oe Librery p q THE egiaetlv® sien special Effort to WATCH OUR war News Immediately BULLETINS FOR THE ive 6 1: te Received LATEST NEWS ll —— _ — - $$$ a _ PRINCE RUPERT, B. ©. MONDAY, DECEMBER 144, 1914.° PRICE FIVE aaa ON — ? e, =e ae ee H SUBMARINE BOAT DOES GALLANT SERVICE. ERMAN CRUISER DRESDEN TURNS UP AT CHILE--RUMORS OF AN EARLY DOMINION ELECTION - pil SUBMARINE ENTERS —— oo” eae ee DARDANELLES AND SINKS SHIP OF GREAT AUSTRIAN DEFEAT HAVE ALREADY TAKEN 45,000 PRISONERS AND STILL SMASH- WARSHIP SUCCESSFULLY RETURNS UNINJURED ING THEM—AUSTRIANS WILL HAVE TO EVACUATE TURKISH WARSHIP WAS AN OLD ONE. BELGRADE WHICH THEY TOOK TEN DAYS AGO. (Special (o The Oally News.) 187' i (Special to The Dally News.) invaders will likely have to evaeu- ' i4 It hae been sia. tas Nish, Dec. 14. The Servians | ate Belgrade, which they took ten ced that the ire following up reaping the full| days ago. B11, under advantage of their crushing de- Nish, Dec, 14.—-A Servian offi- Lieutenant Com: ‘ feat of the Austrians. They | cial says the Servians are advane- entered the Dar mee ma i wer have already taken 45,000 pris-|ing successfully in the direction , iway under the rh i va joners and are still smashing the! of Belgrade and Milonovatz. The edoed and sank by (hy ris a Pp |Austrians backward. The Mon-|enemy is retiring southeast of varship, the Mes- ‘destroyers and wa ' | tenegrins have also attacked the |Obrenovatz. The Servians have irned undamag-jremain nine hours i val | retreating Austrians and taken ajcaptured an additional 2,000 men The M udier is an old-' A numb f Germaa large number of prisoners. The |and a number of guns. g is completed in went down with th: Mess heh : _—_—_-— ‘INSTRUMENTS OF DEATH IN A PEACEFUL SCENE.—CGerman ammunition column on the way to [SSIANS COMMAND ITALY DEMANDS ir eerennananneneaiaieiaaae RENEWED ATTACKS THE METHODIST — ———)| _REPULSED BY ALLIES CHURCH BAZAAR STRATEGIC POSITIONS) AMENDS OF TURKEY tu rep SHOT AT A MAN-- SOUTH AFRICAN ‘FATE OF DRESDEN i us ene coos he aty tes) | came icouirmwe THOUGHT IT WAS A DEER VETERAN PROMOTED, ——_—IS STILL UNCERTAIN | London, Dec. 14.—The Ger-|Churech held a successful’ bazaar : aly is ee a | mans yesterday made another | 4.) Saturday, the drawings t of the Russians |manding satisfaction of Turkey Three young fellows went out (Specie to The Saity Hews.) | (Special t» The Daily News.) attack on the Franco-Beigian | amounting to $250. The follow- Miawa, on the/for her uncivil treatment of the). oo day to the vicinity of Sha Ottawa, Dec. 14.—Colonel C. B Winnipeg, Dec. 14.—The des-!jines. In this, as in the former, ing ladies tqok part: Poland and East suls' of the Allies In this) vatians to hunt for des After |Bteele, veteran of the South Af-|tiny of the German cruiser Dres- | they were unsuccessful. The Flower Stall—Mrs. L. W. Ker- with good suc-| Turkes s procrastinating | tra in ‘the woods till about |**°™ War, has been promoted LO den is still uneertain. There are to an offfeial dis-'Germany is advising he make French have made an important | gin, i clock one of the party no-|'™80r Beners and has been ap-\eonflieting reports as to her fate.| advance at Le Petre, Candy—Mrs. P. MeDonald and asians now have/ amends ed the erouched form of some inted inspector of the Canadian |jt js generally believed, however, ENS Miss Themes. position —_ lercature in the thicket and after|"OTCes from = Winnipag.ate the \that she was sunk by the Brit-| MANY CANADIANS Plain Work—Mrs. Button, —— WEST Is QUIET iwate! it for a inute oa) jish. TALK THIS WAY Mrs. Kerr and Mrs. Kauffman. »R GOES TOU. 8. : leook a shot al it. The cries with THE WEATHER. eo : ABOUT OUR PARTIES) ancy Work Stall—Mrs. Hal- FIRST TIWE FOR LOAN (8peciel to The Daily News.) h he was greeted. showed that eae LATER—Punta Arenas, Chile, Seleaentlbaie: sey and Mrs. Parker. Pa Ih 14 Phe Al. wietion was-@ Men his Compiled by F. W. Dowling, ) Dex 14.—The German light Although one of the applicants Home Cooking—Mrs. W. 8. iladeiphia Bankers Buy $12.-) pronch report says that nothin narty. The rest of party Gteorver. cruiser Dresden, which fled from} fo, citizen's paper who appeared | Fisher and Mrs, Smith. 690,000 Equipment Trust portance has happened for). wot far away and they were . a. Deccarenteny tees jthe naval fight in the South At-lpofore Chief Naturalization Ex- Refreshments — Mrs. William Certificates. the last f days between the sea) _ int thea: enue After exam-! yy, oer... eee lantic, has reached here unin-|aminer John Speed Smith, yester-|Mansoy and Mrs. Derry. - > ind Oise Ua nading is pl o the w d it was soon found max. temp. .......32...+35.0 | jured. day, says the Seattle P.-L, did not Mrs. Merryfield arranged a very Dec. 14-—The Ca- ceeding along the Aisne and @))) ,, wa t serious. It took M tome. .>iseansencees 3 -——————————————_—_— understand clearly the question, | enjoyable musica! program. Railway has come gjight advance is recorded in the). | the muscles under the|— wsiieiianailieas iad CELESTIAL REPARTEE. “What kind of government have = -_— States for a large , one. The French are main-) ad Dneek eee entered |* tl * * ee * * *) we?” there was a grim ring of| Open evenings. Waliace’s. time in its his- ;. ¢ the ground gained th iia asa dy. He was abl |* MORE ELECTION RUMORS. *| \ City Hall employee sends the}tryth in his final answer that left duenndiiapeianpatimmtaail *hiladelphia bank-jwoevre district against viclent nd ans the mountain to|* * | story of an office holder who was] yo doubt as to his yiews at least: iwadies’ Desks—A gift that is eredit for bring ter attacks a " iy the hos |* Rumored That Government *ione of a party that attended the as here “We have a democratic form of| appreciated. Fumed, Golden end bln, tlk tee rh ed man |* May Go to Country Be- * twas made last’ — WHAT BERLINSAYS 0. kari ttoimbers, biovkssnith a tuneral of a Chinaman on a re- : . government,” he replied te Mr. Mission Finish. At Gec. O. Tite's. O Fi cer > a @wres ae fore February Session. ?’ cent Sunday. He took a great deal|xnith’s question. 282tf yudieate headed tn arvdock } *\of interest in the queer services OMeiee ann eleeve: bak aces iat a aaa oe & (Special to The a News) Ottawa, Dec oe ome te S at the grave, and noticed that,| patie form of government?” pur- Visi. our toy department. All ird Lowber Stokes Berlin, Dee. 14 Germa | is persisting here that imonge other things, a roasted teys were b ht before the war sued the examiner. oys were Doug a =12.6900,000 Canadian ; i, statement says the Fre HON W. a WHITE SPOKE * will be a-federal elec- * | duc} as le here by » depar , ¢ ‘ -e PT ; i : ' ick was left there by the depart- “No. sometimes we have a re-|@d all are reasonably priced._- per cent equipment) attacks on the German posit 8 AT MONTREAL TODAY { called before the pro- *|ing mourners. Calling one of the publican form of government,” Wallace's. tf. tes which will ma-!petween the Meuse and the Vos posed session of Parlia- */“Chinks” aside, he asked: “Why|.,cwered the applicant 7 semi-annual instal-| ces were easily repulsed. There) @ » p, Telegraph Service saiiite ent. The activity of min- */did you leave that duck on the| «ypat in your opinion, is the july 4, 4945, to Julylis nothing noteworthy to report Late News to Town— \* isters of the Crown in vis- *|grave? Did you think the dead ditisaiane “pte sain tented BE SURE AND DO YOUR is understood the |; Poland An Improvement. \* ting important centres and */man will come and eat it?’ the next question Xmas * Sho D4 offered soon on : , \* delivering speeches is taken *| Yeppee,”’ replied the Boxer sym- The applicant thought deeply pping cent basis. The WHAT RUSSIA SAYS (Special to The Dally News) * in some quarters as an indi- *|pathizer—“allee samee as white before answering. Then, sudden RLY r treal, Dec. 14.—Hon. W. T ; ; ans ' : ns since ied on the Philade! ata Montreal, D 14 * cation that the time is near */|dadee man eome out and smellee},. so . : — =— oh ania iain ri i ied White Canadian Minister Of|y when on announcement *| (lowers,”—-Ex ly, the solution oceurred to him. If you wait until the last 7 mr nae - idressed the Ganadiat 7 a “When we have a republican moment you will be unable state, Petrog! Deo," 24.-—-A_ Huss ian | Finance, aqaresaes ea ‘}* will be made that within a * Ssclbtensihdi Lellbeninveteecmtest hiteiemeins sun ok heen ioede to get the little special A Nicial saya the Germans are ! Club at luncheon here toda) ‘Cle few weeks the government * ; ; s cl things you are looking for. DON'T GET COLD FEET. bis the neighborhood of) said at this period the watchword), wii) go to the country. * MORE NURSES NEEDED. and when we have ” « mocratic Come in today. jtrea ae aia stateesehi yi 2 Peta sntar 2 2 Sle Recent government we don’t,” was his Our store is full of the ‘ ere is i changelof Ganada should be ot 0 er > 5 i ii ae TS ; 1 sae aie | Militia Department Asked by War) earnest reply. pew hie as eee pers, { rrades ith e the Vist . od ” an agall roe ‘ : s ’ He ur ass ver, Jew- H. E. Peek's. Shoe cs aaah ' Hi eoneratulated — the | a6 9 a6 a8 ae ae ae ae aE ae ae ae ae ate oe oe Office to Send Seventy-Five He got the papers. elry, Leather Goods, Toilet i rej s uri 289.90 r front voy that the adverse balance |}* NEW TELEGRAPH SERVICE * Additional Nurses. Articles, Ete., are the best to : have pierced the hussia = , ee Toys—all kinds—Wallace.’s. tf.}$ be found anywhere and the a thevond Pryasnys2 f trad? was greatly improved in * . . dale a prices are moderate. | beyous ——- | , . ‘The Ne Ottawa, Dee ~The War Of- ep entenno rE en Just arrived, handsome new de- lthe last six months * With this issue The News * or ed salillaahin: Senet The conte buyer always gets the W. Wark & Son | ‘g & s e eleger: lee HAS ASCE © 5 i epart. §n8 of Carpet Squares. Special WEDDING BELLS. sei * begin it new telegraph * Ag PRG se oo best selection; be an early buyer Third Avenue . : Ty e oO send an adc one se - "ees al Geo. D. Tite's. 282tf | FOOT NOTES. # service over the GT. P. “n ‘ me i i. maatadiil and get the pick of our, stock. G. T. P. Wateh b ee al ae This a “ y-five trained nurses to Englant Me eenne .| Miss Ethel M. Phe . . © wires. ‘This wil “mean a © é; he | Some Importers, Ltd, tf onan ‘aft for Vietoria last week, was seo our special slipper Window} more up-to-date service than */®S Seon as possible, All the a enagens — ——— —_— Don’t A 1 ted wrriage to Mr, Gordon splay for useful present. H. E.ly@ ever before. The service is #| !Ursessentover with the first con- bites ’ rgue. Cc. Emmet Saturday last |Peek, Shoe Mai 289-90)% supplied by the Associated *|tingent are busy and more are in , , was vel ~~ ne Pan ; . required As the department has 9 { P. St rhe wedding, which was \ . * Press from Winnipeg, and * bo to Cole’s ar Sore Se seek glee at 8 Mary's |Christmas postals and cards; me- * as the time at Winnipes is # received no less than 2,000 appli- W \Y 50¢ PURCHASE YOU Church, Victoria, eat ly the af-|dium prices. Wallace's. tf. * approximately bmn huane ae cations from nurses desirous of es tr ET A COUPON ie nd the happy ‘ ft) * ahead of Coast time, it will */®eeempanying the seeond contin twma.ce sees aan jterns | and th , Pt _ vop,| Rockers and Easy Chairs. Big : nee for this paper to *|8ent, no dificulty will be, e:peri- COMPLETE FURNISHINGS OF 6-ROOM MODERN ae To s£ ) We8.0¢ ven ieee + see x end h |Xmas reductions at George D. * publish the latest news from *jenced in complying with the re- CLAUANTERED AP. AUTREE Oh NERES, a } Given Away Free en New Years Day on 7 , | Tite's. 2s8e2tf ; ; | quest of the War Office Quarter-Gewed Gelld Golden Gok Bining a, lest eyn hor * the Winnipeg evening pa- *| : . Carpets and Rugs, Office Safe, Brass Beds compicie, Dressers and Stands, PIPES TO FIT ANY FACE . Chimney Pipes and Ranges!* vers. Getting the service * rhe ontes bateh of seventy-five Siee! Range and Heater, Complete Kitchen Guifit, Home Preserved Fruits tee TO OUR PATRONS . ’ i in order. Fritz.{* from Vancouver meant that * will not wait for the second con- and Other Relishes, Grindstone, Carperier Tools and many other useful etre SEPP PPODIOP ODPL CLEC: ‘ 4 om thu su pr’. 7 * — | ey ' 2 9 * we were always several *|tingent, however, but will go for- articles all at your own price. Abeciutely no reserve oF eS We lta ved 8 p= 1Phene S60 at 4 *|ward at an early date or leaving city. Mo Better Mme presente than these ueoful artiaiea—nand WANTE Souvenir Stove Shovels : wate * hours behind, When you hod Ye YOUR PRICE CUR PRICE. » cr giving away to our If you have never seen a real|* want the very latest in for- * oe ” Sale siarts promptly at 9 P M., TUESDAY, DEGEMBER 15, at 416 ony me and see our $210 \. Call at}live Dreadnought ready for action, |}* eign dispatehes don't forget * 1CE-FEET. Green Street, directly opposite Hospital. Goods on display any day prior stock of Becond eustol . ' and get}see the window of the Aeme Im.}* that you must get The Daily * contenant to sale, Phone Red 337. ture, We must §) Mor , vy ton Coal}porters, Ltd, Seeond Ave, tf.|@ News. If you haven't got a #| Keep your fest warm through ‘ \ \ : . Latonee, Prices g)0"° | . 286.96 en * nickel see our bulfeting, #}/te winter months. It makes you FRANK | LANDES : yhbody, Gorner of 3) Gems Boine people’ 8 religion consists |® where you will get all the es- #|feel different, Slippers of all . © and Seventh ; ct. and Stoles;jof a firm belief that the Lord will|# sential faets free of eost. w#ikinds, HL. EB, Peek'’s, Shoe Man, Move No. 6 and 466 - Wallace,’s, tf] Provide. eee eee eee 260-00 "ee rereee ; med } ol