oll —————— == THE DAILY NEWS [== — pe ' PRINCE RUPERT, B, C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1944. a ERMANS HAVELOST QUARTER OF FORCE INPOLAND USSIANS ADVANCING ON GERMANY.~H. M. S. BULWARK BLOWN UP IN SHEERNESS. HARBOR — ee ASIANS HAVE BIG VICTORY — , ee BRITISH WARSHIP BULWARK qUARTER OF GERMAN ARMY LOST BLOWN UP BY HER OWN SHELL ACCIDENT TOOK PLACE IN SHEERNESS HARBOR—ALL BUT GREAT LOSS—RUSSIANS ADVANCING INTO GER- 12 OUT OF 781 MEN WERE KILLED MANY WITH GREAT RAPIDITY IN THE EXPLOSION. ° (Special to The Daily News.) | lared definitely t ! en off.| (Special to The Dally News.) of 15,000 ton» displacement and In the new) The Russians i London, Oct. 27.—-H.M.8. Bul-ja speed of 18 knots per hour. She from Poland ee pe Posen a rh vith wark, a battleship of 15,000 tons, | Ws completed in 1895. She car- fourth of | FFea* rapidity ‘ was blown up in Sheerness har- ried the following guns: 4 12- Tek bom Petrograd, N i The Aus t hibit Wee ‘anbbas _|inch; 12 6-ineh; 18 12-pounders ' tro-German defea sssus vor yesterday. the explosion Was! and 4 3-pounders. She was built the Aus-/eolossal proportions and will caused by one of her own shells|at a cost of $4,889,230. She car- iurmies is de-!doubtedly p e decisive bursting. All on board except|ried 781 men. While not a first- i a) twelve were lost. class battleship her loss will be The Bulwark was a battleship) severely felt. (Speclal to The Dally News) (Special to The Daily News.) British Artillery’s Deadly Work. THE MADHOUSE 27 Official London, Nov. 27 News from —, a i mrt {f Erzerum the/}Servia is optimistic. The Aus- A vivid description of the Ger-|_ It is idle to remind us that ed enemy has|trians did not follow up their man slaughter on the Yser is Nietzsche touched life at other i! . Py AP contributed to the Duteh news-| Points, and that in his flaming in- il. In the past) successes at Valjve. This fact was a one paper Tyd by a correspondent at|Coherence you will find contra- f engagements |due largely to weather conditions Ostend. dictions of this vision. For it was ; * south of the; there. There was a heavy shoW-|q CEMETERY WALL AS A NATURAL PROTECTION —Freneh squad wnder a lieutenant doing ad- In the mad rush from the bat- ae ee of Samia _ _ ert, where welfall between Nish and Uskub. vance firing near Ernecourt tlefield, he says, dead and ot er, t at .conque Sh ea i 4 lerable Kurd rhis wintry weather will aid the . wounded were crushed under the inate’ of _— . z ree ; 1“ , ‘ " pe ae -* a e se ~ |wheels of the retreating artillery. are an — = = vere reimforeec Serviats 1 morale ¢ t@ arin) There were none to bury the er a e@ seas, and a as e In other sec-jis excellent GERMAN TACTICS * NAVAL POLICY FOR dead or suceor the wounded, and|World. It needed but one further t changes have -———--- C ELESS ATTACK | LOCAL NEWS ITEMS NEXT PARLIAMENT the prostrate bodies were used as|Step in this mysticism of the or tl a EAS bridges for the living to pass over ree eae divine hon- L a i : , ; _— in their retreat. ee wre | ry & as’ ice er i Rée ; TTING FOR SOLDIERS ~ It fo evident thal the Genes, “VS eee (Special to The Daily News.) The wounded men trying to| Now let Nietzsche speak for GLADLY RECEIVED rhe story ofa. bey leading a iam antennae ae aes : , ; niseaik iedinde Ottawa, Nov. 27.—The Even-|erawl to the blood-stained dykes himself. Thus spake Zarathustra ary commanders are 'a- antorir ioneer Aeaners. . ; . bayonet charge is told by Corpo-] . PE Tote: — . tf. |ing Journal states that the Gov-|for water were left to die or were|om the morality of war:— he etter has been | Isherwood. 2nd Manchesters,|. . . se = , _ a ernment is preparing a drastic thrown hastily into waggons like You shall love peace as a , iis : 2 jtack is the safest means of de- _— i . sacks of sand. means to new wars, and a short Deushiate ofthe |°** ‘ f 150 wounded who arrived sii Seiten Sinn the tie Sweaters sold at cost.—De-| naval programme which they will Standing on a high dune com- |peace better than a long. . . | sicdiendiaiend of}at Cardiff early yesterday morn-|, .. .. many fresh battalions are} ™@°"* 273-5 |submit to Parliament at the com-|manding the battle, the corre-| “I do not counsel you labor, I ed articles of|ing. He said: “On October 20 the! ath hes a ene iat oe a lene eessiom. Wiel: se proposals|spondent saw the English artil.;40 not counsel you peace, but vie- beige rushes 0 e ol igains . le overseas COn-|Giermans were all around us, and ' ; ~ - i British I ent i-room flat, bath are it is impossible to ascertain lery sending a storm of pr sin aoe ee SS ee conflict, tthe renach feClZIans an¢ sritis ‘ i , ‘ 0 5 ° . ' PS aS ata and See Mortimer, Postof-|,, a : ; Hazen |in one unbroken stream—a shuc- pe \ Nov. 17, 1944 awe ee ee ee jin Flanders and against the Rus-/fice Block. bat whe toys 7. _ dering song of death. The shells ‘It was said of old that a good tullin ’ , First our lieutenant was wound. | ae te. Solna’ ent Mek Sees . aoe are aware that he has given most fell unerringly among the mss {cause sanctifies war; but I say 10 D.E. ed, then the sergeant, and we) — a c oanenak sh ie Ofice and Pocket Diaries. Gem | earnest study to the question and|,,¢ Germans, very few surviving |to you that a good war sanctifies Rupert were left without a single officer|”~ . is nie “ a ir Pads for 1915 at McRae) undoubtedly will propound a pol-|to-reach the trenches, where they |™Y Cause. eee cs . ° s endeavor ~ o keep 1 o72 72.97 1. a : > rar M McMullin, I wish|to command a platoon, We were| as +a PM [Bros 273-76-77 |icy which will both be in the in-|were ie a by the deadly mae ane te ae oF a " and the Deugh a ot ae * , ifightinge « side oO wir own e: a8 alll C and the Em- and eool rifle fire. on St ns See Oo, whee Si vealiors. They sre .follawing| D the absence of Mrs,/@rests of Ganada and the Em)" Ai the tine of infantry was|doubt. He meant simply a war in - ai mee & See ot elgntcon tbe leet tho oles Hlined in General| Peck, Miss R. M. Davies has been |! hidden, and the Germans were or = vistenions Sout aiae "oe maby © re company, thre up| , 4 ‘ otenhnun Ch » | rs i EN : . , , ; » slay an urn withou kind and pany ru ao heyy : von der Goltz’ book, “The Nation api ! ecretary for the 1.0. A STAB IN THE BACK. killed by a foe they never saw In and without ity our conting-|his cap and, with a ringing cheer | DI } small detachments they fled he- —'t a e aaa ; > are, Srewee seco years e.%. 3 : ' fore the terrible unseen death, “My brothers, plac kind offer tolyelled, ‘Fix bayonets, lads.’ We}|' ; até artson, of the} tor ‘ - = ‘ ~. , ee lin which he said, “It is our en- Don't forget your ‘church this Privaté John Robertson, " But more German troops were |¥ou this new Table of the law: ‘ur ae ae aan eee Se Serene avor that Germany shall never|year. The Anglican Church ba- | ts Battalion Blaek Watch, whose} ont out to this certain death.|Be hard!”—Prof. Kettle, in T.P.’s 1 i epee ~ |deavo : term: shall never | year ‘ glice : ‘ ‘ h. anes wien nians. The boy was in the act)""°™ arena of war, but/zaar will be held at the church |parents reside at 23 St. John St.,/singing and cheering almost in|Journal of Great Deeds of the an a ‘jof bayonetting a German, when|"°"™ a on ‘Thursday, December 3. it | Stirling, has written home from al delirium the grey-coated soldiers |Great War. a tg the latter shouted, ‘For God's jthat it shall fight out all its quar aes aa, a Liverpool military hospital.) stermed the invisible trenches een tee ‘ aie a ' lon't st me? ft is too| "et? cutsice “es own Fremssere At the Majestic Theatre to-| While he holds to the view that] (Rxeisian by the censor.) THE WEATHER. ur kindness. sake dot SLICK e. is OOF : 3 i sata . . ae rrving this pls out to its it ere | he shown ¢ ery | the Germans are n d with the — 50 to be, Madam, |jate,’ replied the youngster, ‘it is] Carry ’ plan a ght ther will I ! re ’ ve ry| dh man - o | psomathersd Ons thousand yards ~ Compiled by F. W. Dowling, ant ‘ logical eonelusion the war should] fine reel of war views, and in ad-|rifie, he remarks tha ne enem yards—not a shot, but at 3 Observer. PI CK 1.Co! through you. : ver in a comparatively few|dition to the usual pictures there jartillery is the best in the world] yards a long flame of fire and November 27, 1944: uta oe ve ‘ co parte : j . corny Y “ re t Gena” 58H : he allies are calmly}!!! be an_ exhibition of clubjof its kind. “The Germans are/the Germans did not exist. It waS)p, meter ..........:. 29.442 ompany, 68th NEW PAPER APPEARS. months, as the allies a 7 “Iswinging, dancing and singing|awfully frightened for the cold|horrible, but it was war. (Exci- Highest 47.0 letting the Germans play them), \ oa) amateurs. Admission 10] steel, however,” the writer goes|sion by censor.) Lowest - bad ankeue 4 ker 32.0 SBYTERIAN HAL rhe Prince George Post, an in- Iselves out in vain efforts to pes-lconts and 25 cents, on to say, “and when they get a In Ostend the German head- ail EA Pg 56 IS BEIN > dependent weekly paper, made Its)... cine channel ports. It seems e 5 They ght turn and fire at him, ——____—_-—-—_—— : ' ald. at South Port George, and| gases WHICH APPEAR Crude Oil Motor. 165tf.| They migh a ss ‘ es ee GAL port |e BEFORE SUPREME COURT sag oe" but he would need to be 16 feet| NEW CHURCH BUILDING * articles of clothing for # ee ener are F fortable room, eome| if bewght instead of 5 1-2 feet or FOR FRASER LAKE) * nen, women or ehildren * ssary by the fact leorge an called They are " wn or a comtortable room, c¢ e yr sa fea stan all ” seit a ; r ; P « has A. cvang | i . ll supplied in The session of the SupreMelin the gt. Elmo Motel, 836 Sec- a = ms ou ; ~ a iat Bishop Du Vernet returned ae we ma © Smo a» thas wae pretty nearly as we ipl Court whieh will be convened nd Avenue, near Righth Street. | owevel errible and = strenuous ; ak “ - * the Belgian sufferers are * ! en ee ae that line as Prince Rupert here on December 2 by Judge} yw, ne Ste heat ana| the fighting may have been, it|yesterday from visiting the Ang- : 1 * een attracted by |" es ' mber of Souly cpeaes. ‘ieee See oe does not seem to have affeeted|licean Mission of Endako and * asked to have them left w ’ si - emen il ave a numbe oO ots . ater aanenny . : Oes oO set ‘ : é ; . - Another. af@hion NEW ADDITION TO . 7 a I saiaad cases to dis- a ee . See ‘enoenie the writer's spirit, for he talks of | Fraser Lake, which is in charge * at the following depots, ® ry soon be neces- WESTHOLME ORCHESTRA Se of " .— <> ie diy getting a new rig-out” in order|of the Rev. Wm. Sweetnam. While|* from 2 to 5 p. m., on Fri- # ; 3 rhe civil cases at present on The LO.D.R. afternoon tea held| tat he may go back to fight for at Endako oe are —_ a * day, November 27: Meth. # — fo vm 4 . j ‘Oo ry fg reve » arr “nts , e erection 0 /s I x ards see: MaRae A new addition to the staff on the slate are: Philpott vs. John at Mrs. P. I. Palmer's residence |™!"*: ‘ ante ond. sore He aoe o ae Ao © ocfict Chusch, Ancteenol 273-82 | the Westholme Orchestra Is Mr.J/G. Beaty, Teronto; aaa on Thursday. afternoon was well|"!derlines the last word. nue the foundation of whieh was}* Church, Hays Building # ; owles inn vs. G.T.P. 8.8. Co.; Bleven=1 attended and much enjoyed. An me apn a ent C. Knowles. Mr. Knowles /Quinn vs," spear tiegy: ome 4 STMA e eek. a venue), Baptist # ~reeee Vineen - 1 director for the | sen & Crum vs R J Mc Done i, instructive First Aid leeture by CHRI S MAIL. begun this pe PO ud (Gescnd Avenu as P . 4 * teveceveveveoooooooooonos | NS HOON TNUSICA r and] #84 L. G. Boyd vs. G. W. Denni-} py, yiNeil on the preparation of mony: niet piabi’a Sooin wean itinel * Church and at t. Peter's MAJESTIC THEATRE Globe Theatre in Vancouver § aa = elek room, treated of buran: Mr. R. L. Melntosh, the local a “ oo — ar til) 4:35 today * Chureh (Seal Cove), La- # is an artist of considerable ex Criminal cases include Rex V8.) coaids; and also poisons and their postmaster, wishes to er wha, anos George watted for|* dies will be there to re- # TONIGHT perience Mr. Knowles is also 8] John May, who is charged with antidotes, was listened to with that all_mail intended to reek the passengers coming in on the|* ceive them and to see that * { her of violin, pi-|murdering Albert L. Taylor, near) reat interest. The music greatly Europe before Xmas should be a : t 1 not leave till 2:20 i * UTRAORDIN — M New Hazelton, on SMtomber 28; added to the enjoyment deposited here before December |train and did not leave 2:20. |# they are sent to their des- arTaaee DOUBLE ano, mandolin, and sing! if Rex vs. 8. B. Adams, for indecent ’ 1, 11 p.m, Otherwise it may pos- a ee * tination. ° CTION Knowles is Riso a teat her ¢ sfassault, in which a tittle § eirl| ee sibly be late in arriving. -* ane Mrs. G, > S oodiand *eEH HEE HEE RE ER EEE shorthand. They have taken § rod seven years is concerned; eingrenmiiveagties eft for Vancouver today on @ ’ Special Majestic . _faged seven ye ; , . x = ne ae suite in the MeM aM MI ant Kex vs Eilis Hesketh, in whieh > ! ow te Got There. amen cr: Concert Contest; $} ments. the enarge is assault on Mr, John on t rgue. It is reported that a rather WANTED. Flash of Fate"; Dillman, who pleads that he was’ prosperous Conservative very de-| , i a) maitnhl a WANTED. ‘ panes Oe 2 The Cradle. attacked on Fraser Street near Go to Cole’s Segar Store sirous of getting a place on the sah — ~~ . . People to come and see our . - a Wim,|the Savey Hotel, Association's executive boeught|to Eastern Canada within a ; : tock of Second "the Belgian pete &. ® : son rhere is also the case of Rex ITH EVERY S0c PURCHASER YOU 875 worth of membership tickets|month. Apply Box 4, Daily News. mmenge ¢ | Trust Begets Thompson, of Atl a. ‘ Hos. |vs. Sam Morris, in which it is @ Ok i COUPON: and gave them away to anybody i adiaual Hand Furniture, We must : ’ — = Slam on the 26th, at ! Genere accused that on July 45 at Tap- ’ who would vote for him. Even Guaranteed Raincoats almost dispose of it at once. Prices : oumine 4 pital ly. B.C, he did “with a eertain $280.00 Motor Cyale Firat prize Liberals were pressed into ser-lat cost.—Demers. 273-5 to suit everybody. Corner of o . 5 : da , .00 Victor Vietrola Second Prige ce. He made the erade. . ons; Mr. B od the/gun loaded with divers balls un- $66 vier vomqeinanengail. on Bev Solo; Mr H Those odd , :* lawfully did shoot with inten: Given Away Free on New Years Day ee That distant friend will be eh ae bei el ae unedy quar house, Fritz es then 180] here and then him, the said Rod. 18" oD WASHED NUT COAL—$8.00. tickled all over on reeeipt of a Street. Furniture a ee hildren’s toy paired. PRONG) osick MeDonald, to kill against pwes TO OF Gay Paes New Wellington Coal Gom.-|dainty Xmas eard as sold by Me- Phones No. 86 and 465, GMission 10 and 2Be 3 ov Stithe form of the statute, ete, ete,” | pany, Phone 116, . tf.| Rae Bros, 2773.74.75