THE DAILY NEWS —— - ———— _ - — - - nee : . tha | eeemerd t h . BURROWES VS. HARRISON eae ccmnine the Shipyour FREE KAIEN H ! Our Trappe Gaide RE COM Vi F L DISPL TE : th 1“ wae ‘ ar Swept < ate ioe end ” t Were jay. whdress THIRD ANENU E P.O. DR Continue From Pag g his : His Lord to JOHN HALLAM LIMITED Buikters’ Supplies would come in on the e ght that ry reason besk &. 66 ae a Plumbers’ supplies : I proportion te the + iking act after ‘ Varnishes ented ; we shee on eine CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF © RUPERT, &. C. The plaintif? gave the : at th ‘ting 1 De ramees MONARCH MALLEABLE om ; tt ; ; rad hear he en pe ey % = ane peers prepesed Piank Roadways. ceipt was issued nus : Mr. and Mrs. Burrowes; 2 ALED TENDERS will be re reit « they were telling 6 wu tit! 84 “ Monday a — : , n'« ere = =. 7 : A tiflicate of shares s is Mr. Harriss v 1 4. 4044. for the cor } — ano wo et i oT PRED STORK’S H “The Daily News” {{_ LOCAL NEWS ITEMS fi. scctce'S ‘s not convinetn ae DWARE : walks : h ul I ix ~ was that M ‘ Ra at ior Ave a CLASSIFIED ADS. Try &mith & Killas’ ice cream. }j; as at this m s . . ‘ ‘ 2. 2 ar Great 1 Alf etre 710 SECOND Ave Ruess irs un i ‘ t ’ - ~ —— or ue re ¢ p : at : z FOR RENT a ae shares ant ‘ tt ’ | Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Chen. 1one . i. rede stre . , . Ss # = ab to obtain satisfa : es! i s Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fist Tackic FOR RENT—Thre+ unfurnished rooms and; [Useful and economic gifts of!th nésist the mat e rr mans ay 5° 6 2 Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings ie eet tii bathrooms Will seli furniture che . 1 at the Citw Er iguns Apply evenings, 213 Fifth Avenue imany kinds Wattace's tf th ands a lawye lh . ‘ | Rope Valves Ammunit a ete: ae awyers had tried set . had i~ 4 Pumps Hose —— FOR RENT—Furnished rooms with bot} Open for business evening.—|,,,.atier amicably | . : ' rr wee any tender mot) Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugate |. and cold water. Clean , —. McRae Bros 279-88 - ssarily accepted ») " ‘ . w e Hotel chae ros ai¥~- a o ‘ . + ‘ Fallen ona bevents Avenue.” 8. - ; : , ' W. MeG. MASON A WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEsr im ae si . iui ; 2 * inet ° . i $s-eXa i T M it City 1 i Something different” in blouses ; ginee i} FOR SALE es ate s, the v $s that | s , st Lich i an kwear just received ii- ry -—— fenda iat : : ff did t share i , y FOR SALE—Bargait ce’s tf — / mane Ges Penis FRED STORK S HARD W A Piano im omalit «= teleg . & ey Mess w ums & Mans act ; i the @ d ti” Box 948. ; ‘ i : ; — a ak I plaintiff, and W. 1 - FOR SALE CHEAP—Mahogany Victor Leather cushions with Indian omnes ss . “ont ' Si ieee Pa Wallace's tf SS — ~ S. - FR Aa y- “ “2 \heads. Special Xmas prices at — al : _ neste Drog Head Sewing Maciit Apply Fiat |Geo. D. Tite's. ego+¢)| Hea the wires ant lapp Bide 287-289 . &. . i ane ae ia i s . FOR sale —new house, oes, *, oun 7 = . i i i _ e cash and $70 6 mon . — » ie « Chrictmac! Was next call She ¢ oO. Ben 190 21st? Everything for the Christma 4 x 4 4 stocking —-Wallace’s tf. practically sa $ ] h L B FOR SALE—-$0-H.P. capacity steam botler and &-H.P. stationary engine. Can »s “a SS he husband S . K . n t e etter Ox in excellent order. = ' ? aE ply Box 15, Datty News. Teams representing the High|how much land was D School and the Public Schoo — purcha 1 4 a i Fait Da ly News i WANTE oppose each other in a hockey jtails regarding it She was = w ld diy allow] 4 ; k allow | WANTED—Large Mail Order bouse wants match Morse Creek this after-| tr isting entirely t M Ha ~— space i y pay fi the : men everywhere willing to work a few]... eesiiale Samed , i eee calica : : = pad 4 $20 weekly, contract given,|! Warwick Anderson wil json As a proof of her trust following letter | gouiien vermaneat, "Ruperts Selcaptain the High School and Bob|him she produced the cheque for|y,, the Mayor, Aldermen, and Al Gperative Unies, Windser, Ontario Ritchie thé Public Schoo the $300 loan, for which she had Broad-Minded Citizen WANTED—Pour-rocm house in Section es sithen Ghoatibiie tis wallhih-us : Five or Six for $125 down and $25 4 ‘ 7 : sanen 3! Mery no receipt or se- Gentlemet Ir gard to the} Month until paid. Box 102, Daily Fine Chinaware, Cut Glass, etc.. curity ‘ hief ’ " ' tr 0 chief engineer aie WANTED—Situation by young lady a#ibig variety, medium prices.— The Court then ad , : _ =. ee, bookkeeper or office theip. anerT, se Wall ; 1e Cou ren adjourned until ,¢, hydro.e tr plant. for i SEAT ea | sara morn (eat ay ass al Rs, Sing dant | ” > 7 ’ WaNTED—women wines day wort. s03| gisies and hockey Sticke at Decision for Piaintiff. would sugwest that Mr. James| ’ @ar osier kind; good dressmaker. Phone Black} ~"“ — Addressing the Court this! p ; et’ at dacil 40 288|Fred Stork’s Hardware tf M et a oe ” etruodnes! morning Mr eters sai « ; ; ar ' a . . WANTED—View lot and house; close an a ae anki ie ee a ee een lad Stock his Stock , about 2,500 $3,000 Wil pu * are Christmas postals, 2 for 5 cents would bring evidence that long engineer of the city lighting More glad tie-dings to help women balance. . . ; | - =e Wallace's. tg, | before the plaintiff was interested | plant at Cow Bay, during whieh| ' out of the Xmas tangle ——— in the land in questi the de- he has e the publ si : The Ladies’ Literary Club gave] "ant had enteres gol : ass ett ght « ‘ He'll like our new Xmas SACRIFICE SALE—E ted 7, Block et tea veste t the |@Uens for an opt irchas Phis, 1 t k. is tt es On Tien snl “theses 4 i, Section 1; worth $5,000; $1,000|" aft tea yesterday at th a > ; Ph nm Les and theres a r : ear - - i * Was : : $3,060 cash % "tome? "OSes Mrs. Es rt Judge , — wh : ‘ reasor We show more 1385, Montreal &./ Young delivered a lectu the |4!! the faets rt xt shares | ha He has alsol harg idety | a th vari¢ han an ther MARRY '—Why remain alone ? Why pot) +) .24) stat ‘W Rrit M Harris we ' . ‘ : : _— beter your position? ur club is pri- #¢a aus 0 ome t- ’ place in the cit The . ma dst vs est in t t ; - ; + ses ‘ < t iy 1, information eT : pest ideal in: | 8h Columbia Phere were quite)" ™ , 7 ‘“ : om are here now: just un- 1 Club. Box 264, Vancouver few invited guests. al Mill hia . ' +3 ‘ y the positix te a } ‘ ’ > ust un + ae : way je w — Sead packe Beautifu! silks $15 WEEKLY—Men wanted everywhere, no mr _— c pours work = spare tune, experience a small deposit and we'll|** - ; i iandling the machin- @utitu: patterns Co-Operative A Titiput anything aside until you s , ‘ : si advantage rather Walla @ tf ‘ : 1a je t situ : with a strange EEE & a pat j pla th M und I th t the may and ald-j| re ee I a anies will| @rs. Burrowes he discuss en wil Ming their duty . 4 ra shield sctive edrvics. Capt.| th att it their hous the electors by appointing an | ac inhaw a M ; $. P. MeMordie will be in ch ‘ num documents we ts tine s a com mane it 28 J ] I charge , will wear » * L Ly f one a W. B. Clayton the ime 10 show Gates end | pet engine the city’s em Every man want warn ‘ Nvery an wants a w ; — . %, ter other. Major McMullin. who i<|?@ttieulars of the various trans giving the machinery fait : ” Martin O'Reilly's Src 5 ; he ns;>MMr. Peters read the evi-|nley if they out a ; Mackinaw Coat some time. Seminar mw marge of military affairs oe pray taey pu charge &@ man) One of these will make a merry Thie makes a No. 1 Gift f on lence o rambie : is i " ne wa ae : Z s é Ct . or our he The place for Christmas pres- * now open for applieca-| Me. Gaaable, wh at who has yet to prove his eM™-|Xmas merrier, and keep him ee ae oe Wal tf $ resent at Victoria: This was the ency home nights all the year. Noth- Those picturesque plaids in plain a nis aiiace §& . ; , 2 y . ’ ae ase for the defence Seuve teuls, es new saneee, -™ ae oe you've seen come from a . ” rey on _ em ina € Soft shades, shaw - ; The Prince Rupe Cc His Lordship advised Mr. Wil- RATEPAYER ; es Suk Ho 'epre 1 for Mex ard Womet For every $2.00 esi oe : “ rt Towing Co. collars, silk girdles, at all prices here He'epreef Hesirr) te : eral towing: e new crude oil _ — - —— i i $$$ $_$_$___. mantnigengpanl : mg December gives you a chance ‘PRT. No. 1." Phone Red| ***# *#### ## *## #4 # # ee ee eee % pan ai wil ; me Red} i Specia! Brass Bed ans "1391 or Black 322. Address: P. O.| * TEN COMMANDMENTS OF MAIL ORDER HOUSES. * ' ° ton Carpet Square Drawing at ba ¢ Box 96. Agency for the “Avance’§ * * Geo. D. Tite's. 2821! si e ea Sis Se a Crude Oil Motor. 165tf.| * fhe following ten commandments are offered bs phi- # a * losopher, for the guidance of catalogue hous patrons * ' Decanters and glasses of all] * . Ve shall sell y farm produce for cash, when. # | bal timnds fi the Christmas cheer * eve y i but not t s. Wed ot buy from y > «4 ( DONT BE SKEPTICAL } “ereces. tf.|@ 2. You shall believe our statements and buy all you # My | IT’S TRUE -_—_--—__—— * eed from us because we want to be good to you although # rt i} THE WEATHER. * we are not acquaint with you * ye) o a. shall se the money in advance to give us a * Compiled by F. W. Dowling, s : Observer. hanee t wet tl = is from the factory with your money > : A FIVE ROOM MODERN j ; : 191 . Meanwhil yt wi ay \) wait patiently a few weeks as . ‘ a.n becemibe 2 O14 tha s Oo Dusiness method * OUSE, CLOSE IN. WIT . , - - Baromete -30.131 | * i. You shall buy echureh belis and chureh fixtures f * ‘ i ALL CONVENIENCES M : . -_ On REOS TTOM iPresent perplex RE. COMBS ng oe sscceccsee 31.0 * us and forward the money in advanee for this is our bus * l est OR, MRD. Wiesendcccceni 21.0 * iness method and you shall colleet from the business men *# Bring it to a happy con- ae a “ . se ‘ ot ome J * of your town as much money as y an for the benefit of @ clusion. Give him one of In eith “ 4 nh eltiner s PER MONTH * your ehurches as it is against our rules to donate for build- # our handsome leather Satisfy his hankerings for smart ia HIGH CLASS ROOMS | a Ay ee * bags or suitcases. This handkerchiefs. A holiday box of pager r ie . 5. You shall take long credit from y: doctor, dentist # will! j hi six, linen, and embroidered in ’ ; : ili please im every ? ; 7} ; itis What PATTULLO & RADFORD : aL. v * and lawyer in order that you may send us all of their # ; sas Old English with his initial ou Von nov MODERN CONVEN- ; day o 1 coming year 4 iENCES—EQUAL TO FIRST * money that you can. * W ‘ -. SECOND AVENUE ; CLASS HOTEL. ° 6. You shall buy your tools from us and be your own m« + May e Sugges! These: ’ * char in order to drive the mechanics from your vicinit * oves : Only $1.50 to \* for we wish it so on —— . for 1OIKS wiht Gor Cieas. * 7. You shall induce your neighb ia a Make an attractive gift. Give about a ¢ ’ : Sshati : ce out ors o yt > rw uw : a OS as ee iy everything * him a pair and he will swear you) poney Ss) rooms ST. LOUIS ROOMING HOUSE rom us as we have room for m money-—the less money # read his thoughts. We have Sx . = S . West End of First Ave. * there is in your community the sooner we can put your # them in all shades, lined or un-|"°* © MISS B. KAYNE int Gnduehes ; lined, English hand-sewn of the | Armbands . * loeal merehants out « isingss and charge you what we # ined, English hand-sewn of the ; ELECTRIC, VIBRATORY, HAND cewomipamnpetenibiagemiaissheshiealn® mlenen ma finest make Christmas | MASSAGE TREATMENT HOT PACKS MEDICATED muss 3 z w ° 8. You shall look often af the beautiful pictures in our # - d a § Ten More Prizes Added 3)" ‘*\!o¥e. your wishes will inerease and so you will send ® aa * a big orde although you are in no imms late need of #* e : of . FIRST PRIZE A KITCHEN * the goods otherwise you might have some ney lefi te * Schoo! Music and Shorthand CABINET * buy some 1 iry goods fror ey Ee NOCOSSATY Goes om you a erehant > VINCENT C. KNOWLES Next len persons coming nearest > %. You shall have the merchants wi (Violinist Westholme Opera House) to tho number of: Puted Rise ta the * vou t f ; * j _ ore TEACHER OF will give cach = ber of o puiy rem ue how he hille « a seud money for . Violin, Piano, Mandolin and Singing Pry’s Chocolates Valued at $1.00 * his lak i ss for ne i i prere ar Piancs Tuned and With Every $1.00 Purchase , or new goods, otherwise he will nét notiee # eS e Prone Green Y * our influenes * ceaiinaal ou Get a Coupon MAS. KNOWLES Fuller’ S. ,. 80. Tou chat :te atine of oleknes ‘wply to your # © Teacher of Pitman's Shorthand u rs Grocery * local dealer for aid and eredit as we ds w you ner @ e Suite 15, MoMordic Apt. ae Mee 2B Sank ° eee eee eee ee eee oe Se Cee ee eee ee!’ 3 | A