| ———— - 7 THE DATLY NEWS. : 7 ' 7 TACKLES BIG BEAR COMOX AVENUE THEFT 17"ey Set on fading a 'h m called the pol . cr em } | PRIDE, NASH & CO | WITH A POLE AXE, TRIAL OF REX VS. HARRIS|sver anus” "ato Ny va if th iy : PRIDE, NASH & CO. i back of the house LEN r Ferryman A, McKinnon Has a Continued From Page One bushes and gr | . ” M rrass, ' Thrilling Encounter With lher fr ignds that he had only $38} tn : answe or . Large Black Bear Near lon the very day that she moved | Patn : ! tuestion by M > . i wre, ahe . : Fort George into Daisy Lee's place This mon | id | it aid Ni I pe id que rinece . - ev Daisy took and put away and | M tor in Pris Rupert Fort George, Dec. 5.—-Mr. A.|they ¢ tered into partnership. Ps t. Patmore Then when the} ! . accused say wor MeKinnon, who has had charge of 0 Wednesday, September 10, ir biggest ( the government ferry running|the ts , nue was from liquor s} ming iT vo women counted their hing?” ! he Is : ross the Fraser at the Hudson's ey together and the accused, : OUR FRID r iy property for some time past,jthe ! flowing day, took her share newer: “Yes ' AY BARGAIN DAY is an event to which es recovering from a severe ‘ ne “9 | Mr. Pat respond. Shop i : ich our customers eagerly be severe anak wing Daisy with $728 in her atmore: “You never sav : mp the morning as ehese lines will sell fast p he received in an enco Shortly afterwards the ac jthe scavens picking up stacks seein = with a bear a few days ag d had a severe attack of [Of Dott behind r pl : While doing some work \ i ae! 5 ( ‘ ork | h ‘ ‘ and on Saturday left for Witne N I al ways atten $8.00 COATS $3.95 SILKOLINES | UNDERSKIRTS iption, about five miles east] Va var ae hous = two |to my own busines nd ‘ . ‘ Fort George C e : , tas i jeorge, he discovers wl ais e! ont hildren’s Coats at greatly Beatrice Silkolines, beauti-| Ladies’ Black | wear-hole ¢ ; a ee ee ne Mr, Patmor At the prelir ' reduced prices, They are mod-| fy} a > i nderskirts wle and decided he would| money and could not find it. There inary hear tated . . ne designs, so inis ».|made of goo ke some bes ils | : zr you stated that elled in Empire, box and long é ! we finish, two. | mad f good quality bla me bear steaks and a nicé |" 1s no one in the house alone gota letter from George I et waisted effects; made of zibe- ned effects, 38 inches wide, | Sateen and heatherbloom with hee for his eabin floor to make|between the time she counted it) ing you to put y ‘ ae lines, chinchillas, blanketcloth Good value at 25c a yard jembro dered flounce. Reg ie more comfortable these, and the time she missed it, in the bank? in Seta and » ’ ‘“ . a winter days ; » , d cheviots. All colors; to FRIDAY BARGAIN PRICE lar $3.00. ‘ ; _— ind night Evidence would be brought to Witness Ny I wt FRIDAY B. s the hole in which Br how that wher 1 vy don't ki A was sam » tue en accused yas at anvone of that ame FRIDAY BARGAIN PRICE 12 RGAIN PRICE is hibernating was dark inside|rested in Vancouver she had over ; ’ un Cc | he took a candle and attached it|}8350 st Ir, Patmore: “Didn't the 3 95 oti a ; 0 she could not account for. eused read and ; s i e pol iar “ twine to a long }In her trunk, which was returned. tw and write letters be ( stitial | - Ore ien liewhted the candle and | from \ ; ele ween you and a man friend? COMFORTERS 7.90 KIMONAS 4.00 HAND BAGS pushed it into the bear hole, thus | 1 oj “i Se uae Witness No. I have not ‘ aie ain soe —— S;found & sewn up tn the buckle a ave no man Comforters, covered with ar es Kimonas, made of giving him light to sed@ inside tolof a dress, and a pé a eid. cite z . 1 art) soft eiderdown: beautifully | Ladies Black Seal Grain ;seta shot at the animal. He fir } : , and a parcel address- Mr. Pat ; sateen, in fancy assorted pat-|trimmed with cord By ealinie vba iimal, He fired | ed to Fanny Herman—a name i atmore You remember, | Ul terns. Filled with Puritan/of sat ee Handbags, niekel » shots and could see that both| used by the accused—-at Toront Billy Chivers committed st che . Oo sat; all she 1s O | t 3 : ‘ effec : “or 7 oronse , ee batting; sizes 72x72 Redules . t > shades of blue,|frames, leather handles, moire took t in the head As the} when returned through ‘th send in Alva O'Neill's house the night | attempt ‘ yink, red, brown and grey: |lit i sal bear did not attempt to . : ?. oo fora ac , $4.00 sizes 36 to 42. he ee with change purse. Reg sae he be = t . ome outlié@tter office was found to contain - re pee was ill, Was he) #@vant ON SALE FRIDAY AT ular 81.50, : op with an axejover #200, jnot a frieud of hers? ; ON SALE FRIDAY A : to cut a hole down t , | do o make re .¢ . oN, i T | ON SALE FRIDAY AT that the. bullets hed done the rhe first witness calle” was} Wiiness: “No, ib ° i ets hat ne , s 1.95 4. 00 — | 95 lwork and to get tt done their} Daisy Lee The accused eharea? Mr. Patmore: “Were not ea tere ms ’ , } i ‘ ge 1” carcass out her house R20 »* . if — = . © il aia a bi Cc Ms" Heer nado for the. opent jouse, 825-827 Comox Ave.|the girls very much excited, and " ee —— ————— alee tliatiat ‘4 ; pening,|nue, from August 29 to Septem didn't they all rust seistat ras ei eae ~ = tem as Mr. McKinnon had left his|ber 12 a oe oe f ver 42, when Lily Harris left for |Street to talk over the beyond « gun standing against a_ tree ver the suicide? ° é * ‘ i ree | Vancouver When she first came | Witness: ; hastened S : ome twenty feet the other side|she w } - I. don't know i she as erving ¢ at ’ imeans of of tke’ bear the huni hee is erving and said she did didn't go out I saw the attain P Y : vegan to}not know what to de, She had|throug jafter a f - jassume a more iit vad |through the window. I believe in ° . O | phan’ resting }onily $38 and a ticket to Vancou- iminding my own busin < imen wh . ’ _ ess ; ver. The witness pe ada | : grading af | Raisir az persuaded her); Whe . | rm the axe ¢ ‘ a hes ven sho ive dolls e IMr. MeKint e above his head,|/to stay, and took the $38 and went the Ban} a five dollar bills of! of the eh ’ ; von ade : » Bank o ontres . THE HOUSE OF QUALITY PB rogetd ~ a lustylinto partnership. Whe anduel cians ntreal she was pre-| sponded { ’ anded on Bruin’ : ” . =— ) swear that the ere THIRD AVENUE AND SIXTH STAEET jbut, unfortunately, i “ head, | advised her to take her money out/hers. She should not a at * i MY, n he ex-ir . . ia . She should not say how she) endear leitement, it was the back fi the bank on aceount of the recognized them. Tl ' uM | dea oie re thee ; mack of the| war. SWfe did so and kept it in’ sam , ly were the! possibl — ; f do . . . same as hers . i | . ean ha erg the blade that/a trunk in her bedroom. The ac- : ' and must be hers i on Fed. onto the animal's skull.|cused was appar ' eminine logie,” remarked | La . l'The bear the ae i apparently very hardiyj. 7, ’ arked | ing but f “The Daily Ne LOCAL NEW dies’ Desks—A gift that is), |. ,,,, ven made a swipe with|up at the time, having only a aie r Lordship WS S ITEMS appriciated. Fumed, Golden and } li oreleg and caught Mr. Me-|blouses and two dre s ‘ Mr. Patmore: “Did you not yiing wl 7 1” sss, Some ° ’ ’ vu ao ine Ty ot CLASSIFIED ADS. | Try Smith & Kill | Mission Finish. At Geo. D. Tite’s. | { innen wn the hip, tearing hisjof these, produced in court 2 rat the preliminary hearing that)}a good i mi : Killas’ ice c | rousers ¢ sévérely lac ; Oar, Geet . ; , athe Goce eo veo ee 282tf | 154 m 20 ivicoly \qscritinglitediiad’ Ok Weintis ei Fe — — - > —-—-— - L , ! : 1 muscles of his : . a) sie an Se FOR RENT ane Pioneer Cleaners * jlanding hin thigh, also|counted their money together and American silver dollar?” ehone 4 S. j SUIS i a blow acress thelthe ace . Witnes 7s — . 7 tf. A +} ie}the accused asked for her rt , an No. T said I had ; ; ; ** * | LBERT BLK: chest with the Tr : ; : ‘ noney. ane ate t} sig Og A gg ae © and Osted cami tlodk | ROOM 5 PHONE 637 nthe bi e other paw, strip-| Witness got up early on Thursday two American gold pieces, which nicl Tasty opinines, 813 Fifth ure ch oe le i ockey Sticks at vest and shirt open.|to see a friend, and left Lily Hi I wrapped in an American dollar 284- red Stork’s Hardware tf MISS B. KAYNE Realizing that it was a case of d . . lly Ber. I couldn't aes 1 che . * <4 ¢ ‘4 ELECTRIC, VIBRATORY, HA or die, M McK r do|ris asleep in her bed. When she ildn’t wrap them in a silver rm a ee ee rooms with hot W Ang? | MASSAGE TREATMENT = “i r. MeKinnon succeeded|returned at 6 a. m. she wa t cotter.” e can and comfortable. | n, Angle, who, has been e in getting in ¢ ther swi ; , , as 6! jtown of J Only $2.50 per week Klondyk een con- HOT PACKS another swing with] asleep Aecuse Mr. Patmore (sarcast i , Fulton and Seventh Avenue, = Howe. | fined to the local hospital, expee ts | MEDICATED RUBS the axe and this time it was the] Wit a Se “ ae ae ae Then tl t ee ven P a eal ae as ’ itness went back to 4 © re) «6stenographers ne ——— to leave for the Aioctlinibinians blade th: : : ae bed and i must } east ek — e rat ; ete , ’ rth FCR SALE ide! ther hentia ot bites _ week | pa , et me “ with .the}was surprised on awakening at ave poor hearing. Did you not) grt ~-- venetit of his health. School of i ars skull and forced its way|10:30 t« = ™ jay at the > on ; oe : FOR SALE—Six coal leases at a v At * * usic and Shorthand into the brain, thus ending an tee ae ere een that it " ae hearing bresults ° reasonable | prices Write, Leigh oF: | Mr \ ( ‘ en- rey usually didn’t get up until ‘ was ree ne, two es Bs . 8 A ens, Coane hapids. lows, br th ° So ne ane Cc. KNOWLES counter that has thoroughly econ-] 12 or { o'clock. She said - wa five weeks before accused came t yee : . yrrother that he has secure : (Vio estholme Opera House vineed Mr M ? .. _ © was J . > Mite be he cash a New house, Section 7, $100) high -cl: a ecured a TEACHER oF — Sinbad eKinnon that the] going up town and stated iets with you that she advised nee . B $20 & moa; towl $1,150.) Vancouver jewelry| “0M Plena, Mandolin ana only safe way to tackle a bear fore “'about tak eT ae te, 213tf.| stock at’ a very lov ‘ Pianos Tuned and Res on when tl a bear is|forcibly that she didn't intend to | aking money from = the|aq i al é ‘ry low rate _o } e ef é 8 y yg > sdequat« se Tog op slid tedies| auction this } rate. He will @ Green 61 7 pe inimal is hog-tied and}ask permission of the chief of po bank? And now you ‘say ten —* - ane. win, excellent order.» Ape resery o sag night without MRS. KNOWLES wet - oe lice She handed over $22, wt l [eases -_ —— ox 15, Daily News. ° 1 Peserve. atch for it. T . ie hide is one o me + = uce') . | se ee ! N eect. rack - t ‘eacher of Pitman’s Shorthand chad "he I a of the largest|she said she had obtained from a Witness: No I never said S*aeeerereeeeccrs- aie ‘ as been brought to’ F that.” WANTED ges Suite 15, u >’ Fort|man. When accused returned] ss : Fr ? the result of a row in a lo- |————— joMordie Apt. George, and Mr. MeKinnon fig-|from town she seemed vor Mr. Patmore: “There vy Ten More Pi \dded . ‘ hotel ‘ : : —_ ~ ures the — she seemed very ner- ° ‘re we are WANTED—Larce a ca in which Coustabie 1¢ bear's weight hanes . ; hi atenogr: hout every where. Wing fr house Waulsi Blair, of Wancouver, got " ; a 500 and 600 pound it at between | vous and dispirited. She said her —_ tenographer is wrong FIRST PRIZE KITCHEN ours for $20 weekly : ’ . suver, got sho , ' ounds, > ‘ again.” position RB. gE. ag the leg, Wm. Crosby wa , " life was not worth two cents Ne ' CABIN WwCessary. : “ in- . » MOBI) as se! —— she : bs ‘Rhe.exs . . Operative wn "Oe Oatte Ge ifer.triel yeetarday in: it it up or iis he was not “féeling good.” She e-examined by Mr. Fisher, | N “tt WANTED—Four-roam ont in os Court TY ee ee j every $2.00 purchase dur-|' "ought a Purkish bath would do witness said that aecused had 0 : ten | OUT. ne counter charge n : : rs leur a ¥ Five or Sis pala. * ‘Box 108 Del Ti a er charge of le 9 ae gives you a chance|!!°" s90d, and obtained permi four different names, Fanny Her Fry’s Ch , —— agailis arr res e or = . < anit caiiiiiain tin ec ly News. hae ti aa a fa resulted in be oe Brass Bed and Wil-/|*'’"' from the police to g6 up that man (-her own’, Lily Harris, Be With Every $1 ot 919.00 | -osts n / ad ’ : f a ] bel. mana rok . < ts. 8-ROOMED PLASTERED HOUSE q, ee Square Drawing at|°'°!!"4. Witness remarked she tha Cline and Lily Gottlieb You Get sees y News Geo. D. Tite’s ' n ; eee ’ ir. Worn daistieeiad : ; P egotr| Would take her money with her. va O'Neil was then ealled | Full { J SAsiree~Sienien Wishes date t rlable room, come wit eC ith ers ry work, any|t© the St, oe H BATH—8T Aceused d ie stand. 7 Seidl P. de { 0. Ba ’ you | gineer’s a lore 96. Agency for the “Avance” nN * d. HARRY HANSON mean?” Accused then hung up a j on Crude Oil Motor the ree , se Howes} or any tender r. 165tf § The Reliab 1 receiver, | yy tender nol ) 324 ECOND AVENUE Phone agg ee" Between 10 and 14. o'clock tt jnecesearily accepted. PATTULI 0) ‘D ° . o'clock the 1 MeG ' SECOND same night witness thought of ‘hte W. MeG. MASON, City Engineer eoroernnrnr eee” onees - ts F WHOLESA . @. DAWSON, LE DISTRIBUTOR . (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) — ret RT Pp c PRINCE Fi