THE DAILY NEws THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation H. F. MeRAE, EDITOR AND MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates on application. ‘am Wilcveiiee: Dec. 10, 1914. EDITORIALS DAILY EDITION The opinion has been ex- good enough to ensure our- pressed in England that the selves agdinst-all risks of for- scares with. regard to invasion eign attack. Naval predomi- are put forward by Germans nance was our main and suffi- in order to frighten the people of Great Britain out of sending If so, the foolish one. In the new world that we live in cient shield and standby. troops: to France. trick Every word that is said about a German invasion of England stimulates recruiting. The chief obstacle to recruiting in the United Kingdom is not fear now, it is not fair to the navy, is a very it is not safe for ourselves, to throw so much of the risk upon a fleet for however overwhelming its superority, it is not humanly possible to keep the Straits of Dover clear’ of which, but confidence. It has been hostile torpedoes. Well, ithe hard to eonvinee the people of this changed world, what must these islands that they are in we do? What we must do danger. The war is still re- garded as a Continental war, and for generations English- men have been taught that they have nothing to do with Conti- nental wars. * when the war is over we need nol ask now—it depends on too many things still But what we must do at the moment is clear. We, with our allies, must make dead sure of unknown. winning on land. We must win The idea is now being dis-| ‘at sea, too, but still we must pelled, and the Germans are doing their best to dispel it. -They are the best of recruit- ing agents for England. When Antwerp was taken it was re- garded as a movement against England. When the Kaiser said “On te Calais’ it was as if he had said “On to England.” The German raid on Yarmouth, did England no harm; on the con- fight on land as if there were no sea, as if we knew that we had to stard or fall solely on land.” And if, with the full en- ergy of ovr minds, we realized this, how could there be a lull in recruiting while Germany's armies are where they are?” * * * As to sending away soldiers France who might other- to trary, it put a powerful argu- wise defend Englignd, nobody ment into the mouths of re- eares. The more recruits are cruiting officers. In connee- raised, the more defenders there will -be both and in England; France and a defender tion with this or some other in alarm the Manchester Guar- dian said: “In the old days it seemed in France is just as good as a -Star. defender in England. — a a Best Flour Made In British Columbia When you bake bread you want to get as much bread from your flour as possible. You cannot get full value in bread from poor flour. Your fiour must be of tne very best, made from Number One Hard Canadian Wheat by the best possible process—The Royal Standard. That kind of flour is “strong,” it yields the maximum number of loaves from the sack. WHEN BUYING YEAST INSIST ON HAVING THIS PACKAGE aOYAL EAS LCAY i LOVIC a) WEDDING BELLS. Terrace, Dec. 5. A quiet but exceedingly pretty wedding took place at the Crescent Ranch, in on Tuesday after- r. J. Annie Lau- Lakelse Valley, Hoon at 2:30 p. m., when Mr. Kirkpatrick and Mrs. rie Firestone were united in ma- trimony by Rev. W. J. H. Petter. Mrs. Petter and Messrs. Albert and Fred Michaud were the wit- nesses to the ceremony. The bride charmingly dressed in pear! grey Eoliene silk, was trimmed with shell pink silk and cream shadow lace. A very dainty lunch was served at the close. The happy couple will reside in the Stewart house on Lakelse Avenue. PEACE RIVER AND ATHABASCA RAILWAY COMPANY. Pacific, Peace River and Athabasca Rail- way Company will apply to the Parliament of Caneda, at its Next session, fcr am Act, PACIFIC, struct and operate the ees = ss railway: (a) Commencing at a tide water, at or near the head o' Kitimat Arm, following the Kitimat River in a northerly direction to the summit between Kitimat and e Lake, thence in a nor- therly direction alon the ene of the Lakelse Lake and river to Skeena River, thence crossing the Skeens River by means of a high level bridge and over the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway with standard clearances, thence north-easterly to the mouth of the~ Kitsumkalem River and following its course to the summit of Seeax River, and thence, following the valley of the Nass River, at or near Alyansh, a distance of approximately one hundred and twelve miles; (b) from the! junction of the Blackwater River, with | the Nass River, following the course the Blackwater River, to the summit be tween it and the Galanskeest River, thence south easterly along the Galanskeest River | to the Skeena River, thence up the Skeena | River to the mouth ‘of Bear River approxi mately Fifty-seven miles. DATED at press this nineteenth day of Oetober, 191 PRINGLE, THOMPSON, BURGESS & COTE, Solicitors for the Applicant. FREE American Silk HOSIERY We Want You to Know These Hose They stood the test when all others failed. They give GUARANTEED OUR FREE OFFER To every one sending us 50c to cover’ shipping charges, we will send, sub- ject to duty, absolutely free: Thvee pairs of our famous authorizing the company to lay out, con- | es | THE DAILY NEWS THE DOMINION ELECTIONS MAY BE HELD IN FEBRUARY CHANGES IN THE CABINET WILL PRECEDE TRANSFER OF HANNA AGAIN PROPOSED—PLAN TO FORESTALL TARIFF QUESTIONS. Ottawa, Ont., Nov. 30.—The lat- est political gossip is that the government is quietly laying plans for a federal election early in the tentions, From present in the a short spring. ' far as so govern ment is coneerned, ses held starting in Jan the election will take at the end of Feb sion will be uary, and place probably ruary Already preparations are going forward for the contest The city from day to @ay is full of Conservative members and candidates who are continually in conference with those members of the entrusted the government to whom are task of organizing land winning elections. literature being lassiduously prepared at the gov- | Campaign is jernment bureau, and a tactfully ;prepared pamphlet purporting to “Why Three has already been janswer the ‘question, Dreadnoughts?” Jextensivels circulated, In addi- at orders have been given for the preparation of cartoons eal- leulated to appeal to the electorate on behalf of the government. Or- wanization preparations are also going forward at various centers. Cabinet Changes. A further reorganization of the cabinet is contemplated before an jappeal is made to the people. It is probable that a further change may be made in the Qnuebee end. tion. Louis Coderre, Secretary of State, may retire in favor of Al- bert Sevigny, member for chester. In Ontario, it is stated that Hon. W. J. Hanna, Provincial tary, may take the place of Hon. T. J. Crothers, Minister of Labor, who will receive a judgeship. The position of Solicitor-General will |e made | Arthur Meighen will be taken on |the treasury benches. A further | report is to the effeet that Hon. Dor- Secre- a cabinet one, and Hon. | Martin Burrell will be transferred ito the Senate, and Premier Me- | Bride, Premier of British Coium- 'bia, will be brought into the cab- laaak Program of Appeal. It is not exaetly clear what the real foot comfort. They have 1 | issue of the government will be, no seams to rip. They never though it is reported that a naval ee ws or pote share combining the principles pressed in. They are GUAR- of contribution and co-operation ANTEED for fineness, for will be outlined at the coming pen oe = session. In addition, an extensive erial and workmanship, ab- program of military assistance to oo Sain | the Motieriand will be pre- holes or replaced by new ene pairs free. The government may profess that it requires the mandate of ithe pgople to proceed with these. For Western consumption, it is probable that the government pill Sails for Vancouver Vie. « toria and Seattio on Frig ats A. ™ ays THE CONTEST— Through Service to The East Over the GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAiLway duced. it is not apparent at present that business and financial cons Passenger trains carrying Btendard Bleeping Cars bd Care leave Prince Rupert on Wednesdays and soturu, = ; Parior cerns throughout the Dominion) Edmonton, Saskatoon, Melville, Winnipeg, vie, corner, eo fare any more anxious for an elec. | St, Paul, Duluth, Chicago and al! Eastern Centres : For inte EA f tion during the present troublous | or ST of CHICAGO use the GRAND TRunx TEM Make your Sleeping Car Reservations eariy. For + times than they were when it was Full information apply to G. T. P. Ticket Office, Th: . # and Neverthe a mooted a month ago. AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP ()) N less, plans” are being seriously | si laid and it will not be the gov- — — ernment’s fault if an election is | 1 PO.Bor not held.-Toronto Star. MUSIC 0 oe Teacher of Violin and All GIN( HOLLAND'S” FINE - SPIRIT. Band Instruments - i A. PESCOTT si As fine as anything which this “rhe we AND war has brought out is the spirit TING in which little Holland has taken i - } | over the work of caring for the arena of thousands of Bel- AMERICAN TAILOR: Martin S| Wanson gians who are refugees within | secu at this time by the her borders brought out) particularly CUT PRICES announcement of the government mone he wns Cll and_ Se Mone | NEW Wi nor will it accept charitable as-| (ON Go not The favorite shold Coal sistanee from other neutral na-| DR. GILMOY, DENTIST Cleanest, Brightest, Best ° ‘ tions in this charitable work. i ‘ , \NEW WELLINGTON coaL o The war has been a heavy bur. | Crown and Bridge Work a Rogers Ag den to Holland aside from the | Specialty. | Second Avenue Phone | ‘Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue eare of the refugees. Her trade/ j was demoralized as the first re-| sult of the war. She suffered from | ee ; UNION TRANSFER co GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE — Phone 174 FOR ane ane wanton’ SMITH & MALLETT the financial dislocation common | to the world. In preservation of | 5 Largest et her neutrality, after seeing what; Gouth Wellingten Ocal i} Yaiouver, i a ah ts: Bike he | PHONES : 36 Officn, RESIDENCE 110/} tings, pips lad Happened to HeigiumM, She | o99 second avenue PRINCE RUPERT |] “Third Ave. Heed of Second sires ie i atiilull rince Rupert was forced to mobilize her army | a ne BOAT BUILDER and is carrying a heavy military burden in that respect. Pet’ nolwlihetnges et CCU OSS Lae > Rpncen, 8. 6 JOUNSTON W. E. Williams. B ALLL burdens people of all classes in| Seal Cove Phone Green 321 WILLIAMS @ “ANSON Holland are opening their houses | and giving of 4heir means abun- | dantly to the relief of the desti-/| tute. many instances of private benev- Barristers, Solicitors, Etc MOnEY TO LOAN Rox 168 Helgerson Block «e Ruperi, 8 The Boston Herald recites | MA JESTIC ROOMS CENTRALLY LOCATED Office corner tn Ave olence following upon the tiberal aid extended by the government er es dae PACIFIC CARTAG wi of Holland. ’ ate Price Suceess A poor man in a Duteh border SPECIAL RATE MONTHLY Genera Corey town opens his doors every even- LADYSMITH COAL 63 PF) 63 ing to the hungry and weary refu-' > | gees until they fill all of the space | RRRRAHRRRERRARER ER ORR in it. while he himself sleeps out- JOHN CURRIE side. A,railway conductor has! been feeding seventy refugees and) 35--PHONE--35 Contractor & Builder furnishmg them shelter. One| Estimates Give g Build well-to-do farmer te aan Phone Black 294 feeding and sheltering 1,500 in| TAXI ae his home and farm buildings. An- aeememenegoooorooocooocoooren other has dug up his whole crop) of potatoes and is feeding 1,000} guests. C. B. PETERSON EXPERT ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Phone 318 el JAMES GILMORE Architect These are but a few sain. ALF HALLIGAN Holland is entitled to the highest honors of the world. ples. DEERE SESEEECEERES ED EE RAAAARAAERAARERERRERR ARE ic JAPANESE LEAVE HAWAII. Thousands of Veterans Expect to. Fight for British. Honolulu, Dee. 10. ; of Japanese has begun to assume | DOMINION Undertakers and Embalimers FUNERAL DIRECTORS Caskets and Undertakers’ Supplies Wholesale at "ghipping Ossse s Specialty. a ag ACLETT, Manager. . An exodus Moreover, Royal Standard Flour is made in British Co- aweniele are _— eee an investigation into ag- noteworthy proportions ee a tumbia and ib makes Jobe for ever a hundred poeple. You with written GUARANTEE, jricultural eonditions slong the! Thousands of veterans of the a Ga tial» sousealt bet Ge atin any color, or ‘ener suggested by the joint dep- Russo-Japanese war are prepar- | d Delivered to any part se gor 4 province by using Royal Three pairs of our Ladies’ poe which waited on the cab-|ing to return to the colors. Goo ¢ Fae © oh Ss has i Standard Flour. Hose in Black, Tan or jue a few days ago. This would Word has reached them that | Pur Knott's Bakery and the SAVOY HO Fl cane with written pemerate the necessity of making ‘they may expect to see serv ad € om ( oa av wiarats ¥ i ’ | - ouis! DON’T DELAY—Offer ex- jany declarations upon such eco with their allies, the British, in| Milk Govt. Inspected Cows a aaaliiies "guess Z wee pires when dealer in your eer questions as the tariff,|egypt, Africa and India, all Rooms He e locality is selected. Give | transportation, distribution, or siivieiioidiasiabils 3 The Best Equipped and Most Only finest brands 0! Liuert ® Vancouver Milling & Grain Company, Ld. yt ora — a agricultural credits, The good thing that you put Sanitary Dairy is the * THE GEST heat, iN rHer Vancouver New Westminster Hesaine nd Victori ” pg oer a we Co. | The Highways Bill, as intimat-|}your cash in is not always ay Pri R D ° BRITISH wo, . _ : ” Dayton, Ohio, U. 8. A. Jed by the Prime Minister to the|good when one attempts to pull! nce upert airy pauenouse deputation, will again be reintro-|the money out. Phone Green 252 Proprietors is Too Big A ote ~ The Capone To Eat Eee, for. The Deity ' MY GENERAL GAVE , — ME HALF A DAY OFF - NUH see TO CATCH His FRIDAY pon z HADDA : os LEGGO- CAUSE tL \ L HOOKED A \ SUBMARINE “a