December ¥, 1 Wee THE DAILY NEWS. SL ee Se ™ 4 — ——— ——— — eae - vue ONLY CURE FOR | | i Ot general failing s pas- |Z ( STIPATION | sion for histri Kaiser ; CON vi d has a particula to the ' | 4 “fr That Wonderfal | semmi-sacred ch: veh ur ata ogue 4 : : hemedy Made From Fruit Juices, attaches to bh ind h : May 14th. 1913. | : ‘ . av wath 3918. | is SUN tole, A on Which Has Just Been Distributed lV ruit-a-tives for ; Constipation with believe that he ispir. | z ie, oS — ed in everythi “ Te = i. ‘= ieee ee ae sarily devoid } fh Will aid you in making your selection of Christ ait L jose toone tablet at | mor as to be ipa fairly Write for this book if one has not reached you. Wote the a4 Fruit atives”, judging his ow lions Alreads fine range of SIGNET RINGS on Page 11 and our assort- he Ww 1 sed I thought 1 | indeed, the Kais have ment of Ebony, Silver and French Ivory Toilet Ware from fer from the illness reached a point h he re] Pages 45 to 63, inclusive. tments, Finally, ft | ot ' } , advertised with @ wards the Als i iis per easeeneenaansan . inti one recommended | sonal subordinat: h is I tried them, and | n recommending | this peculiarity tl Ka “ ‘ e a e 2 CoerT. | eenidheed app ma enry Birks & Sons, Limited f pg | sons who know h st inti ent on rec x oO * es Limited, Ottawa | mately that even h \ 1 pub- JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS licly laughs at his father’s van-| Granville and Georgia Streets | ys “Phere is a henticat- | Tl Geo. £. Teorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C nese nee TEE EERO EEE RRS | ed story that w the Crown \ 2) Prince was in India he was stroll-| — = k 3 FOR A TAXI 3 jing one night aft dinner under! — << —_ -_—_— ; — 2 ithe glorious Indian starlit sky|?** Iwhen a companion e alled| PHONE ‘ 75 attention to a star of peculiar} o ee = brightness which he could not identify Oh,” said the C ‘rown | oa aurent bute 68 THE ae HORSE ARTILLERY IN A SILK HAT.—A Man in the Roval Horse Artillery lost his cap. | Prince i supy that i m » = i ae ) . suppose { s_some PRI ie tall ixie ! | eau which had been pillaged by the Germans and |pey décoréiion which img tathéd SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS Hits tim ound as it - * to find that his battery had received orders to move ‘ ; : tind.» ; | sic caput éo i aiseaee PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO oe he oe a * j ‘t and, as he went past, a cémpanion said, “Morning, Even if the story be only invented, | A. 4. BURROUGHS, Manager my lord; zg se } ; 4 , eeee eee eeeaene it serves to indicate a frame of § 1 Ave and meBrige 6. PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0. mind in both father and son which | PHONE 95 Branch Yerd at Smithers LATEST WAR NEWS is highly significant. 7 a var bulletins [he eceived vely by The Daily N posted im- saadiat coming off the i. the following ; ie's Cigar Store, 3rd Ave Wark's Jewelry Store, 3rd avenue Pr rt Hotel, 2nd ay e nhovai Winds tel. Knox Daily windows, 3rd peeeeev ev ee eeeee SESEEE EEE EERE ERERE RE EEE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Princess May northbound for Alaskan Ports December 14 Princess Sophia southbound Sunday at 8 p. m. 4. @. BONAB, General Ayont Corner Fourth Street and Third Ave Prince Rupert Feed Co. DEALERS IN See REPRE R EE HES > . FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 7%. Hay, Grain, Feed s and Seeds . » seam 5% CHICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY for 12 St. and Sré Ave. » Agents f ber 18 “\. and Srd Ave. 3 = me 14 Si and ard Ave : DOMINION NURSERY & Ny oa mh, m8 oe S ORCHARDS CO. me 16 ve, between 8th and Me!) orders promptly attended to Tr hoon Hotel.) ben 17 ‘ve. and 7th St. (Cen —_— wel He > 3 908 Third Ave. Phone 58 CrRCUIT NO. 2 > jn 22 Ave, and 3rd St. 8) Prost re er 23 Ave. and McBride 81. | es 26 Ave. and McBride St or 2B Ave. and @nd St Certificate of improvements. oa Ave. and Ot 66. Aldebaran Mineral Claim, situate in the m P Skeena Mining Division of Cassiar Dis- trict CIRCUIT HO. 8. Where located:—About three-quarters 3-4) of & mile, more or less, from the me 3 Ave. and Fulton St. northwest point of the bead of Alice Arm on 82 0 and Taylor St ]eat eciomes Se Black Bear Minera! claim me SS \ve. and Fulton st TAKE NOTICE that I, Pedro Salinas, as “ Ave. and Comox Ave agent for William i. Vougt Free Min- ers Certificate No. 8154 an or m me Ave. and Dodge PI. self, Free Miner's Certificate No $03138., 38 \ve. and Thompson St jintend, sixty days from the date bereof, }to apply to the Mining Recorder for & CIROUIT NO. 4 | Certificate of Improvements, er = 2 414th Ave, and Emmersoe a a Crown rant © , And further take apties that } aation, or 42 \ve. and MeBride St | under section 85, must comme. lfore the issue of such Certificate of im- on 43 Ave. and Green 8t. provements or 44 Ave and Bast! 81. =| Dated this @ist day of September, A.D. eta. * 45—7in Ave. and Eherte. | PEDRO SALINAS. m 141 Ave. and Yung St. Peters, coondaibaadsae | Certificate of improvements. ee rl Chance It Frection, and Black Bear | Mineral Claims, situate io the Skeena Min- ete »| ing Division of Cassiar District. | Where located:—I'll Chance it Fraction located between the “Lilly Bertha” and “Aldebaran” Minera) Claims near head of Alice Arm, Observatory Inlet, and “Black le! ; Directory eS ‘tbe PRL. Vintners Association = EEE WINDSOR HOTEL ' First Ave. and Eighth St Ww OM. Wright, Prop. HOTEL OSNTRAL ‘venue and Seventh 8 “) and American Pleo Peer Bieck, Prop. Urber Pirst Bur KNOX MOTEL “!weeo Elgbth ead Nintb a0, Rates b0e to $1.00 rer Dey Besner @ Besner, Prope. seenelieam Vv. D. Casley CMPRESS HOTEL ‘'e, Between” Sixth end eveDtD Streets Pian, BO te 61 Per Day iret Ay Luropes ester Thir Wropeas POYAL MOTEL * Burgess, Props sod Sixth St Bieam Meates | Ave Ure pee, Pien HAVER WHOLESALE LIQUOR CO. Limirep Ave. and Sixth 84, Phone 109 PRimCE PUPERT (@PORTING CO ve VMITED oo Siath Gee Phone 7 Pre rc cees Bear’ Mineral Claim, located one wile more or less, from she northwest point of |the head of Alice Arm, & branch of OD- | servatory Inlet TAKE NOTICE that I, Pedro Salina, Free | Miner's Certificate No. 80313B., Intend, }sixty days from the date hereof to apply | to ihe Mining nenereee for 4 or of Improvements, for pares of ob- taining a Crown Grant a t Spore claim. And further take notice that action, | under section 85, must be commenced be fore tee issue of such Certificate of im- | provements Dated this @ist day of September, A.D. — PEDRO SALINAS. 1836 THE BANK OF 1914 BritishNorthAmerica Te Years * Business Caritas ano SuRPius $7, "66.66¢ The Convenience of a Joint Account Account may be A Joint opened in the names of twoor more persons. Whic hever one can most conv niently reach the bank can then deposit the joint funds or withdraw the cash needed, It saves time and trouble PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH P. MARGETTS. Manager. KAISER IS NOT A GREAT MAN-— GREATNESS WRONGLY ATTRIBUTED ALLOWED A SYSTEM TO DEVELOP THAT HE COULD NOT CON- TROL—NOT EXCLUSIVELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE The Spectator, London In the popular imagination the Kaiser appears to be taking much | tne same place that was occupied by Napoleon Bonaparte a hundred years ag Our newspapers are not perhaps quite as brutal in th ‘fere es to the Kaiser as their predecessors we t his prototyy but the « ral popu lac is certainly sparing of its ‘pithets, and is frankly itspo- Ken ts des for | il ver geance How far it may be pos- sible and desirable to have a per- sonal eke ng with the individ- al primarily responsib for the present war is a dif t po- litical and international question which ed t for the moment be considered. Our only present purpose is to try to form 4 some- what better balanced conception of the Kaiser's character than that which seems to be gaining ground The primary stake made by the public is the attribution to Kaiser Wilhelm Il f greater powers than he possesses. He is, is we have just said, primarily ponsible for the war because he could, had he chosen, have prevented it. = But to say that he was its y or chief organizer is to go too far. What he has done has been to permit himself | to drift along with the tide of Prussian Junkerdom Inheriting the traditions of the Hohenzol-| lern House, he has leaned upon the military caste, but he has not} had the strength to control his own prop. They ¢all him in Ger-| many Wilhelm the Greater, which may be a delicate way of saying that he is not ‘the Great.’ There | is, in fact, nothing really great about the present German em- peror, except perhaps his appear- ance. From the stage point of | view, he plays the part of an em- | per He is always limel pa- rade, if nations could be successfully governed by skil- ful actors Kaiser Wilhelm would | have been an ideal emperor, The trouble that behind his good | acting there is little or no solidi- ty. He many semi- accomplishments and wholly sue. For example, has never really it has often done for he has never | remembered Bacon's cunning ad. that Kings, if they to per fection in the ight, always on and great is is a man of cessful in none his eloquence | helped him. Indeed, him harm, vice must time | | j j } | } WAR. | sion; If the above analysis |Kaiser’s character is just, it | would clearly be unfair to de- scribe him as intentionally ma- lignant. his » glory of his House German Empire. He does not wish | He is a man with a mis- to advance and of the mission is = of the! KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 3 HARDWARE Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Paints Oils ¢ making himself agreeable to peo- t ple brought into contact with him } when he chooses so to do. Essen- | tially this is part of his eapacity | He it | is worth while to please people, as an actor. knows when knows how to do it | the first by his)! and then he Those who meet him for deluded by ness of his repartee, and by the} are easily charm of manner, the quick- } i general wideness of his knowledge and interests, It is only experi-| that teaches them that this} is manner and policy and nothing | more The himself and his unele, with whom he was never on good terms, was admirably summed up in the say- ence difference between ing that Edward VIL. was “bon enfant’ and Wilhelm Tf, “faux bonhomme.” | Yet, in insisting that the Kaiser is always playing a part, it would | should make long dis. courses and not use short, sharp | speak sayings that tly about like darts. In the purely military sphere it is more diMleult to aseertain what the German opinion of the | Kaiser's qualifications now are; el 2 eh een 2 ae ” SPICY IMPARTIAL INDEPENDENT INTELLIGENT — of necessity to injure a single liv-| Varniohes but there are plenty of rumorsjing creature; but if any living | afloat_as to the anxiety with|creature ventures to cross his | MONARCH MALLEABLE The “* Stay Satisfactory which the General Staff regard|Path, of course it must be wiped | angs the constant interference of the Out, as his generals were ordered | great War Lord with their busi- |to wipe out “French's eontempti-| ness Outsiders éan at any rate | ble ttle army.” In the main, | form a very shrewd opinion of |owever, a man who has filled his | , his military capacity by observ-|™ipd with the conception that he| THE UNION STEAMSHIP C0., OF B.C., LIMITED - ing the manner which he|!S divinely inspired to carry out dashes from one field of batth |a mission is more dangerous than SS. VENTURE to other like “a transient and|® man a by pate SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P. M. ar sans antom ‘ ‘ maiice qguic y e- z i cm ast aia ac z mg trays itself, and has _ redeem- Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND waas SUNDAYS AT ) i MIDNIGHT tional sove gn to hearten up his ge feature which will win the ap- troops tl wild shine b lause of the world; whereas the For Further Particulars Apply to ude snd foreeiad wee te f-satisfied actor who can strut} PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. fe teilligible and justifiable the stage and fill the house| AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS B a eh of his char_|With rhetorical mouthings, and ac ealize that wherever he|4ppeal to sentiments which have} as he goes not to inspire his|*!Ways moved mankind, is sure to| troops ¢ to commend Sis a: ommand a certain amount of) cate He arrogates to himself *Y™pathy, however mischievous | the shit to command without |!is actual deeds may be. iD having the technical ability or the Phat is the situation that Brit-| persistent observation of one field|ain and her allies have to face in| = ——=—= whieh is necessary to| tie present moment. There is no 710 SECOND AVE a success. tr stworthy evidence of any kind | Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery rhis perpetual fidgetiness, like |t¥@t the Kaiser is generally out/} wae, gents Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle a hie astion: ith ultimately | of touch with his own people. ed Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns di . extraordinary vanity, | me of peace the Libereie may | Guse Valves Gcemuntiinn Without exaggeration, it may borer not very successfully, to| Pumps Hose Paint said that again and again in his|°UT> his autocratic power; in|}} gouge ang Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated Iron career the Kaiser has displayed |*#me of peace the Socialists re- ~ we en. me BUT THE an amount of silly vanity and pet- jsard him as their enemy; but now NOTH BEST tishness which can only be de- | the it war is in being the Kaiser is meena scribed as puerile. He bas be. | *Mectively the figurehead of his ’ haved not as a great man, but as|°?UPtry. His people rally to him FRED STORK S HARDWARE a foolish boy. With these fairly because he plays his actor's p obvious defects, the Kaiser would |*° ¢tremely well be an intensely unpopular man — —— were it not for his great skiil in | NEWSPAPER =a i. Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of. the cily because it is clean and reliable. It has all the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- mism and reliability. The Daily News is the most valuable paper to advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It has a bigger circulation than any other paper ia the vity, It is read by the class of people the advertisers want to talk to. DAILY. NEWS be a mistake to assume that he| is necessarily a hypogrite, Peo. | ple who have been acting from their youth upwards lose the) power of discriminating between | their real selves and the mask they wish to present to the pub- lic. This is a failing whieh affects | even the smallest of individuals | SARA RAA RARER AERA KAA ee AAR Ree e eRe EEE ~ in private life, In addition t this | ad