a | BEST The fellow ! i Richard MeStrid en Vieloria, Db Advises all Women | | elly | Keditor, The Da ake “E ryit- a- Tives” : Dear Sir Ihe Murray, Premi: ' € 14. r aut, 0 ave, 26th, 1914 | tee ' nend “Praitew | as egraphed ‘ me an awful support in obt cannot speak too poi 8 yut four years ation of the pre , g “' Pruit-a » ae folloe t ik-down and on ’ follows { good. We Herbert llar’s worth pent because the America aue m for them States the h poe int, compared ; found only j|@lly being nar a th, in taking jupon the gener 8 to me to be women, Off live in the Nortt gentle action, tinent to supply other women t-a-tives”’ after sities of the seve; ther do, 1 sv le = ane remaining n Be aga authorities estiniats Mes. W. N. KELLY tone of foodst ives’ e sold by all be required thr vl ae pox. 6 for $2.50 trial ‘ : tpostpaid on receiptof ter Thus far Ganada | or sent trait-a-tive imited, Ottawa, about six thousand aes ships I have as he Ad ty for anothe ha mas BSCRIBE FOR send at lea ' the goods t fiir gre d tress The Be DAILY NEWS inivice oi tiatiras forward prlie : } ’ ppt gi this port I that Canadia ee EERE Cry de e t share more R A TAXI largely this work and am re spectfully asking Premiers f — SS : | other provinces Lo make these ef-| forts nation wide A number of PHONE 75 s | anadian newspapers have offer : ed hearty co-operation ¢ leeting | * ’ : 7 | * inds f responsible committees ~ RUPERT AUTO OO § take charge necessary disburse > tttteseseeeeneeewee HON! | am satisfied that all Ca- cmastittrasy, VAGIADS Will regard as a privilege piany assistance given to Belgians Would you kindly undertake the per Feed Co. ! resp itty of appealing to the N people your province and ob- ry, Gr mn. Feed t the assistance of your press and Seeds t s this end, appointing ce tral committer f not already in FEcD 0 A SC SPECIALTY ‘ I tl 6 hat through ' j Agente tor ‘ i in) ae n we can do NION NURSERY & , ae dice RCHARDS CO. i ; ua i 2 pire and at we promptly attended te ‘ ‘ i ething that w 1 hos t w, have —- i Ave Phone 58 made a ind pathe “ fiee tha hardly be es COP OOO POROOROROROCOO ROS. mat i t ‘ Canadia ‘eco eo ee eee ee { ender some sactr | ! the Belgians, who, ac- EST WAR NEws 8 eord g te re able ep ts are ° hon - and starving bulletins * ‘ ; s 4 : po peque elegzram was re ely by The * : ‘ H .o posted im- # ° the Honorable oming off * Mi iy idvising me that the following ® «et: Trenegloss w _ * ivailable at Halifax ab t Dees tore, 3rd Ave # . ‘ ber 20 for free transportati of Store, 3rd # @ supplie. for Belgium Hotel, 2nd # You operation in this mat . ter, as requested by the Hono 2 able the Premier f Nova Scot ‘ a W! | be greatly appreciated * Yours faithtully ndows, 3rd"* RICHARD MecBRIDI . e ‘rep eee ee > natecnasill a, FIRE ALARM SYSTEM : : CIRCUIT NO. 1 * » Gos 12 5th St. and 3rd Ave . Box 13. 6th Si. and 3rd Ave 2 @ox 14. 8th St. and 3rd Ave * * . Bor 16——Junction of tst, nd and # ‘|. Vintners Association Ind Aves * , ——S>>========_ Box 16-—ist Ave, between BUD ane th Sts. (Knox Hotel WINDSOR HOTEL Bor 17 1at Ave. and 7th St. (Cen First Ave. and Bightn 8 tral Hotel > ' } omoUrT NO. 2. ee Box 22--3rd Ave. and Sra St NOTE. O=NTRAL post OMce Ver md & Gos 28 ird Ave. and McBride 5t = @ ne Box iat Ave. end MeBride 5t ihertoan Plan ‘er Black, Prop. ANOX MOTEL Eighth end Ninth ‘ales 800 to 81.00 Bety Pla ner & Besner, Props. hes te vio CHPRESS HOTEL Casley Ave Selween Sixth end dey i Streets Pian, GO to ®t Per Day ROY aL HOTEL Kess ey aA t Props aod Sixth St Bream eteated WHOLESALE LaQuOR 00, LimiTep Ave 00 wh td A Pian sod Siatb Bt ne 108 (MPORTING CO. imirTep RUPERT Fam an diath weneecetedeanes - te + * + * . * * : * * * * * * * * * * * * * f * * : er Day | ‘ | mth § “—é d+ kha en te eee PROVINCIAL PREMIERS ASK AID FOR RELY EEEBEEEEEEEEEEEEER EEE EEE EL and @nd St and 6th St gud Ave Qnd Ave GQ, T. P. orROoUIT NO. 8. NSBR sth Ave. and Fulton 8t Bor Box 3 Box 82--Borden and Taylor 5 Box 947th Ave. and Fulton St Box 360th Ave. and Comox Ave 87. 8th Ave. and Dodge PI 38 Bor th Ave, and Thompson 5t ommoulT NO. 4 Box 41. 4th Ave and Emmerson rm Box 42 Box 43 Oh Bor oth Ave Box 45-—Tin Ave 7h Ave and Mebride and Green St and Beall 5 and Eberte. and Yung dt Ave Ave oth Box 141 ieee Ree Trappers Guide stalog end Last Ship your URS: Our bupey ' address HALLAN i8 To 1OwN SEER EEA EEE ERE EEE EERE EEE E EEE EE EES Stas BPP bee ee ENE VY a = — jy SUBMARINE DESTROYER IS NEW INVENTION OF SCOTCHMAN NEW MACHINE WILL ENABLE warsnip TO OBSERVE EVOLU- TIONS OF SUBMARINE—OFFERS HIS PATENT TO BRITISH NAVY. NEW VICE-PRESIDENT OF or. Canada. For Rent From The Scotsman, lo so perfect my ap-|stroyed. This at onee renders the ‘hat officers on board alsubmarine useless. But the elec. will be able to ob-[trie magnetic influence draws the olutions of anjobject to within any distance re bnarine while sub., quired by those aboard the battle ship. Then again, a torpedo when iternent needs no ex-|discharged by a submarine is also N t would sem to|deteected by the rays, which eould ‘ man who hopes|be so eoncentrated as to dis- pows a battle.|charge the head before it reached inander had allowed|its mark. So that were a subma to take a tremen-|rine out with the instrument's I} s not the case,|range when a torpedo was fired, It uply the blunt|the missile itself would he de al unassuming |teeted, its mechanism stopped, ! ‘ ical engineer wholand its “head” exploded, essf n fashion- The apparatus is a complex after years of toiljone, Indeed, it comprises many which w make bat-|instruments adapted or improved from submarine |upon A vibrating iron plate is fixed | | i destroyer,” aslin front of a steel magnet. round ” styled, has al-|which a coil of insulated copper A eferred to in the|wire is wound. Then the tele ' "oes but in order to give|graphone comes into use al- 1 f th mportance and|though improved upon for use : bie as well as the|with this instrument The objects VOrkKing f the contrivance, ourlare seen and heard. By ingfisibie Pepreeeiet e called the in-|eleetro-magnetic forces, the ; . demonstrated the in-|sounds are sent into instrument 1ctual work on a model|No, 1—the vibrating plate — from which an officer watching Apparatus at Work an indicator records all he sees In a large tank water filledjand hears. Sound Waves are thus a depth of tw feet. a model {converted by electrical energy Mittleship was placed. The “Cou-|into magnetic force man Was requested to mere- Selenium, compressed air or a ch the edge of the tank }|water hydraulic power and ith pel rhe vibratian was |electricity are the chief factors. epeated on the instrument in Possibly,” said the inventor trebled me An iron objeet]“‘the most puzzling thing to the was ther ropped into the water,|/majority of people will be the ind instantly the finger on the|light which travels from the bat- lia I board = the ma war|tleship to the submarine, show- id in the direction of|ing exactly where the craft is by he #8 urine bject striking on its peristope Well Ihe was sl ed t another | this was a problem which caused tt ‘ finger| me months of thought ed rh mn was then Offered to British Navy. & t ia ess and a “T studied the nes set up ie i ‘ duced into}|by Dr. Cranz, professor at the i Nothing happened. The | Bertir Military Academy wh st it of the instru-| managed to ph graph a bullet . mies By means of herjand she striking a stee plate “ cloekwor however, she was|]The filn f the machine moved gradua getting earer, Caught|before the lens at the speed of ‘ s A flash ke that of a]150 miles an hour. Light was ob ay ! magnesium rip-|tained by a series of eleetric i ss the water and struck]|sparks, some of which lasted only tilt he submarine’s peri-|1-10th of a millionth part of a ype. Instantaneously the finger|second. These studies can be got rin swung to position. point-|by using the cinematograph ight in the direction of the}/along with the ultra-mieroscope ht. But something more amaz-|But it was the series of sparks s to follow A second sub-| which interested me, and it is ne had been introduced, and|these IT have improved upen and ime within range it too|adapted to my instrument. fiscovered The never-fail- “T hope to aid my country’s echt f id its seeond mark,|nmavy in every possible way. The ts trail shone on the waterjeost of my apparatus will be the first to the seeond peri-|large, but surely not prohibitive, ‘pe when the work it does is taken \l) this was demonstrated by|into consideration. The biggest iels. but there are other far-jitem is that of the motors. reaching effeets hoped for which “These must be powerful, and the inventor asserts will be none] would cost approximately £200,- ss practicable 000, but what's that figure com- or instance, by intensifying] pared with the cost of a modern we pay—-whieh is got largely by |battleship? A mere incidental!” he e of selenium, an element In the meantime the Admiralty cseasing strong electric resist-|have the scheme, to use their own the periscope could be de-t words, “Under consideration.” SCALE OF ames lhe German invasion Of Russia swept 125 miles across Poland to the line of Warsaw and the Vistula River (1inarked AAA) above, rhe Russian counter attacks drove the Germans nearly 100 miles back to the line shown above (BBB) on November 10. Now the armies of 5,000,000 men are fighting in the middle line (GOQ), |8-ROOMED PLASTERED HOUSE WITH BATH—8TH AVENUE $25.00 PER MONTH -_ 5-ROOMED HOUSE ON TAYLOR STREET $15.00 PER MONTH APPLY G. R. Naden Co., Ltd 324 SECOND AVENUE TOo~— ADVEKTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS 1836 THE Bank or 1914 BritishNorthAmerica TS YEARS in Business. LAPITAL AND SURPLUS $7.786. 656 A Service Business Men Appreciate The complete and valuable service rendered by the Bank of British North America has secured and retained the accounts as well as the con- fidence of a goodly proportion of Canada's prominent busi- ness men. ‘The same service awaits you, whether your account be large or small. R.—E. W. Beatty, formerly of! Toronto, who has received the position of vice-president of the G.P.R. lines throughout ' Our 1915 Catalans Which Has Just Been Distributed a Will aid you in making your selection of Christmas Gifts. Write for this book if one has not reached you. WNote the fine range of SIGNET RINGS on Page 11 and our assort- ment of Ebony, Silver and French Ivory Toilet Ware from Pages 45 to 53, inciusive. Henry Birks & Sons, Limited JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS Granville and Georgia Streets Geo. E. Trorey, Managing Director VANCOUVER, B.C Carpenters’ Tools Wire Cable fron Pipe Rope Pumps Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing FRED STORK’S HARDWARE 710 SECOND AVE Builders’ Hardware Ship Chandiery Stee! Biocks Fishing Tackle Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Valves Ammunition Hose Paint Corrugated tron “WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST” Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ supplies Paints Oils Varnishes MONARCH MALLEABLE * KAIEN HARDWARE COMPANY THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 HARDWARE PHONE No. 3 Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Giass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Tinwaie Graniteware “Stay ©. ‘isfactory Range.”’ THE UNION STEAMSHIP CO., OF B.C, LIMITED §.S. VENTURE SOUTHBOUND TUESDAYS AT 9 P. M. Sailings for GRANBY, SIMPSON AND NAAS SUNDAYS AT MIDNIGHT For Further Particulars Apply to PHONE 568 JOHN BARNSLEY, Agent, SECOND AVE. AGENCY ATLANTIC STEAMSHIPS LUMBER SHINGL®°, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER C0. A J. BURROUGHS, Manager PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH tet Ave. and MoBride si. PRINCE RUPERT, 8.0. = tote oo . PHONE 25 Branch Yard at Smithers + RRR RR RR RRR RR RRR RRR TR RR TO I RR HR Racal ~—.9" i * ~ NEWSPAPER for Prince Rupert and Northern B.C. The Daily News goes into nearly every home in Prince Rupert. It is the popular newspaper of the eity because it is clean and reliable. It has all the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events and topics interesting to Northern British Colum- bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- mism and reliability. The Daily News is the most valuable paper to advertisers because it is read by the buying public. It has a bigger circulation than any other paper in the vity. It is read by the clase of people the advertisers want to talk to. DAILY NEWS