HE DAILY News 4 ganee 2 special oe x) WATCH OUR > Wai, pgitative LIVED ; BULLETINS FOR THE v oie it so moootved LATEST NEWS hc AA ee —_—— ~ —_————— - —_———-— = om in v5 " PRINCE RUPERT, €., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1914. PRICK FIVE ae ALUIES MAY SPLIT THE CERMAN FORCES IN FRANCE pRIVING UNYIELDING WEDGE INTO CENTRE OF POSITION--GERMANS DEFEATED IN POLAND INVIELDING WEDGE DRIVEN INTO HEART OF GERMAN FORCE RIDICULOUS VERDICT OPINION OF JUDGE - Civil Action Pending as Result of, * We ing much about Christmas haven't been hear- so far this season, and yet Christmas will be here in less than two weeks. Do you realize this? Why is it that we find such apathy among the general public with regard to the great holiday? This question merchants can the best answered by asking themselves what they have to get the thinking of Christmas. What better method can be done people depted than a generous use of the newspapers to tender suggestions about the lines that are here, the arrivals of which at one time were problemati- |. In newspaper adver- tising this year, ea so far as Christmas goods are con- the gets his ec cerned, dealer who py in the est, and places his gox before the the papers, the earii- rds temptingly readers of stands to gain most. s of not the supplic ods thr h She have ough and susewife knows this be keenly “ on the lookout for the ts first sunceme which in- state of he markets, and which the questions she wants to know about sup- As to boosting the m her of the inswel! plies SI at Home” »p therefore, spirit, what better way than to run some good nversational and = in- mative talks in the ewspapers, One swal- ow doesn't make a sum- mer, and one advertise- ment will not turn the trick; neither will the ef- forts of one merchant produce the thing most desired. The more Christ- mas advertisements that appear the greater will be the interest taken in Christmas buying. Let verybody join in and help the campaign along. Let everybody advertise, and don't forget that The Daily News has the largest cir- culation in Northern B. C, ## 4848S 268888 O86 reeseeses can asees BURROWES VS. HARRISON THE TYEE LAND DISPUTE. * local people * yesterday. The *jof whieh this dispute #' entered igii, * | Burrowes Mr. a *'sum of #100 to take up an option! * on land in MeNeill Valley, #* | standi ng that-she was going in| *#\ion the was before the Court arose were; when Mrs. Harrison into in gave ground floor’ with him. i The plaintiff eontends that it was athnat until two and a half years * after the transaction [that ‘she # | could obtain a statement of af-; *\ fairs and that when she did do so found that a large number of *\promotion shares had been divid- # ed amongst the * few friends and that she had been * left out in the cold, * *i\ she defendant and a The defendant's contention is * that there was no such original * understanding—that it was ab- *\surd of the plaintiff to think that at her home and dis- This he did the follow- Burrowes cuss it. : ’ a ; A civil case ‘ol inte rest to many : Petrograd, is fensive whole day and night, but we suc- jeeeded in repulsing them. under-/fejal dispateh issued yesterday it) announced that in the direction lof Mlawa cember RUSSIANS IN POLAND HAVE ROUTED GERMANS WITH LOSS transactions Out ALSO REPULSED FIERCE ATTACKS SOUTH OF CRACOW—RUS- SIANS ARE CONTINUING OFFENSIVE MOVE- MENT WITH GOOD SUCCESS. Dec. 12.—In an of- 9.10. Throughout the whole fol- lowjpg day we repulsed these at- tacks and inflicted enormous losses the Germans. We have repelled all the seven at- tacks made during a murderous fire in the region south of Cra- cow on December 10. We are still continuing our offensive attitude. on the Germans on De- 10 kept up a strong of- action throughout the Our troops finally took the of-|stern resistance has been offered fensive and gave chase to three | py the Germans. German columns, which in some places retreated in disorder. In the region north of Lowicz\as the enemy We have captured several guns and matrailleuses, and as many 2,000 prisoners. made some fierce at- There is no important change tacks on the night of December!on the remainder of the front. viele partitions. be an expensive job but Harry's choir, Ordinarily this would | St. Andrew's congregation and Canon Rix being spokes- *\such a small sum as $400 would FORMER LOCAL MAN TELKWA SHOOTING *\swing a deal which involved at | CASE--MORRIS GETS Speke Sane quae Veale | The following was clipped front?) THREE VFAR TERM © essrs,. W f s& Manso - . 2 aad i Motors. Wiltinmeh Menten ap the Fredericton Gleanor and will | ann *ipeared for the plaintiffs and be of looel Mabaenes ques #|Messrs. W. E. Fisher and F. 8.| " ; ‘Ss a es : 2 | Sam Morris, the negro who was * | Peters : or e f t.| Sr. DOWSS, Semenh. Sate eee guilty of shooting Rod Me- jPeters, K. C., for the defendant. | , tiene anne inetd ak * Mr. Williams read a number of ee a . Se of *ree-' Donald on July 15 near Telkwa */questions and answers from ele mar a oe viguin’ |was brought up before Justice */lexamination of Mr Harrison at aninrtapestmareats ree \Clement for sentence yesterday | Edwards, here, is now at Toronto, t *ithe preliminary hearing. Mr. whine ts & Uhien & enue afternoon. ¢|Burrowes, husband of the plain eee ne esiom im thel,,. aT A: m Manson, om behalf of */ tiff, was the first witness called. he * aan : . 8 the prisoner, urged that a correc- */He remembered the full particu- ne . . "i moe a0 ¥ é tive and not a punitive sentence *llars of the transaction very as a ” amen, Ixy * a ‘ be imposed. The prisoner was *. learly and was not at all shaken c > ae oniked a "idl not a criminal by instinet but #\by Mr. Peter's cheerful attempts a a + ak = h the third jad been extremely foolish and ¥\t. confuse him @uring cross-ex- we ot i a ¥ Gil ‘ he felt that the ends of justice * iination. His story fis as fol- -. om rs. Gilmour spent | vould be served by the imposition : = : it Pp > ain sboul amen oe. 9048, be time in Prince Rupert in the early | lof a sentence sufficient to give days and will be well remember |»; le *\met the defendant on the street. , no ‘bth lume Se dank | im a lesson. */The latter mentioned an excellent ed by the ok on re. tee ou.| His Lerdship, addressing the a r il- ; - ; *lland speculation he had run Edwards is a brother 0 —o j prisoner, said: Morris, Mr. *lacross and said that he would|°™* Manson has urged everything *llike to handle it himself but ee possible in your favor. It is only *icouldn’t. He wanted witness to a Cay Gasy sas. thy good luck that you are not here *\co in with him. Witness said I etna diate lon trial for your life. I believe */he had no money and referred Be . eg a a : an |you are something of a good-for- */him to Mrs. Burrowes. Harrison oe ee ek ann. nothing. You are sentenced to . s. . : ; F ” #]ihen asked for a loan-and for this|'" "2° SueKe we \the penitentiary for three years. : ‘the Reliable Plumber, is the iret | *|\ witness referred him to Mrs. Bur- te Hendtit tn “ahaa ice dae —o oO Insta an electric - *\rowes. The loan was arranged at ‘PP SILVER PRESENTATION. *|- t i wetarest ing machine, and it not only ) er ‘e yer or teres ‘ 4 * or ae _— Picken eit saves cost but makes a neater job., Mi inden, John Camp 1 heir evidence as that of a class |/ (Special to The Daily Nows) . , f directors, John} wholly unworthy of belief but to Vaneouver, Dee. 12 In the|* les McColl, G, Abbott, W.| judge each witness separately by hockey game played here last} NW W. E. Williseroft. [her demeanor in the box—-just as ght the Vancouver team beat) « — lthey w d do with other wit-|the Victoria team by 5 to 3. \* SPECIAL_SATURDAY ONLY. [nesses eenyons * | ich cases as these the] BAPTIST CHURCH. * ~ ideal Blend Tea and lanancial interest of the witnesses | __ | * yi packages for $14 Latemws tended to sole the, avi- Morning worship, 11 a m3 | ae ¢ wy lence On their verdiet depended | > ° Devethn Cnet _ | Tos ies h woman was .t get the jeulties Sunday Seanen. a8 * \ds—-Wallace.'s. tf | noney He did not consider it Ive . ree 7:30; subject, + dust arrived, handsome new dee | absurd of the Lee woman to have| The appeal to a: * tigns of Carpet Squares. Special | dentified the money. It was ae ADDRESS ON MUSKEG. * ices at Geo. D. Tite's. ee ike identifying individual bills ne ‘ = a roll had an individuality and] \. M. Tomlinson gave an ad- * Peneeenessasssnaseoneneooeee |she was entitled to sweal to it. | aress last night before the Hor-|* Friday and Saturday ' Phe a * had told different), :..itural Society on the treat- CASH SPECIALS AT I st ies to account for her mone | nent muskege for garden pur- ( M C WV lat different times rhe first story] cos He recommended put- eorge P. McColl’s Hto account for 8500 and the #€¢-lting q main drain ‘three or four The Famous “White Cham-