Wallace’s. tf. CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Proposed Plank Roadways. SEALED TENDERS will be re- | ceived till p. Monday, 2i, i944, the con- lstruction of the following plank lroads and 1) Bacon st., Alfred street. | (2) Borden street | Frederick 3 Plans may be seen and specifi- feations obtained CLOSE IN $30.00 THE DAILY NEWS ' by , : | = - = ; , i er sis ebuttal i i — | Zaturday and went into part sh ent the par Ito het ater In rebutta M Pishy ealled | : COMOX AVENUE THE — » I rl had — ent She did not wash!Mr, Haynes to dence of h ' ; th he Wey ‘ “ ” 11 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS epg 3 couldn't inerview with | y ews | TRIAL OF REX VS HARRIS settlement | money. tt blou heca he ildn't ter \ h the ac eh, 3 ey i Wl the postoMee evidently told him a e of ; didn't know here Dais eptib ithered i IED ADS. Try &mi » ’ Avenue EF i 8 Tallace’s. of . or siete wife i : » I . “ Apply evenings, 213 Fifth tag . many kinds,._Wallace’s cross-examined, did not t NY-|vaneouver to see if he were atill ie sent to her sister, Sheff a month leave She had a ‘ one how much she was making areata ot Rece ne no} ved a photo of her sister's ;done a lot of wor among the ty ; FOR RENT—Furnished rooms with hot| Open for business evening.— et is terested in 2 tet = custods Gi ldians and wee able | ab i and cold water, Clean and comfortable. e* Did not think it likely that othe eply. she bought a ticket for To iby when she was in cu ye i as able to speak thre: Only $2.50 per week, Klondyke Hotel, McRae Bros. 279.88 did ply, ' nepert hettnn teenuhines Fulton and Seventh Avenue, . nto, intending to go home ; ee uD wuag Cua. Pe ‘ \ ywostoMes ahe i wi the Mr. Patmore then summed up n FOR SALE “Something different” in blouses Mr. Haynes, assistant | She was dischaf@ed by the M Fisher That was n ; iu : “ opt » bab ns e deren o the and neckwear just received. Wal- inspector, of Victoria, gave evi-| savistrate at the first hear u heard of the baby, wa th lefen i h rT He had sinaientsitiimcis —$ $$ a {ee arr . ccs | bi brought evidence to show U FOR SALE CHEAP—Mahogany Victor Vic-|lace’s. tf, dence as to the parcel add ‘lput had stayed in town to clea ugh ! Nn that it Cabinet and 44 Record win ueders ae to Fanny Herman, General Deliv-|, haracter. ‘She was under 1 Witness: ‘Yes.’ was not customa for the wor Cabinet an ecords so o re cn ‘ ‘ . te Cape <= ners APO A Leather cushions with Indian «ry. roronto. The address was il detention whatever = Mr. Fisher Then why did you n of ¢ x tell the othe ; a Si ! FOR SALE—Six coat leases at a very|heads. Special Xmas prices at in the handwriting of the ack her discharge she had lived at the y the baby clothes in Vancou-|how much n they had rhe sasonable price. Write, Leigh & ‘ , ' . ' rater | { ' tees Colleany, cedar hapids, lowa,| Geo, D. Tite's. 282tfied; it had probably been posted) giivation Army barrack i p Bee ed certainly had mone uli U. &. A. gxce 2. in Prinee Rupert about the tenth ide her living burning het Witness Oh, [ meant that/the tin he was pleading | ; 8 N house, Section 7 , — . ; rite 7 e) $20. a month; total i, ne. Everything for the Christmas| or eleventh of Septembe It ¢ 1 stove—cooking va the first photograph I had |i rly, for she ent two different P. 0. Box 190, , ’ 9 : j stocking.—Wallace’s. tf./tained a “middy” blouse, in the “4s drafts am ting to #250 to t FOR SALE—60-H.P, capacity steam boiler ee ar" Cross-examined hy Mr. Fisher ; © SS Sanam “te cect’ ove nae jcollar of which were concealed)... tolling the police about her| Mr. Fisher: “We had befter|/so-called “gentleman friend” at had cheap. Im excellent order. > * * * : . en telling e police { } 5, Dally News. 220tr. bank notes to the value of $218 ean | leave ‘ at | Buffalo OF ene e Fine Chinaware, Cut Glass, ete., mey she had forgotten the $80/ leave it at tha | Bote Mr. R. L. MeIntosh went into : he kept WW ' reatio th Mr.| Adding the money she had WANTEO big variety, medium prices. ins trie : dintete teat sewed up in the dress. She kep hen in conversa i ing n © DOX Bnd srarer a m a! ' » ' . to she was |wher he eft Alva O'Neill's to t ee Wallace's. e red book for the partner Haynes the inspec ! as] i robe , @ parce ft here | WANTED— Large Mail, Order house wants en ee probability the parcel le 1 “ve vest @tth Datee tee, Oke tad abenit c e tickets for alwhat she earned at Daisy Le: t » willin o wor e ; the ail on Sep nbe j hours for $20 weekly, contract given, Skates and Hockey Sticks at with the mail on September 11 : eve told the girls the truth) Salvation Army entertainment |place it was easy to account for osition permanent. Experience un f Chief Viekers gave evidence o i ‘ ecessary samples Ex 6 zo Co-| Fred Stork’s Hardware. tf. —— 5 . , al her monev matters She and at the same time she did not | the ims found in her possess > ) j ntario. e stateme ade b e accus Operative Union, Windsor 2 2 th tatement made by the a ; talked to any respectable|want her family in Toronto to find rhe money was stolen betwee: f —Four-room house in Section 7 ‘ »& aanta. 10d © er arrival in Prinee Rupert ‘Se ae for $125 Ts ay Christmas postals, 2 for 5 cents. ed on her arrival in I ' “ eople to tell the truth to In t through the postofiice what|Wednesday and Saturday—-thers month until paid. Box 102 y Ne Wallace’ f. after her arrest in ancouver. ! allace’s. tf. ntally hh nat i if ith s he SI hadit st have bee lots of opporti He ‘ ale | she rem ced ‘ mee ipation wa ere she lac pmiu a ni ppot in WANTED. Situstion, ae youne OT ren e 8. 8 | She said she had about $500, when ia mies r 1" th tkod 5 nese. HAN for oth people t ten) it { ookkeeper or office S | id the chiel anything 1 as ®itaiked more or 1¢88 ¢f ri ao es { o ‘ eo oO slet sonable, Apply Box 115, Dally News.) For qa comfortable room, come|she left town. Three hundred and es poet aan fs . H i, 836 § th After this tribute to Mr.) was strange that the parcel con- 1 thal time jtne f 7 . hes day work, en to the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec- sixty she still had and she gave : ' ‘9 > : : : . Gr ae ae ve mee cross-examination Bertha was “®* @ gambler and drunkard. sent away the $100 to Gottlieb the benefit of the doubt iment is ¢ x] « ac S- i é é § / 391 or Black 322. Address: P. O. a (f { Box 96. Agency for the “Avance’ » asked: “Did you tell anyone how we Crude Oil tigen 165tf. | jmuch money you had?” to which x (a & ss | she replied, “Nothing doing.” TIONES” i SE Decanters and glasses of all| rhis completed the case for the e oe ‘ kinds for the Christmas cheer.—)| Crown. 6 The place for Christmas pres- Wallace’s. tf.| Mr. Patmore, in opening the ents—Wallace’s tf. ie jcase for the defence, said the case — a nee eee oS — The telegraph rate to Vancou-|for the Crown was built up on the} | For every $2.00 purchase dur=|ver and Victoria over the new G./fact that the girl had no money), | ® ing December gives you a chance|y Pp. wire has been reduced from until the disap rance of that] | for Special Brass Bed and Wil-/<; °5 +., 2i, making it now the stolen. He proposed to show that ten Carpet Square Drawing at | same as over the government) she had money At the very time 6 6 Geo. D. Tite’s. 282tf | jline. This, too, is no doubt an-|she was complaining of poverty | Jother of the acts of our “popu-|she sent away at one time $100 jlar member.” | and later $150. The money in the; | ae ee middy blouse was sent to To-| HOUSES TO RENT | Every 50c¢ purchase gives you}ronto to a sister who had mar-| = | ja chance to win the $25 doll at| ried a drunken scoundrel and was | | | up vo December m., for $10, 00 PER MONTH PATTULLO & RADFORD SECOND AVENUE sidewalks: 10th avenue and street. gineer’s oflice. The lowest cr any tender not ALBERT BLK. PHONE 537 necessarily accepted. a § W. McG, MASON, MISS B. KAYNE ¢ City Engineer. ELECTRIC, VIBRATORY, HAND —— el MASSAGE TREATMENT HOT PACKS MEDICATED RUBS Ten More Prizes Added FIRST ‘PRIZE A KITCHEN KITCHEN CABINET Next ten persons coming nearest to the number of Puffed Rice in the bottle we will give each a box of Fry's Chocolates valued at $1.00. With Every $1.00 Purchase You Get a Coupon Fuller’s Grocery Phone 572 311 3rd Ave. School of Music and Shorthand VINCENT ©. KNOWLES (Violinist Westholme Opera House) TEACHER OF Violin, Piano, Mandolin and Singing Pianos Tuned and Repaired Phone _ Green 61 MRS. “KNOWLES Teacher of Pitman's Shorthand at the City En-| I in want. He would | the time of leaving here the ac- cused had no intention of going to Toronto—her destination was Buffalo. In fact, every bil of evi- denee brought out by the Crown was consistent with the innocence of his client who the sent He first called Harry Smith, runs a messenger service district. He had on two different oc- the 18, in Comox money away for or accused $100, $150. Lily She casions 17 August once on July and again jabout - The accused, took the Rupert | then to Prinee this Harris, box. came x about July 8 year. ” | She had j}to the O'Neill house. she went At the good money only when iginning she made | especially selling iiquor. | “You heard Daisy Lee and j}Alva O'Neill say they didn't sell | | liquor?” | “Oh, yes, but there are men in \this room that could prove dif- ferent Every place down there | sells drinks.” She did not think it necessary to buy new clothes. There is no need of beautiful clothes in She was never on Alva O'Neill | Prince Rupert, \good terms with Suite 15, MoMordie Apt. She went to Daisy Lee's place F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR show that at} SUGGESTIONS FOR XMAS BUYING EASY CHAIRS and ROCKERS Special Christmas Reductions These are the solid construction kind covered in genuine leather and English Tapestry---within the reach of all buyers 20 per cent. from regular price JUST ARRIVED Wilton, Brussels and Tapestry Carpet Squares in many handsome designs---Special Xmas Discounts. OUR ANNUAL GIF For every $2.00 purchase during December gives you a chance for-- First Draw Handsome Brass Bed, value Second Draw Wilton Carpet Square, value LADIES DESKS Finished in Fumed and Golden Oak and Mission. Leather cushions, in many handsome de- signs. Fancy Tables, Oak Pedes- tals, Sectional Bookcases. $75.00 $60.00 China Cabinets, Dining Tables, Chairs, Buffets, at Big Xmas Reduction GEO. D. TITE (SOLD BY ALL GROCERS) EMPRESS COFFE — c PRINCE RUPERT. 3