a oh bay, a\ } } ~ jglative Library Lee'oaILyY NEWS sakes Special Effort to - BULLETINS FOR THE ive War News immediately ” it Ie Received 2 cama en A = : ve | — ’ PRINCK RUPERT, , WED NESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1914. — * = -——. — = REE GERNIAN RU SERS SUNK IN SOUTH PACIFIC ITISH BOMBARDING BELGIAN COAST HELD BY GERMANS---ALBERTA’S PREMIER VISITS R RUPERT W ATTACK ON THE ALLIES FORCE GERMANS TO RETIRE 1s WARSHIPS AGAIN BOMBARD THE BELGIAN const IN CONJUNCTION WITH LAND OPERATIONS- GERMAN HEADQUARTERS WITHDRAW (Special The Dally Newe) i ed Pas \ dispatch. y, rh vs anothe ae tf Allie the Belgias Allies Gaining ships betwee Pat D t' began at 3 7), ‘ im CONJUNC- the sea i yest 4 perations posit . j Allies Advancing. the past two days The German ened | j Ais y int irters was re-(‘lery exchangs i flahtis ois when thei/sulted in considerab gail ! gan falling onthe Allie Severa Germa : British reecap-/trenches were occupied ERT OVERSEAS ene 2 diy and that the Canadian Pacif NTINGENT MAY SOON Railway had bee a h zed LEAVE FOR FRONT * ke arrangements f th " i fant and ivalr by PG " ’ , j f Viet Camp Vietor ' fe " ' j * of i9t4 a the ith has of the 1 — itfitted ; ah is vet t The Willow “tip : i within that ' a f the entful | ! ~ La yeariva from sq | itista y drill ar il \ { tt st month: wit! . y t} fina drill th it past week has morning. Us hanks t ny ved weather « ite command of tted a fa ire? Hall and his t-d di i eee Vill I ite narehe pany, sigrallers : section and the ! boys ha pt ry : il wes as a complete | { the af a \ irds, with our offi : ! pa Vv ef | n I. faced the ordea hit 110 men and officers and tl hotograbher and : ' pa eck saw the return of Gay s in the north wil i¢ W. Perk to take over the com before them the | f the company ‘ who are to be ; : : ) of the pleasing features ¢ of Canada’s Sex i veek has been the distribut ontingent. gent t} splendid assortment of ne big subject : oves, wristlets, helmet he. 30th leave for lown by tl Daueht } itinued on Page 4 ide jlast night at to the non that wa ture olicers : ‘JAPANESE NAVY STILL IN THE FIGHT tremendous cheer d that events were | (Special to The Dally News) OCC e Soe eer, ' fp , \ Ad ral SURE AND DO YOUR 3. Sa eal Minis r . | 7 ' ac te Ma t ! mas Sh | re een ee EARLY itl vh j wal hu i | ; lana na d wil iit until the last 3) ; , will be unable jst cont ‘ I the mea I little special he fleet w i work in conjunm | ane looking for. i with the British fleet and is full of the I sex « German shiy in the South you require. American wate Gut Giass, Silver, Jew- 2 Leather Goods, Toilet les, Etc., are the best to acywhere and the inoderate, V. Wark & Son 'hird Avenue ry EX-MAYOR VANCOUVER, 1. T (Special to The Daily News ) . T. P. Wateh Inspector iitmmen: Das Sek. Fi Oe — den ex-M l \ and I mer rit tteCeececCCCeneeenneoeet mayor ¢ f Vaneouve « dead ’ . Jon t Argue! Rockers and Easy Chairs. Big | tions at George D, 0 to ( | ’ | Menne reductio ie. AME § Segar Store | Tite's. 282 ' $0¢ PURCHASE YOU Childs fi sigag \ COUPON a $280 oo ifort a Cycle Pirst prise 44 ' ' . if Vietr rola Beoond Prize Ver Away Free on New Years Day ae | PIPES TO FIT ANY FACE jsigne of Carpet ae Meteesenne ii |prices at Geo. D. Tite's Just arrived, handsome new de- Special eset §. HAZELTON MURDER C. F. GARDEN, IS DEAD bed | Letina | PREMIER SIFTON OF ALBERTA ON A VISIT TO PRINCE RUPERT |IN COMPANY WITH DISTINGUISHED PARTY OF BUSINESSMEN HE SEES RUPERT FOR FIRST TIME—BELIEVES IT HAS GREAT FUTURE. Hon. Arthur L. would benefit greatly from Alberta, Sifton, Premier , pert of was a visitor in the the development of that country. The road from Edmonton to the Peace River, of which Mr. J. D. MeArthur buill for 250 miles and would soon be corapleted. Mr. Sifton doesn’t think that the P. G. E. will hurt this town. This being the main line and hav- ing the big shops and drydock will maturally make it the head- quarters for the G. T. P. Premier Sifton is a brother of city, coming in on last evening's train and returning this morning. He traveled in the private car of Mr. J. D. MeArthur, nent railway contractor, who was Others was president, was the promi- also along. included in the party were: Mr. Balfour, su- perintendent of the Union Bank; Mr. 8S. B. Woods, Mr. Charles of Edmonton; Na- Transcontinental Commis- Mr. Young, of the tional and AWAITING THE THRILLING ORDER TO CHARGE.—! rence! i: vaiting the order ifantry crouched behind » chare have their out of the on the German trenches. They npany s of the me hown in this pieture only six 1 came assault mowed down by German machine guns >. THREE GERMAN re VANCOUVER HOCKEY oem aM AT TE Stockholm, Dec, 9,-—The Swed- underbrush baynets fixed. alive. FIRST DEATH SENTENCE co : nn ris was called this morning, } a SWEDES INDIGNANT Patn for the asked | defence, until this morning and he wish-|! sion, Fisher, a promi- the Hon. Clifford Sifton, former- ly Minister of the Interior in ms Laurier government. AUSTRIA TO PAY FOR ITALY’S NEUTRALITY THROUGHOUT WAR nent lawyer Mr. Sifton was interviewed by a representative of The News and proved to be exceptionally conge- \ial and interesting. This was his T. P. and he referred to the exeellent roadbed ind quality of service. of Winnipeg. Of the The first trip over the G. The seen- 7 ery, too, while perhaps not so CRIME RECONSTRUCTED CRUISERS SUNK GIVEN IN PRINCE RUPERT |«". © perhap (Special to The Daily News.) IN SOUTH PACIFIC as call lofty as that on the C. Pi RK. al Rome, Dec. 9—Prince Von Bue- On ti eassembling f the ‘ At elock yesterday after -\! owed a bigger scope of vision.|jow, the new German ambassador ; id nev ith the cabe-of Ret iT mountains were farther |i, Italy, is authorized to nego- : iv, M Fr. S. Peters Ca nee ‘ ; . liet Ta apart, showing a much more val- tiate a transfer of the province of i ivy brought mn a verdict o al oan London, Dec. 9.—Official.)— M ug" , | uable country. He was quite sat-| Trent to Italy in exchange for the he defen felt It is officially announced that the y against the Indian, John) i.ieq that the route would be-| maintenance of her neutrality. He 4 The evidence as rely ‘ : satisited that the Grown had made|German eruisers Schornhorst, |! . ri a a “|eome a popular one for tourists./asserted that Austria, on Ger- ‘ stantis evidently no} ; : erie 2 S {t ne cas Mr. Fisher then ad-|@Qneisenau and Leipzig have been oo" oa rm ‘ th | When asked if he thought many’s invitation, will proclaim easonabile doubt remained in ely se 7 . . iressed the ry. He did not think | gunk in the South Pacific. P + tee aie Ab. ! rinee Rupe rt would bear the/ihe independence of Trent, where s case so weak as suggested by : = if : dates a jsame relation to Edmonton that|ihe majority of the population is . vert Taylon met his death 11!) Vancouver did to Calgary, he re-|n- i oo for the defence After SERIOUS ACCIDENT nn wks. masala) ancouver did t¢ ' gary, he re-|italian, and after this is done It- care consideration of the faets er : : : aad |plied: “In a sense it will, but the/ajy may occupy Trent. Austria RE e rapidly than was expected./' ome from Edmonton to Prince - he had reconstructed the crime it | , jtramc trom amo will make a protest for the sake : i a FROM THE CA ll After one hoetir’s discussion they Rupert will be much greater than] of appearances but Germany Pher was 1 evidence that HANDLING OF DYNAM Ej pr ught in ea. unanimous verdict. }inat of ‘algary to Vancouver. YOU|will recognize the annexation of ' ; . aba is Lords ‘ough the in- a : ade it morally certa that the mnaeiiahies H Lords hip, ts a + 7 | , the best part of the Prairies |the provinee to Italy. Besides Y . rpreter , 2, Collison, ask-| bas two men were at Hazelton station ~_— 2 : . : y N oe ae eee . : A 1 Rreseebagadndeapic Meese < this Trieste will be proclaimed i RR : Pa., Dec. { weeled if the. prisoner had anyt NINE | in the last few years had inereas-| free. éithaweh eaten denen - ae — men were killed and five injured|;, gay, Me replied nothing ex- : a : ’ red Paylor had taken a day i i ' " he in population very much faster | protection. : shan bic tele trea aennn. 8 vere | teept that’ he-was innocent than Calgary. Then the Peace ae RN They were in the gage & | His Lordship, addressing the) p ive, country belonged to the G. Ladies’ felt boots, leather top, ra) low passed Johnny May mite und one dropped a sti k ; an’ Saal ae oe h indta ee aad ) Prisoner, Sas; iT. P. Edmonton and Prince Ru-}felt lined and soled. - Regular ind they spent the rest of of dynamite, which blew the . You have had a fair trial and| o “\|price $2.50. Now $4.75. Sizes gether After — it of the cage, dropping the |), ayo heen very ably defended at eR eH RRR HR HH HH KB from 4 to7. Sale at Jabour Bros. : evening togethe , men into the dump [ have no other course but to pro_|* * abiokt : g the station and approach ea GERMANS ROUTED AT * . ince sentence as e ay e ge th Sealey Gulch bridge |* CRACOW BY RUSSIANS * , The sentence is that you wh he should have been on » CHOLERA IS RAGING a ae sg a smnnn: iett at | * { » take oO & cor! 0 Ja ‘ ty, Tay} naked the Saaiae on IN ALIEN COUNTRIES ° |New Westminster and detained |* Renton, a. Ooi . eastern tle, intending to treat his ——-- * mtil the Sth day of March|* ussion War Oflice an- &|} people to come and see our ithere ut i ay of Me , | partner, who was doing overtime (Special to The Daily News.) |next and then be taken to the|*® mownees that the Germans *)§ immense stock of Second rhe Indian refused to part with | Rotterdam, Dec. 9 rhe Berlin} aia: il \eeetalieans (vehi ies were put to rout in the re- *| Hand Furniture. We must the whiskey, a drunken quarrel | Roard of Health reports thirty anes aa a allel eked | ad i* gion of Cracow. Their *) dispose of it at once. Prices ensued and culminated in a brutal] siy eases of cholera in Germs any m hed an ed eee aaa * right wing was turned and * to suit everybody. Corner of n tha ron e ere or ‘ lt Phe drunken Indian im-| ty Austria, during November, ¢ | i* they are still being pur. * Third Avenue and Seventh | sou mediately started = h mewards, | pecially in Galicia, cholera is ° * sued. Their losses were *;3 Street. Furniture Stores. taking the broken bottle with him, spreading very rapidly Ninety | enormous. *| Phones No. 86 and 465. ding doubtiess to conceal al deaths oceufred in Vienna alone THEFT CASE POSTPONED— xR RRR KEE HERE AHH EH ; 3 traces of the crime before day-|qyring the first week in Novem DELAY FOR NEW EVIDENCE | iain ght. Ue took off his blood stain~| per, ——- j Continued on Page Four When the case of Rex. vs. Har Mr CANADIAN WAR PICTURES Portland. Dee, 9.-—The Vancou- : ish press is indignant about the/}ed to work up his case today. ver hockey club defeated Port- : : jplanting of mines along .the Fin His request was granted, and land by 6 to 3 in the first game) ; nish coast, which have destroyed|His Lordship instrueted the reg- of the season The game was : ie three large Swedish steamers and|istrar to arrange for civil cases, | played ners 4 caused the loss of over forty today, if possible. - = RMAN CONSUL men. The Germans are blamed. It is expected that Burrowes vs. queen FORMER GE | Navigation ‘yas been, suspended|Harrison will be taken up this “CANADA’S CONTRIBUTION GUILTY OF TREASON oo: sweepins i completed. J afternoon, (8pecial to The Galty Sewn.) Girls’ bodts, sizes from 414 to 2, For any kind of repairs in or} T0 THE BRITISH EMPIRE” Londen, Dee, 9 Nicholas Ah. X ' dias : felt tops, leather soles; regularjaround your place, see Frita.| wa ers 18 ormer rer B pane, on ; — ed price $1.85, reduced to $4.25. Ja-| Phone 583, 286 IN FIVE FULL REELS SHOWING THE VARIOUS MOBIL- ee wre bour Bros,’ Bale, 2Rite, ddapacsekl is, IZATION CAMPS AT VICTORIA, VANCOUVER, ~ aa ad i ae > o—p—eeeniiialiiaidl Overshoes for girls and boys;} CALGARY, WINNIPEG, QUEBEC AND as sé enee ‘ eath, 3 wee ee Leather cushions with Indian/sizes from tt to 2 Negular VALCARTIER. Open for business evening.-|heads, Special Xmas prices at) prices $2.00, Reduced to $4.35, ADMISSION - le = 10, 15 AND 25 CENTS Mchae Bros, 279.88 |Geo. D, Tite's. 282tfiJabour Bros.’s sale. 284tf, i eo