THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation H. F. McRAE, EDITOR AND MANAGER HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. rRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. rates on app ication. DAILY EDITION Thursday, Dec. 17, EDITORIALS on the wall and, Handwriting is not always legible, when it me interpretation of its to be than is not, is apt rather forecasting. The elections that hace taken place since the of Mr. Heart to Premiership of Ontario, supply speec- the wall that a man on a galloping The figures In West Hendrie, had aning gruess- work accurate two contested elevation the however, imens of handwriting on horse could read. are extraordinary Hamilton in 1911 Col. now Lieutenant-Governor, a majority of 1,800. In June of 1,488. Three weeks ago his successor, Mayor Allan, Mr. Rollo, Liberal support. * * this year he had secured 39 against a Labor candidate Dundas county, in which al- with | } most as great a change took place in the recent election, | when Mr. Hilliard was chosen) to succeed Sir James Whitney, | has been seat for generation. James’ later majorities were: | in 1902, 504; 1905, 624; 1908, 914; 1914, 921; 1914, when Mr. | Stewart Muir made a fine run,| 674. Now Sir James’ successor | gets a majority of 59, as re-| ported at the time of this writ- ing. Mr. Campbell, the candidate, immensely lar, Conserv ative | Sir} a safe a 1s count- But the no doubt ed for a good and that, deal. aes Liberal | popu- | Telephone 98. Oontract 1944. | Hamilton “and ‘Dundas elections mean more than personal pop- the the tide ularity or that is setting Liberal clear-cut reverse of strongly mean public favor ward the leader the policy of the Libera! party. social reform On- tario preferred Rowell despite Sir James the ition of the electors do not to average op- position to abo! The the same bar favor Sir An over of half as many votes as successor. turn- were changed from the govern- to the in the recent ment opposition two elections would government Giobe. send the Ontario headlong out of power.— 2. &s of the Dominion talk election It that a strong sentiment in On- of an the shows In view early above is interesting. tario is revolting from the boss rule of the Conservative party. In New Brunswick the servative has been found guilty of graft by a royal! and the whole up in arms. In Nova Scotia the Liberals are strongly entrenched and will give a good aceount of them- selves in case of an election. It remembered how the big majority of the Conserva- Con- premier commission province is will be tives in Manitoba was reduced the and to the vanishing point in Alberta are almost solid recent election Saskatchewan GET YOUR FLOUR With This Trade Mark Be sure the flour you buy makers, every sack. That will be has the Vancouver Milling & Grain Ce., your the trade of stamped on is ROYAL mark its proof that it STANDARD FLOUR, that you are getting the best flour that can be made, and that your money is being circulated at home. AL STANDARD dred families in If neo were furnis! other flour than that used in this province, be that it is made made over in British Columbia, ROY- es a livelihood for over a hun- British Columbia. British families in Columbia 2600 would supported in British Columbia. So you see when you use only British Columbia flour you are helping to build up a big home the get a new one industry. more jobs there are easier Every industry means jobs, and the or to hang on to your old one. BE SURE YOU GET ROYAL STANDARD it will be for you to FLOUR Vancouver Milling & Grain Company, L'd. Vancouver, New Westminster, Nanaimo and Vicioria Whitney to| James’ | | bowler They to.} and) show ic t I 1 leuses says targets mouths of the cannon, miss would be well sible. form in line © whole The centries look on, puzzled; for the allied soldiers im) MAKES PERFECT BREAD weet oe for the Liberals on account of the demand for wider markets and fer freer trade with the States. British Columbia ground to the dust under the heel of MacKenzie and Mant is anxious to be avenged dis gusted with the results of the her betrayers Quebec Tory-Nationalist combinat ago returned to her natural leader, the Rt. Hon Wilfrid Laurier. With things as they are no Li has long these beral need fear the result of an ele the they bring it on the better tion, and quicker MORE BRUSSELS SPROUTS. “The street boys stiek of their practice arrot through the top hats and streets,” of laid certain prominent in a resident Brussels in The Times “Or up large the so that they gravely set twenty yards from a nigh impos- “Favorite pastime of all, they and at the word of ‘March! To Paris’ the marches backwards. if here is one thing a German does ommand, line not understand it is irony!” 40,000,000 CIGARETTES GIFT TO ALLIED TROOPS P. Lorillard Company Is Donor to Red Cross Society. N. ¥., Dec. 45 Ten £20,000 worth, Tarrytown, nillion cigarettes, have been offered to the Red Cross in France Miss Anne Depew Paulding has announced that this gift has been made to the Irvington and Ards- ley-on-Hudson Auxiliary of the Red Cross. The P. Lorillard Company is the donor. The Rev Cranston Brenton, of New York, director of the Red Cross Society | STAY RIGHT Witt |/ NOU ARE AND KEEP || FIRING -ITLisignal. \ + arranging for the of the gift to France is forwarding CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Princess May southbound Friday, 8 p. m. Princess Maquinna south- bound Sunday 8 p. m. going south € your reservation cess Maquinna leaving Prince Ru- December 20th, 8 bm “arrive Vancouver noon 4. @ McNAB, Genera! Agent Corner Fourth Street and Third Ave a short) the | goose-step in front of the mitrail- } | lest standpoint same between Guards. the and equipment Certificate of improvements. Claim, Skeena Mining Division of trict. Where lvcated:—About situate in the Cassiar Dis- three-quarters | (3-4) of @ walle, more or less, from the northwest at of the head of’ Al — aabetaiee tee oo o ice Arm on the conten. TAKE NOTICE that I, Pedro Salinas, agent for William J. Vau i, Certificate No. 81545 and for satene, . sixty sage 0 ply wo t Certifeste of from ements, for the Free Miber’s Certificate No $0313. a the date hereof, Mining Recorder for a Bear Mineral clatm as Free Min- rr. pose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claim And further take notice that action, under section 85, must be commenced be- | fore the issue of provements. such Certificate of im- PEDRO SALINAS. Dated this 2ist dey of September, A.D. 1ot4 iterests ;serve jand the THE DAILY NEWS BELGIAN HEADQUARTERS AT FURNES—I hie 1 es, Belgium, emnant of the Belgian army from which plans ‘own Hall at Fur- for the operations of the are forwarded. WIT leave Prince Rupert ot Vancouver at 7°. ™ 7 y arriving Vancouver at M. Thursday, December st Secomber: g local steamers for Vieverts and Beattie. " MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY Next sailing for Masset and Port Clements, December 28, 10 » » Next salling for Skidegate, Jedway, eto., 31,10 PF m Special Reduced Rates for Christmas and New Years Beiwoe a » on @. 7. P. Railway. For Reservations, Through ‘Tiekete, o%., Apply at @ TF. PF Ticker on Third Avenue. AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Lines ee ‘om for Vancouver, Vic- toria and Seattic on Fridays at 9 A. mM. G. T. P. S. S. CHRISTMAS SAILING FOR THE souTH S. S. Prince John LORD KITCHENER AS GREAT A STATESMAN AS HE IS SOLDIER IMPORTANT PART HE PLAYED IN EGYPT—SUGGESTED THAT HE GO BACK AFTER THE WAR—BSRITAIN WILL RULE NEARLY ALL AFRICA. When the history of this great- of all war history comes to ahead of his own time is the one/|ed by Cecil Rhodes. time the mediator in chief Parliament and the Horse It is his office te create to select the command- to army, ng officers, furnish supplies and require Par- liament to provide the ways and means of payment It most awful erisis this history that her was fortunate in in Great Britain had in Lord Kiteh- this dif- As- the fieult place, quith the right man to select him to fill it. A flashlight the whole situation from this view- point is afforded by the published of the Minister of Egypt, wn country and also knows Lord for Premier ener right man and in on Prime who knows his opinion present Kitchener. Rushdi Pasha as- sumes to speak for the “enor- mous majority of Egyptians” when he maintains that Great Britain's pre-eminence in Exypt that country, the will is a good thing for it great highway because will keep the open to Rast, j safeguard European financia) in- and will of Egyptian to su- Kewpt, integrity This Tureo-Germanie in the territory. that premacy would be fatal to Egypt's con. is eqguivalen! saying chance of “ to realizing its ambition become an important state”; same feeling has become deeply seated in the minds of Kast Mohammedans, all intelligent Indians, whether Hindus or as this war has satisfactorily shown. The Egyptian Prime Minister lnas quite happily defined the ground of Lord Kitchener's pre- The observer who is |‘ eminence among the great men of his time. “One does not expect be written it will be seen in per-|great soldiers to be statesmen,’ spective how pre-eminent Lord/he said, “but Lord Kitchener has Kitchener's personality really is | proved himself, by his clear- among the crowd of men who are | sighted policy in Egypt, to be a| actually participating in the fierce |statesmanh of the first rank.” How | struggle in all localities and ca-| important it is that when Lord) pacities. His is the outstanding | Kitchener is through with his) figure for those who take she laseneat task he should go back) trouble to comprehend the situa-/to Egypt, as the Prime Minister tion, and who are therefore view- ‘suggests, is shown by the politi. | ing it from the true historical/cal significance of the idea of the | Jape to Cairo” railway project- ples as by the British themselves ADMIRAL ‘JELLICOE’S REGRETS) “Bome said Mr “T had | Jellicoe and wus oo ago, Churchill at the Guildhall, a talk with Sir John his admiral, spoke to me of the which they and the watched principal distress fleet of Bel - great the heroic struggle in France and in saw the awful our army gium, them. “They spoke of their keen de- aid to bear with the mighty weapon which they wield- ed, and their desire ral dseire immediate their natu- to share more imme- diately in the sufferings and the losses of the the field, but they said: ‘‘Lord Cornwallis was nearly three years off Brest, and Admiral Nelson was more than two years off Toulon. We are only just be- ginning. We must not be impa- tient. Our army in turn will come.” ’ The first daughters first man woman the her handed but handing an apple, have been men lemons ever since. It's easy to gauge a man's telligence; draw him into and if he you he's sensible. in- a dis- Cussion, agrees with “He Was Some Tall Bug! Bugler ~ — Lr’ rO / THE RETREAT WHEN (TS } ) [ee . SHOULDERS? UP TD OUR SHOULDERS - | : a ee / | td Cc . = —- j ¢ = \= en é GuUR Teacher of Violin and All Band Instruments A. PESOOTT 452 Eighth Ave. In all prob- | —————————————— AMERICAN TAILOR CUT PRICES Call and Save Money who understands his own time | ability, as one result of this war, better than anyone else does.|German East Africa will become | Neminally Lord Kitchener is Sec-'| British, and in this way Great) retary of War: really he is Diree- \Britain will become politically tor General of the whole British | and continuously supreme | military situation, and at the/|throughout the whole of the | length and much of the breadth | | SRRARARAAAARA AAAS SARE RES of Africa. Such a consumma- tion “were as devoutly to be} wished” by all the African peo-| people i? if } } : and they | with | | | sacrifices ; demanded of them and given by | sire to bring a more direct and | DR. GILMOY, DENTIST Grown and Bridge Work a Specialty. hone 554 P.O. Boy ¢ APERHANGIN( AINTING OLISHING AND WALL TINTIN Higt Martin Swanson Second Avenue, ne New Wellington itd The favorite Househoic Cleanest, Brighter. Bes WEW WELLINGTON COAL co, Rogers & Albert Prone 119 MAJESTIC ROOMS CENTRALLY LOCATED Steam WHeated—Ali Conve- niences—Very Moder- ate Price SPECIAL RATE MONTHLY ‘Office: Smith Bik., Third aid Phone i174. 2 FoR —_ AND waatina. wo SMITH & MALLETT sock of Pip: Seer, Crane Valves anc F tings, Pipes cut to order Third Ave., Head of Second Sires Prince Rupert Alex. M. Manson, B. A 35-PHONE-35 £ TAXI ALF HALLIGAN DOMINION Undertakers and Embaimers FUNERAL DIRECTORS Caskets at Undertakere’ Supplies Wholesaie Prices Terms Reasonable Phone 41 oe atLert, mensger. SEE SEESEEESESEREEEEE ES a & ah Grass- Widowers and Bachelors DON’T WASH | fusrantes in my coll Ww give you hot Icy WATER ame She THIS first thing in WINTER the morning —fifteen fiftee: minutes after you have started the fire EASY TERMS 175° $5.00 $5.00 92.50 Cash ist Month 2nd Mont 3rd Month , (ffiee corner #nd W. BE. Willams © + Lt WILLIAMS & HANSON Barristers, Solicitors Etc @OnsyY TO LOAN Box 1585 | eunentn Block Prince Kuper, & Street a: PACIFIC CARTAGE Live Successormr to i's Genera! Cartage LADYSMITH COAL 03 Prone JOHN CURRIE Contractor & Bu ider Estimates Given Phone Biack 294 op Moving f ra Te eel C. B. PETERSON EXPERT ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Phone 318 eee cerrererrt JAMES GILMORE Architect |} 2nd Avenue, Mcl neal eocrreeret Delivered to any per Good of town, or can be hac at Spurr's Market Pur: Knott's Bakery « e Fulton Cash Marke Mill Govi. Inspected Lows The Best Equipped and Most Sanitary Dairy is tre Prince Rupert Dairy Phone Green 252 eoeee were Drawn for The Daily News by ~ ‘ \ @ tit anne ot0 Pacre-"o