THE DAILY NEWS cst? ==) JHE DAILY NEWS GET THE LATEST WAR NEWS FIRST IN THE DAILY NEWS € _ akes a War News Immediately it Received AMAA eo See z —— vol ? PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., MONDAY, NOVE™BER 30, 1914. PRICE FIVE seal ELD ————_—____——— MARSHAL FRENCH REPORTS PROGRESS ES z = RUSSIANS TAKE CAPITAL OF BUKOWINA AND BRING HEAVY SIEGE GUNS TOB BEAR ONCI CRACOW NERAL FRENCH OPTIMISTIC... ‘RUSSIANS TAI TAKE CZERNOWITZ— BATTLE TIDE FAVORS ALLIES AUSTRIANS FLEE IN DISORDER pERMANS wISCALCULATED STRENGTH OF ALLIES IN WEST IMPORTANT CITY IS CAPITAL oF BUKOWINA—_INHABITANTS AT OPENING OF CAMPAIGN — HAVING FAILED BEING RUTHENIANS AND ROUMANIANS ENTHU- THEN THEIR CAUSE I'S HOPELESS. SIASTICALLY WELCOME RUSSIANS. a ; © cat mew) i (Special to The Daily Mews) | ; ene _* . » Soy ' aa QUEEN OF BELGIUM GERMAN SOLDIERS violent bouteediona aa oneerning the REPORTED VERY ILL WANT T0 SURRENDER by the Russian troops, the Aus- ae \llies in a report —_—— trians on Thursday precipitately . aha « — to = _ ge t aestaie “tee, ee eek abandoned Czernowitz, the capital a port eovers the}Elizabeth of Belg ah ¢ a Toei o shia ideation of Bukowina, fleeing in disorder. | British troops) ill and confined to her bed as a and even battalions are wonton: ia ae — a " 14 ee is lrecunt oF aati ellen ane ian inauallbaiat I Alte enetin: abaiaiin tered the otty Friday and were 8 with the Red Cr Society Polish woods sane for + des e eae ee oe a o sixpateh cae ee ates ©€/ Ruthenian and Roumanian peo- : f ple. “ve are possly BRITISH WARSHIPS — ges of the battle \rmontiones..< For PATROL ATLANTIC HEAVY SIEGE GUNS WORK FOR SOLDIERS. artillery fire has shanetines Ges Gane inte AGAINST CRACOW The ladies of the English acke erably and infan- New York, Nov aie elites | GERMANS ON THE DUTCH FRONTIER.—The last German outpost on the road from Antwerp to nite oo the Gas mieid Chureh have been doing their " have practically less operators steamships Rosendaal, Holland. The soldiers in the pieture are Bavariang, Milan, Nov. 30—Petrograd dis- share of patriotic work and on 1 muta, ns inlve Rotsh warships are e- CINK GOVERNMENT _ |SHACKLETON MAY ENEMY MAKES EFFORT |Pesibardine the cracow torts| he Angioan Ghureh Wom derstood that the york (o Panama. IS IN BAD STRAITS TO INFLUENCE INDIAN {ine suburbs is in ames. prcmeelln prs adeno ce nearly all the M TO FOR WANT OF MONEY (Opecia! to The Bally Hows.) | FIGHTERS IN TRENCHES neat: aie AS Canadian Red rma in Toronto a Europe from east me RECR ¢ $0 Cini @as Geimtnauitess eel Se , Nov. 30 ; oo in La aietae haeuty diated ae KAISER’S OFFER bale containing many articles mbined French- UITIN sydney dgockyards has delay- 78 i . Me ' armies im the| Army of Million Will ed the departure of Sbaekleton’s| Taube Announcing Holy War IS TURNED DOWN rato ona ea pan eae 2 mt snl satet gebiiuen’ Vat powder magazine. cepting all the conditions which |League is specially indebted to for successful at-|"0 being carried on there rh Two emissaries of the Chines: Ottawa, Nov. 30.—Applications» The repert says that the Ger-lthe Mikado would be pleased to|the Daughters of the Empire for t." jenmn Gheste in. qangiion ere Che government arrived in this e¢ for additional brewery licenses in| mans have not attacked the In-|fix. The German Emperor exact-|* most generous contribution of highly of the ser- |r sh Worker (Jim Larkin's pa try two weeks ago and after con-|Vaneouver have been before the dian trenches as desperately as|ed one condition, namely, that $41,10, which has greatly assist- yal Artillery. The ! a - ferring with capitalists here are nment and refused. No ad- they have the other parts of the) Japan should attack Russia. The ed in carrying on the work. rage of the com-} rhe Irish Nation, and Ireland now in Washington One of|ditional Hieenses will be granted line, and have been repelled with-|Mikado declined emphatically to PMNs been very marked,| The last named paper ae oe them is Wong Chin San, secre-|for the present out diMeulty. When the Ger-jaccept the proposal, and added THE CRADLE reason to know the , my made dally pw- tary of the Board of Finance mans have captured an Indian “That day when the last foot- battle. . He placed eat te lt is understood to be Wong} WASHED NUT COAL—$8.00. (trench, invariably it has been re-jhold of German culture in the BORN—to Mr. and Mrs, .\lex. ;, many of the enemy | Quetes by Germans. Chin San’s desire to obtain an au- New Wellington Coal Com-/eaptured, usually at night with|Orient falls will be one of the|@T@y, @ $0n, November 29th, it in dead, wounded | Last week a prominent German dience with President Wilson to|P8?¥, Phone 116 tf.|the bayonet. Despite the cold|most glorious in Japanese his- as, those of the Ajl-)OT#a" Gave serious no ae cain from him some sanetion for ¥ weather, the. health of the Indi-|tory.” BORN—to Mr, and Mrs. Ste- , ffivag theese news sheets, and ale the loan, as a year ago the Presi-|p Yor Drang ee 30? onan ans is better than that of the} The Mikado concluded by tell-|Phen A. Adams, a daughter, Nov~ ———__— leave an addres Dublin at ent discountenanced participa mae. ee a hae ~ | white soldiers who accompaniedjing the Kaiser that he had de- ember 29th. BRITISH STEAMERS SUNK. | wh oh, it was stated, that arms ion by the United States in it. His Word has been received by Me. | them from India. While feeling|ceived himself enormously by er . mee jeould be bought by the Irish reb- reason was said to be that money|Rae Bros., of this city, of the|the hardships of the trenehes| thinking that Japan, like Prussia,| 4 itl was born to Mr. and Mrs, WO Vessels Said to Mave Been °'* Peis journal siso stated was not intended for a reeon-|death of their father ‘at Sarnia, acutely they have not com-j|was capable of violating treaties. E. T. Kuats, of 1147 Park Ave- Hil by Submarines. [tame Money was being mayen struetion fund, but to down per-]Ont., who had been ill for some plained. The Mikado handed the Kais-|""° this morning. in New York to support the move sonal enemies of Yuan Shai Kai.}time past ! Officers Well Informed. er’s telegram and a copy of his ; 30.—Jt was re-|ment. Meetings have been held Representatives of the revolu- pe 5 ih = | The officers of the Indians are|reply to the British minister. THE WEATHER. ls Friday that two there = ecg 7 ear neliied tionists are understood to be now J. W. MeKinley, of 416 Green | exceedingly well informed nopasds —_— c ied by F. W. Dow!i ers* were sunk off} Whe are hostil a this country trying to prevent] street, is offering the balance of|ing the war, Tn describing Ger- BASKET BALL. Observer. . ian submarines, and these and a = - Waont [the proposed loan his furniture for less than half|™man attempts to influence the} — a ; — kf s were the Mala-|mans attended, and “Di ch : its cost. Call and see them, or |!ndians, the report says that the There will be a double header 5 a. m. November 30, 1944) . The crews of|am Rhein” was suns WHAT EIGHT MILLION phone Red 337. e77tf,) operator of a Taube aeroplane in the Basket Ball League - Barometer .....0e+eee- . 29.918 vere reseued, The Larkin has gone to the Ut ted CANADIANS CAN DO le \threw down over the trenches morrow night in the Rink at ass ei Jeet i ins aa F the Malachite were | States to lecture against the ares Chimneys, pipes and ranges|many leaflets bearing the an- sharp. Tigers play Callies; C. C.’3) Min, temp. ........+++ . 26.0 . hampton, and those] ish government When seven or eight millions jcleaned——Phone Fitz, number 503} nouncement by a German profes- play Men's Own, _ at Freamos, a lof men, armed to the teeth for — sor that “Sheik-Ul-Islam"” had Ft et ae NAME WANTED. mn the English Chan LOCAL CATTLE FOR g » another and destroy Cold nights -warm blankets vroclaimed a holy war. All the courens PaaS - " peed FRIZZELL'S MARKET) M!!'6 oe another T Tialioce'. soe.30 lan nanan ail eine, ele anaes — For the big doll at Wallace's. “re 2 ling property, om get away with oa , “ fae & eatiets Teé - Oo hands oO ie With every 50 cents purchase Little girls, bring in suggestions eee That the sur ures es ; ~~ ar a ae ete you get a chance to win the Big land contest for the two dollars, nn ' : piv Prineelof the property they destroy, re. by them Banal 9 SPRE IAL THIS WEEK jw gaem be able" _ lenced {me i what eight millions of Don’t Ar ue! Two Indians were ereeping to- am oe Welleee’s. ahd coon an ' pRupert wit! ; le ns sing fg s . ; g ” ards ¢ ier P ’ Its eccupants ceased to fire, dis- , Jap ORaNags_ hy a pains which an is u pte. a - : “ “ 3 ® 7 gooey , - S a ee s . WANTED. SOc PER BOX pOeors. rs , 6 , ra a : , ns the ile wr Go to Cole's Segar Store aie . stent be oe The tala by signs indieated Deaple to seme Ameer APPLES ~* i @drom - - . rs a inn't a ail of buying silks | WITH EVERY S0¢ PURCHASE YOU asan on of them. that he wanted to kill the British, aaa om oh — Rome Beauties mpenee Mr. Frigge ind brie-a-brac, What keeps the | GET 4 COUPON le was quick wilted enough|and as a result spent a luxurious - re + oe Wine Sap poeee in the the far| Canadian faetory going nowaday $280.00 Motor Cycle First prise to realize that neo erdinary re-|night in the German lines. In the Gtegeee of 8 a6 One® Prices Black 7 ij jnprovined in) : ‘' os , 7 $65.00 Victor Vietrola Second Pris : ane : " . on . . to suit everybody, Corner of wig had/is the main part of what you buy | souree would save his life,” says} morning on making signs that he ao 51.60 PER Box end of | ghtlevery day and thé amall itemsit © Amey Gren 20 Maw VYewe Sey the report “He immediately|ecould bring other Indians he was} Epied. deeeee ant Seventt them ” : : a ~——— ‘8 Street, Furniture Stores. ROVaL Prue the beet day in|muttiplied run inte a larger total Pires TO FIT ANY FACE ; rose to his feet and advaneed sa-| allowed to return to his own mend Phones No, 86 and 465. anne UIT MARKET lox silent shar jtben the big purchase, ‘jaamine to the German trench.) He was promoted for thie exploit,