; ee : wa DAILY Mets RUPERT, B. C., TURSDAY, DECEMBER Or 0 gy Lamiaative 7. o . D : ' GET THE LATEST war | a War News immediately | NEWS FIRST i te Reoolved | [ A IN THE DAILY NEWS $$ —— titi ann a TING GEORGE |S VISITING THE TROOPS IN FRANCE I TE GERMANS DESTROY YPRES.- KING GEORGE GONE TO FRANCE parish AVIATORS HAVE BLOWN UP GERMAN PETROL pE- poTs Av GHENT AND BRUGES—GERMAN ATTACK SLACKENING OFF. (Special (o The ally News.) British Aviators Busy. i Fighting in| The Allie ar th vas worfined jing gon al German ate petrol begat ; Ghent i P | Bruges 1 es has been ut- King George Goes to France. German explo- An ant ment to the Of . iry bombs asicial Pres hurea state that ; ilses the Ger- | King George bh go to insy mans ha i there. ithe expeditionar force in Franee ee TYPICAL VILLAGE STREET LA @ THE FUELD KITCHEN IN CALISBURY PLAIN™> BATTLE IN POLAND 5,000,000 MEN SAID TO STILL UNDECIDED HAVE BEEN LOST SO FAR (Special (o The Dally News.) West Flanders. N 71 Ae : Another tounding easualties which three ha vattle in Poland siniie: iti diate 40. wiiebes has pas it decisive re siti NE Pee F claim. leat ad us matter for the whole of I luation Geemms £0 rope. There is good authority for - onaggen: The the statement that this war has , hing aleng Fein. already accounted for something { e their army RE ie 2 therm ae wh t surrounded - wail iad aid — ; faney figure It has been work OH, YOU GOVERNOR! is nent oonetulls ’ . Jectric ) for The eleel’ SoroNn COMPANY - ea WANTS DEBENTURES vita the City Hall. The e « almest daily! Cotto King. but not in Brit for ' » as i f and as often ha at Colambia Cotton Co.. Lid. | ie | General Electric 1 them that it is f Vancouver, however, want to ido all Prinee .Rupert’s work and indeed, it is al- take debentures for it It's as the governor re- simple as anything Just, tell} them whi you want, from a hair ctrie Company se a temporary you've wot to do is to give them that's where the mnayor stated last Be city solieiter had E office asking if ik ined enables the city to get). : the responsibility lote of things for Christmas that}, 1 the plant ocea they couldn't otherwise afford and m experiment. They, will ve lots of good employ the wire They ment to labor at——perhaps 45 letter from their eents an hour and perhaps -less ver, saying thal Anyway, they want the debentures would guarantee th and it doesn't matter who pays le hinerg. egatnst the the bill The finance committee Tr = pipeline, ote iwill purzazte over it - : wired J. D. Rosas ze | ‘ to Be Meet Sets | ELECTION OFFICERS. sed waiting for a ntgomery object-| yoy, aldermen and sehool . yor and Alderman) ¢...ctees will be held o so mueh initia-| 44 Nominations will be made consulting = the |» 1.5 week earlic \. Cuthbert has : as ® mistake t0)).., appointed the returning of . ay cost the city fieer, with th followlt deputy ly - You don't need to}. mmissione 1. M. Carmichael, |} : iny until the gov Pipavid 7 MeLennan Phomas | a Let them go ahead Probie Win. Denning, George bow iy governor, and Sutherland and A, Clapperton the contraet, i ——— iy | 4s, agreed. to leave RITCHIE MUST PAY. , er until Mr, Ross e The city solr reported last . ay re the Ritehie sewer case WASHED NUT COAL—-$8.00. | He said that the decision me int ~ oo slon Goal Gom.-.| that Mr. Hitelu quae . em - oe tf. .| polled to pay all cost t ? or ween those of the city a coocenenahiaiauiadll j awn Don’ t Argue! | bo lo Lole’ S Segar Store ° For the bis 4 W - oe NAME WANTED TER ASQUARE? ye Ol LE RECREATION~ A WRESTLING BOUT ¢ NEW PICTURES OF THE CANADIAN TROOPS AT SALIS- BURY PLAINS. ” .|spect to them would not be harm- "RUSSIANS CONTROL CARPATHIAN PASSES - (Special to The Daily News) \ Russian of ae alll ty an electric Wank 00 8! Wien 1s AN AMENDMENT NOT AN AMENOMENT all the debentures they want and} the work is done It’s an easy! way of getting rid of debentures, | whether the city should or shot was eontending rhe municipal election for] | At this late date January ; , if if wasn't wise moved that the Council de not} said His Worship. ) run this show.” ' protested the alderman, » book of rules | “Who is in faver of » amendment?" deal more noise » no city boat for the With every 50 cents purehase you get a chance to win the Big Doll at Wallace's, tionste Wir | }Little girls, ! . PURCHASE YOU Bland contest for the two dollars COUPON | mabe “ye : | : il Green 108,00 yele First prige : 5 Mek Riven % ‘rola Seeond Prise } maak. ie 0 halanee of may Free on Mow Vere Oey contgy than half e —_ his furnit WES TO Fiy them, or ANY FACE its cost Ca i 277tf. *reerccccooncooooooons | \)!!\)\\" Red 337 seeseeeeeeenee=% CANADIANS FORMING SHOWS BAD LOGIC. * In tl frie y discus * cecvsitvatipaians eS ss f the al quest x (Special to The Daily News) * which has been going ‘on # London, Dee, 1.—An aviation | - { few days ‘The Jou » corps is being formed from the ai seems to have got #*/|Uanadian Contingent from Salis- * badly twisted. It started #*|bury Plain. by telling how every * Le * eve Canadian “hung his *} | TELEPHONE AND , ‘ because Canada did * . go through with the * * | ien contribution. 2: a The telephone department * didn't seem: to:matier that # | the Couneil last night, through contribution was too » |the superintendent, submitted ste to be effective, for the © * jstatement of eosts and earnings tips would not be ready *{!9 the month of October, which hihics . gilaiaiion octal rhe * {Showed the following: . fact also that the Laurier *| maimenance ptt re ona ts naval policy, which would * \‘Sinking fond. ¢ and eee 284.50 LIGHT DEPARTMENTS | went on, “we have neither GERW AN SPLEEN DEST ROYS CITY OF YPRES—ALL ATTACKS OF ENENY HAS BEEN | REPULSED GERMAN ATTACK ON CANADA NO VIOLATION MONROE DOCTRINE ‘ONLY EFFECT 1S SHOULD THEY ATTEMPT TO OVERTHROW GOVERNMENT AND SUB DUE COUNTRY, SAYS EX- PRESIDE NT TAFT. | antitiiniecnissiadpinnanains Montelair, N. J., Noy. 30. —The j and earrying the war into a | Monroe Doctrine was strongly en- | leountry which is waging war | dorsed, its relation to the pres- | upon her? All that the Monroe jeer European war disctissed, and | Doctrine would consistently re- the declaration that interference | quire of us would be to insist by the United States in Mexico that when the war was over, if and Central American states has | Germany was successful, she jhad nothing to do with that doe-|could not take over the territory trine was made by Former Presi-|of Canada and overthrow her ident William Howard Taft in an/government and establish her jaddress here. These are some of {own there, or take any oppressive | the salient features of his re-| measure which would have a sim- marks: ilar effect. But we could hot ob- | The landing of troops in Can-|Ject to her exacting an indemnity jada by enemies of Great Britain |!f she were the victor.” ;would not constitute a violation of the doctrine, but an effort to 50,000 AUSTRIANS WITH | establish a new form of govern- 600 OFFICERS CAPTURED i BY RUSSIANS IN FORTNIGHT ; | | jment in ease of victory would. | ‘There is little likelihood of the ;policy being pressed in Argen- |tina, Brazil and Chile, These leountries are able to protect themselves, and they are so re- | mote from the United States that {violation of the doctrine in re- ANGLICAN BAZAAR (Special to The Daily News.) Petrograd, Dec. 4.—During the first half of November 50,000 men with 600 officers of the Austrian army were captured. ful to this country’s interests and| The Womans Auxilliary of the safety. Angliean Church will hold their AN AVIATION CORPS Not Affected in Mexico. bazaar on December 3rd, in the * , : | The doctrine has not been ap-|Chureh. The sale will consist of plied in Mexico beeause there is}™any useful and faney articles nothing in it whieh requires the|for Xmas and New Year gifts, United States to bring about/@lso home cooking and candies. ipeace in that country. lice eream and tea will be served | “Watehful waiting,” Mr. Taft}during afternoons and evenings. jsaid, “was the term applied to|4 formal opening at 2:30. Musi- i the United States status. But,’|¢a! program in the evening. jwatched nor waited, but have, in “AND THERE WAS LIGHT.” fact, most hastily intervened, and thus find the present anarchy lcharged as the logical conse- quence of our policy.” Mr. Taft found much good to say about the Monroe Doctrine and expressed the hope that it might not be abandoned. “It has made peace for ninety The Society Cireus got a con- cession from the Council for two nights of free light during the cir- cus in aid of the Belgian Fund. They used more light, however, than their authority covered—— some $50 worth. A letter from Jack Edwards, the secretary, to : ee " ef. —? we . oe: es REVENUE meeay : years,” he said. “Why will it not the ee for at which was a duplicate of rotal eolleetions for month, . ..82,190.75 | oie gop nance: th: the-east.6ee tional rebate. It was granted. * the Australian which has) *)surpms for month $1,015.89, a * today, however, is that as * far as the British mavy *) The ofiee of the superintendent | troops in Canada, Mr. Taft cited jof the light departments reports|the stand of Secretary Seward, jupen the costs and earnings for/taken when Spain declared war ithe month of October as follows: |Great Britain's ‘enemies landing |the Benson Studio, 2nd Ave- nue, for that group pieture. Sit. tings made day or night. All work delivered in one week, 1t. jon Chile. He announced this * was concerned its “answer *| Generation sapeoo enter ts s9.00e 35 |country would not interfere as Chimneys, pipes and ranges * to the eall of war was * Son ioe Hi ? 50 108.00 | long as one country-did not seek |cleaned—Phone Fitz, number 503 the characteristic, ‘Aye, * — Fen a Rae ied $06.08) to inflict its government on the ea te a o | Totel- operating costs +++ $4273.13 conquered people nor compel a THE WEATHER. ;* ready In. this The * Viehevena owe ttXENUE. $5,536, 88 | permanent transfer of their ter- Comp rw Dowling }* Journal is right The, * [Service charges 58.00 lritory nor resort to- any. unjustly ied ee ? * North Sea is safe, but © | Totel’ eormings ‘ oh. Bee. $3 \ oppressive measures. me » . ; * what about eur own * ; CAPITAL. . , ‘i + Pe eee coasta.. where the Laurier % | Labor ; Bes saus ...8190.05| “It seems to me clear,” Mr.|}Rarometer .......... +» 29.537 . ast 8, AN | Material 484.06 |, Taft said, “from the history|)Max. temp. ......... ene % naval: pOtey eee oem F | $080.71 | whic h I have of the Monroe Doc-|Min, te 24.0 * “Out of thine ewn mouth *| Teas sileani See ae na Le ‘ MIM. COMP. ..sencces seer . * have I judged thee.” * | TENDERS FOR HOSE. | i Re ree ROR? mall i ln ce ieee Oe ae |declaration in the war between BASKET BALL. > : At the Gouncib meeting last|Chile and Spain that a consistent wae +e RFR ee HH Night tenders were opened for the |pursuit of the policy would not There will be conbie * WHERE GREAT * | eupoly of hose for the Fire De- irequire us to object to any war- in, tho Basket Bail: Leagunveas * BRITAIX STANDS *(piriment. The prices were from) like measures under the rules of night. to. the | OR eee “4 siete *\the Gutta Pereha Company|!awful war which Britain’s en- sharp. Tigers play Callies; G, G.'s “ Some of. the Ietiah ne. «| through Pred Stork, at $4.40 andjemies might take against Can- play Men's Own. l* pers are publishing the */#1 a foot, according to quality;|ada. # following couplet on thpir | from the Thompson Hardware, at Canada Fighting Germany. WANTED. * front page daily: we 81.10: 84.05 and 84; from the} “Canada is already furnishing People to come and see our * “Come. the three corners #| Kaien Hardware, at 8440 and | substantial military aid to Great immense etock of Second * of the world in arms. */ 81.05; from Howe & MeNulty, for| Britain and to the Allies. She has Hand Furniture. We must © And we shall shoek them: */#1.10, #1, 85¢ and 65e, These|sent a body of 30,000 men, well dispose of it at onee. Prices * nought shall make #/were referred to the fire commit. jequipped soldiers, and te prepar-1%- 1, suis everyhody, Gooner Of! * ue See #\ tee for report, ing more and intending to send)3} wig avenue and Seventh * If Britain to itself do #4 - them. On what theory, therefore, Street. Furniture Stores. — * rest but 4pue.” *, Cold nights —warm blankels-—|eould we justly objeet to Ger- Phones No. 86 and 465 , eee REE ERR ER KH ©) Wallace's, 277-78| many taking counter measures : , ‘