Protect Your Food There is no alum in Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder. The names of its ingredients, printed on the label of every can, show it to be made from Cream of Tartar, which comes from grapes. No alum bak- ing powder or food containing alum is permitted to be sold in England. To avoid alum read the label and use only DrPRICES BAKING P POWDER Made from Cream cf Tartar No Alum THE DAILY NEWS - POOR EEOOEE ORE EEOL AIEEE TATE, | LOCAL NEWS ITEMS j ‘ry Smith & Killas’ ice cream oe ¢ Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners pt ‘ tf. .. ae ld il vat Ly 73 2-2 M Heetor Longpre, who has away for about a month, re this mornfng by th a 2 | liteh returned t i While in Vict Mr Hilditeh visited the P \ nuit e 8 -@ M W J. Corley rt = n a Visit ith i oe I I e Rup rr ne: th y P.R.T. No. 1 PI Red 1 or Black 322 Address: P. O Box Agen y for the Avance de Oil Motor 1o5tf ss a For a comfortable room, come to the St. Elmo Hotel, 856 Sec md Avenue, near Eighth Street Newly opened Steam heat and hot and cold water in every room Free baths Rates reasonable “a G. MeNab. ¢ M ind Mrs. J PRIDE, NASH & CO. FRIDAY ee PRIDE, NASH & C0, BARGAIN DAY ANOTHER BIG DAY at the BARGAIN CENTRE. of the many Bargains we are offering these days. want to save money~. $5. 00 Sweaters l. 95 Combinations 90c | Ladies ol Sweate Ladi White Combine atic ns ts, In pia nd fancy knit. vw Union Suits fine elestic ted stripe effect; high and efi: high neck, baliee trent, |" haw! collars; belts, and two/long slaores ankle length;|)°" ‘ ot fastened th m ar) | draw doe qa i" i n “1 neat | 4 rv - dging wi ron with pear h us Al — Regular Be itton All size . FRIDAY BARGAIN PRICE 90c ON SALE FRIDAY, PER YARD 1.95 60c Dress Goods Se gong tay 95¢ Ladies’ Dressing Saques in Faney All W | Plaid Dress | faney and figured oe an : 1 variety of colors tieze! cloth; low neck, short, ,, > sleeves satin finished w ith All sizes ON SALE FRIDAY AT bands o ind dark grounds ON SALE FRIDAY AT Below you will find This is the place + mauee Dresses 1.00 | Wrapperettes FRIDAY BARGAIN PRicE 12c $1.00 the ned today 45 95 from a pleasant holiday in the Cc Cc East. They went East about a nonth ag ver the G. T. P. and " . : — = POT atin Weilihds weal eit bee Some of these Bargains may{not last all day. The morning is the besttime to shop PRINCE GEORGE ARRIVES. {L. Ramsay, Mrs. Climpton, J. C. TONIGHT’S THE NIGHT. Eastern sentehs returned today on ) |Storey, W. F. Fenn, Mrs. Bone, rhe tt iit iad de of “T? by the Prince George from Van- ) The Prince George arrived at} Sac ie , il test 0 regen oe - ard iJ. R. Murray, G. W. MeCarthy,! yingon Dollar Mystery,” which ) Prince Rupert this morning with Mr. Wal : nin A « i . althouse, F. Mears, Mr.jwas delayed by having missed a large list of passengers and a . TRAIN DELAYED. ” =? —~ -ieiteier, Ms Montgomery, Mr.;?0"* ° tions in Victoria, ar- | t's train did not ar- full cz of freight. The fol-|Hobin. Mrs. Weinstein, G. A. Gil- rived on the Prince George this . : , : 5 ae oo ~~ morning and will be shown at ‘The ve the depart f th 9 ® lowing were on board: F. M.jlies, Mr. McLean, Miss Bell, Miss stholme ‘tonight and to cow | 1 = train for the Kast. Con ) O’Brien, H. J. Buckle, M. Rock- | Wilcox, Mrs. Wm. Hanson, Mrs. nist t ogethe or with a fine ie -|sequently today iin ue THE HOUSE OF QUALITY THIRD AVENUE AND SIXTH STREET ) endorf, Mr. McLeod, Mr. Oppen-|Silver, Mr. Kerr, Mr. Denniston,free! war picture showing the), n and dine rh vil heimer, Mr. Thoriow, E. M.|Mr. Mandich, Mr. Grossmith, |#*™ies of the Allies in maneuver.| . | These pictures were taken|¢ taken up, howeve wl h Haynes, Mr. Matthews, Mr. Star-| Alex. Crawford and wife, C. W.| .)..t1y pefore the « pening of hos- train % met rett, Mr. Cassidy, G. Taylor, J. G.| Steele and Mrs. Armishaw and |tjlties during mobilizal and rr : of t lel ‘ McNab and wife, Mr. Hilditeh, F.| child. are -exceptionally fine examples the v ty j weaves. ¢ Peters, Miss Washburn, W. §.| — -——____—_— of wiltary photography ee : a" ted a ' ! tt rht t W jorley ~ ongpre 2 iuare PM Raineo alt entire program : a sirl to assist with light house Gortey, Mrs. = Longpre, H. E. Guaranteed Raincoats almost seiiith: ina detdeiinan: tod om ’ i for th work whole or part time. Box ’ ul Scr] 0 @ e q Walker, Mr. Zarelli and wife, R j at cost Demers. 273-5 | tronage pa through.| Daily News PUBLIC NOTICE W POPPOO OOO OE LEE EEEEEEEETITTT The Acme Importers Limited e wish to announce to the Public that We have leased the Hulbert Building, just completed on Third Avenue, between Fifth and Sixth, which will be known as “THE ACME” Third Avenue Branch. We will open on Saturday, November 28th, with the greatest opening sale of Bargains ever staged here. PAGE “AD” THURSDAY AND FRIDAY FOR FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS Watch for our THE ACME IMPORTERS LTD. ¢