HOSIERY cials to immediately discharge the armies in the field, and haye We Want You to Know any Germans, Austrians or Turks sent large quantities of the pow- 35-—-PHONE--35 These Hose th “ b es loyed in their re der to the surgical headquarters They stood the test when rey have employed in eir re- all others failed. They give spective departments. This was real foot comfort. They have ||the outcome of a strong protest |"! es. TAXI no seams to rip. They never : * nisin aentigs te heseamn if oe mod made by+ Alderman McBride Contractor & Bulider Estimates Given on » « Butld Phone Biact 294 THE LIGHTS O 'LONDON. Why are men out of work in British Columbia? the shape is knit im mot coven the detention of ~ ee mneweaes Because there are not enough jobs to go round. One hun- — are a ee ? ee ea ‘" | When They Are Out the Accidents IMPERIAL MACHINE § fineness, ve works department. e doc- - Are Multiplied. ALF HALLIGAN Repairing Quick!y Don of the German and = French / : : dred families earn a living making and selling flour—the styl le, for superiority of ma- . ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR. terial and workmanship, ab- tor has been employed as an en- If everyone in British Columbia used only ROYAL STAND- solutely stainless, and to w ee ARD FLOUR, a thousand families would earn their living in P shent Aoiak wan ee eee a ’ ’ B holes or replaced by new |/missioner Harris gave him @ very] through the streets of darkened RARARAARRAAAAREARARREKRREE gineer on drainage work for the] Now York. Novy. 24. | } ! | }COW BAY Pi REL | | the Province. pairs free i . . good character, saying he-had re-|1, i di You can help to increase the number of jobs in British Go- OUR FREE OFFER tained him in the department aft- nna “i mere persons than JAMES GILMORE lumbia by using ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR. To every oue sending us ' sae Tinat ae Seapen Sa 6 awae co re ' 50c to cover shipping er consultation with the police) Zeppelin would,” said Lord Rich. a eee eee - @ Dest other flour you ever used. charges, we will send, sub- and military authorities. When ard Neville, of London, England cmemn a oe nS ES Fee tr thaw the hont-pee Bier need. ject to duty, absolutely free: |/the war broke out Dr. Kohlman}yyon his arrival here aboard the We sell it with a guarantee printed on the sack. Your money Thaee pairs of our famous was put on parole, and reported | steamer Transylvi pee mvenee, near 5 back if dissatisfied—no questions asked. AMERICAN SILK HOSE to the authorities regularly 7 oe Order a 49-Ib, sack today and try it. You save your pocket, pone om gry GUARANTEE, usin ‘ballon Seer et th ghe- la.) re : ae oo poet who — . 3 . : . 3 , ~|beleve tha 1e darkening of the i ox #1 your table and your eity. You support a home industry and Three pairs of our Ladies’ sage of the board's order Dr.jeity js unnecessary,” continued ms you take no chances—-because ROYAL STANDARD FLOUR is Hose in Black, Tan or Kohiman quit. I . le a as good flour. White : ge ge ord =Neville. On moonlight } GUARANTEE. In build tee nights the enemy would not have , ilding future cathedral mer DON'T DELA¥—Offer ex- Europe it might eaeene “ phe the slightest diMfleulty in locating P - ® OLAss CUISINE pires when dealer in ; ; it.” One Good Deliv- Mot and Coid Running we oa } ed armor plate in their construction. |'* H Ch all Roome ‘ 7 ° locatity ected. vi eS —_——————______. e orse eap at Only finest brands of Liquor | Vancouver & Grain color and sige desired. Small amounts of boxar, fre- According to . ' : ry : P ; Cigars Ker ’ a z 1% to a French physi THE MEST HOTEL IN NORTHE < a - international Hosiery quently sprinkled on substances |cian spinach is “the br p f the BRITISH COLUMBIA Vancouver, New Westminster, Nanaimo and Victoria 21 Bittner Street on which flies breed, will kill their | st ‘h” ae 1 upert : PRUDHOMME & FISHE Dayton, Ohio, U. 8. A. , r}stomach” as it cleanses and puri. ' eges and young. fies that organ. Proprietors Phone Green 252 lat encooesennni Scoop Is Is “Off” ’ That Lucky Stuff | For Life ° : Drawn for The Daily \ | fn rf SAY! oo GWe Me TIME) TLL THROW IT /{“ vz NN N Sy vv ie SUS < e Y | , Wis 1} @ 1944 - wre - 34 ~ DALIO - mo i.e. < ts olla: VW " i