gqtureue? eee yl FAMILY SES THEM ties” Keeps Young And Old in Splendid Wealth afrylt-a- HAMMOND Ese. 7 « , Ang. 26th. 1913 “Pr are the only pill panule y way of thinking * vot letely, no griping ° e is plenty for any a at a dose. My wife os stipstion, Wetried on calendar without os ent large sums of mone ppened on ‘Fruit otis not say too much in th 5 them in the family for abe ind we would not use ‘ ng a8 we can get Fruita T mild, and no distress ata mmended them to a ple, and our whole fat ‘ }. W. HAMMOND. ] een cured by “Fruit 5 re} | and happy to tella } nd about these won- sick or a derful ta made from fruit juices. tie ah 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. Atall de ent on receipt of price by Fruit-«-ti amited, Ottawa. | RED CROSS SociETy hcontingern | have Plain The APPEALS FOR HELP | Continued | i five hosepita beer co min jthe sum of #1 iment of a he lhouse of W: | Clieveder Reval Hiehne Connaught, bh mitted th j “The Dueche inadian Red ( it | Grants of m lalse be made lother | dians } such Milita We ition te are ar ry pita the Hosp ! devoting the pital at Dinard, N was equipped at the the Canadian government. and | being run by the Frenel ment. Our commisssioner has | beer ni forwarc ca! sup; for this hospital For the support f hw as this we appeal confident the Canadian people G. STERLING RYERSON President NOEL MARSHALL, Chairman Executive Committers \ Prince Rupert Feed Co. DEALERS IN Hay, Grain, Feed and Seeds OMICKEN «=6FEED A SPECIALTY Agents for DOMINION NURSERY & ORCHARDS CO. me orders promptly attended to 008 Third Ave Phone 68 steer eee eee eee ‘ ' LATEST WAR NEWS * * * ‘ a > : war bulletins * ’ exclusively by The * * Da are posted im- * ' ifter coming off # the at the following * b place * ' f gar Store, 3rd Ave * ' Wa Jewelry Store, 3rd * aver * upert Hotel, 2nd * b ave > tel * il Hotel. * ; @ Hotel. . - 2 tel * ; 2 ‘ews Windows. Srd * * * te eee eee eee’ UVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS a ania » Germans. : ‘ $a my except the German jdiscipline; and until he does there e FOR A TA s | “The Germans failed because nas $ | : ; }can be no approximation between Neerrene they co advance to » at- y peaey could not advance \ a jhis ideals and those of America Ac xce 1 close formation, | ; . : - k except ae : - - wed | Great Britain: Iwhich caused rem to be owe oon sii ) E ; $ 5--PHONE-75 "he and because | Thus it has come ebout that ‘ * —— in myriads, anc ecaus al ‘ they could not press home their a) * . attacks he bayonet hey ) : * PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO attacks with t ’ Mester PRL Vintners Asseciaben $ * revean | Biled in other words, because CANADIAN PACIFIC —_—= aan reee : p apeneeeneaeS lthe morale of their rank and file RAILWAY i oee * ‘ WINDSOR HOTEL PPOSOHTNOSNEELS ey Iwas inferior to that of the Brit- | Corben Of Fipst Ave, and Bighth St t FIRE ALARM SYSTEM lish. Had the 50,000 British been Princess May northbound “: @ Wivigmt, Gree. 4 — 2 aile 200,000 French or for Alaskan Ports i a — egremanapcecep vane December 14 t CIRCUIT NO. 1. § | Pucsians or Japanese they would HOTEL ORNTRAL i | Oirs $ Gox 125th St. and Srd Ave almost certainly have been either | ~ ‘venue and Seventh #4 Box 196th St. and Sra Ave | vnihilated or captured. By stand. Princess Sophia southbound | vad ano American Plan Box 148th St. and Srd Ave jal nihiiatec ‘ , Sunday at 8 . =. ) Peter Black, Prop. Box 16—Junction of 1st, @nd and ing firm against the Germans . ; rey 4 oon toatl Ave., between stb ane they averted a terrible disaster, ao ) Firs nes oth Sts. (Knox Hotel.) from the effect of which the Al. Corner Fourth Street and Third Ave tA be 5 os tween Eighth and Ninth Bou 17. 1a Ave. and 7th St. (Cen lied army might never have re- vee Plan, Rates $0¢ to #1.00 tral Hotel . Per Day covered snow © Coney Grane oInoUIT NO... Discipline That Weakens Capacity ee seine Srd Ave ee - t pe “One of our privates, speaking SUBSCRIBE FOR Nuc * ester Vv. D. Casey | @ox 23--3rd Ave, and MeBride St of the German soldier, says, NESS HOTEL Box 24--ist Ave. and McBride St ‘Were he not driven but led, he "OI AV, Between Sixth end Box 26-—2ud Ave, and snd St } eae . TH D N Seventh Street “se Box 26-2nd Ave. and 6m ot would give us more work to do, E AILY EWS European Pian, 60 to @1 Per Bay Box 27.0. T. P and God knows we have had - owe t cIROUIT NO. & NUTAL MOTEL Bex O)—-bik Ave. and Fulton at . Corn | Borden and Taylor Sts ' ) & Burgess, Prope } _ = ae ave. and Fulton St . 0 8¥0. and Sixth Bt Box 9591 Ave. and Comox Ave t "ORean Pian Bleam reaies @ox 87 ath Ave and Dodge Pi ; Bea aan Box 38-4th Ave. and Thompson St } ven w | wo.mnaas LIQUOR oO., eaneutt 00. ¢ ‘TED i Box 41 4tb Ave. and biume rson SHINGLE’, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS Ave. and Sia 8 | oe — ean a st eae PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER C0. Phin a er a 435th Ave, and Green Bt Of RUPERT imponTine co. id mes 460th Ave and Beall Bt A 4 BURROVEHS, Meneger \mTeD 1% Bes A5—7th Ave. end Brerte, Tet Ave, and MoBride 81. PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0. ‘reser ano Gith te Gen 141-71» Ave, and V ming PHONE a6 Branch Vard at Smithers *errce,,,. hhine 7 peeaen ee eeer renee awn wee | ecenaed | SEER Bee Be Pst ll OPPO OROROOORN ODS Tell your Shoeman you want ad eae NI Vr Pe dm cATS PAW CUSHION RUBBER HEELS Don’t ask for just Rubber Heels—ask for “CAT’S PAW” Cushion Rubber Heels. Have “CAT'S PAW” put on your winter boots—and you will walk safely, with a sure footed tread. They cost no more than the ordinary kind— 163W WALPOLE RUBBER CO. Limited Montreal WHY 50,000 BRITISH SOLDIERS THE DAILY NEWS. WITHSTOOD 200,000 GERMANS GERMAN SOLDIERS HAVE BEEN TURNED INTO A MACHINE— LACK INDIVIDUAL INITIATIVE—COULD NOT AT- TACK EXCEPT IN MASS FORMATION. rank and file of the Ger- Ihe enough work to do. The disei- army are, to speak generflly, pline of the German army is the ppets and serfs; and ft seems|discipline that drives, a disei- be the fixed resolve of the Ger-|pline which weakens a man’s ca- war lords that they should |pacity for self-discipline, and so says Mr. Edmond Holmes,|tends to brutalize him, besides the Times Literary Supple-|destroying his initiative and self- rhe Prussianizing of the|reliance. The discipline of the in army has, | think, react-| British army is the discipline that unfavorably on the character |leads, a discipline which teaches ! genius of the German peo-|a@ man to discipline himself, and so tends to humanize him, besides rhe author of ‘The German|fostering his initiative and self- my From Within’ tells us that}reliance. The latter is a type of rn mportant defect in the/diseipline to wa... tree peoples’ present system of training) is|are specially. responsive.’’—Pub- that no chanes given to the|lic Opinion. display initiative,’ ” Where the Machine Failed. WHY AMERICANS many of us who fee! we are not at your ashamed that yours.’ “On top of this deep antagon- ism of principles came the burn the doctrine ing of Louvain and Malines, of the and all the vile public expressior of ‘frightfulness barbarities which flowed from it ‘We thought that you were fight ing for democracy. We know now that you are fighting for civ- ilization. Thus a well known senator spoke, and his words fairly sum up the attitude of the American citizen towards the war. “The American people want the final settlement to be such that no recurrence of the war can be pos- and would flook bitter we waged it with half a heart.” sible, upon us with a disappointment if traperwetivrnpiree FAVOR ALLIES’ CAUSE ] historian of the war, “who ittended the Kaisermanoever ‘ ' America has no doubt that the ear were agreed upon ' I reasons for this war are to be wt that the German army . ? “ |found in German greed for other wonderful machine But : f ted peoples’ colonies, in German eco- not most of them notec . . nomic difficulties at home, in the same time that the ele- , , German lust of domination and the machine the hu- ‘ 5 - vanity of race,” says Mr. A. BE. W. nan hbenes, the short-servicer } 1 14 Mason in the Daily News, who has | had been sacrificed to just been to the United States ;mechanical efficiency, and that if ; ' ' with Sir James Barrie ithe fate of a modern battle, as ‘ “It has recognized no. tess isserted—-Germans as em- clearly what German success | phatically as any-—depended | would mean ‘Our ideals are so hur the qualities of the indi see utterly opposed to those of Ger- idual soldier, the German army i ; " a ; many that we can only have one would fall far below 1e reputa- nat bail view, I heard an American de- ftion for invincibility that 1 lac tesif clare in a train. And that is the arrogated to ttse . — truth. America, like Great Brit- | Germany, at the end of the ‘ | , tt ain, stands for so much of what twelfth week as done nothing . , | the rulers of Germany despise. but overrun the greater part of]. r i Sh believes in liberty; therefore Be giun and a sma corner o wi ' et sone cannot sympathise with the) France iat is the cause of her esr ; . | Prussian theory that (Bernhardi, | mparative failure? in | , |p 43 ‘No people is so little No doubt there are many ; , tt ;}qualified as the German to direct causes tut one md = not 1e@ | oni I jits own destinies, whether in a least important, is the inferior] |}Parliamentarian or Republican orale of her rank and file On|} , “ ™ , iGonstitution. She has been from August 26 the Germans were}; j : ' fh lirst one ot the aposties — give t 0 ortunity whieh, J on = = pp _— ; j}Arbitratior Therefore she can- hey ould have used it, might = Te ; | not agree that courts of arbitra-| have enabled them to achieve that ; | : jtion ‘giving the weak nation the early vietory over France on/| ' . same right to live as the power-| which they counted. : ful and vigorous nation repre- “At Le Cateau no fewer than , ' el ts a presumptuous encroach- 200,000 Germans- the tlower of} . —— ment on the natgiral laws of de- the Prussian army—with at least attacked about 50,000 | 140 guns, with the}, Bernhardi, with Great velopment With p. 34 ooo euns, America, the the casualty as British, with ¥ » al full intention of w«nnihilating | , peear the Kaiser's | great recruiting ser- list. The which Germany British ishow the utter incompatibility of that the complete envelopment Fl German and American ideals. To the British army was actually an- lene Empire Net for eight as decadent is them, in obedience to very mistakes ; i Imperié command,’ | Royal and Imperial co | has ofaias made power So confident were they of victory Germans the British nounced at Berlin lhours the British beat off all the | jeause they lattacks, and then extricated them- This was of free peoples. and nerveless be- could net understand idea of a willing brotherhood oclyes Geom Wiawee : But to America achievement, which ia wonderful i ; : ino coneeption could be more nat- “O ‘ t lave yeen w : jprobably would no ' ' ural. The German has not learnt age t y trainec . cae rere the differenee between drill and 4 — i whip, in five minutes.” Razor. For you are fighting our battle as well as! | so)|=60or many Americans identify themselves with the British as} they have never done before. ‘We have sunk a cruis an Ameri can was heard to say on the day the Hela was torpedoed. And yet another said to m here are = Our 1915 Catalogue Which Has Just Been Distributed Will aid you in making your selection of Christmas Gifts. Write for this book if one has not reached you. Note the fine range of SIGNET RINGS on Page 11 and our assort- ment of Ebony, Silver and French Ivory Toilet Ware from Pages 465 to 63, inclusive. -. : : Eee = Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Q@ranville and Georgia Streete Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C Subscribe for the ‘News’ “After ten minutes stropping and fussing and cussing with his old-fashioned razor, Joe says:—‘Here, let me try that Soft beards or wiry—a day or a week old—ali jook alike to the adjustable Gillette. You can shave witb it in solid comfort, Don't go camping or tare Compact Pocket Editions cost $5.00 to $6.00—Standard Sets $5.00— Combination or Travellers’ Sets $6.50 up. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED. ” “It’s a three-day Beard But my Gillette ’ll get ’em off’’ “How Fred and Joe did give me the merry “ha ha” the first time | got my Gillette in action on this overgrown camp beard of mine! They lolled around to see the fun— butsat up and took notice when I slipped the beard off, clean as a contraption of yours!’ In two minutes he finished, tickled to death—and Fred grabbed for the Gillette.” “Since then the Gillette Safety in the good Razor has been standard our camp, and we've word along to dozens of other fellows.” “Of course we use the Gillette at home, too. Why shouldn’t we? No other razor can touch it!” anytime, — or don’t stay home — without a Gillette Safety Office and Factory : THE NEW GILLETTE Bidg., MONTREAL NEWSPAPER for Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- mism and reliability, The Daily News is the most valuable paper to advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It has a bigger ciroulation than any other paper in the city. It is read by the clase of people the adyertisers want to talk to. DAILY NEWS * als