puesda ———— | Cava omug NAD FROM |PRINCE RUPERT Une vn | CURLING ¢ THE TERRIFIG PAIN | | _UMHING CLUB + merchant Thaks Ms Ui lrewde roo rs I oom to be vt a ‘ Jone sth, 1913. IPupert Cr ia , a . = with the « experienced from | patron an ', I recommend tomers. They were a | elected , me, Lean tell you, for : President | was laid up in reetder ; snd a terrific pain i View Preside a ny skull, The pain } . | vl, Doctors feared | Goodwin. flammation of the | ASecretary-tre ok Pruita-tives” | ay 1 * was cured, I have nds since taking ind I verily believe from a disastrous ill- 4. CORRIVEAU, | Executive— My Executive M ! | Thompson, | for $2.90, trial sizes |}, Naden tpaid on receipt of i Limited, Ottawa, | The execut }suitable place geen nye 5d EPPS ERSERESS j ime are is roR A TAXI | Vancouver reg | hope to have curling iy ib 15-PHONE~75 ¢ = THE DAILY NEWS. ; » > snincE RUPERT AUTO CO 3) * eee eee CATS PAw vr CUSHION RUBBER HEELS er SUBSCRIBE FOR | are made of the finest, lightest weight, longest wearing Rubber HE DAILY NEWS | | | | war | | that can be had . at can a Prine bapett oes Co. in the world— aorelil Feed | regardless of and Seeds } price. : $ $ $ CHICKEN cs 2 SPECIALTY | Yet they cost no more than DOMINION NURSERY & theordinary kind ORCHARDS CO. fs orders promptly ettended to | Ask your Shoe Man 164W Waipole Rubber Co. Limited - Montreal $08 Third Ave Phone 68 OLOL ELE LOL ELOLOLDODOOP LLL OL ODEs aa | Cee eee ee ere LATEST WAR NEWS _ CATS PAw a 2a war bulletins isively by The posted im- coming off the following Za Store, 3rd Ave “ ewelry Store, 3rd pert Hotel, 2nd *| 1836 THE Banx of 1914 tal BritishNorthAmeric:: , tel | Te Years in Business ‘s Windows, 3rd VaPiTal ano BSuRPiUS $7. 786. 666 eee ee eee e cae eeereeneneeenene ee } | Appreciate \ERTISE IN ns The complete and valuable service rendered by the Bank of British North America has and the accounts as well as the con HE DAILY NEWS secured retained j : : | fidence of agoodly proportion NOCteoooee. of Canada’s prominent busi ' . ness men. ‘The same service gta! awaits you, whether your ; eg ory account be large or small sews } PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH + Raeene eects P. MARGETTS, Manager. WINDSOR HOTEL First Ave. and Eighth 8+ Wright, Prop. . * \% FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CHROUIT NO. 1 MOTEL CENTRAL . A } @ox 12 5th St. and Srd Ave e 7 . ead tea Box 13 6th St and Srd Ave Peter Bleck a | & Box 14 --Sth St. and Srd Ave ” is | Box 16-Junction of ist, tnd and ee —e Srd Aves. p. eo 8th and AN MOTEL } Box 16.181 Ave., between rs) — } gth Sts. (Knox Hotel : Selween Eighth aud Mintb | Bou 17. 181 Ave. and 7th St. (Len » e's" Pisa, Rates §0¢ to $1.00 tral Hotel Per Dey Sener @ Besner, Props. } omovult NO. 2. r -— | ¥ Box 22 grd Ave. and Sra St WY Post OmMee ‘ t (Pos ester VD Cesley 3) y ox 23-—-Srd Ave, and McBride St — . Gox 24.ist Ave. and McBride St ‘AN! Ae, Between Sixth and Box 25-—2nd Ave, and end St “evonth Streets Box 26--2nd Ave. and 6th 8t mene Gox 27-0. T. P. a omoUIT NO. 3 ROYAL MOTEL Box 81 5th Ave. and Fulton St Pian, 60 to 61 Per Dey 2) | } ; : | | ’ ; | * * * . * ce * . * * * * * * * a * t * t kay ' é ©” WHOLESALE LiQuoR co., LimiTEeD : * rep wr Sts ‘ @ox 32. -Borden and taylor , ae . Box 34. Tih Ave and Fulton St te = ae - Box 36 vi A¥e and Comox Ave all tented Box 87 81h Ave. and Dodge Pi oe ai Box O86 AY and Thompson 8t omovitT NO. 4 vn th Ave. and Emmerson * ’ Ave. and Sixth BF = ‘4 a een Gos 42. 5th Ave and MeBride 8t Panos nanan a ~« 43.5 Ave and Green St ae TED 68. 440i Ave and Basil St : Ros 45-—-Tih Ave. and Eberts. “eer oe Stath Gts Box 141 wm Ave. and Yung au Phone 7 ; OOOO OROOROREEDOOOOOSS reeers SERRE EEEEEEEEE EERE EEE EERE a = = d UM, “es, BAD NEWS FROM THE FRONT. cracked up t be FRENCH AND BELGIAN ARMIES "WERE BETRAYED BY SPIES. 1s Cartoon by The Kaiser and Crown Prince James Frise. idesert — | |RUMOR CONFIRMED THAT FRENCH GENERAL WAS SHOT AS TRAITOR—SUDDEN FALL OF NAMUR BELIEVED RESULT OF TREACHERY. The Bul is apparently etin Des Armes, which | the French official army publication, has issued a report which details the opera- tions of the French army during the last four months It points out that the French army today s equa strength to what it was jwhen the war started: in other jwords that despite all the fight- « French reserves have filled the losses caused by war, and is eally stronger than before, hav- ing had additional experience. remembered that on the It may be 14 French Chamber Min- July last debate in which the ste f War cx French Lic for heid a fortresses were not a cond a proper de- | fenee, and that there was a con-| lerable shortage Les trian | tvatted, and Germany's whole at- | dicated that she deemed | in equipment. | » or four days later the Aus- ullimatum to Servia was » had come, and was ful- strike. Letters which epared to 1 French reservists rrived in this city sinee the } f the war indicated that | ths after the war began | still | and | reservists the equipment, rdly expected to be on the fir- | another | were ine for at least | th. Sinee then General Jof- lfre has been steadily adding to} pate forees jin Alsace jthat the French have been heavily | and today the position and Lorraine indicates | foreed, and are taking the of- | sive rh Bulletin Des Armes also leonfirms what had previously been whispered, namely, that sev- leral of the higher commanders in ithe French army had been dis- ssed. One of the rumors stated definitely that a certain General Perecier, who was said to have been responsible for the exposure of the British right wing at Mons, and the general retirement of the Freneh left, whieh was meant to the British, has been shot for treachery. It was alleg- ed that he was in the pay of the Germans, and that this aeeount. ed for the abandonment of the first line of defence on the Meuse. rhe Bulletin states that “the higher command renewed owing ito necessary dismissals, has not committed during the past three jmonths any of the faults noted jand punished in August,” | ‘This is an extremely signifieant jadimission, for the correspon. support nfessed that some jofiice for the exception Belgium is authority statement that with the of trial. learn that the war is not what it prompted one of the most his country in M it his life |have greatly appealed to the dra- jmatic instinet of the French, and jwould have wiped out all preju- {dice against him. Province. There is nothing that dampens | pre-election enthusiasm like elec- bril- jliant of the French politicians to her hour Caillaux could have tayed in his country and offered an action which would -Vancouver Our 1915 Catalogue Which Has Just Been Distributed ( Will aid you in making your selection of Christmas Gifts. | Write for this book if one has not reached you. Note the fine range of SIGNET RINGS on Page 11 and our assort- ment of Ebony, Silver and French Ivory Toilet Ware from Pages 45 to 53, inciusive. Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Granville and Georgia Streets Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C y == = = ‘FRED STORK’S HARDWARE ——— 710 SECOND AVE Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandlery Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle fron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Rope Valves Ammunition Pumps Hose Paint Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated tron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE GEST" | FRED STORK’S HARDWARE KAIEN HARDWARE COmPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PLONE No. 3 Tinwaie HARDWARE Graniteware MONARCH MALLEABLE “ Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Sheet and Pilate Glass Plate Giaes Mirrors Stoves. Kanges Varnishes “Stay >‘ isfactory For Rent |. S*ROOMED PLASTERED HOUSE of General Leman, the defender | f Liege, the officers of the Bel- ria army were corrupted and) jjon day. bought up with German money.| If so, the rapid fall of Namur, Maubeuge and Antwerp is amply accounted for fhe correspondent avers that} under the handsome villas of Ge mal visitors who had ere home outside f these towns of Namur and Maubeuge, had been constructed the conerete bases of guns which later destroyed He claims that Belgian high in authority were en-| the pay of the Germans, | tireiv 1 and that the whole scheme of an |5-ROOMED HOUSE ON TAYLOR nterrupted passage through the eutral country would have! been effected had it not been for} | thn people themselves and their heroic King and leader. i The tales which have been told f the German spy system lend a good deal of color to this belief. | It was said at the time Namur} fell that its quiek. capitulation | was caused by treachery, and it seems curious that the German itrocities whieh have shocked the world all took place in the-north WITH BATH—STH AVENUE $25.00 PER MONTH STREET $15.00 PER MONTH APPLY TO— G. R. Naden Co., Ltd 324 SECOND AVENUE Range.’’ THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C, LIMITED SS. VENTURE SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P. M. Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT For Further Particulars Apply to PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS LUMBER SHINGL””, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINLE RUPERT LUMBER CO. A J. BURROUGHS, Manager tet Ave. and McBride 5. PHONE 25 ie PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0. Branch Yard at Smithers and northwest of Belgium, where | the following the | of the Kaiser to his civilian people, advice subjects of Kast Prussia, took up| arms in defence of their homes | and country. One day the true | story of the invasion of Belgium will be published, and the names | of these men who sold their coun. | try may be held up to the same | that of) One thing is ob- | universal execration as Judas Iseariot : . : vious. Germany expected France | to capitulate direetly Paris was} taken, and evidently had paved the | way for the promulgation of an| educational campaign among the | French people. One or two news. | papers actually published letters | from some of the politicians ask- ing why France should fight the battles of the British Empire. In this connection it is inter-| that M, Gaillaux, | once Finance Minister of France, | and accused after Agadir of hay- ing been ready to make terms esting. to note been financially advantageous to himself, has left France for South America. Ostensibly the reason was the scandal caused by the ac. quittal of Mme, Caillaux for the murder of M, Calmette. But the world may well ask whether after |dent of the Canadian Courier in all this was the only reason which with Germany whieh would ial > RII OOOO RR TORR RTO ITO IA TOI IAA II TOIT OI + ; ; SEESEESESEEEEEE t NEWSP for Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. he Daily News goes into nearly every home in Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- mism and reliability. The Daily News is the most valuable paper to advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in the city. It is read by the class of people the advertisers want to talk to, - | THE ILY NEWS DA rs RAARRARARARR RAR KR Ce |