rue DAILY NEWS M n : - ' r BELLA COOLA MEETING SVE" SHILLINGS Toe oe DENOUNCES PROY, GOVT. | Ee ib aS. LET a SASS . 2 i Soa Sa ee NO ALU Canadian Soldier Resents Over- ¥ ef A publie meeting was recently charge in London and Uses D PRICE'S Bb juss tar ome cress] = Mec de Gover e ‘¢ i 1 To! R N ' feBride Government came in f ciated Den UO Allegations S ware A 4 ‘ LS CcrmEeomA Ny severe condemnation. The fol that Canadian soldiers are fleec Nee BABING POWDER N lowing is a clipping of part of the|,4 py London taxicab drivers report in the Bella Coola Cour-' were made at Tower Bridge Po WAS Qan WY Ih WH er; lice Station yesterday when a every é@lector in Canada had a private of the Canadian High TO THE FINISH sacred duty to perform. In Brit-|janders was charged with dis ish Columbia we found ourselves orderly conduct Appearing o1 “The Daily News “i 4 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS in the unenviable position of be behalf of the accused, Capt ing unable to properly assist the|Shaw of the Strathcona Horse CLASSIFIED ADS. Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream. . =. 6 Kmpire in the provision of food|said the accused alighted from a . stuffs, being ex lied to import} nah « ‘ ‘ altercatior h h h h d ‘ . : an Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. being compelled | taxicab and had en alterca A word to those who have not pure ase their Christma: FOR RENT Phone 4. tf.,huge quantities of agricultural| with the driver who demanded ‘ | . —_- J ages tes | produce for our home consump-|/geven shillings for driving him a Gifts he be h "ar re en ‘Apply. Flat every Ume you spend 50¢ at ition which should and could be} short distance. A passer by inter- th bath. tent reasonable ply ‘ ‘ é ‘ : o Clapp Building. 204-6) Wallace's you get a coupon for ese within the province. This|fered and the soldier struck him FO eT cou Cheam tga corer ibe ne Dep ae ee tf. lcomdition the speaker traced to| Iam sorry to say,’ said Capt e . Cc ee Bi Di . Only $2.50 per week Klondyke Hotel, | 0 Sega: the utter indifference with which|Shaw. “that the London taxicab nae Fulton and Seventh Avenue. if. | For Xmas. Flowers leave your 1 n . | ' : the Provincial Government] drivers trv to ‘soak ir Canadian . i} nae orders ¢ Fe f cc & 8 , Jewel- - FOR SALE | yrder at W. Wark & h . z treated the claims of the actua soldiers for every cent they car Rte en ae ek ce mens FED * . * — settler. Dealing with the machine land it is really most provoking to ~ » and entire effects | )\ ce a SALE—Purmivarg, and en a sacrifice. | Useful Xmas gifts to suit every jmethods of the present admini | the men noe ie Ha. Building. Ph ‘tt I a a Seats - Quad -|stration, it was shown that th: } I hope it is not as general as e t ti h Resi oe snes athe Acme Importers f wh II buy th a of what you wi Fe ty bargain, new drop-head Ltd tr.| jmembers of the legislature them lyou seem to think said the or where you wi uy em. e ques 1011 O1 W at y ou wi ‘aawine machine and oon, pty’ Fist std. _ ERR ERNIE a A NI eG aa : : with Pooler record cabine ppl f * i / |magists ., b h | k i an 6, Clapp Building 504-0 Xmas. Flowers orders are be- of the govrnment, which fact was “T can only give you my own uy 18 just as easy when you 00 over t 1s Ist of be autifi FOR SALE—Two fine safes. Very cheap. 7 ; c= Recietienes Mee Ce etiteied Gatne ateite | - ace id : Apply Box 106, The News 211-217/ing taken every day at Wark’s. ! : y false state-/experience,” replied Capt haw d f af ' ud useiu Hits at are sure to give deii ) FOR SALE—Bargain, Kohler ; eepbent Don't forget to leave an early/™ents as to the finances of the|He asked that the soldier be a 8 g g _ g te tie Piano in good condition. Apply P. ‘ j : ia ete 1 W Mi: : : Box 048. 328 204 order. 202.6 ;Province made by m anson, handed over the military authori f d : FOR SALE—New house, Section 7, $100 | oe. <= |M P.P., on the occasion of his last | ties. most asti 10us ma‘ oo “io For useful Xmas presents at|appearance on a public platform Pp. 0. Box 190. 213tf I | sili Sins. snaiatce ‘ FOR and W-Hcp. staitéuarg” ene. Can De cies ee see the “ar we ned ace ae . ‘a es NAVY AWAITING a cheap. mn excellent order. - sorters, Ltd. : i op 0 f } bed Box %, Dally News. sat. + * | Manson. while betas etary te. ANOTHER CHANCE ce as ; | Get coupons on Gertrude with! capable of fulfilling his duties as Bath Robes |—w-e-—»—| duit Cases & faqs WANTED | 4 J pe every 50¢ purchase at Wallace’s.| representative of the Skeena dis- Were Ready for the German WANTED— Large Melt Order heute =e tf./triet, was at the same time in- Raiders But Fog Inter- » men veryw re willing to wor e Pas inn 04 . . hours for $20 weekly, contract given, 224% capable of uttering a deliberate fered. Beautiful patterns; ne he All shades! posers Onin eapertegee Go- | Pioneer Booklet now on sale,| falsehood, and that there was an Handsome shades and fine ~ All) Operative Union, Windsor, Ontario. #1, at Orme’s Drug Store. A most! little doubt that he had dnly stat- London, Dec. 18 The escape rs 3 : . I o 1 0 » Ge f ars s ‘ >< ‘ ris ‘ Aectce ais for sits down end $s60|appropriate Christmas present. jed what he himself had been led|°! ¢ German warships Wedn — rial ¢ month until paid. Box 102, Daily News. 3 day is accounted as simply the a nee at |to believe to be true by those at ’ j ' WANTED—Situation by young lady 8 hardest kind of luck. The British bookkeeper or taco ne cnalers, ree a. 2 the head of affairs. “‘We are gov-|_ ki ; . , rs spn dit ca maar dae Latest novelties in Ladies’ Col-|erned by a twin autocracy and ee Onn Way Sees © LT a ae ahie Keskwear : the pending raid : he made _ sates ¥ WANTED—Girl to assist wim collar n ogi lars and Fashionable Neckwear. have lost the last vestige of po- sts on : : sane = fe Wonderful values \ light housework. Other help kept. Gooc . preparations or ‘rushing 1e home but —ee salary. rnPRly with tui | W allace’s. tf. litieal liberty. Machine candi-|' sh, . F , : ay ' at the regular ) J, The ews e » s «a t ons og a 289-294) . ” - dates are foisted on to the peo- _— — A - j | i on ° > re. ¢ e jerme s a rice z rize WANTED—View lot and house; close in; | The largest variety in Men's|pje and they are no longer al- terfered and the Germans dash price, but a prize ont gas ee pay oer | Neckwear and Fancy Silk Muf-|jowed to eet Mewend to rear ed homeward. British ships were at these arra . , . ’ Daily News. lers at the Acme. Ri eekt thie ene. ot hots ates eady to take to sea, having been “agement sR ne ss @ ; | forewarned that a raid was to be MISCELLANEOUS | choosing An invitation was ex- : oo ——————<-{| A big variety of toys, dolls, toy |tended to any local Conservative made, but when they got within wea Sen PE pee Ls $2, Bm. books, games, etc., and all reason-|{, giseuss with the speaker the sight of the hostile squadron, the Sti rling oliver term of years. Will give lessee option to i riced—at Wallace’ tf latter eeing the British force 1 purchase : What offers ? Owner, sioee wy pricec-—e etace 8. nservative platform, but was ; , a ' . © ful $37.50 y Charities Street ncouver, Gc. 204-¢ ir */ ane steamer 0 i il ’ of ir T a i ane > . > ‘ ' recepted ne i ime i u SACRIFICE SALE—Excavated Lot 7, on | speed. The foe was so thick that a = . i, Section i; worth #8,000; si,000, For every $2.00 purchase dur-) ofore closing the meeting the . as , oe a All leather cas cash; alance ears, 7 per cent, or the visitors were able oO cove ' 2 - $3,000 cash. 07%. Leduc, Pp. O. Box ing December gives you a chance chairman again invited publ r oS ou Hees, Wentreal “.\for Special Brass Bed and Wii- ' their movements and make a discussion, calling especially o1 , “ . , 7 $15 WEEKLY—Men wanted everywhere, no clear get-away. The navy is say-/| New grained i patter ae small the xitiags, for few ton Carpet Square Drawing at the president of the Hagensbore H _ ‘ ti if : ' B ags § 13.50 sours wor in spare ime, experience i , ‘ » ix are uck o itse anc miVS « oo eansoosees7, a, pevenenae. The | G€0- D. Tite's. 282tf | Conservative Associatior which fident! ' : ; ther < 20-Operative Union, indsor, Ont, - > > | ‘onhdentiy waiting or another 4 ST a, remain alone? Why not igentleman, arising in his seat ' rk 1 feelir , Black leather I better yo position ? ) u S pri- tabies. C “ens ¢ adies*® chance 1@ genera eeling in} _ : vate and dependabie. Best in the west | Bal ' hildren and) Ladi stated he had nothing to say, ex- . . $10.00 Coats $10.00 ' information (te in stamps. Ideal In: |Coats at reduced prices during |ent that he had not noticed that|L0R408 18 one of hopefuiness for $7.75 vd 2 i. 0. 54, scouver, | ’ ‘ ‘ 0 otice i | a a. ¢, i ‘istmas sale Tallace’s that the Germans will be encour- | . \' hristmas sale——Wallace’s. tf./nis taxes had been increased ti t the Germans ye ence ee oa . } | aged by thei r success to try S/.00 and $8.00 ; coal any perceptible degree and com Serrveerrisce-soere e |mended the McBride government|**" HiGH CLASS ROOMS “seen ar er vag a a the ‘on an aa Sweet Corn on the Cob. Try it $20.00 Robe for $16.00 Coats for $5.00 $16.00 ,,- ,, $13.00 ALL MODERN CONVER- MISS B. KAYNE ory bs ee cae = Fuller's Grocery. Phone 572. $13.50 ” ” $9.50 me properly a 1ENCES—EQUAL TO FIRST CHIROPODY A SPECIALTY as waite The pou tax aested 291-7 $10.00 ., » S47 Qu } ELECTRIC, VIBRATORY, HAND every one alike, Japs, Chinamen, CLASS HOTEL. MASSAGE TREATMENT and Hindoos, .who filled our can- Leather cushions with Indian — Rates Only $1.50 to $2.50 neries, logging camps, and saw-|heads. Special Xmas prices at Per Week. mills, now got off scot free. while Geo. D. Tite's. 282tf ithe pioneers were compelled to ST. Louis RoOmING HOUSE A beautiful line of Xmas Hand MARTIN : O’REILL’' jpay their share in gun licenses, iain allis ah Dacian ooh of West End of First Ave. |trappers’, guides’, and packers’ ' Ce llicenses, which was placing an NOTICE. jextra burden on the actual set- ’ 3rd Avenue School of Music and Shorthand lier for the benefit of the Orient.| Notice is hereby given that Ahe ; ; VINCENT C. KNOWLES lal. partnership of Steen, Hebert & Clothier Furnisher (Violinist Westholme Opera House) After a short speech by the Co., Sheet Metal Workers, was Violin, puen manetn ant Singing lchairman the meeting closed with | “'*8e!ved by the mutual consent Pianos Tuned and red jthe National Anthem. of all the partners as and from dia Phone Green 61 APPLICATIONS | : the 2ist day of November, 1944 wen ; : iN ATH = = —— oe SS | The case “Rae ‘ yale a ’rinece upert, 3.C.. WAY ANY. ll EES EE — cuung ot SEE eeetines WANTED The case of McRae vs. Mussal- Dat tJ Ruy i —e "RAIL Ay COMP. " ee = ——S lem is being heard today before this 17th December, 1944, NOTICE. } ; CRE) 2 : ™ +. STEEN Pacific, Peace Rive d Athabasca Rali- }) DW Suite 15, McMordie Apt. Judge Young. The action is over J. G, STEEN. of Comat. Seite gant Seanion, for 6m Act, mean } H. HEBERT authorizing thé company to lay out, con The owner of the Victoria }4 promissory note given by the r re struct and operate the following lines of | A. G NACHBAR., | ratiway (4) Commencing 61 &@ point on ! ! ! Lodging House, First Ave- | defendant to the plaintiff as pay eo , tide water, at or near the head of Kitimat urry ulry Hurry i ‘ : Arm, following the Kitimat River in & 710 SECOND AVE . : + EUny. nue, instructs us to offer pment on a pair of local lets and Certificate of improvements. northerly direction to the summit between . J “? . : * rll Chance It Fraction, 4 Bia B hitiinat and Lakelse Lake, thence in & nor Ship Chandler ALL GUESSING COUPONS this building for rent at a pai which the plaintiff surrend- | yiitre) Chains stimnte ty Ono Bleck Boar therly direction along the | valley of | the Carpenters’ Tools Builders’ Hardware Ship Che a MUST BE IN BEFORE 12 P. nominal price, to some de~ §/ ered title. The defendant now | A iedted Til Chance it Fraation|/Ver. thence crossing the Skeena River {{ Wire Cable Stee! Blocks yeaming ‘vee’ M., SATURDAY, DEC. 26th serving person. The rent }/¢laiins that the note was for ac-|loraied between ine Lily Bertha” and] i. “ining Trunk. Facile. Ratlway, with { tron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotg First Prize, Kitchen Cabinet collected to be devoted to $)“°™mmodation. The case is being | Alice, Aun. Obse Fvatory Inlee. end Bleek | he mouth of “the Kltcumkalem Kiver |) Rope Valves Ammunition : | ear ineral Claim, located one mi : > 4 y o es : . . » a 4 nae o wv i f uc lowing its course to the summit of t Next Ten Prizes: .Each get the war fund. We shall be $/ °°" luded this afternoon. She hsua “et Alcs’ Arm's" breach of Ose Cenas River, ond, Senge, tonne tari Fumes re ted tne one large box of Fry‘s Del- pleased to receive applica- - —_—-—- ake NOThE that 1, Pedro Saline. Pree Alyansh & distance of approximately one Stoves and Ranges Rubberoid Roofing Corruga > ‘ince at oT % Miner's Certificate No. 80849B., tntend,|?!dred and twelve miles; (b) from the ~ ” icious Chocolates, valued at tions. rhe Prince Rupert Towing Co., Slate’ dens trom” the . junction of the Blackwater River, with “WE SELL NOTHING SUT THE © Est , : general towing; the new crude oil | the Mining "Rocordae tes «cerns the Nass River, following the course of $1.00 onimennrs ’ f Improvements, for the purpose of ab- the Blackwater River, t the summit be tug “P.R.T. No. 1.”° Phone Red dining 's Crown Grant of the gbove claim. |'¥een Ii and the pitlauskeest River, thence | , And further take notiee that getion,|°°U'" easterly alng ie valanskeest River er Ss rocery P & RADFORD 391 or Black 322. Address: P. ©. | umder section 85, must be commenced be- |‘? ' Skeena River, thence up the Skeena ? VW Ph SECOND A B ‘ A fl fore the issue of such Certificate of inm- Rive . t ; the mouth of Bear River approai- | x 96. Agency for » “Avance” | provements a ely ty-seven miles one 572 311 3rd Ave. D AVENUE 1 gency for the “Avance Deted this Set day of September, a.D.|. DATED at Ottawa this nineteenth day of on Crude Oil Motor. 165tf, | 1914. ° October, 1014 yh } PEDRO NAS. PRINGLE, THOMPSON, BURGESS & COTE,| Se SALINAS Solicitors for the Applicant, | aes —o —_— —————_——- calli EMPRESS COFFE: F. G. DAWSON, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR co (SOLD BY ALL G@RocERs) ' prince RUPERT