THE DAILY NEws THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation ‘ACTION AGAINST li, F. McRAR, EDITOR AND MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. both parties shall new get to- gether as they did in 1910 and boost for a Canadian navy to stand guard at our shores and at the same time be at the dis- better to have an unsalaried aldermanie board. any patriotic spirit would be deferred from his duty by the lack of salary, while those to posal of the Empire. whom the money looks good ll. would not have the same in- In view of certain remarks] centive to thrust themselves of the morning paper it might be added to the above that had the Borden Emergency Bill carried the ships which it was to construct would not be finished till 1916. On the other hand, had the Conserv- atives gone ahead with the policy of Sir Wilfrid the Can- adian fleet would be already in commission. upon a long-suffering public. Give Themselves Up to Mag- istrate at Capetown. London, Nov. We thus see Nobody of Two Sons of General De Wet 26.—The Cape- town correspondent of the Reu- ter Telegram Company says that two sons of General Christian De TO GERMANY—AGENTS possession of secret informatior coast. disclosing the method by information has been conveyed t the enemy, but the have not been traced. NEUTRAL FISHING CRAFT SELL L! London, Nov. 27.—-With the re- and thrown shells on the Suffolk Evidence has now come to hand which informers The night coast signaling referred to in the Daily Mail has been intended for THE DAILY NEWS. KAISER'S SPIES STILL INADEQUATE IN EXCLUSIVE CIROLES. land picked up by “neutral” boats SEES NO CLOUD ON NATION’S HORIZON Chief Executive Is Optimistic Over Outiook as Result of New Leg- istation Passed Affecting Business. as to the mavements of our fleet, Winnipeg, Nov. 26.—It's a far evaded the British patrols|call from the mayoralty chair in safely passed through uncharted Spokane, Wash., to the Central passages in British minefields. : Congregational Church pulpit, to it believed that W. J. Hindley, of the which is chief executive United States city, elected for ‘Ithree years on the commission system will harken. By unani- the Chureh mous vote, members of Cen- tral accepted a report of its pastoral committee and ap- GUARANTEED American Silk HOSIERY We Want You to Know These Hose They stood the test when all others failed. They give that any help Canada could] Wet, the rebel leader, have sur- real foot comfort. They have have given the Empire was|rendered to a magistrate in Cape. no seams to rip. They never too late in 1913, when the]town. Several of General De become loose and baggy as bill was before parliament.) Wet’s chief officers, together with the shape-is knit in not Time and experience too has shown that the comparatively small ships which the Liber- of the railway line, at the same time. SATURDAY FOR CASH ONLY Empress Coffee, reg. 40c...... 2.6... cee Lipton Tea, A Biend, reg. 60c Lipton Tea, B Biend, reg. 50c Extra Quality Early June Peas 2s . Peaches, 2-ib. cans, reg. 20c ................45. 2 for 25c Green Gages, 2-ib. cans, reg. 200 ............... 2 for 26c S. & W. Jelly Powders, reg..3 for 25c............ 4 for 25c S. & W. Extracts (Best), reg. 25c Saturday For Cash Only Phone 187 Phone 187 most of his upporters to the west surrendered aD pressed in. They are GUAR- ANTEED for fineness, for style, for superiority of ma- terial and workmanship, ab- solutely -stainless, and to wear six months without holes or replaced by new To every one sending us 50e to cover” shipping charges, we will send, sub- jeet to duty, absolutely free: Thoee pairs of our famous AMERICAN SILK HOSE with written GUARANTEE, any color, or Three pairs of our Ladies’ Hose in Black, Tan or White colors, with written GUARANTEE. DON’T DELAY—Offer ex- pires when dealer in your is selected. Give 24 Bittner Street Dayton, Ohio, U. S. A. proved of its recommendation that a call be extended. Thomas chairman of the committee, brought in the re- port. The question of remunera- tion was not referred to definitely beyond the statement that the terms would be arranged later. It is generally understood that the minister will receive $4,000 a year with a free manse. In presenting the report of the committee, Chairman Wilson said that in the selection of a pastor three points in particular should come in for careful considera- tion: Has he a message te de- liver? Can he deliver it enter- tainingly? And what are his qualifications for social work? Although no reply has been re- ceived, it is understood that the idea was always pleasing to Mr. Hindley and that he will accept the opportunity of coming here. WARNING TO CANADA iS SEEN BY McBRIDE Ottawa, Nov, 26.—In an inter- view with Sir Richard McBride, Premier of British Columbia, he said; “As a Canadian and a Brit- isher, I hope that this will warn Canada, and that the lesson we are now learning will prove the importance and absolute necessi- ty of an adequate line of naval defence.” Wilson, SURE TDO-T kNow ALL ets tetr AND SHUTCHER ENES WANDS-AND TLL SHOW NOU WHRY- WOLD OUTCHER wy. the most effective way possible.” To Meet Railroad Probiems He spoke of the difficulty of marketing the cotton crop of the eountry, and added that “ne doubt in the light of the new day, with its new understandings, the problems of the railroads will also be met and dealt with in a spirit of candor and justice.” WILSON IS NOT A TREITCHSKE FAN New York, Nov. 26.—Jerome K. Jerome, the English novelist, who is making a tour of the United States, in an article on the Ameri- can opinion of the war, says: “Official America is not talk- ing. I had the honor of a short interview with President Wilson. On the matter of the war he al- lowed me only one brief glimpse into his mind. It was he himself who introduced the subject of Treitschke. ‘It is quite remark-~ able,’ he said, musingly, ‘how all Germany seems to have allowed itself to become possessed with the spirit and doctrtines of Treit- schke.’ “It could be gathered that he had no sympathy with the teach- ings of Treitschke.” 26. London, Nov. ~The Daily Chronicle asserts that the new war loan already has been over- subseribed and that the applica- tions are still pouring in. Ae- cording to the Chronicle the amount spoken for aggregates 600,000,000 pounds (%3,000,000,- 000). The total loan amounts to #1,750,000,000. Five and a half tons of coal are burned in the Uniled States each year for each undeveloped horse- power available in the rivers and streams of the country. RUT CAN NUR BDO WITH THAT BY NEXT \ TRURSDAN? “., Through Service to The Fast S.S.PrinceGeorge . Salis for Vancouver. vy toria and Seattie on Fridays aoa. m™ | i . JOHNSTON Seal Cove Phone Green 321. eveanh CENTRALLY LOCATED Steam Heated—Ali Conve- niences—Very Moder- ate Price SPECIAL RATE MONTHLY : : ; 35~PHONE--35 | | One Good Deliv- ery Horse, Cheap at Prince Rupert Dairy SSEEEESEREPESERESEEEES j | | : or le- , iov. 2 “A fu- Over the TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract{cent successful raid of a German © waged in fishing a aies * Washington, Nov. 26. 2 haan GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAIL Way » s » 8 ‘ig ~ - rates on application. squadron into the North Sea to|gitimate pursuit off the . . ture clear and bright, with p - i : : 1 . ‘he message received, the , » be hinges,” was the) Passenger trains carrying Standard Bleeping co: — —— - —_— ———|within firing distanee of Yar- ast. The message recetvec ee of the best t ® os = th the h same a renewal) boat has gone about, and at day- way President Wilson cummed up Care leave Prince Rupert on Wednesdays and so: as DAILY EDITION ager Friday, November 27, 1944, 7™r0u ere has come a renews a eek™ Oo Gomonten, Gasketeon, Geiville, Winnipes, otc. co... . of the agitation for more efi-|break, many miles nearer tie), .. view of the business prospec St, Paul, Duluth, Chicago and ali Eastern Coniros - t h coast, has lib- a letter to Secretary McAdoo, For pointe EAST of CHICAGO wee the GRAND Teun ecacious measures of protect jDuteh or Danis a letter to ¢ } oom a on ‘ arriar » t an . . . » * your Bleeping Car Reservations cary fF. . EDITORI A L s- egninat what i enled the 5 ral cari PO ied eee eee eae fA memanin soto Fn en Th | : cages. O he returt f the pi- — , on To . sniiliite __. | peril. eet, eee {congratulating him up AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Line: - For some time it has been; #eons to the home s pening of the new federal re- As casting an _ interesting als had in view are the mostiknown in restricted circles their messages Rave been conv serve bank syevem nee |= . . slmma. ds ante rongs 0 ’ ces light on political issues in effective in the present war.|London that the British Admiral-|ed Bertin, Bit or wWelhelm a ran ne a now easily y wi, as ese “ay 1 a ; Canada, the action of the If there is any reproach com-|iy has taken certain measures|liaven . at ebiettty be,” wrote the pres- + POBox 6n local Conservatives in endors- ing to any party in Canada it/in view of a special contingency. | By this means the enemy has ident, “all differences will clear MUSIC ing the naval policy of Sir must lie on the party that|Not many people were supposed) become possessed of vital infor | away. We are all in the same Teacher of Violin and All N( Wilfred Laurier is worthy of prevented Canada from hav-|to be aware of the arrangeme ‘nts | mation long before a ship could) boat, though apparently we oe Band Instruments AIN ‘ ’ « _ on e ‘ o ‘ notice. The present struggle ing a very effective flavy atlin question. It was certainly not je ross the seas, and has made h | forgotten a ; We n x a We A. PESCOTT 0 . . r: ‘ of 1 sort for which we are po ' ' VW has demonstrated that the Im- the present time. If Sir Wil-lexpected they would be known in} dispositions, accordingly oe rt vd ; nell | have more and 7 See 8 WALL TINTING . » for| have and she i LL | ¢ perjal navy, is quite capable frid Laurier had been given his | Berlin. dreds of British lives paying for more as our new understandings | of taking care of the North way the Canadian navy would An American who has just re-|the treacherous use of the neu- ripen, a common discipline of pa-| ——--— _---- Sea and that the weak spots have covered itself with|{yrned from the German capital, | (rals. triotic purpose. We shall ad-| M ~ =v Furope lie along the caosts glory ere this, as the Austral-| where for objects perfectly hon- Some of these “neutrals,” with|yance, and advance ett ; artin Swanson of the Dominions. The help- ians have done. The navallorable and compatible with his|their pigeon lofts, have been cap-|with a new aoe r ee second Av sias t ’ -ordiality of apirit- . Jessness of Prince Rupert a disaster off Chile, too, would] duties as a citizen of a neutral|tured by British patrols, and now 4 ae ads ep it vt inspir-| ed co-opere ‘ few months ago, when hostile have been impossible. It is|nation, he has been in touch with|that the North Sea is closed to sien osama! aunts CUT PRICES cruisers were reported to be safe to say, however, that welthe German naval headquarters,| traffic, it is believed that German To Eradicate Monopoly at our doors, illustrates this shall never again hear of a|inentioned the very matter which|submarines are making use of Mr. Wilson referred to the new Call and Save Money | BW e in On i well. The actions of the Aus- contribution policy for Can-|was supposed to be a British na- the pigeon post. tariff jaw, the new currency a _ ne : ssion law, tralian navy too strengthens ada but that the policy of Sir|yal secret. Evidently those ‘“‘re~| The bird shot at Flamlingham, ae we or seaneae Pe of the The favorite Houser : . ane e labor provisio ; a - the idea of local units. Indeed Wilfrid will be adopted by|stricted circles in London’ were|a short way lniend a Seer new anti-trust law as the means OR. GILMOY, DENTIST eam the Austrafian a to date whatever party is in power. |not restricted enough to excinde| folk coast, on Tuesday, has been through which “the soil has Crown and Bridge Work a Tron COM, has covered itself with glory . a German spy. definitely identified as a foreign|eyerywhere been laid bare, out 4 Rogers 4 and with such a splendid ree- The suggestion made by a Work of Fishing Boats. pigeon, and the police are follow-|of which monopoly is slowly to a ty. “at | Second Avenue Phone 11 i i iff) . >» or . a w 2 Thi ve ord it will not be difficult here-| correspondent in yesterday's] The Daily Mail yesterday said:|ing up information which bas} nee. that “undoubtedly —— 7 | - e adder ’ @ after to get recruits for the paper that in view of the A few weeks ago the Home Of-|come to their hands. the means by which credit has — service. In the meantime there} gtrenous times city aldermen|fice assured the country that the - deacat aod tied ee been set is at the heart of all UNION TRANSFER co | Fon Piumeine ano weaTing there are no laurels on the should forego their salaries.;|German system of espionage in SPOKANE MAYOR these things, is the key piece of brow of Canada, not indeed be-| The saving to the city of|England had been effectively TOA the whole structure,” cxncnaL TRaneran ano stones | SMITH & [MALLETT cause Canadians of all parties $3,200 for next year would be|“scotched.” Since then warships GIVEN CALL ae to the a South Wellington Cee! ally ck a north 8 “e ; ’ ness" o e currency law, RESIDENCE 110) ' ° are not ns _ because considerable and there are lots|have been mysteriously tor- WINNIPEG PULPIT president said “the war which fo ana aan PRINCE RUPERT Third = oat Second etrest her statesmen have different of men who would be willing |pedoed, sentries have been shot has involved the whole of the} — — Prince Rupert ideas on the method of assist- to serve the city free of cost.|ietters conveying information to|Congregationalists Offer W. S-)noart of Europe has made it ' a ance. It is to be hoped that Indeed it is a question whether |the enemy have been seized, and Hindley Salary of $4,000 necessary that the United States BOAT BUILDER i-—— in view of recent developments at all times it would not be|® German squadron has, by the and Free Manse. should mobolize its resources in Ales. M@. Manson, B A W. EB. Willian. L WILLIAMS &@ "ANSON Barristers, So!'c\tors, Ex MONEY TO LOAN | Bor 158) _Beigerson Block i © Rupert, B. ( \Office cormer fod Street « and Avenue PACIFIC CARTAGE LITE (Successors to Generel Coreg LADYSMITH COAL O3——Prone 8: ae JOHN CURRIE Gontractor & Builder v E Estimates Olven Phone Black 294 ‘IMPERIAL MACHINE SH ’ ' Repairing Quick!y Done COW BAY I JAMES GILMORE Architect \ 2nd Avenue, nea! P.O. Box 170 ‘SAVOY HOTEL finest crass ovlein® Hot and Cold Runnin waser | ali Roome ran Oniy finest brands of Liev . Cigere bert ail vHe GesT woTe. ** we BRITIOH COLUMBIA 5 PRUDHOMME & FS" Phone Green 252 Proprietors oe peeee eee eset eet et tent Drawn for The Daily News I TO RA .» | TURKS yb OUGHT | Have A TURKEY 10 ‘ | \