— Novernber 24, 1094a. yest THE DAILY NEWS. eS ————— ~ - — — Ps ” : : a — We — OITY OFFICIALS THinx RALGIA SET TLED COUNCIL'S OUT 1 UO SEve RE not France called ; al her J OOee OTT SOOEL ISS SIORT LEDS men every time the country has : p IN HER LUNGS Vaneou er, N been in danger? © we notle al the city hal eaieed our “mobil: be tdeaal re and sheet metal work 1] 5 ’ EP ! £ Relief From The Pain Until as to the cut cal methods, in 18 Have notl® at fair prices Western . Ld She = “ Fruit-a-tives ”” Gouneil ins the fs ; a if ‘ ontenes irmed ¢ pomesnvtt teat, ONT MaY5th.1913. lorariums of al ervia an nlenes ied 01 | ott etree ees CdneheeebeerteNEnen Pep not k too highly of fr Ms toe their nation for the common — — ‘ - : wer thirty years, rom ’ reasuyr pe boo. rr rom chronie ona total is that th: good? Has not Germany already " ; experiencing untole god Constipa 2 an in pe erally, deem the gent to the front contingents of agony ttles of medicine re ® Li fangs * relic e doctor told me I ee es young volunteers, 1 veare of ee get tter but ' Pirnitea- The argument age, who have barely had two oan’ tl de . ; ves” proves rae cam the threatened months’ training, arming them! = ely curing me early part of the with old rifles, and, according to| SHINGLE’, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS nay ny present health - ' es itra-tives”” ond repeated with a vee ee epers, | That | PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER C0. Hit wen ‘ inity of giving Many of then i 18 how she defend the country ; te bet uch @ splendid Be oe | A. 4. BURROUGHS, Manager gou thi tives ", to meet on the when it is in danger, and yours, |} tat Ave. and MoBride 8. PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0. a HAN DUNN. will now withou like mine, is in danger. And the PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers ye. box i naan selves e@trictty danger will only di sappear when| cteco i i |, Ottawa, the ruthless sl: we are at Berlin in force. y Fi A couneil’s decisi Certainly this will require sa ey e ey Black Beer | P28. rifices from the people But i aft . in the suecns Min- Many of the of is necessary that England should| ners loca “hance it Prsetion those who receiv: make them as well as France, and| on * ‘ims near heed Tf) should not be tou: she should make them all the} er Minera wootet £2 ia again, think that th more easily since she has not the cuts Monday’s labor clean a A 4 branch Of OD-) cibly be worse off tha expense of keeping up a perma- in half “Tal Ni ri CE tha vege Sn day man who has n nent army, the existence of which wi f ' oon ner oe pee | wages touched but whos: would have sufliced to prevent The Sunlight way is so easy improvement the purpose Of | time has been reduced 50 per cent | this war. --just note. First you soap Mind furiber take notice Mat MB by the resolution of the alder Sacrifices—Certainly. oi the garment; then roll it up a is Certificate Of IM@-Jinen, and that it amounted t But you should judge whether ; to soak. After a while you provemen! wf f ies td ‘ 4 ‘ ‘ nai = mound ibis f September, A.D.) practically the same thing in the |CANADIAN OFFICER MARRIED aT PLYMOUTH, ENG.—_Liow! a a right that your clerks ae it th ‘hly and the PEDRO SALINAS. | ee ’ |should remait sir desks 7 end ho lL. W ums one of the officers of the First Canadian your r ; " o .s > ae - ne ee er ; ole while ¥ ? ‘ your agriculturis ‘ "es Certificate of im morovemems. —s On the whol tl fi- | i ‘ vl iarried within a few days of his arrival at their anaae sik “me ae ye Why scrub, and rub, and rl it ; (att. *iale ' . ati ‘ eit . . _— ‘ ieir e ’ i — eerains i of Cassar Dis-| °°! are not vxa : : ' Plym h, England Madem jiselle Charlotte Susanne Jose, a ee wear and tear the clothes wick . in over the prospect of sadly dimin-| d ty tt French woman, at St. Andrew Ch I that turers should employ their time when the entl of locate Abou y bets ene ome at St. ew's Church in la . wa 0 ‘ wi , a fy ished incomes, they are inclined city rhey never wo or heard of each other until th t ae ee, Se Sunlight S x a 4 the bead © Arm | y Neve Be oO eC Of each o wT iti iey me So: eat foe Hiack Bear Mineral claim) {co yview the matter philos phica few days before the cerem The pict 1 tl 1 1 ee ee ee work ith os - . > j i ew Gays betore the ere my i@ piclure shows the bride KE NOTICE that |, Pedro p43 ly, and one of them summed | ai a “ - i should remain. open when all the " = never a hurt to for Willian Vau v+ , : uy a groom, liberally bespringled with confetti, as they left fabric or hands Bs ceruineate N $48 Tr a very kindly feeling when he said the church , inen in France, from the age of . Miner's G | ‘ y . . , ed ety day m the date s;he would rather go short himself} 19 to 48, are at war, and when we apply Wo the ‘oing Recorder for « Ceruleae of lmprovemenss, for the ~jthan see a fellow ficial, witl French families, without a | ie ‘sunlight fae cees «Crees CES at lidile tho sateen 8 Ke , FRENCH WRITER R tion, are in mourning. At pres- way. rs er une notion sas aan, WHOM he might have worked sid all our T . ter secs #4 must commenced be: hy side for several years, go dow ” t our Territorials are un- peor ih: tn eieeutiten theonah BRITAIN TO INCREASE FORCE der arms and a large number are pee! this 2ist da . September, A.D. bites to te paid off altogether at the front. Why are yours not Prasat ne ti, ih allt, sank 4 ihere? You know well that you not looking forward to the next|CLAIMS THAT PRESENT FORCE NOT FAIR PROPORTION oF |'’* “ling to fear from the SUBSCRIBE FOR payday with the satisfaction NATION'S STRENGTH —WILL BE PLEASED BY Se ee which has usually greeted that RECENT ACT OF PARLIAMENT. a periodical occasion fe al You should be the first to re- THE DAILY NEWS wailed: By Un Ami Sincere the Morn hey Obtan supplies by imposi- gret today that you have not an WILL AUSTRIA SURRENDER ? ing Post, Londo tions and procure part of the|*"™Y Of three million ™men to . scoeeanamnllll . | | Sie Pian wedi nder date|money necessary for their reaist- eae — ae? a. * is FIRE ALARM ; s London, Nov. 23 SOUOE WINS of October 16, quotes an articie it anee They take possession of 1% ss oi eo one - ns ete a SYSTEM 1¢ correspondept of the “Daily|.o.. journal. in which vou sar he hébweets. and ened them da dal, .especially humiliating for Telegraph” at Athens, Diplomat-| oj), ane to Rnetend to viele one you, to see a country with three § CIRCUIT HO. 4. ie intelligence from Petrograd] wrote worthy of her cause and rhe resistance of the Allies| ition men—three million and 4 . . - os - states ‘that eitsisttion etl cee of tie elects of thé Givlacaves thet the: tebeies ee if 1 half at most bearing arms 14s and Srd Ave reached the capital to the eff ct} ’ sia senate = one aan ae ae ind helding the Russian army in ot 0 of tm, Sod end that Austria is contemplating | Dare I te 7 that every day | made a greater effort. if-you could | Poland and keeping in check ae ist Ave, between 8th ead asking for peace independently Of} eh great maiority of Frenchmet ineniahe mmediately your con. |! rance and Poland? The obsta- ete a ‘ 4 St. (Cen 6a make this reflection’ Franee |tingent by some hundreds of jcles will be numerous from the eu Hotel eH ke te eS Mer pélhe. thousands of snes Aisne to Berlin. We shall tbe omen 2 ihe edie ber wine at ie What It Means to England. uone too strong to eversome 3 iro Ave. and Sra Bt. Prince Rupert Feed Co. port are a it the serviee of the The result of this war has more them. And I repeat that it is —— oo ; DEALERS IN wat Qur factories are closed.) import e for England than for equitable that, we ehould over- sain ace Geran “fee Qur commerce is null. We hevelFrance. If the Allies are cco.(°u™? eae Of ene] Ot B200 Ave and @nd St. Hay, Grain, Feed one thought that our 2,600,000 | quer: your statesmen have said riflces sensibly equivalent, and a - - and 6th and Seecs iin ated eonith deel ik wild inntitinn dh anette a that this should Be done as soon CIROUIT NO. & CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY What Has England Done? ihe nd order, that your lot|"* posaibie. mt you therefore fee bth Ave and Fulton St. Agents for What has England done? She | wil ne of poverty, since you act quickly’? Be not take - : + . and Taylor Sts. DOMINION NURSERY & has sent us 200,000 men, and has | exist pecially by your relations — an ~ a 7 rr tn os - oa pet i ORCHARDS CO. issued an appeal to her sons./with the outside world, which a ieee eux of com > * Oe 87— 51 Ave. and PL The English contingent which is|Germany will take away from r H if 4M 6 Ave. and prado St 7 aoe ae a jfighting on the Continent does) 5 We Frenchmen live on the os aioe eee — it After the bath with BABY’S OWN SOAP the q a ais NO. 4. een nee lnot represent half of the French/wealth of our country, and it re ng ad - liable i “a } skin is smeoth, comfortable, and exhales the iH c. ‘S Ave. and Emmerson | who up to now have been put|}would be much less affected. On eee - wasted to “os ’ arome of freshly cut flowers. { GO 425m Ave. and MeBride 8 _—ae ae = $ lout of action. As for your ap-/the other hand, as conquerors me beginning of the war. Your! 3 Freedom from skin troubles, explains in some measure i , ze oo a and Green St. jpeal for reeruits, it has estab-/, would have the hegemony of Ferritorials, like ours, should be | the retreshing sleep which “Baby's Own Soap” babies M = on = a ished that, out of a population|the world for a hundred years at worth more than these men. And, enjoy. Especially weerpmod-eintrenngye ogee. \ me te —ain Ave and Young S84, ADVERTISE IN lef forty millions, there are, up/least, and an immense commer- [ repeat, since ours are under | 1 Be tie ein now, 600,000 men who, fit for)}cial profit. It is singular that lire, why not yours? . D N service, consider that they should/such weighty matters in prospect|* === ——— SS ’ THE AILY EWS | isk their lives on the field of|have induced you to enrol only Hote ' flirec atthe where the fate of their }400,000 men. e ' ———_—____———— - - |countrs is at stake! Do you not see that it is not|g fT ee |} Countries bike Ireland, © ‘anada | possible to save at the same time ‘a ) ; Meade: PRL Viatners Asseciatie n CANADIAN PACIFIC and Australia, which have a pop- ‘8 tranguilily, and commerce, re re RAILWAY | ulati m of about five millions|and to assure the fate of armies? s WINDSOR MOTE jeach have furnished a Without doubt your ne a Corner of Pir of 20.000 to 25.000 men! t is|blocking German ports and de- w Pye mn mame Gaptte quinome the half of what, without speech-|stroying German commeree, We . Sunday at 8 p. m. es or special efforts, we have re-|are doing the same with regard for Prince Rupert and Northern B. vthern B.C. . MOTEL CENTRAL ee ceived from our four millions ofjte Austria. But neither your een one Seventh St Princess May aentanenne Arabs in Al@eria! IT leave it te/fleet nor ours will prevent Ger- J s . : Peter ua al = 6 —— 30th you to comment on the figures. many and Austria from obtaining Phe Daily News goss into nearly every home in ai a . eneey, Every day the British press|supplies through the neutral Prince Rupert. nt is the popular newspaper of KNOX MOTEL 4. @ MONAB, Genera! Agent proclaims the imperious neces-}eountries surrdunding them, Of the city beoause it is clean and reliable. It has all Mi Ave. Between Kighth end Ninw Corner Fourth Street and Third AVE Po or annihilating Germany, In|this you are aware, the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events | Huropeas "ao, Rates 800 to 61.00 ee | magnificent articles the news- You also know that this war and topics interesting to Northern British Golum- : Beene © sem Prope. seee sees eee ener papers say that Great Britain|cannot last more than a year, be- bia. It tenets these subjects with moderate opti- ; | — — Reale * * will fieht one, two, three, and, if}eause the States would not have a and velteltitig. *Y. Roches ier V. D. Gasley * LATEST WAR NEWS . necessary, twenty years, that she/the necessary funds te stand the The Daily News = the most valuable paper to trneee woven . wil) selecene, suo, Saat daiiiesents. Sen mneeahas vou advertisers because it is read by the buying public. Third Ave Selween Sixth and * The latest war bulletins : three millions of soldiers, The} would be incapable of pursuing it It has a bigger ciroulgtion than any other paper in enth Streets * received exclusively by The *|'" F the city. It is read by the class of people the tevaae + Plan, 60 to Ot ar we ® Daily News are posted im * declarations suggest the-best in-| without the Russians and our- advertisers want to talk to. wontienaet * mediately after coming of * tontions: but if you ean praise solselves, and that the fate of the ROYAL HOTEL * the wires at the following : many mem as that, in the inter-jconflict will be decided on land ee a 0 108) . o o . ‘ na |e ob a ae , ; ‘rkens, Prope . Pies Glee Store, rd Ave @ ests a \ 4 a as — ~~ not . he Then what (vrepean ag — = * Wark's Jewelry Store, drd #) do it al one " day when the jought _— > oan ~ = Bieam seated ® avenue i *) French army shall have a mil- Declare for eompulsory mili- DA | LY NEWS WAVER WHOLmeaLE cm *% Prince Rupert Hotel, 2nd ; | tion Moglishimen fighting at its|tary service in England and your CiTED *. * aven.e @| side —-we do not ask for more dominions from the age of 19 up “eCOUl Ave. and Mineh Me . Hoyal Mote. @/the Allies will be in Berlin twoltoe 48. Raise all your fit men. ine “= e Se sot #) months: later, Then you may hepe te start for PONCE RUPER mrontine ve. * Knox Hotel an . ror the moment the Geemans|Berlin aud finish with the Ger. Pres on a Su ; oe ee : oa ae Nort ad ee en f mean i . ie . aie » 2 ranece, . mck Oo ° . 7 5 eeccccns, Pie : aeeeeees “eee ** *| where aC ’ Ss. you eay a ees