THE DAILT NEWS. aa idews, Sra ure il eleet came along Te Years in Business . — We Bes = - es . ” ———$————— - . aes < “ A a : i ' FROM ’ VI in W observed, enough howl , od at - ~~ Pr y AT ENS about it to know that th ern. | f FIC Phi ame —,JArI ment is vitally resp. ‘ Nhe O / 9g 15 C; / a “< , government had bee thee f rit Uh [HAT SUPPORTS MAIL ORDERS evr wr oo ur atalogue Frult-a-tives ; i, S : ; whether it) should Pits ‘ ‘ 2 sgh. Som FV AMER TELLS HOW BY SENDING AWAY FOR HIS GOODS THE i Which Has Just Been Distributed grrr ot Ze } } VALUE OF HIS FARM DEPRECIATED $5,600 IN NINE the losses of the de; and erienced from or YOEL Ke YEARS BECAUSE HE AND OTHERS WERE NOT eee een at the expense of rag | one in . ALIVE TO THE NECESSITY OF BUILDING UP the taxpayer or wheth: om Will aid you in making your selection of Christmas Gifts. tell you, for EL PERI THE HOME TOWN. eat tes. ev Write for this book if one has not reached you. Note the on i » idvaltigle Mh Biieeher Gonoral of the fine range of SIGNET RINGS on Page 11 and our assort- all ae oe Ny Pp " a” o an ‘ m=) vi - ne | . 5 ee . a writen.’ who ‘minis ment of Ebony, Silver and French Ivory Tollet Ware from ee ae e G >. has discovered that }fa wiping to pu ™ ithienal Maem with the Domi: Pages 465 to 53, inclusive. ruit-a-tives '’ AN hich appear on the|town down, it has cost me 85.600 ton Seiel” Compa: ave ied, I have % taching to the mail{in nine year ee rave ——— since taking i known that the compar ad mw erily believe Serine pell di White the foregoing is in con ight ft tak | *} disastrous ill- ‘ i ery in. |neetio th farn ands deprec |" r + iggiaed a H Bi Go S L i i d a RRIVBAU, , ie wide mh i t 4 : | u . : cual |Mareh at any rate,” the speak enry ITRS ons, imite $2.50, trial size, ' — a ee ee asserted . «= iy Ti e is aljust as forcib t city property hk Shaiemean | es nat 1,11 JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS re ne ; any an hacen ae | ovate Gites dhe, ; pate testi Granvitie and Georgia Streets eer — rie heed awakening | Wwhiel requires ‘ upport of e : OOOO RE es j : lineal citize “ “fin holding such meet is that} Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C Se A : SUEZ CANAL IN DANGER have unmis ee . jas a healthy opp n the ‘ 3 The 4 © period where! — R > T * : }provineial hones d probably | pr Ae pian. 1 am tM MARTIN MOT TO rrre ine province trom an cena 2 defeat i " os seals lfrous a situatio } that f the a) | elite a GO BACK TO LONDON t= & sieetion a thar or the] PHONE 75 : , hi t} ‘| ates }Dominion Trust Compa 15-- iy pines : ! = |M. P. Explains Exactly How He nowledge | 4 ' | Stands as to His St. Pancras et lia en | mince RUPERT AUTO CO ; os a and Makes Attack on or ent : : —— en eee h ; zo T be-| eee asfianmae 710 SECOND AVE a siamese "mn ‘ | had an old Although the papers reported! Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Ohandiery pensneereereres PAT PO COOP OOOOoo’ hur f © WaSl me decurately at the meeting 1} 2°R@OMED PLASTERED HOUSE Wire Cable Stee! Blocks Fishing Tackle i | i g ng Pace Rio Rupert Feed Co. 5: , ""P-Jaddressed the other evening,ther« Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns | ede 4 DY Es ts il ele moetie. | WITH BATH—8TH AVENUE Rope Valves Ammunition I d , VIED) sion about, that I have a ouneed | Pumps Hose Paint Hay, G ee e hb MY OtPlhe6.04°0 intnesl eile dank des Ba Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corrugated tron Grin ee “ysl Vine back te Lone} $25.00 PER MONTH : . . 1 jdon at the next general election | “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” | reco 8 «SPECIALTY 3 \ ., al " . Hees [tf run there instead of Vancou | - ats aia dppememenciecesnson: sillier ancecatimantcertter entne tiasitaaaa da i , = 4 . e whieh s exactiy the oppo | Agents fo has been re « merchants on] cite to what T intended to convey |S=R@OMED HOUSE ON TAYLOR FRED STORK’S HARDWARE DOMINION NURSERY & tirem ! vere s0ld.lubaerved Mr. Joseph Martin. & ORCHARDS CO. ervies \ i | he t season|p at the sdiecth iaaicailibdcan Jha ol STREET a ~ i@ Liberal meeting heid a = me’ orders promotly attended to ght hand d and T : ch to PaYlthe Carleton Hall, Collingwood:| pict ‘ ia : ' ‘ s eae agenes ees Dee ae 1 _— en dieeh a a eee | a nati (a: Gerald MeGeer presided and] $15.00 PER MONTH 908 Third Ave Phone 68 - vidresses were delivered by Mt _-- Viateers Associalon secured and retained th« ; ™ = Na adva lit | ask him to attend the Howse : is . : ie “ accounts as well as th: } WINDSOR HOTEL ete =e ee ee — oodly norti a Best He Could Think Of 00 aeres of © best Uncle those circumstances Gtenncat ‘8 ty proj ; \ve. and Bien 6 ., on of Canada’s prominent bt w. © wriene ane | Philadelph I then felt eed} observed Mr. Martin, “I found 1 é onic” Sines sa , ess ° same service -- cients le f chemistrs and for itleould not very well refuse to be , SHINGL™ , MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS : . L abould awaits you, whether your . OTE oan a ‘ ‘ e the mail orde 1 candidate, and, even i shoul me re . | mee account be large or small PRIN _E RUPERT LUMBER CO. . Seventh 8: ~ | \ ‘ alle t i ile weekKlyY |happen t secure élection in Can ’ smerican Plap , s a hat aia & J. BURROUGHS, Menager Peer Sieck, Sree. pa i egre iy thatlad hat would not interfere with | PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH 1es Ave. end GieBride %i. PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0. et hea i it w Me t in the « ntry to}my being a member of both par-| PHONE 26 Branch Yard at Smithers , , se a | 2. MARGETTS, Manager. ; RNOX MOTEL eighborhood bill and|liaments. Though,” he added, | ne Kighth aed Niaw ri vile ‘ mia orde house. | s ing, “it would be rather an | - $$$ ene pea (ales b0e to 81.00 ' ‘ hy ‘ 2 bitte every anomalous position.’ i+ ’ bay Boone a Geener, Prope. rh me ' vhile we wot um the After dealing with his exper it a RE RR REE REE ERE EEE REE RR EE ERR EE RE Re re - ' ! way for stuff ‘neces electionéeering and in par { a — —_ Vv 0 Casey I erchants les iament in England, Mr. Martin} TAPRES8 HOTEL me ‘ ti Zoos for; coneluded his address by advo-~| : ee hiro 4 eiween Sixth and vn he t ine. Finally we be-|eating, amid applause, a thor- : Streets ‘ : woean Pian, BO to Bt Per De LEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE REESE REY ial when we need-| ough overhauling of the hanking | { y | y for chinery, | svste of Canads “he r a { FIRE ALARM SYSTEM jj , yatem mada. The Ameri-|{ THE ie an ROYAL MOTEL : 2 ess or death, eans, he said, reeently entirely if 7 — mH wa ind send away for|changed their system and they | * ry burgess, Props x * n ‘ ‘ } a \ cmROUIT NO. 1 » * I end Sixth St t ci 7 pleasant. One lclaimed that under the new sys ; DA] L y or rince ee al Box 12 th 81. and Sre ve | WAND Ot Sieam teated ‘ os 190th St. and Srd Ave ; nerchants moved tojtem no such thing as a panic | AVER wos . sia i taal go 44.-A8tb St. and 3rd Ave % ser ‘ hey were appreciat-|eould take place. The speaker i : N EW S The Daily News goes into nearly every home in OLeSAL voR unction of mad and kine . ; : Liane _ on ‘ > : 3 less energy moved |peferred to “the reckless manne) if ; Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of Se oul ginth a 7 Box 16141 Ave derma ath and * Gradually our town has jin which the banks in Ganada had | 7 the city because it is clean and reliable. It has all ¥ » Sts Knox Hee ane : —— t ae iat - and 7th 36 Len * dow! our business houses prnnveled out money to real es 7 is theenews of the ¢ ity, and keeps in touch with events NOE RUPERT IMPORTING CO - tral Hotel 7 ‘ i appearance, @A/tate speculators during the boom, | z SAFE P and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- Lim TED t cimouIt NO. 2 ¥ are empty, our sehools,|while the bankers themselves | » / bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- Fraser and lath Bie * gos @2.-Srd Ave. and Sra St 7 churehes and walks are going | gave $7,000 per front foot in| / SANE inism and reliability, a. Phene © t Post Office * heal i | The Daily News is the most valuable paper to ite... and MeBride St. * have no Dand, no H-| Vancouver, He condemned their | SPICY % @ox 23--3rd Ave . . 16a ea advertisers beeause it is read by the buying public. oe ee @ox 2¢.-1st Ave, and McBride St 4 wy ner ball team rere is ee both during times of in ; ; ‘ ua Gen O5---2ud Ave. and snd 5 y business done in town, and there-|fation and depression mapamriee, it has a Rigger civouintion Shem guy athe? Guna Be LD WW , @ox 26 2nd Ave, and 6th 9 . } . the vity. It is read by the class of people the NAT CH FREE. Se a 2. : ho taxes to keep things up.| Mr. Maedonald devoted his | INDEPENDENT advertisers talk to tel is closed for lack of travel.| spe h to general eritiei f . : raiahttons ae omoulrr NO. 8 ei Homer peech general eriticiam of the ron ce meinen Zico down to the depat Mia ake leovernments ort INTELLIGENT ~ eivong away Box 81 -5tb Ave. and Fulton SF 3 ®) government's land and railway . ‘4 » * * + . * * » . + * 7 » : : + * * . t » . * *. *. Box 4 su RARER RARER RRR ERE EE Ree Box 141 where his children ean have ad-!Prust disaster,” Mr. Macdonald a eeehen ar teendeeer eer enee| -_ = = % - “4 : 2