ee oa es —— _: = = —< f D : IO eee Se ~ ak Sm! No Extra Cost Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder is not a contributor to the increased cost of living. Its price has not advanced, although there has been a great increase in the cost of cream of tartar, from which it is made. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder makes the finest and most wholesome ‘ood and is most economical in practical use. BaKien G he OWDER Made from Pure, Grape Creom of Tartar NO ALUM > eee ee PY PH eS Pa eS 7 | a ta aa ee ee eee So Ste ta — . SS. a a —— 2 \ large variety of Men’ s Dress- they are engaged in espionage, or better and wants to go back tojvote six provisional monthly gaging or attempting to en fight again eredits in order to avoid the na gage in acts of a hostile nature “The only time the Belgians|tional defence having to. exist ire giving or attempting to | erow bitter is when they talk of]}from hand to mouth, and so that rive information to the enemy, o1 lthe Germans and the terrible|the armed forces may be able to unless they otherwise contravene things they have done to theirjcontinue the war with necessary the law women and children. Then their[energy We are concerned not so much] faces grow savage Some of the The ledger of the national debt with the strict legal effect of this|'tue stories they tell us are fear-|containing the names of the order, as with its spirit. Broadly ful. and something will happen|holders of bonds which are in- ispeaking, it is a declaratién of when they meet those flends|scribed as distinguished from the policy of Sir Robert Borden | #*@in I should like to be there.{those payable to bearer was jand his colleagues, and we have None of the Belgians speak Eng-|brought to Paris again from Bor ino hesitation in saying that the lish, so the nurses are polishing}|deaux. It required ten cars to | poliey wise and just. The duty|"P their Freneh transport the ledgwér of the oe is to act. as “The work is tremendous. We One of the details of the Ger- ifar as possible, so that the allies often have as many as forty|man plan was to seize this vast | | may win a victory over Germany. |®™mergency cases all at once, and} book and use it to exact indem- It is not a public duty to try to I spent all yesterday in the oper-|nity as, if sequestered, the gov- | see emma BELGIANS ALL RETURN TO WAR, SAYS NURSE Mise Mitchell, Toronto Graduate, Writes From Canadian Hos- HOW GERMANS SHOULD BE USED The Order-in-Couneil passed w the Borden government soon pital at Folkestone. after the war broke out, has been - : j i the anestion hae been “In all our cases so far we have quoted, and the ane . i to how far it applies to just had three Englishmen and raised as ; ” 7 : { » rest are Belgians,” writes the employment of Germans or all the rest Miss G. Mitchell, a Toronto nurse Canada : who is at present in the Canadian Austrians We quote All persons in Canada of Ger- in ieee FRENCH PARLIAMENT Is ORDERED TO ASSEMALE National Debt Record of Nation Brought Back in Ten Raii- road Cars. Paris, Poincare of the ing All presided over President a mecting French cabinet this morn at the of the Elysee the were present palace ministers man or Austro-Hungarian na- jhospital at Folkestone in Kent. | with the exeeption of the minister tionality, so long as they quietly “The Belgians are wonderfal.}of war, Alexandre Millerand, who : They are so patient and gentle,jis at Bordeaux A decree was ae i” em ae and say ‘Merci, beaucoup,’ for @v-jsigned setting December 22 as oa is eal erage erything we do for them. They/the date of the opening of both und be accorded the respect and| brought a boy of seventeen in last} houses of parliament eonsideration due to peaceful and|*" k, and as they carried him in Phe minister of finanee, Alex ‘ecabiding citizens, and that with his eyes closed he looked| andre Ribot, explained the bill re they be not arrested, detained, ot just like a baby. He was such ajferring to provisional monthly nterfered with unless there is dear little fellow. We got the bul-Jeredits, after whieh the cabinet easonable ground to believe that|let out, and now he is getting|decided to request parliament to | ating room. We are so tired a tiernment and also private finance 194] ~ ties... POPP OGG me. Oreos on FOR RENT ‘a aah th Ns EIGHTH AVENUE YOUNG S-ROOM HOUSE wiry BATH $20.00 PATTULLO & RA SECOND AVENY AND DFORI PPO P PO OPO OOS OPCs POOP PGs one renner eee on Hurry! Hurry! Hurry ALL GUESSING Coupon: MUST BE in BEFORE 12 p M., SATURDAY DEC First Prize, Kit hen © Next Ten Prizes Each ge one large box of Fry's Del icious Chocolat: $1.00 Fuller's Grocery } Phone 572 311 3rd Avg PIC} CO +e eee reeren 26 abine Valued @ ‘School of Music and Short } VINCENT ©. KNOWLES (Violinist Ww TEACHER oF Violin, Piano, Mandolin ang Bing Pianos Tuned and Re Phone Green 4 Raoura era “ jadd to the discomforts and trou- MRS. Kno - : ” LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ings Gowns and Smoking Jackets; jt les of Germans. who happen fo] Might that we just lie down with| would be thrown into confusion. | ie oo WLES Hes 0 ie ans o he ’ r of Pim a The Daily News ’ English imported; ali wool. At lreside in Canada It is a public our clothes on. The officers and All the government offices in : ane Ghorthand CLASSIFLED ADS. Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream the Acme Importers, Ltd. tf. le iuty to remove from such per.|™men brought in are so dazed that} Paris are bustling with the newly Suite 15, MoMordie Apt, 7s ee ms all opportunity and tempta they say they hear the noise of|arrived officials and clerks. Thou.) : oemhee! ; 555 ro S« ‘ , , 3 = . : SOP erorrorrrorroooorroeeooeee Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. First prize, a $65.00 Victor lion to interfere with our poliey|the shells in their ears for sev-|sands of tons of state papers aie os oa - é pti es * * #8 een ee jot helping Great Britain and our eral days after leaving the bat-|have arrived daily and nightly, ROOM 5 " Renee een - Doll; a ticket with every Dollar 7 tl Id. They re ll ffe from Bordeaux since December | : si iin : . ’ allies efield. ey are a suffering sin em : SR KAYN FOR RENT—Purnished rooms with not) Ladies’ Furs at reduced priees.| 1..hase. Your Dollars do double |*!!* =< tl IE OE MISS B. KAYNE Only $2.50 week Kiondyke Hotel, |——Walace’s. tf ‘7 The spirit and meaning of the ihe / 4 , = ; ' ELECTRIC, VIBRATORY, wan ae el. ‘| service at MeRae Bros ss, fads » ean hear ‘the ai — i MASSAGE TREA Puiton and Seventh Avenue. * * * }Order-in-Gouncil. is that our quiet"day here we can hear the ‘pe i aay ae - ; se «h <@ ’ i : i , kates and. Hockey Sticks at} mor packs we FCR SALE Dr. Clayton has gone on a visit The Prince Rupert Towing Co., iCanadian watehword is to be boom of the guns, and it is quite DICATED RY to Terrace. general towing; the new crude oil | duty, not hatred. Nothing great}/®" easy thing to see France Fred Stork's Hardware. tf. POORER ORP— ORO OLEH —_ . . across the Channel! _ FOR SALE—Two fine safes. Very cheap. =e +s ie N 1” pl iwas ever achieved by hatred. Hat | #°ress , RF; Ug, 1one Red ; 7 ee SPE See 206, The ee 211-217) Useful Xmas gifts to suit every va : oe Address: P. 0, |"ed does not build up owe powers “The Duchess of Albany visit- OT areai Campbell Q ? < 322. Address: P. 3 iieoetie oan ~~ Wh ge -* ~ bP. o.;fancy at the Acme Importers, » ad - cy for the “Avance” |Dut wastes them and burns them ed us yesterday, and the Queen THE MILK FOR YOUR BABY MUST GE CLEAN f by fe Avance Sow OES. SSS S00 | +t. tf. 9 ~: es a de5tf, oul. But there is no limit to the has sent her jlady-in-waiting | SWEET AND PURE FOR SALE—New house, Section 7 #100 | eon ae Crude Oil Motor. oe fy. down. She is so pleased with the | cash apd $20 a month; total i. fee | : ; 6 +s jachievements of duty and good | P. O. Box 190. $u.| The S.S. Henriette is expected | The: X ad ¢ the |wil The .patriotiom that wij) | work the Canadian girls are doing B. C. MILK is recommended anv 1¢© Xmas decorations o 1e |W i o i i FOR oe eS capacity om c » f | ; ‘ aha a ~naring | used extensive! as a food for | Be stationary engine es can be | nace apa, teat Saine att \Aeme store on 2nd ave are per-|make Canada a great nation is that he : preparing = little | teats y ' In r. >» 2 ‘ acis . . a . nts. ply Bor tt, Dally News. sseut.| Umber for the roundhouse lhaps the most artistie in town. constructive, not destructive. Our | ™¢dals for them to wear to com - . a oo. Mr. C. A. Vaughai the artist as|war against Germany is against|™emorate her visit. It is possible The reason why is:—!t is CLEAN , . ° 4s augnhan is e al st as i ai f agi i WANTED shipment of fine Christmas! : ail € the }what alleintin not against |that we will be-sent to the front SWEET and PURE—aiways ready iwe as the sonstruetor oO 1e | whe is des c e, 0 agi i tres ee ee eee i ; i * i" M A hich |what is constructive in Germany.| 5°09, but nothing definite has) ee | ver wtants lt should ain . dreadnought, | Ss. Aeme, which|wha co ruc > verman) , ted rom sight Vales aaontiies taiie te a Eel just across street from Empress | ; : ’ been heard. You will have been | be dilu with ¢ swe to eignt hours for $20 weekly, contract rem Hotel. R F is shown in the window. Another |We are fighting German guns and : j parts boiled water, according to tHo ser e. : _ ee . . a ery, ine men ¢ ua : e ' eserve on oe | window ¢ of special merit is that of|armies and battleships How | told, of course, that the wounds | age. it has the NATURAL te canna sane” em sandeep - oe .* wT a Peck Shoe Store. Imay times! has it been. said in| @f the men are terrible " FLAVOR of Pure, Rich Cream * ' . » f rrr £ . ’ eS Ft... ee. ‘and $35 | : : 40 | England and in this country since Miss Mitchell is a graduate of Month until paid. Box 102, Daily News., For useful Xmas presents at Sweet Corn on the Cob. Try it.}the beginning of the war that we} Terento General Hospital. . ’ "ra » "ices 5 » > i i - ate we ee 8 gee | lady as | oder ate prices, see the Acme Fuller's Grocery. Phone 572 lare fighting not the German aoeeeeeets.. neemmnenntes } sonable Apply Box 118, Dally ows | Unporters, Ltd. tf. ‘ » | : The more a man makes love to} — — Hable. pply Box ° y Xe ar | 201- ipeople, but the German system of) 5 649 eo 28 «s sovernment? a woman the more she admires WANTED—Girl to assist with ¢hildren and | oii oii ‘ ” , : seme » he pome * ut small ae. ADpIY with Tull Wey Aagioysagms to hove. “We invite you to our Victor The Dominion Order-in-Coun aneinen aera gma ste: Das te eb smn 3 r ve ac > sil as ‘ } ake > Particulars to Box 47, The } — . A pape: ity of getting well as sud-|Vietrola recital every vening | oi), epart from its strict legal ef. | make love. ‘ denly as he gets ill. He is out/¢rom & to 10. All the latest and/- t, is a ghide to patriotic duty WANTED—View lot and house; close in; = , . . baits : BOCH, 15: 8 FUSS LO PRIOWwS CUS: | eee RIVER AND ATHABASCA about 68,500 to 63,000. Will g706| ‘Oday apparently as well as ever|popular records will be played.|1 means that Canadians must be RAILWAY COMPANY. Deily News = 100 and hopes” to leave for the east|Everybody welcome MeRae | NOTICE. y t Saturd ae ; "always thinking, not of means of on Saturday. Bros.” > iver « ’ gratifying passion, but of means| — Pacific, Peace River and Athabasca Rail MISCELLANEOUS + « eae Ce ee a Pe” [ot Canada, at Hts mext session, for am Act - ‘ : 2 3 : of heiping Grea ritain and Her) guthorizing the company to lay out, con- SACRIFICE SALE—Excavated Lot 7, Block| “®t Coupons on Gertrude with For a comfortable room, COMe) jHies: and also of means of| struct and operate the following lines of pe eee So Pn ead ce 88 | every 50c purchase at Waillace’s,|to the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Sec-| railway: (a) Commencing st & point on : ; ‘ oO } s 8. : : | ne ‘ . . = » water, r near head © $3,000 cash. 0. J. Leduc, P. 0. ‘Box| tr. }ond Avenue, near Eighth Street. |aintaining the loftiest stan-| Tos "Siigwing the Kitime: River in 6 1385, Montreal. | “| Newly opened. Steam heat and/dards of British justice Globe. |sortherly direction to the summit between MARRY!—Why remain alone? Why not 8 «As ; ¥ : : Kitimat and Lakelse Lake, thence In a hor- better your position? Our club 2 pri- ee hot and cold water in every room. Micuatteenaitiinmetnaninai therly direction along the valley of the vate ‘and dependable. Best in the west,| !!. N. Bows, an old-timer of the) Free baths, Rates reasonable. |@gRPORATION OF THE CITY OF |hitcr wicnse crossing’ we’ seca hiver| = G troduction Club, Box 64, Vancouver,|"0rth, is spending a few days in ee PRINCE RUPERT, B. C the “tend Weunk” pesine = with est ” le le La ic B. C. the city. Leather cushions with Indian : standard clearances, thence north-easterly $15 WEEKLY—Men wanted everywhe' heads. Special Xmas prices at to the mouth of the Kitsumkaiem Rive for Baby matter bow small the village, for and following its course to the summit of | seure werk in pero perience} Pioneer Booklet now on sale,|@eo. D. Tite's. 2e2tf Proposed Plank Roadways. ee Se ae ae ae Co-Operative Union, Windsor, Ont. #1, at Orme’s Drug Store. A most 7 29 ¢9 SEALED FENDERS will be re- | seams See oS eee, Ge = appropriate Christmas present. | Babies, Childrens and Ladies'|eeed up fill 5 p. m., Monday, Hanenee, 9,0 fiteemn® ng aatise at Best 3t Coats at reduced prices during|December 21, 1914, for the eon- he Shee Ee oe ane oe a Christmas sale.—Wallace’s. tf. {struction of the following plank > aoe gees pT ay teed . o > . Latest novelties in Ladies’ Col- ciiciiliiamessiit iia diate tyads and sidewalks: River to the mouth of Bear River approal- You : ‘ mately Fifty-seven miles. lars and Fashionable Neckwear.— ECONOMY. 1) Bacon st., 10th avenue and x Dated Stews this nineteenth day of . c r Wallace's. tf. Alfred street. PRINGLE, THOMPSON, BURGESS & COTE, S «¢ +@ A nice warm pair of slippers 2) Borden street a 7 oa _—_— The largest variety in Men’s}makes a most weleome and inex- (3) Frederick street. Certificate of HIGH CLASS Neckwear and Fancy Silk Muf-|pensive Xmas Present. See our Plans may be seen and specifi- Muneral ‘Claims Frooties, ond es or ROOMS flers at the Aeme. tf.|display. H. EK. Peek, Shoe Man.|cations obtained at the City En- ee ee _—— mm sinsiidin| _e °o 289.90 |aineer’s office, located between the Lilly Bertha” end | ALL MODERN CONVEN- A big variety of toys, dolls, toy Seca ORS The lowest or any tender not| Alice Arm, Observatory Ink FP" niet an “a —— ‘doo JENCES—EQUAL TO FIRST 3) 0oks, eames, ete., and all reason- “Salvation army. necessarily accepted. wore oF Jess, from the northwest p | After the bath with BABY’S OWN SOAP CLASS HOTEL. ably priced—at Wallace's. tf, mrrae W. McG. MASON servatory Inlet | skin is smooth comfortabic, and exhales o <6