THE pAILY pares & Spee tal War News Immediately Give it te Ree ceived —_ a ‘ =" THE DAILY NEWS ——— RUPERT, DECEMBER 4, 1914. PIRENE B. C., FRIDAY, GERMANS ARE DEVELOPING NEW FRONT IN POLAND . GET THE LATEST WAR NEWS FIRST IN THE DAILY NEWS PRICE FIVE pcan ee rose F LEETS DRAWING NEARER EACH OTHER IN SOUTHERN WATERS-ITALY IS READY a7 \TERFRONT PROBLEM HERE Severe Criticism of the Sanitary Condition Prevailing at Cen- PALIZES THAT FORMER PRICES ARE ABSURD—TIME war tral Schoo! and Objection to wanTeD @Y THE BOARD TO SECURE LIST OF APPLI- Fire Escapes at Borden CATIONS FOR WATERFRONTAGE — COLONEL School. THOMPSON WILL RETURN LATER. alia ar At the sitting of the Supreme standing |which they | Court this morning the Grand ’ is semmiett | esenihs Jury brought in the following re. w be sel | \ port: ie Stein 1 bi : : “Hon. Mr. Justice Clement. en le ee, “Your Lordship—The Grand , an who « he Ras Jury visited a number of publie 4 : a : buildings, and desire to make the i h the qu ' j following report and recom- men who had plac i { ~~ mendations: ahaa ee ray ee ~ “The fire-escapes at the new 1 listened | the rece ia ! schoolhouse on Borden Street ap- Poquesss, (Wasnt \ oa ’ pear to be unsubstantially built, , ever heard ‘that the next few a are not wide enough and should | eee ee extend to the ground, At the pres- — i th ‘ og ‘ . T I. Thompsor ' ;, ent time there is a drop of eight "i ad while he f Phomps said te a or ten feet yal his business to get at the facts aliz “At the Central School, in See- s the govern that the prices at which the 190 tion Six, the toilets were found in easure to talk leases were sold were redi a most disgraceful state. It is 3 the capacity to|but the people had themselves to] surprising that such a condition ? and Who has blame, He Wanted Lo solve ine RITISH TROOPS REST IN SHELTER CONNECTED WITH TRENCHES.—During the battle of the Aisne, the British troops suffered | could exist. It is a menace to the oma sympathize }question and any suse re ; sme atintie the German 8 inch siege gun, although latterly the effect was mitigated by more effi- health and welfare of the many th the x s of the city. the board or citizens had to make ie ae i hing. The picture shows a shell-proof shelter near the trench used as a rest room. children who attend this school. ( invited the! would be considered He wi at . —lin addition to being put into a “a eet him yes-jeven willing that his report- be sanitary condition, the various S20 SS "NAVAL BATTEE MAY NOW TAKE PREMIER FLEMMING TO RESIGN it Mat _ the situation. /the g rnment “At the schoolhouse at Seal } esented the W. M. Law geste FERAL SEAT Cove, it is thought that a door “ He related little time be given the board t PLACE IN SOUTH AT should be made at each end of ; id turned down |« ip its ease. Col, Thompson “ the basement of the building. As for ater-jagreed to this. He will go over] the playrooms are in the base- i me ted : i i with Capt. Babingtor [TEN GERMAN WARSHIPS AND TWELVE BRITISH SHIPS ARE HAS DECIDED TO OPPOSE F. B. CARVELL IN mee a aie a acannon \ oOo wanter Sali s ts Vit ap mhingt i a ‘ | REPORTED TO BE CRUISING IN THOSE WATERS TY, WHO TOOK LEADING PART IN TRIAL x b were unable |today ai eturn in a few weeks smeeuely e SECURED HIS CONVICTION. for exit in case of fire. The sites auc-| when the board had some recom- —REGARDED 8S : a “The Grand Jury trusts that the provincial | mendations to make " “a o . ee (Special to The Daily News) these matters, which are so sim- . (Special to The Dally News.) . > ier i i i ne such a high} Montreal, Dee. —Premierjple of adjustment, will receive Suenos Ay Lec i. The } . oa ' : ee ee SUPREME COURT Phaser n der GERMANS AGAIN RALLY MORE ASSISTANCE GRO | Flemming, of New Brunswick, kas|the immediate attention of the Giermal abbie st ) ue mele tale and cen > FOR MONTENE neenee: the anmsinaee to col-| proper authorities. mn su lave ined the, “eee PROCEEDINGS TODAY 13: vase sed the) AGAINST THE RUSSIANS aceite ee cat ee | Ger ian tee Lh s ith an- . } nitimated that! pga : | — | (Special to The Daily News.) Federal House anes F. B.-Car- “T. D. RBATTULLO, rhe case of Kane vs. Brough-|tice, whieh now nsists of ten} (Special to The Dally News) onden, Dee. 4 A Berlin dis- ; c padi rt % 7 » as definite ap the} ; sritia? ' - I Dec. 4.—The Germans London, Dee, 4.—! vil, M. B., who took a leading par Foreman. ea pace’ tee ton & MeN came up beto Ve } Wi arships. The British fleet re- a ' patch says that a number of in the erussade against him. He “Pp, S.—It has been urgently sme Court is mor - ¢linforeed b ie armoret serigqre said t rave res on 1@ Ol- : . : “ 10 ‘ent, Cal i/Supreme ¢ ' th mornin h jit I i by tl arn ‘ i i have resum transports, escorted by British will resign from the premiership represented that the temporary ' i s fo an WJ ebio n c e es atio 5 re ' eid at tpepis e s ae , What he requir-|"eintit ee eee ft : or ve ce ee —. against Russia. A G0W).04 French warships, have reach-|of the province and his seat in|pridge erected to take the place os St eee a lrestraining the de nae fron |e led as ser = = oe an battle has developed southwest ed Antivari, Montenegro The the Provineial House. of the ferry over the Bulkley Riv- a site giving ee eee th | ce Sian ed Lodz, where the Germans|Austrian troops qn the coast ——————_ ———- er between Hazelton and the rail- ,' ont and 75 feet acres he obtained under Sout " is displacement and — ° . h formed a new battle line and have retired but aeroplanes are COUNTY COURT CASES way station is in a dangerous bis he fell he ane SON: “Oh Serre = we sa oa 7 ty ‘ i . ad are tring again to pierce the |trying to prevent the landing of TRIED NEXT WEEK condition and the jury would oe ye 0 e ian ’ ey} vd s com eles v “ul a ee neil Ete one damages done to the land by theland wi plet on ten | Russian eantes the neweomers, Adjourned Cases. therefore recommend that the ’ Sean te "he slaintif first at su ao 5 as te defendan rh plaintif 7 i i % oe awe icone - — Rialitns tm, tel matter should be brought to the ites i“ i ‘ c adjoins ie ine gulls ten v-Int gun We i. ya, ; ’ aid waterfront Pee See seera . f ‘aggre | hg | SUEZ CANAL NOT MORE SHIPS FOR Roy vs. Lé@ek et al. attention of the proper authori- 5 ltownsite of Aldermere, in June Of}and sixtet *-Inch guLs . : %, : 4 ties. —T. D. 2.” ; Vancouver than)... He explored bie boun rhe Invincible has a epeed of| IN DANGER OF RAID AUSTRALIAN NAVY | Abbott vs. Canadian Fish & e had 300 feet aii ounitit ais eS f 26 knots jG lold Storage Co. : Z " ia are. OO ae oe eee . oe ee at dh See ladies and Misses’ Collars ae. ae Fl tound a number of buildings on]and wa® completed 1908. Sh (Special to The Dally News.) , (Goeclat to The Belly Nowe) : and Muffs at Jabour Bros.’ sale th ' rty. On inguiry he found) carries eight 12-inch guns, SIX-! yp aon Dec. 4 News from| S¥dney, Australia, Dec. 4. Aldous et al. vs. Miller, ria 279-84 fn. eocecccoesscnnamnanennaces | . M ‘ rs. Broughton & MeNeill |,» b_inot . and 5 mortars er The government has deeided to Taube vs. Stevens et al. next Fr oe MAJESTIC THEATRE we nsible for them, “He] = py ho] vhich recently|*"® Suet Canal thal there is 2°), uid another battleship. The} McKinnon vs. Crum. ere responsible 0 ' he Uanhopu y ’ ; - . TI : t ) i ther arding the| joined the British squadron, is of |4448er ef an \rab raid was COD-)) aget indicates that Australia’s} MeRae vs. Mussallem. : interviewe em regarding joined e British squae i JNIGHT S it ve them| yo ' i carries four 4 }tained in a dispatch from Cairo.) expense in ‘connection with the Rroughton & MeNeill ws. Coyle. Xmas Shopping matter and agree ( t ‘ voll ‘ aba ca He . “ ' i} Reconnaisances failed to discover 5 e &5 or > Stewart & ny vs. So EXTRA: SPECIAL! EXTRA! dime to consult their solicitors in|inch guns nm ¥ : I a ai : . = a war will b 58,000,000 for the ns wart & Mobley vs. Schaefer Has Already Begun at lan ostile bodies o 1 ene \rease rear. ‘ ‘ DOUBLE ATTRACTION Prince Rupert. This they did and awe host Srenees Bow ma ‘ ite WARKS JEWELERS AS : v i that vicinity. —— Ipper Skeena Trading Co. vs. 7 O'CLOOK, Pm. s no settlement could be arrived - Pt On Third Avenue MAES Tic SPECIAL PEATURE . c laintif® took possessiot OUTSIDE FORTS OF | ITALY 1S NOW READY Kishimoto. ——————— OO” sap ROORAM at the plainti CRACOW ARE TAKEN J. W. MeKinley, of 416 Green Prince Rupert Junk Go. vs. Have you looked carefully RE mavaus came e. Eo ane Getendnae. san te Seeney | street fering the balance of AND MAY ENTER WAR) nunes ian ae over our new lines of Cut ¥ Rees Pantene, a a their buildings but Kane says hie — a eo Bsrec so — me _— ‘| Prince Rupert Importing -Com- Glass, Umbrellas, Necklet©, 4 Ree, « ucaneers : his (Special to The y his furniture for less than half coer pany, Ltd. Wrist Watches, Travelug When Joe Went West" at have everyth thal ! - \ spateh } (Special to The Dally News) 3 ; Reel, mu Petrograd, Dee. 4 dispa ost Call and see them, or : a a > . Sets, Etc.? Mr and Mrs. innocence ili idings on its ¢ » Gal ane i ee OE ea jeputies| Keithley vs. Penny. ‘ 4 Abroad” land claims that all bul iz save that new is received that one Red..889 o77tt.| tome, one 4. Many deputies ltd ten t a We are better prer . ed than q Comie Song his property belong to hin R na have taken Wielies : —s. consider that Premier Salandras’ avGT V6. URNS. ever before to .upply your Mrlette, “Wembieden to Wome ; Lane the Russian : ee “errs ; oa aan MeLachlan vs. Mackay. every life need. Diedon' Mr. Kane was in the with hich is only three miles _jadvice to Italy in Parliament yes- m* Frances Delasela Bo i ring om : of terday, to maintain a watchful} Johnson Bros. vs. the Massett vinDOw % Omit) = box this me . i pat from the outer fortifications 0 : . : a 4 a Treading ‘Co. They wiii help you solve the ~ 8 Kelly Comic Sone Solicitors: for plaint s Cracow. This seems to nr EST 4 0 L M and armed neutrality, and his ref- important problem, "y " , Pe - defendant " ne erence to “Italy's just aspira- ees W W Diner, Justioe more & Fultor I that there was semething wrong ‘ : re ark & Son Admis 10 ee giliams & Manson with the defences of that fortress, tions,” meant that Italy is now GERMANS CROSS YSER IN ” Thiel Avaiaan Sior _— . . ae ao _———— is Wielicska should be well with |f OPERA HOUSE #hready tocnter the war. One prom-| DARK BUT REPULSED|} 0. v. » waren —— THE WEATHER. in the range of the minor arma jinent deputy says that another ‘ Compiied by F. W. Dowling, ments of that strong fortress I O Ni G H | iword from Premier Salandra (Special to The Daily News.) Se t ! Observer. : a a I cal llldltdale would have meant the declaration Londen, Dee. 4.Jn the dark, - . io14 of war just before the dawn a large Argued yo». 1 PILLAGING BANKS “THE ADVENTURES OF }) a7 . wena Cot ( le’ ata ae 0.030 _— foree of Germans crossed the People to come ese ow 0) ee eee . Bkates and llock®By Sticks at ( reoo i 0 e $ Sear Store Max. temp 0.0 (Special to The Dally News.) KATHLYN” : . mintenael - flooded water f the Yser on big immense stock of Second Wry 26.0 Rome, Dee, 4 The Turks are} Fred Stork's ardware. board rafts. The ruse was dis. 2 PURCHASE You Min, temp ' } ' ai ' ; ' “ “n Hand Furniture. We must COUPON cay pe fmassaering Christians and POD-1— wingy EPISODE IN THREE Going out of business—my en-|°°V’"et and & devastating artil-1% Gispose of it at once. Prices — yele Pirst prise . Our 87.50 Girls ° > ne buropeans, “Phat they @re|? peers anp & SPLENDID tire stock of millinery at cost. korg wall was turned om ‘them. to suit everybody. Corner of Hiren Wola Seound Prize §| Selling at BOO 1 vero .94 (ne? Pillawing all the Remus as NEW GAZETTE Miss L. M, Kuster gus.ce2| “ery Germans were shot and)? Third Avemue and Seventh "*) Free on Mew Years Day | bows Bros Palestine is the statement of the ti | as quite a number drowned, The Street. Furniture & . ewes ae a s ae Pamous|Cairo correspondent’ of the Gor. | Admission 10 and 160 Skates and Hockey Sticks at|Germans continued the attempt Phones No. 86 and 465. Ptrteerescsseisiien | . de, re OF ee |Fred Stork’s Hardware, tf. ‘despite heavy losses till midday, Hutter, 40% .