—————— “The Daily News” CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR RENT FOR RENT—Furnished rooms for house keeping. Enquire Demers, ww. FURNISHED KITCHEN and bed-room, iv, ply 411 7th Avenuc West. 276-279 FOR RENT—Furnished rooms with hot and cold water. Clean and comfortable. only $2.50 per week, Klondyke Hotel, Fulton and Reventh Avenue, wt. FCR SALE FOR SALE—Six coal leases at & vn reasonable price. Write, Leigh Company, Cedar Rapids, lowa, Tallman vw. &. A. FOR SALE—New house, Section 7, $100 cash and $20 & month; total $1,160. P. 0. Box 190. 218tt. capacity steam boiler one Can be ooott. FOR SALE—-50-H.P, and 8-H.P. stationary engine. had a cap. In excellent order. ply Box 15, oon News. WANTED GIRL lery. WAN TED—FPour-roam WANTED—Apply at shooting gal- 272-278 bouse in Section ve or Six “tor $125 down and $25 4 month until paid. Box 102, Daily News. WANTED—Situation by young lady as bookkeeper or office help. Salary rea- sonable, Apply Box 115, Daily oe WANTED—View lot and house; close in; o- $2,500 to $3,000 Will giy $700 and arrange balance. Box 100, aly News. MISCELLANEOUS FOUND—Young bulldog. Phone Blue 408. SACRIFICE SALE—Excavated Lot 7, Block 1, Section 1; worth $8,000; $1,000 cash; balance 5 years, 7 per cent, or $3,000 cash. O, J. Leduc, P. O. Box 1385, Montreal. wf, MARRY!—Why remain alone? Why not better your position? Our club is pri- vate and dependable. Best in the west, Information 10c in stamps. Ideal In- ee, Club, Box 264, Vancouver, $15 WEEKLY—-Men wanted everywhere, no matter how small — Village, for few hours work in : time, experience unnecessa-y, ton permanent. Co-Operative nion, Windsor, Ont. School of Music and Shorthand VINCENT C. KNOWLES (Mfotinist Westholme Opera House) TEACHER OF Violin, Piano, Mandolin and Singing MRS. KNOWLES Teacher of Pitman’s Shorthand COPY OF LETTER SENT | LOCAL NEWS ITEMS . Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. Phone 4. tf. . * * Kiderdowns and wool comfort- ers for the cold nights. Wal- lace’s, 277-78 2. s The city band will meet for practice tonight in St Andrew's Hall at 8 o'clock. . + Today is the last day on which mail delivered here can be as- sured of reaching the old country before Xmas. . 6:3 to on the The sittings will Judge Clement expected is arrive tomorrow morning Prince George. tomorrow. + The Prince Rupert Towing Co., begin * * general towing; the new crude oil) “P.R.T. No. 1." Phone Red} 391 or Black 322 Box 96. Agency for the “ Crude Oil Motor. * * fug Address: Avance” 165tf. * For a comfortable room, come to the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec- ond Avenue, near Fighth Street. Newly opened. Steam heat and hot and cold water in.every room. Free baths. Rates reasonable. 23 ¢ © On the report of the board of works, the City Council granted permission to Wm. Shrubsall to erect a ‘temporary smokehouse for fish on Lot 22, Block 17, Sec- tion 1. o * . A large list of applications for the and operators for the new hydro- electric jplant received the Council last night. It was decided, however, to leave them over for a week. + Jack Peters, son of City Solici- positions of superintendent were by Suit 15,,McMordie Apt. For Rent _ FOUR ROOMED HOUSE Across Hays Creek—Well Furnished $30 PER MO. EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE With Bath—Sth Ave. East , $30 PER MO. FOUR ROOMED COTTAGE Near the Drydock $20 PER MO. THREE THREE ROOMED COTTAGES Across Hays Creek $7.50 TO $10 PER MO. APPLY TO— G. R. Naden Co, Ltd. 324 SECOND AVENUE PACIFIC, PEACE RIVER AND ATHABASCA RAILWAY COMPANY. Pacific, Peace River and Athabasca Rall- way Company will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at its next session, for an Act, authorizing the company to lay out, con- Struct and operate the following lines of railway: (a) Commencing at a point on tide water, at or near the head of Kitimat Arm, following the Kitimat River in a northerly direction to the summit between kititnat and Lakelse Lake, thence in a nor- therly direction along the valley of the Lakelse Lake and river to the Skeena Kiver, thence crossing the Skeena River by means of a high level bridge and over the Grand Trunk Pacifie Railway with Standard clearances, thence north-easterly to the mouth of the’ Kitsumkalem River and following its course to the summit of Seeax River, and thence, following the valley of ‘the Nass River, at or near Aiyansh, a distance of approximately one hundred and twelve miles; (b) from the junetion of the Blackwater River, with the Nass River, following the course of the Blackwater River, to the summit be- tween it and the Galanskeest River, thence south easterly along the Galanskeest River to the Skeena River, thence up the Skeena Kiiver to the mouth of Bear River approxi mate ey Fifty-seven miles, ED at Ottawa this nineteenth day of Oe oa ber, 1914 PRINGLE, THOMPSON, BURGESS & COTE, Solicitors for the Applicant. tor Peters, who proceeded to Eng- land a few weeks ago at his own active *ser- to the Contingent. He expense to enlist for viee, has been admitted First is now Canadian at Salisbury Plains. » © The city solieitor reported last night that Wm. ably entitled to tion for sketch whieh the city used. Angle was prob- some remunera- of He suggest- his a scow ed holding a conference and try- ing to arrange a satisfactory set- tlement to both parties. MacTavish’s Little Joke. Jock MacTavish and two Eng- lish friends went out on the loch fishing and it was agreed that the first man to catch a fish should later stand treat at the As MacTavish known to be the best fisherman his friends took considerable delight assuring him that he had as good as lost “An, ken,” Jock in speaking of it afterward, “baith had a guid bite, an’ mean they ‘wadna’ on a trip, inn. was thereabouts, in said already. d'ye o them wis sae pu’ in.” “Then you lost?” the “On, 80. 3 pit ony bait on my hook.” asked listener. didna’ TO VISIT REFUGEE CAMPS Sir Gilbert Parker Gone on a Trip To Holland Nov. 30. distinguished London, Parker, the dian novelist and member of par- liament, went to Holland today to Sir Gilbert Cana- visit the refugee camps and tray- el along the berder of Belgum with Herbert Hoover, Millard Shaler and members of the Sir Rock- Gilbert has taken an interest in the work of the efeller commission, who, from the first, active American commission, will spend the week-end on his mission, re- turning on Monday to London with Messrs. Hoover and Shaler. Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream. * * P.O.) Prince Rupert, B. & November 1914 His Worship the Mayor and Mem of the City poration of the City Pr Rupert, Prince Rupert, B. ¢ Re Hydro-Electric Installation. Dear Sirs, to a0, bers Couneil, | of ned Referring unavoidable delay of the eleetric in the for the which we plying to your city, fice governor unit are sup head of telegram our of solicitor is in receipt a j from your city requ ing a guarantee of relative to in stallation temporary hand regulation, We beg to advise you that the temporary hand regulator will be quite successful for the purpose TO THE CITY COUNCIL the ' delivery | THE DAILY NEWS. ‘WOODWORTH LAKE WATER IS TO BE TURNED ON TODAY rhe water supply of this city] : ’ hereafter will come by gravity rhe new system tying up the city | is Lake be iwith Woodworth just npleted and will turned on hydro- | day Instead of depending Ith pumping station at Shawat llans the forees of nature will rive the clear water from the untain tops to every nook and wner of the city, bringing health, cleanliness and fire pro tion in its train. With the large million-gallor ireservoir on the Acropolis cou ipled up with this gravity system the additional sécurity to fire protection is considerable and should lead to an immediate low ering of the insurance rate i of operating the plant, that it is safer than the governor, and that jthere is no possibility of damage | resulting provided that the pipe is properly designed; but tell the is properly designed and in- stalled, feel to make a sweeping guarantee. We to risk of damage to the machinrey line as | jwe cannot whether line do inclined we not are willing assume all | furnished and guarantee ithe the terms of our by us, under but it safe operation of same contract, is understood under our contract we do not the system to our tract. We further out that the delay on the delivery of the which exterior would point governor over we have no control, and consequently bility. We, sume any additional expense con- no responsi- therefore, cannot as- cerning the shipment of the gov- ed against the non-delivery to date of the governor. Yours truly, CANADIAN ALLIS - CHALMERS COMPANY. Referring to the The News simply reported in a modi- fied form what the Couneil without prejudice the mis-statements it responsible. above, was said at any in whatever matter. were contained therein is the Couneil who NO GENTLEMAN. is In London they are of Max appears, tel Beerbohm, so umbrella ling ‘this it to fariton story who, was unlucky at the ¢ as lose his Club. With had caused a notice be rooms, “The undersigned’s his usual facetiousness. to in of terms: the posted one in these the umbrella will eor nobleman who took with Beerbohm, saying that it was a gratuitous affront to sfate that a nobleman had taken the brella. \ coating of flashlight eompo- sion on the face of a target will ignite on being struck and show * a bullet has entered where pipe | the terms of | assume | any responsibility for any part of} cone | is due to causes | ernor from Montreal to Prince! Rupert by express, and should your corporation desire such | shipment to be made we will ex- | pect you to pay the difference be- | | tween freight and express charges. We further desire to take ex- ception to the prominence given in the Prince Rupert newspapers and the mis-statement that the delay in starting your plant is entirely due to the non-comple- tion of the plant by this company, as we understand and believe it to be true that your pipe line has not up to the present time been completed. If this is correct then there has been no delay in start- ing the plant which can be charg- If any, of his loss | elub fer a great favor by leaving it with the clerk of this elub.”’ Some member — re monstrated | um-| COURT OF REVISION, VOTERS’ LIST, 1915. | i | TAKE Court | of Revision to c¢ the Voters’ List for be held the p. m.,. December hand that the said Court of Mayor Newton Dybhavn and MeClymont. Any plaint NOTICE that the wrreet and revise | the year 1915) City Hall at} 10, 1944 } consists | lwill in 40 and Aldermen | person having any com-/| as to names being improp- lerly placed on said list or im omitted therefrom | at properly should attend said Court and lay ERNEST A. WOODS Clerk, 278 | For Xmas Cards see Bros. City | | | ; | his complaint. | i | | | McRae} 273-82 To eliminate one cause for dis- putes about gas and electric bills, a Virginian has patented a device for photographing the dials of meters. Salvation Army. “% | meetings, Tuesday, | and Saturday at 8 p. m.| at 7:30 p.m. Publie Phursday Sundays NOTICE. The Canadian Patriotic Fund. Will those who need assistance from the above fund, resident in the city or district and whose readwinner is on active service with the forces of the Empire or her retary of the local organization. W. E. COLLISON. P. O. Box 735.—tf. Ship your FREE Our Trappers Guide Supply Catalog and rice List, Write today, address To JOHN HALLAM 1 LimiTEO Wise Precaution will prevent the little illness of today from becoming the big sickness of tomorrow and after. For troubles of the digestive organs you can rely on BEECHAM’S PILLS } ! | | | Sold everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents Allies, kindly notify the sec- | _—— man stragglers al the | BRITISH TROOPS IN FRANCE.— [iritish troops searching for Ger- village of Roulle, |\CANADIAN PATRIOTIC FUND —COLLECTIONS TO DATE Amount prev ously knowledgwed ....e006- Deposited at Bank of Montreal, “J, M.”.., Sisters Bailey, per Ma- jestic Theatre ...... Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd Staff, Publie Sehools... Db. J. MeDonald, Kineo- Bee rer sar or SE Chief Councillor Adam, SNEN..'0s oo weesc 23 Jas. Robinson, Kineolith A. OW BGs os adc « Bi, Bo BPE Fo de tae Marine Depot Ein- pleyees, Digby Isl. Staff Bank of B. N. A... City officials and em- ployees Mayer, Legal and City eo | ee Treasurer and Collee- 83,310.40 5.00 ' 5.00 344.60 35.36 10.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 45.75 10.00 26.00 Sora Dbpts, «.cnserss, 20.50 City Engr. and Staff and Pur, AO. +5: hae Mees 33.00 mORIGh DOE. wii coke cts 28.50 Telephone Dept. ...... 29.00 AWE SOR. es sree aks 99.00 woes Degas, we s.ce5 ks 25.25 ane SHINE. - 0-40 ne Cad Caen 19.00 Foreman Douglas and gang of 32 men..... 115.00 Foreman Booth and gang of 5 men ..... 23.80 Foreman Lundquist and gang of 37 men. 54.50 Foreman Shockley and gang of 4 men...... 21.00 Foreman Walker and gang of 32 men ..... 102.10 Me FE 10.00 ee a ae 10.00 eee eee... chs cn nwa 4.00 a an WO 2 x's ols bob 3.60 My B. Weber nds u liek 3.00 ORE Re 2.00 a, Meni btn éaane 3.50 A. Halvareen .... sss. 4.00 ae Rs knees vee 4.00 Tatal to Gais.;... «ss $4,415.85 &. T. HEWARD, Treasurer, December 1, 19144, } : The Dye that colors ANY KIND of Cloth Pert nan decorations on Doe Columbia State. St. Andrew's Society gave thei jannual ball last evening, yester- | diay being St. Andrew's Day, |About forty or fifty couplés were jpresent and everybody had a good time. Their own orehes tra supplied the musie, And to think that the Kaiser once hung about ten feet of Ger- hit! 76 Years Gapitat ano Suae.us $7,766, 666. im Buenmess. Teach The Children The Value of Money If your children learn, while growing, not only how to spend money wisely, but how, by self-denial, to save some- thing for the future, you will have started them on the road to financial success. Opena Savings Account for each in the Bank of British North America, and encourage them to add to it regularly. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH MARGETTS, Manager. P. Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable tron Pipe Rope Valves Pumps Hose 1836 tHe Bank or 1914 | BritishNorthAmerica 710 SECOND AVE Builders’ Hardware Stee! Blocks Pipe Fittings es reaaeaee tee Gras 3. W id ere "0+ been, Lowers | and Be os oS Bac n rs DON T WaAcH IN | ICY WATER THIS WINTER —fifteen after ye Nave star ha Oe _ EASY TERy | : | F ‘ ' HARRY ON ) | T ' | POPPPPOP OO OO ***O*+ +> be POPDDPPOR PCO OC > +e + oboe ercee teeee Privce Kup: Feed Co, liay,G ar) CHICKEN FEED SPECIALTY Age DOMINION NURSERY @ ORCHARDS oo Mat! orders or y attended te we ere 908 Third Ave Phone Black 268 WOODDODOODO SOO LOL CCF +Ob + 20s 20004, POPOOPPP OP POOP OOF Ooo e PPP *>—R Ob COTTAGE FOR RENT a i NEAR DRYDOCK PARTLY FURNISHED $10.00 PER MONTH PATTULLO & RADFORD SECOND AVENUE SOE EREONIEEM Ship Chandlery Fishing Tackle Rifles and §! Ammunition Paint tguns Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated !ron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST FRED STORK’S HARDWARE we i | —— Our 1915 Catalogue Which Has Just Been Distribute! Will aid you in making your selection of Christma: Oil's Write for this book if one has not reached you. Note the fine range of SIGNET RINGS on Page 11 and « ort om ment of Ebony, Silver and French Ivory Toilet We Pages 45 to 53, inclusive. Henry Birks & Sons, Limiled JEWELLERS AND SILVERSM//! Granville and Georgia Sireets e t BA Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director van = al — — — —_— ee EMPRESS F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR COFFE (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) prince RUPERT, © c