years. They will remain eee East. The Here’s the Sunlight way: ’ ——<—9 oe y+ se ‘ THE DAILY Arvwe 7 a \ a oe | 00 MURDER ‘nse ote hihowane NS. HAZELTON Srhed to tbo the plese. 68 Unio, line. ww = SABAH 2 S223. mS WAFPBAFAS2?33s 2: #: CONTINGENT MAY § RECONSTRUCTED i f i issag N ha ae LEAVE FOR FRONT, CRIME eroararen’ comsined wit a= |th, A W , ' dod 1 Pace One Continued From rar wil immediately reduce obesit M an W ant J d trouse! und washed them iM) strength he m W As ny my : | Hie found only one pad-| : we ' .menond gounting the | the rive e found . y = er bee eu ition, st up a torpid!s n on ber of gifts found that itjdle in th at and, leaving Bot |liver, bring nerves to their not Wy ‘a si supply ind blood-stained coat and|,,q) Sondition, remove the broken |e! RA i ”e np Sipte / ’ . re Ww rat there be. |‘ iff, started off to the ferry to get down tissues and build new ones, | Oo—-—— hy ymanin thera 5 4 the ferryboat a oh me twenty-two short ao |"! thet He foun " . , giving you an exhilirating tone,! AY a — Vy. an teow for the presents ed and in his dazed condi putting a dash in your eye and ' ~ wy N lless to say every man among forgot the ne he t shap ! ; stey ALUM ‘ HEE Cream of Tartar, the chief ingredient of Dr. Price's *. whn wate -tncks & afew e! i and went straight home Mies B. Kayne has recently ' Cream Baking Powder is a product of ripe grapes. It Ye iiila one aie threw away the blood-stained} oie to this city and being an ex yas liz apprecis ° zi ~ is pure and healthful beyond question. we a re i St ened | the trail and arrived at pert in this line is opening up a ae) a | { houen a rom ‘ é ' x Alum is the chief ingredient of many of the sub- y Ghidis ‘nuiibite tints had ibin about 12:40 a, m. in DiSlomee in the Alder Block, where stitutes offered in place of Dr. Price’s Cream Baking NY ed his present, and bef derelothes. these uj jale treatments ear Powder. Alum is a mineral acid, declared by physi- Gm lise iiene te ais datebt that ¢ Mr. Adair Carss ably summed)),, hag hie s graduate of cians and chemists to have an injurious effect when ot, cals tia ati i ent of some Up the case for the defence. Heling Loma Linda College in Cali-|} used in the preparation of food. WV iil ede ot. nted out that no witness had) fornia and duties ade tn No baking powders containing alum are permitted W pert. produced who knew both) vary jatest Its of science 5 to be sold in England, France or Germany. To avoid Ww Phere have been many visitors|™mem and saw them together Of) Consyiiat ind advice free. | [wa ; alum and be sure of wholesome, home-baked food, TD Lies ile Ue ok-eh ei cdenn itt! g of the 28th. Me eM-lnoom 5, Alder Biock. See pro-| I} read the label carefully and use only ae ee ahhed neluding | Phasized the diMeulty of identifi lfessional card in this paper i! a ti so dark a night Cir-| Se Ma ] iH MeMul Lieuten ' ” , j ieee ao Pett w and Lieutenant stantial evidence is proverbi PRINCE GEORGE ARRIVES. : veeeee j Webst ¢ the Princes illy danger and in this poe camasiee Ten More Prizes Added ; ich is very mplete. The 1} Prim George a ved ? pert Light Infantry; A. W ' “ ace ik ae wile s 0 a, te ble FIRST PRIZE A KITCHEN } ’ nt de : i sent up : DOX ay é ; : 0’ - ‘6 . Shes Pe CABINET ; Ke ind severa thers Amor ond a reasonable doubt Every board M Bailey i} i . = POWDER eu Vict stey this case was surrounded) Wright Mi Willer j M bot } th \“ s 0 «1 evoria f ’ ‘ ' doubt He asked for ac Haynes, P. J. S W. Kk. Dra t w are Mrs. George Gibson, | “'*" i With Every $1.00 Purchase ; Made from Cream artar um i ent. i i ats ol T No Al Mrs. Reitchel, Mrs. Percy Goden-|™ ttal , ub a ’ Pa 4 a - You Get a Counor i tis Lordship in charging 1@ | ser iss Gibs ' ndersor itt ind Mrs. Leslie, who will | ; ‘ e vn here until the departure ry said circumstantial evidence |M ses Harris. Mr. McDonaid and Fuller’s Grocery lof the 30th Mrs. Captain C. W is often stronger than direct eyi i wihe, Mr. White, Wm. Beers, G. A Phone 572 311 3rd 7 ; > has } tat t} im denee it is not usual for a man|Woodland and wife, Mrs. Waitt POOPIPEEEFO*O—¢+ ++ bbb by PCR I > werna Lue. ; ue lbress Hotel since her arrival in|*® comme murder in the presence | ee line uth lof eye-wilnesses Where facts so ; aa imight be easily explained, and the Th Be t R F All | \ further pe d of two weeks} ’ em Ages ; ‘ TERRIBLE STRAIN IS 1} } bat — R Idefence did not do so, the infer é S$ Or “ jas peen given probationer one | “ ¢ ” LOCAI NEWS ITEMS : 5 lence was fairly against the accus WS TELLING ON KAISER “eee GC oMeers OF. COM) ee teclhthe, Shy belt the and proven so by thousands upon thousand esta pany to qualify and everyone 18 | at ' » nt , ; the whole world over, is the famous family medicines : : a | le { iO oug ‘vidence 0 ; »; r CLASSIFIED ADS. Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream. lkeen in attending both company|°° °"*® ! eOUERY ON Beecham’s Pills. The ailments of the dig rs (Special to The Daily News.) i — fans ’ : isho here the accused was after 1 act which ¢ ; : . z Amsterdam, Dec. 9.—Berlin re-| 484 non-com. lectures, so that} ee “egestas , to which all are subject, —from i ie Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. ee eee ce = i6 p. m. on September 28, if he many serious sicknesses, are corrected or prey ed by FOR RENT Phone 4 tf. port ay that Emperor William |“" she eructal day arrives they) t with the d Lp . -)/ Ports Sa} ‘ + 0 i not with the decease runk- _ — ee tr ' vill at least have had an oppor } a Trg . ‘ s FOR KENT—Three unfurnished rooms and eer SA ‘haw Rticks mt) '2 Suffering rom pneumonia} sites sa a ,|enness was no excuse for murder Calingtane. aa tae a Skates and Hockey Sticks at a" * mie al jtunity of learning much of the} ciliates. thea vhiaabneiies' tian Apply evenings, 213 Fifth Avenue Fred Stork’s Hardware. tf.|combined with nervous depres) athies of soldiering, and it will|” . 284-6 rae dion dee to Svercexertion. Piblbe’ in to thee de mak pod to ute! y vn ae . aa an a - . ; - I e Tr *® murderer o | Gee tee for heute. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Woodland doctors have advised him not to|hold their stripes. Pe i | vether = nu : | na ’ . e or o oO “ e i | ayior was in nis Condition of : ahah . i FOR |RENT—Purnished rooms with hot returned ‘this morning from “;return to the front. | Fhe Willows Camp bas now at ot, the ‘jury could judge from a few doses now, and you will KNOW t it means | Only $2.50 1 50 per week ond coantorble. | pleasant reve ©O VemeOuver _ | least 2,000 troops, as besides the}... .osition, of the fatal wounds to have better digestion, sounder sleep, bright Fulton venth Avenue. tf. — |30th Overseas Battalion there are]... ae ae ree greater cheerfulness after your system has | red sania Mr. Sol Cameron, president of! SETTLED OUT OF COURT. eit Hee ae ia oat the | rhe jury retired at 50 p. m.] of poisonous impuriti« " Hor childrer parent wand Gen CALs the Westholme Lumber Co., an | oo ze ; tt item pemtens eee ed at 4:50 ask f parents, Beecham’s Pills are matchless as a r med) — | The case of Philpott vs. Beat-|COMMands, Of the Filth m=) turther definitions of det old-timer of Prinee Ru {, is in ; ; _ | FOR SALE—Six coal leases at a very | ’ ; ss . 2 Regin the 88th Fusiliers ; | reasonable rice, Write Leigh ‘ ( 0 jt was settled it ‘ irt. Ph iand nar suehter His 1 | 0 t a ée allan Company, Cedar hapids, lows, | OWN today fr -S weneeee. ool was enotying 1 ie and the 50th Highlanders. These]. oo. thie informat il I u n a a Ox ; * * appl = \ a ship g . rinatie FOR 8A ~_— Section 7, esas | pace tii A oe th : | : , i a tani . y aimee emes tos gvirents are now taking Afteer ‘J ‘ lat th i Prepared only by ae outa & Sine, een b nglend LE— house, s— jset aside agme y consent iftee linutes later ‘ a where ia C is r a boxes, 2 cash $20 a month; total $1.4 150. adies es 9 at is , ; a s, that will pass late: ‘ Seld everywhere Lanada and mence - Bor 199. 218. appreciated. Fumed, Golden and!" * given by the Prince broveht in the verdiet of guilty eedatncseeh eiadiiadiligtiditeenetaly wwe On 8080--00- ar. capacity steam Boller | Mission Finish. At Geo. D. Tite’s. | upert Fish & Cold Storage Con t he Third Canadian Con x _— had cheap. ‘im “excellewt order. °° Ap: ogotf|pany, Limited, to Mr. Beatty| ment for active service, and MEW SUBSTITUTE FOR vaiinnded eee ee ae i, 42 hortly before the company went| With the Fifth Regiment also sup- PHYSICAL EXERCISE .._,, eoccocsessesseseet WANTED For a comfortable room, come | into liquidation This judgment}? the ' an the defences | — é | |to the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec-|is now set aside by consent of at Esquimalt and other points Most people are ill Decause of | Bargain Week In Rents WANTED—Large Mail Order bouse wants|ond Avenue, near Eighth Street Mr satt There ‘ ll aa a Vane isiand Every exhibi-/their abnormal living They & men everywhere willing to work a few : |Mr. Beatty. There was a & | hours for $20 weekly, contract given, | Newly opened. Steam heat and | counter claim of Mr. Beatty that {tiem building is oceupied to its/not take proper exercise or give | position permanent. ‘Experience un-| hot and cold water in every room.| °°"! _— = ee a ' ' : j 5-Room House—Partially furnished; modern conveni- | Receseary. unpamvles ree ont, Co. | a bgretrt a iis otal ly Philpott’s judgment, $2,500, |' apacity and scores of tents were their bodies half a chance Phe | a stank én $25.00 Uperative U » W . . ales bas PB. e em . — : . ap ee Pe . atl . ces; ese es ede ceeee - I tin cnene ainsi tk. Gait a a ibe also set aside. This was dis— | ted this rning to take eure trouble is that most people have ! fi ee Te nian Re tans tn $18.00 Five act Six for #126 down and $25 a| Mr. (i. A. Vowell, traveling | missed, Mr.” Philpott seeuring|@! the 350 opers of the B. C. \not time in these strenuous days 4-Ro A t—Cl i $15.00 as Cae gee om oe, ey Soe salesman for steamfitters and . *s . ’ na . i ae se wh are due in camp this to attend to these matters i 2 om partmen ose in WANTED—Situation by young lady 88) cs in te his judgment. The liquidators bh ciaiindin tie eam a ead 3-Room House—Close in $10.00 aan or ice he Salary rea-|;piumbers supplies, arrived in 1e e co any: e o rent: iflternoon. sequently ‘ system 1as een Ps hoe sonable. Apply Box 118, Daily howe aed jay ” jof e company, the Continent : 3-Room Howse—Handy to drydock $8.00 > oday. rust Company, are also secured | “ es - | WANTED—Woman wishes day work, any . oe be 850 damages 1used Dy the Ret oes i _— good dressmaker, Phone ae There will be a meeting of = eS er ae Beatty's | PATTULLO & RADFORD Bortioultars| Society in the City judgment. It is understood that | 2nd Avenue MISCELLANEOUS Hall on Fridaywat 8 p.m. Mr.|in view of settlement out of cour coccooceeeeest aati Ty nson ® an en . ' } ancien zs athe aot Pomlinson* will leeture on the Mr. Philpott and the defenda :| aes s ie & A se $,000; vai,ous handling of muskeg. company rebated a portion of te] mon fi bane 0. 4. L c, P. O. i The P rae se cost by way of compromise FP. ‘ real, ° e Prince ort” Co. | | § ‘ i os roan ’| Peters, K. C.. acted for Mr Phil. | os ARRY!—-Why remain alone? Why not eeneral towing; the new crude oi better your position? Our club is pri- ” | pott; 4. M. Manson for the liqni-| | Yate and mdabie, Best in the west, jtug “P.R.T. No. 1." Phone Red i Information 10¢ deal in-|, dater of the Prince Rupert I troduction Club, 7s Tie Vancouver, | 391 or Black 322: Address: P. O.| ; i . B. C, ip 96. A f th 4 & Cold Storage Company, and W. Ox ® gency for the “Avance’ ‘| ‘ . . ©. Fulton for Mr. Beatt N ° ne ae ‘Sa Se ees Crude Oil Motor. 165tf.| aa a a: a oe || Dainty Garments—Fine Linen , bours } * . . ee S ¢ MPominen Mmaneie! . » , Co-Operative 7 Rev. W. J. and Mrs. Petter, on fot Togonto, These are surely worth your Terrace, are leaving for Toronto —- best care and the use of noth- next week. Mr. Petter has been ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ing but the soap that cannot out on this coast for . . 5 ic- t ! ASSOCN. LADIES’ EXAM | hurt the finest fabric | : | | about a io a le lass of St. John Ambulance As- yalty, tonight's pictures at The Westholme should prove in- well and the dirt practically drops |ing December gives you a chance 01) Mhursday evening, Decenbe iluable and it is no doubt with this in view that the Dominion out, No wearisome scrubbing, ‘for Special Brass Bed and Wile|10, at the new school on Borden government set the stamp of its approval and authorization no hurtful rubbing—the gentile School of Music and Shorthand ton Carpet Square Drawing at | Street. Candidates are requested on these pictures, whieh bear the tille, “Canada’s Contribution strength of Sunlight does the + te , © 5 rit VINCENT C. KNOWLES Geo. D. ‘Tite's 282tf ito be in their places promptly at to the British Empire.” There are five full reels, showing the = si = a eS re an ° (Violinist Westholme Opere House) } > ~| the appointed hour. various mobilization camps at Victoria, Vancouver, Calgary, eely lilies Viotin, Pi ay and Singing | ALBERT we PHONE 637 TN WW peg, Quebec and Valcartier No doubt many faces will . injury. Pianos Tuned and Bopeirea r wg 5 . | Mr. Horace Duhammel, of Ha. be e@asily ognized by their friends among the soldier boys ‘ Try one cake— —- } IS B. KAYNE zelton, who has been a witness at Viet Vancouver and Valcartier. The Westholme orches you'll find it’s MRS. KNOWLES ELECTRIC, VIBRATORY, HAND in the May murder trial, left last rr kind the Teacher of Pitman’s Shorthand mAsehes TREATEENT 1 the ay murder trial, le as ra play suitable selections of Canadian and British airs, . — to enema night for southern California including the famous battle song of the British soldiers, “It’ At al grocers ands, too. 15 HOT PACKS MEDICATED RUBS 3. . ' s Suite 15, MoMordie Apt. where he will spend the winter. a Long, Long Way to Tipperary | ‘ examination of the ladies CANADA'S ARMY IN MOVING PICTURES AT THE WESTHOLME For every $2.00 purchase dure sovialion wil! be held al 8 o'clock First, soap the garment; then roll THEATRE TONIGHT.—As a: it up to soak. object lesson in patriotism and After a while, rinse EMPRESS F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR 7,6. ¢ (SOLD BY PRINCE RUPER ALL GROCERS)