ndas Mo aa MANY PROMINENT PEOPLE IN CANAD, THE DAILY NEWS. CERMANS SENT SCHOOLBOYS TO FRONT WITHOUT TRAINING YOUNG LAD, A PRISONER, ‘TELLS HOW THE PARENTS WERE TRICKED AND HOW THE BOYS WERE HOAXED AS TO MANEUVERS. SS GERMAN SUBMARINES WENT T0 BOTTOM Stayed There While British Fiect Was FPecent!y Bom- barding Zeebruge the London, N new details of the t of I lon, Nov, 28 Many people|us that we were to prepare for al, i . “« . . ws Zeebruce, Belg | the Have Written Letters About Fruit-a-tives” A believe the stories of the jong journey, as we were to go Germans were prey 8 And Have Allowed These Letters To Be that Geveniale Ieee laway for a months maneuvers. wat base. ha the I . " any s > - as ie or : | course we never ee , Published In Their Home Newspapers ‘ front, bet & te, eel of we 1 dreamed don papers . jof going to real war, and it was a . sa me 1 fact that t and f The correspo The Ex - 10U8ANGS OF l not until we were startled next press on th ' ; tig i being te ’ “0 0 ing b ¢ wom Oo *g ‘ & taken from/morning by the | 1 of cannon telegraphs tha caalilal ted ‘ * and sent almost/that we knew we had been hoaxed that the first sh nm by th He bo the ng line, says ajas to the maneuvers Setish ship eo fell | FOR COAL WOOD j ent of The Mirror My arm is red and so is Siidinn: the German submarines AND GAS_ STOVES M f the re already pris-|my head, with cannon shell fire. . : , ™E FF. DALLEY C® cimiten | in the inne harb After twer HAMILTON. ONT. BUFFALO NY. —" . ; de y i : vere al ‘ ! 3 ke 2 Those Foremost In The Religious, Social and Political England Passing |I have been all the time like one ip eallors hed be nied ot sone ° I “f : a big anc V dres —— Life Of The Dominion Have Permitted their | le ecently | came|in a big and awful dream, wounded the submarines were or- Photos To Appear, Together With Testimo- * a batch of some 200 f am pushed forward with} gereq to gun the gauntlet of the ee ee ae ae a etal Telling How They Have Been bearings the scars|pushes and curses I go blindly fleet Some of the submarines] * Plumbin Steamfitt ‘ . . Ov ‘ ‘ ‘ ; vy y! . . Cured By “Fruit-a-tives”. yne f the lads spoke | onward. Ping, ping! come the returned to Zeebruge, the corre- 5 0, e told me he was 17|bullets. My friends fall, calling spondent laconically remarks,| ¥ and sheet metal work ind up to eight weeks |‘Mutter! I go on; I fall because and he added that the fate of th t f ( ® added thi e fe on 1 . One e most remarkable features of the magnificent success of Fruit t w the front from|the body of my friend impedes others is unknown E at fair prices Western Plumbing Co., Ld the caliber of the « d won ho e wr farif ‘ s the | me once mt sll o . ot ae a cn wae OES © And it is the}m \t_-once many fall on me.) ty deseribing the bombardment, | *@®eetiekttretttkets eeeteeeeter teeeereeerer ma ed and sent their photos, with permission tc publish th rade t . We trug , : br > ‘ j > hese include a Pormer Member of the Cabinet, a Senator. a — nOeS, Suge" Ap, rORSH ant the correspondent if The Daily —- - — two Soldiers, two Justices of the Peace, a High Constable Z weeks ago my|bruised, only to be jeered at as| yaoi at An sterdam, says: _— . one Postmaster, two Superintendents of Sunday School and irned that I must| cowards for falling without “The Pierman submarines in mer, These letters were signed by the writers and may ‘he barracks to} wounds, and then we are pushed|+). harbor basin hid themselves be set pany's offices in Ottawa. iry drills on again ; a below during the bombardment in T have been cured by ‘‘Fruit-a-tives” of Stomach Trouble, son drills for two Turning at the word to ad-l|order to prevent their destruc- Indigest yspepsia—Kidney or Bladder Disease, constant Backache nd the ne Sundaylvance. he left me bbing. like ' ; a or Lunibago—chronic Headaches or Neuralgia ous a ae cas Sunes i's fe fel me sobbing, NK ltion, When the warships retreat- seen r Liver Complaint, are glad to let the whole world know of £ an officer came and told|the poor worn child he is. ad “ ‘o8e ant : 7@ j rc md red them. ‘They feel that they are only doing their duty to ithey 1 again and went in SHINGLE’, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS wr Fruit-a-tives”’ and to urge their sick friends and neighbors — pursuit, but soon returned. RUPERT LUMBER te es erful tablets made from fruit juices . | es hee eS PRINCE C0. Thes ers, telling how sick, suffering people have cured themselves CANADIAN NAVY WOUNDED AUSTRIAN How London must envy the Es- & + eee, Cae in the 4 es, have been powerful factors im inducing many others to try : th :-months days! tet Ave. and McBride &. PRINCE RUPERT, &8.c. Fr u realize, this, for if some relative or close friend has tried oe en 7 i PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers some § is satisfied with it, you are apt to try it too. The fact that LIST PUBLISHED VIOLINIST RECOVERS Columbia State. ‘ “Pr t as cured thousands of people, al] over Canada, isan excellent | —— —— seine deteetanidiini reason wiv hould try these wonderful tablets made of fruit juices. If you | | are suffer with any of the complaints mentioned above, get a box of First List Is tesued by Naval Sor- Fritz Kreisier and fed Gress “ Pruit-a-t day. vice Department Contains In- Nurse Wife in New York “Proit-e-tives”’ are sold by all dealers at soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, | formation as to Our Present City. ac. or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa Naval Status. caseanipnantagin : alas a a a en. ce THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1624 PHONE No. 3 RARER Ro egy | Ottawa, Nov. 28.—The first|Kreisler, an Austrian violinist of ‘ * . ‘ 2 F } FIRE ALARM SYSTEM : CANADIAN PACIFIC Canadian Navy List” has just/note who served as a lieutenant —. i Plete Gisss Mirrors ; ‘ ; ; RAILWAY been published. It is published by|in the 3rd Kratz Regiment and — HARDWARE a, Sa CHROUIT NO. 4. seniilaiii ; ard : ‘ the Naval Service Department,|was wounded in battle near Lem- Varnishes Graniteware s Ges 126th St. end Ore Ave * Princess Sophia southbound * Box 18 St. and 8rd Ave > 7 now and « tains some interesting in-|berg, has reached New York on - . ‘ > The ‘ Stay Satisfactory Bor 14 and Srd Ave Sunday at 8 p. m R ; : ' r formation relative to the ships of|the steamer Rotterdam He was ee.” ; Gos 15 tion of ist, @nd end z : _- the Royal Canadiar Navy The | acc ompanied by his wife, who ¢ Bo 16 Ave, between 6th and » Princess May northbound me i ' vi; tet gl = = = 3 — ; for Alaskan Ports : oe ee - served as a Red Cross nurse in the et AV 7 (Oe Char neemil rect of ; ra) Hote : Monday, Nov. 30th , E. King . oO , Austrian army. : the Naval Serviee, and Rear Ad As THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C, LIMITED ; crROUIT NO. 2 3 4 @ MONAB, Genes’ Agent imiral Wm. O. Storry, R. N., su- [ was wounded on the nigh OS — e d a * | September 1¢ saic I reis- - 22 AY and tra St : Corner Fourth Street and Third Ave perintendent =_ Esquimalt j ! { aid Mr. Krei SS. VENTURE jm 23 Ave. and McBride St s| dockyard While resisting & enarge of ND ESDAYS ATS P. M ‘ e ' . 5 Beit al | There are two captains, Capt.|Russian Cossacks I was knocked par naangendhies Ave ” : $ eo 26 Ave. and 6th &t 3 LOSOUS SSS ETT S OST O STITT RnR. G. Corbett, of the Niobe, and by a horse, and as the rider Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT * Fe] Tt. P 3 ‘ FOR A T A XI 3 Capt. E. H. Martin vho has/|passed over me he sank his lanes MIDNIGHT CROUIT BO. &. 3 : charge of the Halifax dockyard.|into my right thigh. It caught in For Further Particulars Apply to % Box 3 ba and Fulton §t > The former is lent b e Roy: iy ; d before he coulk ith- $ tn 22 borden and Taylor St. | Ete: Sermer is lent by the Mapel iegy cont and betes es ” PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. Navy ‘here are six comman-jdra t I shot and killed him $ fe oro Ave. and Fulton st. S| § we See ao ee See AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS ¢ Oo 8 Ave. and Comox ave. 3) § ii ders, but only two of these are in the trenches for hours un-| i > E ateioas : ‘ the permanent Canadian serviee,|til | was found. I was then taken} = Ave. and Thompson §1 . : ‘ 5 Walter Hose, of the Rainbow, and/to a hospital near Vienna and — ‘ omeour ; nooo. © Bor at « ; “mes “'. Emmerson ¥ > PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO R. M. T. Stephens, the chief of|nursed back to health by my ne t : ' | , ee : cedereeteteeeeteeeeeeewees | stall Phree mmanders are|wife NOT WHAT YOU — WHAT YOU SAVE s \ve. and McBride St. » > . | pe * . emport John 7 Shenton Mrs. Kreisler saw duty in Ger- Qor 43 Su Ave > ———_—_—___—__ {temporary } i 3 ‘ ©. and Green St ! $ oor aa Ave and Basi! St : eeoeee ERROR EROS Henry Thompson, and F. W. H in and Austrian Red Cross hos- COMFORT IN OLD AGE {Om 45—7in Ave. ane Bherts. se aiieiees end “Ganmender ©. W.\oitels, Gieank te eee NINETY-FIVE PER CENT OF THE MEN OF THIS $ Box var Ave. and Yung st =3 | # - hee sack ale ae a al i COUNTRY AT THE AGE OF SIXTY ARE DEPENDENT ‘rousdale, o s ar ntac 1 » Americt ¢ Sbtttans t. cecedenenens » . LATEST WAR NEWS ey usdale, of H. M. ¢ i | ‘ _ | en mail Upon Their Daily Earnings, Their Families or Charity for Support _ ire s le iCross 1 s and she sai« Z ; Grey, 1 sent - THE EASIEST WAY TO SAVE IN THE SAFEST SORT OF WAY * rhe latest war bulletins *| @ne Lieutenant Commander. [were receiving unbounded praise IS BY A POLICY IN * received exclusively by The #| ; desde, Secunia } ‘ ne lieutenant commander, |everywhere. LIFE INSUR ANCE COMPANY SUBSCRIBE FOR # Daily News are posted im- | One lieutenant commie, Pes LADY LETHBRIDGE THE EXCELSIOR * mediately after coming off #)?0"" en aa At her Red Cross Hospital, where} . the wires at the following ®/the Admiralty | IMPORTANCE OF NICKEL , eat te Nd tase KISSICK & EDWARDS ads oO oO sigians * places * The ships belonging to the Ca- OUTPUT IN CANADA eae a DISTiKNICT AGENTS HE AILY NEWS — . ‘ rh : ard Germans are located, at Sixth Street Prince Rupert, B.C. , ° Cole's Cigar Store, 3rd Ave. #) agian navy are the Diana, > r , : Sixta stre ari welry Store, % lin ‘ . Calais. ' Pp —_— ° Wark's Jewelry Store, 3rd . Shore Establishment at Halifax; The importance of Canada’s lai free * avenue ; . aw . -” ee ‘ Prince Rupert Hotel, 2nd #/|the Niobe, a cruiser of 41,009/nickel industry may be more fully es —— —— — ne ° * avenue # tons: the Rainbow, a light cruiser|realized when it is considered that (te| ; (lirector * Royal Hotel *| Ff 3.600 tons; the Shearwater, a|Canada produces over 80 per cent e FEIAIRIIR ISIC IOISICIRISISINIDITISISIISISI IIA IOI IIR TOOT TRIO IOTAR IISA IA AAA | ' * Central Uotel . sloop of 980 tons, at Esquimalt,|of the world’s output of nickel, a , indeor Hote . : ia . : . as ; aoe He tel * @\and the Shearwater II Shore Es- In 1913 the Canadian Copper . iboX ove ‘ 4 _? » ne ‘ ‘ — Wembers R. L. Vintners Association * Daily News windows, 3rd */tablishment. Company's smelter at wane ——————=— * avenue * There are thirteen Canadian|Cliff, in the Sudbury district, coe fleet auxiliaries: the Malaspina,|treated 665,000 tons of ore, con- WINDSOR MOTEL ' ; os 7 Corner or } time Restless, Newington, |taining over 44,000,000 pounds of x Arne First Ave. and Eighth 8+ | | . . ; i Ww © Wright, Prop. soeeee of tune Canada, Curlew, Albacore, Gul-|nickel, or about 90 per cent of the r . a — Aldebaran Mineral Clalm, situate o nare, Petrel, Scotsman, Gladia-|total output of Canada. The nickel for Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. MOTEL CENTRAL eee 7 tor, Constance and Margaret was recovered as matte and rie , Pirst Avenue and Seventh 81 Where jocated;—About three-q Vv shipped to the United States for » more 0 from olunteer Reserve. Lippec € rited i Furopean and American Plan (9-4) Bey od ar FS T Micers of the volunteer |refining ; The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Peter Black, Prop. and adjoining the Black Bear Minerel ree olcers © , — ~ ee ee TICE’ thet L Pedro asireserve are serving on the Niobe| Pure nickel is employed in P Prince Rupert. Mt is the eee bh — <_euEED — -_— u Us , , , , KNOK MOTEL agent for Willa 4. Yeugnen. T'S, ay-jand eighteen at Esquimalt. small amounts for a number of ; the city because it is clean an tanie. as fies ave. oes ‘ ; a Oe pmarines boughs Justipurposes because of tis sisrenath the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events t niwese Eighth ond Hint Bi iniend, sixty cays from we Ge Beem) Two subma and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- bees Plan, Rates §0¢ to 94.00 wo apply w the Mining Recoriee, SS - | before the opening of the war for|and durability and its white color : : P Per Day Certificate of lmprovemenss, tor the Tie. , bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- pose of obtaining & Crown Gren’ he Pacific Coast waters, are|which resists tarnishing, ; Bewner & Besner, Prope aim a ; we mism and reliability — Mpova further take notice that action, ‘med “CC4" and “CC2." The} Steel containing 2 4-2 to 3 4-2 ; SA’ - y- Ly - : under section 85, must be comment be 4 of Lieut i kel } ‘ t 7 The Daily News is the most valuable paper to Roches : ore the issue of such Cer p ormer is “ an ieut.| per cen nickel has certain ae et PD, sn ag @ tunes OD lee at © Sales Waceiniis preter atly i alt § aner advertisers because it is read by the buying public. LmPREBS ed this ist day of Septe ' an § ’. Keyes, who is als s properties greatly improved, ; ; Thira we — ; NAB. Adrian Gt, V. Rom 9 : — . 7 : : : IMPARTIAL It has a bigger cireulation than any other paper in O Ave., Between Gixth and | PEDRO BALL * |named as commander of the sub-|so that for many purposes it is > the city. It is read by the class of people the ven Claes eee ee lotiila, while the other is|replacing ordinar structural : INDEPENDENT European Pian, BO te 61 Per Ges Certificate of improvements. jmarine Hotila, « P el replacing , ay 7 advertisers want to talk to. . ee ry Chance It Pract ne got Beet por lin command of Lieut, Bertram E.|steel. Its value for armor plate . INTELLIGENT s, situate in Ue . - ROYAL HOTEL ang Cassie pennies, meostien Jones has long been known, and the ri- 3 Corey & Burgess, Prope ee eee ne Lilly berthe ms| — valry of the great maritime na- ; —_—____———_-_——_-T HE an’ ine s oe = : : 2 : é Third Ave. and Stath st Ae on cpserratory. Inlet, @od Wack | have worked it owt quite log-jtions in the building of dread- 7 Sorel Claim, located ¢ “s - oie ? me Pen Bieam rested aa ota - the DOF tnwest paint & jically,”’ said Beerbohm,. “It's very|noughts is one of the causes of ; rc a ‘eo head of Alice Arm, & brane g oi i : . 7 Bea the head Ss plain The bylaws of this elub/the recent inereased demand for 4 ‘ VER WHOLESALE LIQUOR co Hee NOTICE that | pedro Reith, pees ¥ Limrep miner's Certifieat BOs EB, tend, | .inie that the membership there-|nickel. ; ; ‘ ne date hereo , « . « Second Ave. and Sith m4 sat Oat ing ocorder fF Score is composed of noblemen and| In 1913, Canada exported 43,~ ; v4 s for th ou - | ; . — taining 4 crow rent of tbe above -\gentlemen; and, sinee the person |341,307 pounds of niekel, eontain- ° Pry » de ae d further take notice ome rl who too nate: ti anal ; ae .U MCE RUPERT wpenvine co. fi undn snion sb, must be commence? =| who took my umbrella is certain-jed in ore or matte, to the Unit. a ovement, + sopwmber, A, 2 Be Senteman, it follows thatjed States and 4,826,789 pounds) | @ | tiated tee ieee eee ‘or ana Bixth Ste Dated this 2tet day lhe must be a nobleman.” to the United Kingdom, soe Phone 9° ivi PEDRO SALINAS. | pees iieeeeeeee