THE DAILY NEWS - — — a : od i. a ; Tacs eiincocsans bo ms TORPEDO BOATS S.S. Prince Geo DaILy NEws, a A .S. Prince George THE LEADING NEWSPAPER NORTHERN COLUMBI : Pal IN BRITISH A : hn ie edinary require- Salis for Vancouver, Vic. Published Daily and Weekly ; it ’ Submarines and torpedo boats conta oe Guaranteed Largest Circulation : — spita ; «, and und and Seattle on Frida, ; ’ ‘one pa impo . dy eben the Canctien pint? Heyes eS aoa m : part in the present war that @ H. F. McRAR, EDITOR AND MANAGER eapond liberally ¢ ir ap , es to} eeneral deser ption of them might HEAD OFFICE for funds and moter rage lay Th i i : be ‘ interest to the average tay r T i Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98 RED CROSS SOCIETY y on this work ve broad- of oug ice to he East ; : Saturday, Dec. 12, 1914. [The News speaks for itse!{ > ine end medical |2"4 were known as spar torpedo Edmonton, Gashat Gaets Ginwes, a, con. ** i ll ili as en Oe - : . : ; te The torpedo or explosive | BH, Pavi, Duiuth, Chicago and ef! Eastern Centres ome “ « o> Gist Bie eniiiotions of OO SE SS SSM. Beeees am ohtente 7 For pointe EAST of CHICAGO use the GRAND re ren E D I T O R I A L S ae oo Shee : he moter ambulances which are |*** not “fired but wae attach. Make Gap Ganereatiens carts. Per aa ‘ eres appeals now before the people ‘ ’ diate ‘ to a spar fixed to the bow of Full information apply to @. T. P. Ticket Office, Thee as. ; we one > Su : ' ° v r I a * 200 a ee F _ —_—n |COGSGe, there tf one which is the wounded as quickly and/*he boat and exploded by ram- AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Lincs ; que r ts purpose r there . » % 1U < a te shite of the enous tr > It was nteresting t note will refuse to pay his cheques ‘ n ; - ssly as possible to the hos- My ’ : ‘ fore also in ite claims : these early days an ordinary Oo —_—— how the reported deat f the If a the people sent itside The Red — tals Fact the sts al s ji ~ seal ee °® Heg Uroes & et ’ e's 7 «tean lat ¢ ® empioved; uu ‘ Kaiser was received with such for all their necessities they ® ein ened . . ” @ rding to the approved . aunen —? } - . 55 PO Bes 69 e inds d material and t me tmndaoe Geréede beet te abits 5 enthusiasn Byverybody was would soon have to ¢ itside " ‘ War Office patter Money is als tern torpe bos 2 ; MUSIC ae provide assistance to the sick a earant as leng oe po ' hoping that it was true and to seek a job. Uf only half the " la a sda eded to { the requests for t. Tt has a leng . : Teacher of Violin and All RE ANCING wounded » time 4 supe " rout 0 et and epeed o surrendered that hope with a people buy on the outside ther ent: died . my kets nderwear sweaters | #00U 160 feet and a ae or instruments \ : i entary t sat provided by the about 28 knots s fitte ) . PESCOTT good deal of regret There is half the local people will be out)... x ts D ercoats which are coming |®”°™' 28 knot It is fitted uy ont m4 ANE ‘ ‘ al Naval and Medica! Depart- itt. tien Gos ooh = tor.| igntn Best : v doubt but that a good deal| of jobs, and so or Phe ques-| , ies missioner th tut f dischargit A ' . Phone Green 827 ALL TINTING oe pedoes hic aK ue »| ING of that feeling arose because tion is a matter of life or death Th iain Lond These are garments - : which pa through the ° . > r rer t are e ; fr ; € ' a > > e —_— of the personality of the Kaiser for the city. On the other) ae : a which annot be made by the water like a miniature submarin Martin Swanson ip he claims of the Red Cross he model o rpedo o and because he is universally hand. the merchants must se : tinty ¢ “ en of the country Subscrip- m pedal of tenpede amapted By ine ‘ tis instances te natinna is hitehead tor- looked upon as the cause of to it that local prices are n ' : tions w be gratefully received |* r ee ee ‘ iness The Good Samaritar ‘ap ined nvented by an Austrian en- _ the war Besides that, how-| greater in proportion to Fast- asurers al and provir » ; of the battlefield. it sees a neigh. |°7 *™ ' ins t siaams v7 -_ i . ern prices than loca! labor is cial branches or at 77 King Street /*™"" © 1087. Mls really 6 eum. ==«= CUT PRICES hor ir 4s nded . i every « Kk and w _ ature submarine boat propelled a feeling that t e Kaiser out} to Eastern labor. Give the lo- a st. Toront " . — that with the Ka , ' — , f man, binds p his w nde and ba i , i mopressed air whict t cor Call and Sa tan | of the way the end of the war eal stores a chance. Keep ycur ot But from the women we ask in|9) Co™pressed air — =o ve | j Ui] | tin ! ¢ Cos ever, there was 1 doubt the} takes care was in sight While the Crown tains within itself It is a per- dollars rolling around in Ru- oO ‘ { th ; ¢ practically quantities ne instance he sor , . » or . . . The Prince is known to be mére pert You will lose them for- - a th ma : Cad eiatinin onten in ce thie fect little engine, with machinery favorite House work done by the ed Crosse So. . aD hen 4 natn : Cleanes:. 8° \ hot-headed than even his fa-| ever by sending them out of {4 arid 14 1-2: flanne! shirts, pa- propeliors and an automatic OR. GILMOY, DENTIST eres. Bee ciety comes to hand from Lady ther. he c o ‘ » cou : a - tton | Steering gear like any other boat ‘ NEW WELLINGTON oon ne i] ‘ - o "" cake es oe * ¢ Perrott, a member of the Joint **™ : 9 ag FE 2 In its forward part it contains an Crown end Bridge Work Rowers & «it ‘ a andle v p en. si : bt ah oe one ll the « s 6 10 : , 0 - eu me t nd th ane te There is something disap War Committee of the Red Cross "'* aga ener 3 explosive which is discharged by —s — ~ a | ey ri e isap- anieett a Ruesestions ar | explos 3 pec Becone Prone i aiid oy | pointing” in the way people|"¢ St. John Ambulante Society“! a re \ omtact with ite objective. Tta Offiee: Smith Bik, Third Avenue chances o ete C Cop: y issue b ° 4a con : § Dye —_ 2 a On th the ee 4 - . rush to the Court House when|'" London. At 7 o'clock one even- og ee: ae mpressed air contains energy n e oa e q ° e us o > LOT o i ond o Te : . applicant t sae i ; en — ‘ ee ee a case from the underworld is!’™* * telephone message came in *" S expetns ; cp ea ‘lees gh to carry it for about half Phome 174 Ber 97 Crown Prince in command of ca rom de ri te the Mae Greet site Ms the free f charee Such supplies! u , FOR PLUMBING anc unaten’ the army, his recklessnes up. The attendance at the re-| me : should be sent t al or pro-|% mile and it can be aimed with © British consul at a French sea- cent case in Rupert would se port, saying that 700 wounded better accommodated in the might very easily run them inte the ground. On the whole, vineial branches or to the Cana-|Wonderful precision. When dis- MAJESTIC ROOMS SMITH & ‘ MALLETT i stock ‘ °F King 8 jcharged from the torpede tube it ie. Creme Valves and Fis dian Headquarters the elimination of the Kaiser/ Westholme Theatre. Themen ane as there “ee Fast. Toronto jean be arranged to travel either’ CENTRALLY LOCATED Third an eae of ‘Qecens tree would be welcome to nine-| crowd at times was almost the crunk to an English hos- What Has the Canadian Red Cross *!'@"!y submerged or at any Steam eo — “oo «omelet tenths of the human family and; backed out on the street. It a a oe ee Se Society Already Done? |depth required ou pean ae VE cae would without doubt be the be-| 0es to prove that the morbid|¥®Te ®° blankets to mg =) To the British Red Cross So-| The ordinary torpedo is about cee Alex, @ Manson 8 + ginning of the end. May his appeals most to human nature | ™ oe hee ae Seen Pe ciety we pian ca a cash dona-|16 1-2 feet long and 18 inches in eS ee cee Wins. 6 6. 1.1.8 shadow ever grow less. and that the path of virtue is|°'*'Y *"ipped the necessary blan- tion of #50.000. besides #25.000|@iameter and weighs about 1,250 WILLIAMS @ SANSON S we noni shipped t ‘tween £3,000 and £4,000. Should eeeeesecesenaceeseceeenees cone a> oe News showing the folly of deal-| is even possible thet the cause | , Bastend in care of our Red Cross|® discharged torpedo miss its — a ing with mail order houses was| of civilization would be better} T™* ** 7 shove — the commissioner. Colonel Hodgetts, |™#rk, as soon as the compressed : PHONE--35 $|— aie well tehen. ft’s thé 6 men off served ti sbtulind ts report | “*mersency ‘enagpeont of eae dine ee 26.000 blankets. |!T has all escaped it ascends to - 35- : Office corner fad Stree: anc fre avec the time takir money out of such cases in the pre _|work aud also answers the o a ep ee be su ” oats » so . the bank ar y never putting far ps aan e aen hee Why does the aan ri sh > ae ee : st nat , pond cues oat re : : PACIFIC CARTAGE any in. By and by the bank! on getting the news. ae ; oe oe ere nities Saciaeiin: ; he 900 [charged If it takes effect, of TAXI : aug ty Carvees anttte roods i : f eee es —— es ak : et ee always (Ya"ds rubber sheeting, crutches, /CPUrs it is blown to pieces, as : LADYSMITH COAL iethad is stetentiented miu hot water bottles and other medi- coe as any ship within its reach $| 03 Prone e- IThey are treated in tents and in|©2! @@4 Sureical supplies. Also| itre glycerine is the usual ex- : ——- |all kinds of improvised hoapit. |!™¥#lid foods such as biscuits, ar-|Plosive weed. ALF HALLIGAN : JOHN CURRIE Torpedoes may be discharged . rewroot, cereals, oxo cubes. pre- al have to be transferred Contractor = battlefic to the hos. |**rves- ete., and such “comforts” |¥¥ the regular torpedo boats, sub- 6 Ome» : le aaa for the convaléscents as tobaceo,|™@™™es or warships. They have Estimates Given op & ¢ Pulling ciserettes. games. books, sta-|"¢ver ret been extensively used in Phone Black 234 tionery. any great sea fight but their itianaaanigaitaiiiaiemeecs *,@ C e or ent In addition to the above, a mo-|#voe in @ sea battle can be well —" | British ] b tor hospital kitehen and five mo-|!™agined. ) um la jtor ambulances have been pro-| The torpedo boat destroyer is C. B. PETERSON } vided through the generosity of }©O™*derably larger than the tor- EXPERT ACCOUNTANT | 8-ROOMED PLASTERE o be ) ) . | © MOUSE Major Leonard, and the women |Pedo boat and of about the same AND AUDITOR | ef Calgary have given a sixth |SPeed Its average length is) Phone 318 | ——— ton sninben e WITH BATH—STH AVENUE jat a coat of £2,500. We equip. |*Dout 250 feet. It carries, natu-| i — ae . rally, heavier guns than the tor- your flour as possible. You cannot full in jped with Red Cross supplies the , diitn deeb Giada Hee ate ia a $25.00 PER MONTH «= continued on Page Three.) _ |Pedo boat (the torpedo boat car- $ Grass-Widowers poor - Your r must be of tne very best, i? ries three besides its torpedo JAMES GILMORE made from Number One Hard Canadian Wheat by the best be Good Ni hts tubes, usually quick firers) and and possible process—The Roya! Standerd. That kind of flour £. is employed as its name signifies Bachelors Architect is “strong,” it yields the maximum number of loaves from [§/S-MOOMED HOUSE ON TavLoR f° “Joye by ee The British torpedo boat destroy- the sack. and pure blood upon which souné ers have done excellent service in DON’T WASH 1 guarentee Sel Qeenme near } tree STREET health depends, will be given you by [he present war in hunting out i” my cot! to : _ Moreover, Royal Standard Fiour is made in British Co- German submarines and in gen- wcvwater *“ hot cooeee , > . water the lumbia and it makes jobs for over a hundred people. You $15.00 PER MONTH BEECHAM’S era! patrol work. THs frst thing in Setiveree to any. ert : can help yourself and the province both by using Roya! a WINTER the morning Good oe an be had | Standerd Flour “s A man’s repentance is always sien emia a i a ecliclini . “~ ' — ) a sincere—at the time. —fifteen minutes after you Pure on am | : Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the W orld a at eed have started the fre - , ) APPLY TO— Bold everywhere. Im buses. 25 cents Mamma’'s darling generally naan Govt. inspecit ows ) looks like a brat to the other peo- EASY TERMS ~ po _ Month : ‘ UNION TRANSFER CO ple in the neighborhood. $5.00 2nd Monit The Best Equippec enc Most ) ancouver Milling & Grain Company, id. f'¢ R Naden Ltd | Sos et a | : . — Co., GENERAL TRANSFER AND STORAGE The man with an easy look Game @t6 Ovise . | Vancouver, New Westmnster, Nanaime znd Victoria Bouth Wellington Ove! le Cie os Mek Ge oe MARRY HANSON Prince Rupert Dairy : PHONES : 86 Office. RESI The Reliable Piumber | 324 SECOND AVENUE |ztows."vremer raasmnc ye | ~Sere een } eeceeenttner -_ _——— — -—— ——— -— - — — The Phone Must Be Out Of Order a HELLO CENTRAL- 1 JUST HAD A PARTY AN GOT CUT OFF -DO DROP NICICEL? - ( THATCHOO GENERAL? ; ee —— ll AY ~ = rc 916— tr symp - BAC