GET THE LATEST WAR Spec! NEWS FIRST Kes 4 | oe ‘var News “immediately y IN THE DAILY NEWS ar) Rocel ved E DAILY NEWS PRINCE IPT. OF DRY DOCK SPEAKS TO BOARD OF TRADE SIR sk THOMAS SHAUGHNESSY MAY BE NEXT HIGH RUPE RT, B. C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, A 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS COMMISSIONER--NOTHING NEW AT THE FRONT gpt, DRYDOCK ADDRESSES (INCHEON OF BOARD OF TRADE N. CROWELL GIVES INTERESTING ACCOUNT OF BIG PLANT WHICH IS BEING CONSTRUCTED HERE me FRENCH RULES GOVERN BRITISH PRESS CENSORS Premier Asquith Replies to Pro- tests in House of Commons ROYAL PREMIER OF NEW BRUNSWICK IS FOUND GUILTY OF GRAFT COMMISSION APPOINTED BY LEGISLATURE AFTER . 1S DECI In vee ' RUPERT. Against Suppression SURVEYING EVIDENCE COMES TO TH SION of News. —PREMIER STILL IN OFFICE. ? ' | eme em “ to repair at tl P . tlemen: we may ! I i N In the House John, N. B., Nov. 24.—TherJohn Kennedy, the commissioners P f your | wharf VW , ’ Sata : si ee f Mr. Walter Long, | jreport of the royal’ commission|say: “We think and find that : ’ olby agrees b i i 7 “ : : gen | ; i st ' ‘ g appea which investigated the DugaljHon. Mr. Flemming is guilty of w 18 18 ajmen place fi ho il he i , * . did | to the gove nt to lift the eur a ; -harge . Continued on-Page Two “ e and I will] vice and lift out al " | | THE AUSTRALIAN CRUISER SY OWEY—The Australian cruiser/“"@"#es has just been made ¢ . ’ =e . ta wh s hiding ope t ns} , . ‘ > ns sy for refer- | s« Is the ca g at a y ¥ i ; re ' which, after man weeks of weary watehing, rounded up the publie by Governor Wood. SWISS PROTEST ; 5 ; scl ere is alat the front e snic e time : “je . . issi fog Ww a 7 i } oe mn : . ' . ‘ , : - ‘ 4 : ' raider kinden, which has do ne so much damage to the Allies Briefly, the royal commission | i, fully ui chance, fisherny Oo gel your/had a ‘ o perr a limites : 2 > : A . ef a the |b ats all pa ind your Wheels a ' , . . commerce, and destroyed he r on the beach of Cocos Island. we y Pg “eine ae AGAINST BRITISH a is oO i s all and 3 mber of authorizes a charges, tha e 000 col- ” osperity laos shafting repa and we will _ AVIATORS POACHING greats me gh ialGeee paint | : plock, We} dents to in the army n jus lected from the lumbermen after mn ite enou ei eeop P ' sang a tice to the art e said, it was ; » ; a, : ao aaa | pay’ fee pale s sadey ont ot ! C ' the eo \ 3 ‘le ata SIR THOMAS SHAUGHNESSY 1 em- ‘ ‘ve ween —— . * istream of recruits : j « , \ ‘oan fie suDD ‘ tributors, the only conclusion , o Ave ‘ an arrange ipply ot - : ’ , men of pt . a ‘ arral t pply you Mr Timothy Wealy supported jsTRene INTERESTS WANT To SEE. Cc. P. R. CHIEF RESIDE IN shal sacihe adasibls toes te thet GERMAN ACTIVITY pr wi en bi li vill te) the Plea made by Mr. Long. He LONDON — APPOINTMENT WOULD MEAN MANY ee eee Bethe nec i nome homes, “e tt ; : ( y oa - to o ' declared that the censorship h q CHANGES IN C. P. R. the money was actually ex- SLAC rr INC ALONG : bel 3 en again |oul 6v Hh boners Or repairs ane ade gland the laughing stock tei ; ed.” meres y source must/replace them aft they have yt ae aan The aaa he said = IN R sid Londen and it is believed yard THE ENTIRE FRONT aes r, iron, hard-|passed through our shops. We © tenis iaemae il a akon ae lontreal, Noy. 2 : , stale, 2 elt ores tbat @in| 48 to the nature of the trans- bey had even made an excision from tweaks’ toteiinn import-|from recent occurrences that Sir| |. h Sa : wr {s, mae hinery, | will be prepared ~ a Fai a Turk'’s prayer to Mohammed ; : + shin Thomas would rather like the | **tion, t . royal Prec eeini: apety (Special to The Daily News) ahs) is and rigging,jer, light ar ; compressed Gir GHG |The whole system of press cen-| 9"! chang - : P| change after thirty-two years of |Say: “It is difficult to imagine Porte. Wie, Gh. Maen de vp cotton and|whart and s age space anne . eo aale required com f the C. P. R. than ha yet adem ; olidnlinniion -w ies Dsheceslibies " Ss, 3 + ae wn . ST {AE the, sca ceet tale sie are om- h big he aid " a j : ' cng ue ful but otre nu us raiwes | anything more reprehensible or general slackening of German ac- y : os aa } . . ae uaa Cele Cat plete eorganizatic ; { ; : ’ : d losed | ire yu rk here, Certain important Ca- | blameworthy than that an official tivity along the entire front. The ‘ siness for our|ploying about 200 me ir UCctw- 7 de red that e British | i erests 0 p | i i . well as for | iv payroll was $18,000 for wages - 5g R ; a i eae ae r = ten |of the department should present} excessive cold is (affecting the = e 5 " ioans ergiuim ine Servis a ' it S to see Sil 101mas in LO h ore than hants ‘ “ have four of the , : such : . . se | German troops much m eS ant r = = hes a i se sh 1 be regarded as f = . - rh is Shaughnessy's ds if the rumors are well) uch 0 dommtad = oe > those of the Allies. The attacks * yd wt eg ya expect i an De Replying to a ont a rat the | peng da { ada have bee ded, and it may be that they | pe sndent upon the renewal of | of the former lack the spirit of of re eat mt pe : cg neh = Sega ial esa x = , ! > ab i i presenting ss th a ae ro of | their timber licences, it is not\their earlier efforts. a y a sabi | : ao far es the g. with ; . wm tha : ter U A 7, © . Ours any ' jonly extortion of the most effec-| The enemy made a few attacks f x an epair) as ' = Ss . declared that nothing 1s be v | ta Ca a iber o lmportan changes ; . . in the Argonne region but were Bm because of the|; i i ‘ erifed kept bac except uses where ssionershiy the C. P. R,. staff. oe mane, Det & appease. Me easily repulsed. wpa lied in our \ y bg t equite-| ich a course was required b ‘ 2 ' ninent politi- Mr. Ogden may take the presi-|™more harsh and cruel inasmuch te ly can we re nents st possess rtain qual- mediate 1 lary exige 8 ne Ireland ha cy for a year to retire in favor|as it is produced by one to whom PRESBYTERIAN LADIES he steamers but/ities. It must strong enough) with regard to the suggestion gt s end f Mr. Bosworth or Mr. Bury. It} it is unsafe to make protest and HOLDING BAZAAR tbo. nes We canjto resist great stresses, uneven) ,, it skilled war correspondents pa ars d the wa 8 custom of railways to say/ for a purpose repugnant to many b. fishing boats—j|twisting stra it must bef, permitted at the front, hejiiw cs | iirly clear fe here is no basis for rumored} ; ; i The Ladies Aid of the Presby- Why We can man-jbuilt to ans perfect contro! inted out that the government]. t Mr. f. Py Of anges and yet rumored changes |"! the contributors. terian Chureh are holding their ule lumber, make |: f equilibrium, it in oy oe = was not a fr gent in the mat-|, t ss in his have materialized with a satel Flemming Knew annual bazaar today in the St. eer yu our ownjtle lift its ¢ pacity nd have ae r a s ! t ss S oo aw’ s : ! - os ae < " . ne a ter a , - |e : wet Thomas t larity that is significant. | ‘rhe. commission says: “That aanes —_ = have on ~ e same time we; proper stabi i , | ‘ st culate our pro- ee : hibit a inds of faney sewing t { : ye self- ; le z s Bite boat build-|shifting weights. It must be s¢ = ceedings,” he said, “by the pre 4 7 OmaENS names Che tseneney and articles that are excellently = ettle in Prinee!d g and it must be non-sink-| | aging. of r allies, who do jof the fund, Teed, of Woodstock, suited for Xmas gifts. Different Run \\ furnish you with |able A floating dock posse aa the chief share of the fighting in GERMAN REVERSE PORTUGAL WILL |that Flemming knew that efforts|to some events of this kind, too, Yu ; i } i ties which make i r : : , + et a ae a the long lines at oe ALLIES. were being made to get money|they have placed the prices rea- ¥ aE ail oreterabie & & begin dock. Picay | ename tines 4 the frond ie Sai ON THE VISTULA SUPPORT : ee | . wa ; | from the holders of Crown tim-|5@"@bly low so that all can we. slogan, “Build|it is movable; second, more @CO-| oni have the decisive vote as} = od oi: i | | nate es ities _| suited. Al st her; advertise | nomical, affords better vei a to what should be done in the way} (Special to The Dally News.) (Special to on y News. jber licences, that Fleming knew Tonight they are giving a mu- ber her, and all pull|tion for pa «, is more health- |, appointment of war « espon p grad, Nov. 25 rhe Rus-| London, Noy. 25.—A dispatch|fpom time to time that such sical program to which there is i |ful to work in, more cleanly. A) 4, ,4.» sia have inflicted a reverse on/from Lisbon states that the Por-| monies were coming into Teed’s|no admission. After the strenu- ’ ce Rupert, you} Hoating dock Ss tow ae just He declared that he had been the Germans along the River Vis-|tuguese Congress decided today | hands that Flemming set his}|0US work of the ladies they de- we | . ‘ ‘enough to meet the draft of wa- ' » matter strictly by — Kit ’ ” osperous city ugh governed in the matter str r . rewinses »0-operate | serve to succeed. Ther, : ason for such.|ter of a vess thus minimizing | +), pequirements of military ex la ue Portugal will ¢ perate | seal of approval on the trans- pi tas The « itinental road|the pumping expenses. On the! «ies and he knew the com-| ade eal , wie the Allies when it sansiderts action by introducing his chosen] wagwep aaas miele ; . : : "as an auction sate 8-lthe sten wcessary. The ster . Pans hed fact. Youjother hand, a basin dock has to) jander-in-chief of the French} rect os tep necessary. The Minister) treasurer to Mr. Brankley with| New Wellington Coal Com- ha. ces—they will] be filled to the level of the outside) ¢ 44. desired that both eoun-|terday aft on of the eff * 7 ate War will issue a decree for\ing words ‘Anything Mr. Berry|pany, Phone 116. tf. Mart ’ ; ‘ elieve he yressure pan » full advan-|the Hamillon Gompany on Thir ‘ 4 | vo. ; for you. You | wat t reliey th I tries should get the full a | Han I partial mobilization. . his / ; ' ‘lls is m (Teed a : Mr. Nick-jaga the gates. In other words, |iiee that could be obtained by | Ave Quite a few of the local} semi . 7 7 oe hers s s re Those odd jobs around the 4 s much that is|a bas B mus De oe giving publicity to the military ee ciness firms took the oppor-|ENERGETIC BUSINESS with a a thet 2 fo Seay), ws doen See, ee t that. The rail-jtirely while a Hoaung | docs! operations , HOUSE EXPANDING Prove: 1a e money was in : ° ; N _ ‘ tui of adding to the iixtures. 2 en's “ x tha t us We must] need wered just a little for a Speaking of the $4, ave,nee.e00 | addin _ oy ‘ or Sent extected.. ty Revew ond Gel children’s toys repaired. Phone pal it, The ship-|light-draft vessel, thus saving) ..o4it yoted, Mr. Asquith said the rt were some real Sargeins,! when guiet times strike most Flemming was well aware that ome: * ? ip do that; your | ti me and expense of pumping.) ivi; expenditures were inconsid lin A cooking range worth $250 is : a a Wa ; , : —_——~ a po lp the hipys ard|'‘The first cost of a basin dock 18), oy. and they would be largely Sele 1s sold for $37, and other arti-|?U5'"e5s men they begin to re-| monies were being collected for] For Xmas Cards see McRae o ust join ccoaed slso very much greater, as is also | fo) the purpose of getting food} cies in proportion trench, Not so with the Acme}, purpose unquestionably un-| Bros. 273-82 - ; es. Get out althe cost of maintenance | supplies and for the further com-} 0 soi Importers, Lid, They immediate- proper. This the commissioners . make the Ru In this ating @ Vast) nodities necessary for the Brit REE HEH RR ROR RH | !9 began to expand. They have/,ay is shown. : ous. Help us,| quantities aterial are requir-'i.y the use of which must be «| decided to open up a new branch| ~ he : ~ { Do your best} ed I wil nent i st a few made impossible for the enemy.|* LEFT OFF CLOTHING on Third Avenue in the new Hul- Phe commission also says it EST H 0 LM ; _ pyard so it will]There are twelve pontoons built) yy ther large item was the loans |# FOR THE BELGIANS */ pert pbuilding, believing that if|is manifest that Flemming di- = Vancouver to Port|of timber to i e buoyancy and) .¢ money to others, amounting |g me */ business doesn’t come to them|pected the disposition of such MY)s ; ) an The yrincipe y . » i sitter @o ¢ Tv The ud y doing good work/to avoid excessive cost of a to #245 a _— rh ; va ’ —_ . Anyone having spare * 99 oa m tte oP One - 4 Their money when collected, also that OP E R A HOUSE = *¥ ta nes an ep ‘ ont will weg ems s list were to © me ; 7 o _ eadquarters on Secon Avenue Y . ity ing attract bus-jkeep. Each | ew 2 eee 000 and|* ticles of clothing for #)Hoacdiers eames .o| he acquiesced in the collection , essel owner whol] 490 long tons and will lift 1,700) 0:0.) government $50,000,000 an sill i tai «| is perhaps the best fitted up store y “| anywhere within |tons In the whol there} 4, gervia $4,000,000, on which no|* men, women ol aren in Northern British Columbia.|Of such monies at a time and . rt, with its beau-|will be 4,000,000 feet of iumber,| j topest was ta be eharged until|}* who would like to assist */ppe store on Third Avenue will|from a souree highly and griev- , lious harbor 2.500 tons of steel, 500,000 rivets, ine end of the war, Loans to ~ * the Belgian sufferers are */also be fixed up in first-class] oysty improper.” THIRTEENTH EPISODE OF : e a ai es f Pn uv eolonies 0 ‘ } : The . » » a «i ti our own par-|360 tons of bolts ane Spikes.) self-governing / ; oi * asked to have them left #| styl rhe Acme people ave The charges of Mr. Dugal in \ Possibly a few] 800,000 white pine wedges to! ibsorb = «=6.875,000,000 ane avol i ot thé Soowiie tentle » |r wie a big sueeess in the past : : : " may prove of in-|insure durability and rigidity),)/the flotation of such loans inde- ; : j and they deserve a greater suc-|¢onnection with the Valley rail- . 7 yvdoek building at/2ixi2 inch centrifugal pUMPS,| pendently on the London market,}* from 2 to 5 p, m,, on Pri- cess in the future and are likely| way were in the main, two: “That DOLLAR MYSTERY of y s the culmination | electrically ated; 3-500 cuble } l Ger + am, Nevepees at): See ete. get 8 because they're alive.ia large amount of money intend- And a Fine Two Reel ea 00,000 | = d Pocket Diaries. Gem : elios ore power tk » ih drs dy and experience|feet air npressors 2 ¢ . Ones . 1 - on . sane * odist Church, Anglican |More power to them, ed for the construction of the WAR PICTURE st ; ia eosoted lumber is be Calends rads fo of : . . - ——-———— ; biv tion, It. eom.| feet of e1 i u ag vlendar 73-76-77 * Church, Hays Building * railway was diverted from its tigidit and buoyancy,jrels pine tar, 1,080 pounds SiS” | Bros F * (Second Ayenue), Baptist * WANTED. } i ’ that con y . yf ‘ ’ “oper she » ‘ * = of} xibilityy eeonomy}nic, 160 bales of tar felt . : To know of reliable party going eer: eee o =A IN PRICES i», vliNe and efficiency of ser.|sheets to the bale), 7,000 shec ts] * Chureh and at St, Peter's * : pA: tractors under the St. John and NO ADVANCE IN View, 1) wey OF ser} she a Sool la shipyard doing drydock work is * Church (Seal Cove La *\to Eastern Canada within a -— ed ly three docks in| galvanized tin 3x8 fee nd | pecially good business to any ee eae io th. Apply Box 4, Daily News,|2U°2ee Hailway company were a ’ i dravy Het 1 8 . » re - pion . Apply “oy ® F iS. - Mndle » . ne eo We can Phe dock rs 7 iw aan witha * dies will be there to re- * PI ’ compelled to pay and did pay Admission 10 and 160 0 or ; t eet complet ‘ oe f ie ° a . snnnecmmcaniitinidiie OF te ¥ ¥ — . — : : ; a foot urd Thanking you, gentlemen, for|* ceive them and to see that * Phat distant. friend will be|/@tee Sums to members of the lo- Wy e's and machin ? ten and anh - ‘ a ‘ s ae i i sti ; 7 qa Wg = ‘ndle a ship hay Each foot of each > of thie imeee ow eae eee eee are eek a tickled all over on receipt of a}eol government in the year 1942, aoe ad . - ~ : { ibout have been interested ei® = tination . * ue ard ¢ ; ‘|The roy D thd 4 |, Of 20,000 tons | will lift 163 t : f vou to help me to “boost her up,” Pt re : : nb itsdna k . ate Xmas card as se aoe ae The royal commission finds that WANTED. ¥ wy 0 a drawing | drydocks . ; 5 an keep Me business here, and make vi ~fv-tt-i9l some sums of money were di- People to come and see our Mee done” wey dis.| they mere our fair young ong proaperons, verted and improperly charged;/% jn mense stock of Second Mien Ons and eeo.| prove pro . a s it deserves to be urrah for r j sfe ’ , ur gy, : maller yvessels,| have known pla r an > ; hd ‘Rent rt! She is getting on that many indefensible payments Hand Furniture. We must bons with Will lift 5,000}deck was one of UU ss offright track. She has the re- S i ] E t t . t were made ond that Flemming dispose of it at once. Prices ~ lare an 165 feet.|dencies of th houeiness!sourees and she has the men and n er alnmen compelled Contractor Kennedy, to suit everybody. Corner of Oy Wi lift 10,000/the town, and | P lustrie Prinee he A i f of Ke “dd i MeD ld, t with » : ' . builtlis developing industries, rince Under the Auspices o ‘ ennedy and MeDonald, to pay Third Avenue and Seventh We can , th of 270 feet. |insted for yea ‘nd been} Rupert is bound to go ahead, and THE PRINCE RUPERT CATHOLIC CLUB him $2,090,” Street. Furniture Stores And igi 4 ‘wo units and|doeks in ta i buildlit is up to us all as citizens to THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26, AT 8:30 hs. pane’ ‘te thn BAe ee : 1 . Meth yy * with 435 feetilealled upon . years. pull together and help one an. REFRESHMENTS ; — Phones No, 86 and 465, PAP Jobs ns handle three re-{a second s and| other. ae oe Flemming got from Contraetor secsecccccsoscccccsoscssecooosoooooa , ‘ine besides what'A shipyard ‘ rs