pueedy ec ETERAN WHO V wt LORD ROBERTS with Rheumatism —But - Fruit-a-tives "s _ Apri, ard, 1914. ifthe Crimean War Laid Low Gured By CHaTHaM ONT et am a vetera . redian Mutiny, volunteering yp tAV — WHAT BAD POLITICS DOES FOR MILITIA Officers of Canadian gent Baid to Be Quite Unnt While Good Men Wor. Refused Positions First Contin. REPLY TO STATEMENT ISSUED THE DAILY NEWS. BRITISH SCHOLARS TEACHING, GERMAN PROFESSORS HISTORY BY GERMAN DOCTORS—GIVES VITAL EVIDENCE ON QUESTION OF RESPON- an‘ = tm tillery into the Royal Montreal N SIBILITY FOR WAR. OM ners, and served ander Lord | fromm Salisbury Commeen yi e the Indian Mutiny, - I 0 ’ : eer of the British The Star's « a 100 British scholars andlever just grounds of complaint o— ara seria the men of f science representing dif-|Austria may have had, the un- ual ” fe 1 from Rheumatiem, dian Contingent nt sides of British learning precedented terms of her Note to 5 nao for the fleld. but ' issued a reasoned reply to|Serbia constituted a challenge to They « ured meof jnot. The corr arious misleading state-| Russia and a provocation to war. mi f »mark s rs 2 re vor trad St : to do, less hard work than the We must also remark that it) against us is that we did not al- (Post Omee oa is German armies alone which|jow her to d . : vate or non-commissioned of- w her to do this. S rd Ave. and McBride St ial , ” 1 have, at the present time, delib- So deeply rooted is Great . Ave. end McBride St cer has to go through re man : ; erately destroyed or bombarded Rritain’s love o ace Sor 2 Ave. and @nd St who makes a good officer is he ; Britain’s love of peace, so influ- Gor 26--2nd Ave. and 6th St. such monuments of human cul- | ential amongst us are those who fo 27 rP who realizes that his plac® means i lad laiesth Senden ibtitictiinn th ture as the Library at Louvian|have labored through many dif- COUIT NO. & ercer Work, than the! nd the Cathedrals at Reims and | gey)t vez ( . 7 ~ private who digs trenches. Men Scult years to promete good feet- bm ‘ 0 Ss trenene by . | o. Ave. and Fulton St Malines ling between this country and 1 82 borden and Taylor Sts }spend their entire lives in learn- | To Ave. and Fulton St ' ‘ Duty to be Sure of Facts Germany, that, in spite of our @ . ing the game. Every day brings ‘ . i on ae = er one nin tae Gebben ae the win No doubt it is hard for human |ties of friendship with France, in Sth e Dodge b som ne we e 2 a- Bor 38th Ave. and Thompson St jority of the fifteen hundred off beings to weigh justly their own/spite of the manifest danger ensue en: 6 fetta sh Mideast AEE ait nasal country’s quarrels; perhaps par-|threatening ourselves, there was . s é aice 5 ate 10 Gor 41 40> Ave. god Emmersoa in teainietends Ciet dine athe ticularly hard for Germans, who} still, up to the last moment, a a) : ‘ Sli i e ee - . have been reared in an atmos-j/strong desire to preserve British Bor 42 ive. and McBride St siastic but it was misapplied, this : | for 43 5th Ave. and Green St »nthusiasm phere of devotion to their Kaiser neutrality, if it could be preserved Bor 446th Ave and Bast! St. en . and his army; who are feeling | without dishonor. But Germany bor 45—7:h Ave. and Bherts. And so, Imperial officers : Box 141 b Ave. and Young St hrue their shoulder ae ad acutely at the present hour; and herself made this impossible. s eir shoulders § an say Hehe e. tetewederede + Mek apni atlen winntt ox steal who live under a government Germany's Sinister Silence. s ann atio ould over , } the majority of the tr hould which, we believe, does not allow ‘Great Britain, together with ; ie ma, ily o ie “oops shoul a i | thes | to the front ler tt them to know the facts. Yet it France, Russia, Prussia, and Aus- a gu oO ie ron under 1 . nae ' learn men to tria, had solemnly guaranteed the SUBSCRIBE FOR officers who now nominally lead to he duty ef tenrues . yea ss : Ms mei make sure of their facts. The neutrality ‘of Belgium. In the e : opt hief tt that th German White Book contains|preservation of this neutrality le chie ing ia mus ye THE DAILY NEWS irilled to tt mi { ; only some scanty and carefully our deepest sentiments and our driited into le oMcers, not only ¢ 4) ; e i that explained selections from the!most vital interests are alike in- t this, Dut <« every Vision ia | “ — , a? diplomatic correspandence which |volved. Its violation would not ORR e ote! : Directory Heubers PRL. Vintners. Association =. WINDSOR HOTEL ' Piret ave. and Eighth 81 WM Wright, Prop. WOTEL OCeNWTHAL ‘venue and Seventh #4 European and American Plan Peter Bleck, Prop. Corner Pirs : [WOR VOTEL - ‘'*. Between Eighth and Ninth ‘pean Plan, Rates b0e to $1.00 Per Dey Beener & Beener, Props. tien omnes as ial 1. Y. Rochester V. D. Casiey EMPRESS HOTEL Third Ave, Hetween Sixth and Seventh Streets European Pian, 60 to 61 Per Day suaTo-eneiinnatiantgnseneecene WOYAL wOTEL ™~yY & Burgess, Props ‘ Third Ave. end Slaw & Popes, e ten Bream nested —_—, LL MAVER WHoLeBALE LIQUOR co. LimTEep Second aye sno BiAth Bt Phone 108 Sr PRINCE RUPERT imPonTine , koes into war, strove incessantly for peace. oe . om duty . > mae Her successive proposals were | ahead of his men to death, wav supported by France, Russia and jing bie eword and shouting M- Italy, but unfortunately not by jepiretion. He must inspire, but the one Power which could, by a | the best inspiration he can give inate snnd, ob Vienne Seen jie to show that he is careful of peace certain. Germany in her |the lives of those under him own official defence—ineomplete that he does not expose them any oe theh Gecument tees jmore than is necessary and yet co., LimiTEp Fraser ana Sah Bee reece sg) Mit ’ the fight, if the lives of their is that they are And we ven- preceded this war that colleagues will sooner or later do best to get to the correspondence, will) the cust rdians ¢ ture to hope our German | Must Not Waste Men. “Thus ussing their full form access an Imperial officer, dis- this lost, who wins battles is not the man and ‘Lives independent topic i S roke . : therefrom an must be in war, but the man judgment. Germany Stood Alone for War Sep ewe adap Sie aclcuee. “They will then see that from The preventing of waste counts a the inaue of. the Austrien Mole ... ¢ RARER AAR KEREREEREEAREEEREEE 1 NEWSPAPER for Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of the city beoause it is clean and reliable. It has all the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- mism and reliability. The Daily News is the most valuable paper to advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in the city. It is read by tie class of people the advertisers want to talk to DAILY NEWS AAARARRARAARARAAAA AAR RARER TATA R eee eee eRe