~ Deeemper ee, tvs 1 : a. HONEY TROUBLE ; AY Z F “nh ARCL f : AMA CE ARSHT LFFECTED WIS SPINE | DAMAGE TO WaRsms ' j a ? ike BY COAST B LTTERIES WR. ur softered For Forty Years Until iia -aetes” «O° Garman Lighi Cruiser Wye ——— = ore ee ie Been Distributed x, ONT., OCT, g18t. Tors. ported to Have Been Afire as WHOLE NATION DESIRES TO ASSIST IN “THE DESTRUCTION 1c as ust en 1S ety yon, Sateenaes Fleet Steamed Away to OF THE BARBARIANS,” SAYS ITALIAN IN LON- WITH BATH—8sTH AVENUE ee hack broughton by Kidney | e r Trouble, I was never | the North i DON—EXPLAINS ATTITUDE OF NATION my bed with ee . ——--——— $25 00 PER MONTH Will aid you in making your selection of Christmas Gifts. ne ad to 0 » in , 2 “4 apr or : ne) took edvertice’ | London, 1 rhe Da London, Dee, 18.—Why Italy)are still terribly powerful; by . ‘|| Write for this book if one has not reached you. Mote the h novel Sa Sen eet, Nelegraph th, has remained neutral so long is | springtime they willl be mueh fine range of SIGNET RINGS on Page 11 and our assort- tiv vertiae ; veake , . ; , } an ao. “They ‘aia (three bombarded th, |2 Guestion which has often been|weaker, and then will be the time ment of Ebony, Silver and French Ivory Toilet Ware from than on other remedy. | follow) det , asked here and discussed from |for the addition of a million fresh, j Pages 45 to 53, inclusive. ffered from the same | " nm ' a ‘ | the German al various points of view. That she/well trained troops, because rest ——— frequently had toleave off | a : 5-ROOM i - -- SS ———— Fruit ones pene ties not refrain from taking part/assured that Italy is now arming mo SEUSS On TAYLOR) Fog iy Ay | “Hartlepo ry much longer, now that Tur-| slowly but surely orneet . : if d ble touse “Fruit-a-tives”. |ehine were d 5 y has come in, is a widely ex-| “England is preparing for the j enry iy Ss ons imi e H. DORLAND saan ill é . : aces ; ing , i , . batteries wi j 1 opinion. But Italy seems spring at least a million men. x. 6 for $2.50, trial size, 26¢ ’ ' ‘ ; . : + sor sent on receipt of price harm Nes G be in no hurry. She is hiding | Italy will by then have for cer- $15.00 PER MONTH JEWELLERS AND SILVERSMITHS s Limited. Ottawa. [was afire a tins ienneud time, and when the time/tain another million ready. A g } Granvitie and Georgia Streete : laway to the ne to strike she means to third million can be expected Geo. E. Troreys Venaging Director VANCOUVER, SS — ’ One of tl ' a hard ifrom Spain, the Balkan States - CANADIAN PACIFIC I] Uepool was A ed Here is the opinion of an Ital-'and the colonies. That will mean = — RAILWAY jjof the Salvation A hich has ow in London, who is cog-j{the beginning of the end. The| APPLY TO— hese li headquarters nea t; t of the inner workings of|most terrible battles will be i | W hitby The : Italian diplomatic mind. Ita-|fought on the plains of Westpha- e ji ia to Whie rt ; eves, will take her place|lia, in the environs of Berlin. It ¢ R. Naden Co. Ltd ‘ ? . }] shot lodged in the side of thi Allies in the spring |will be the moment for England ’ Scr or € @ws _ - one a loliff. d g damage. The rang trength of Germany isito assume her position as the 324 SECOND AVENUE , jfinding of the ships was fi ie he says. “Nev- head of the world rhis war is land most of the shots fell short she has made a grave \for her a question of life or) ae ae eae ae jalthough some of them fe , os atic In reckoning on | death.” 1 © MONAB, Genera! Agent at Ruswary inland. and the lightning rapidity of her ac-| —— Corner Fourth Street and Third Ave much damage was done | private ti she expected to wipe out | LEFT $50,000 TO SERVANT. SS ee rn ia ee Pa half al) 'ane a month, and to sub-| —— mile inland lue Hussia in two months. Today |™rs. Buchard’s Only Daughter sted SSE E EERIE EEEER EEE ESS The damage at Meadowfield. q|'@ Situation is much changed, Joined a Church Order in ' ge f eado eld, ¢ | 7. * . and the worse as regards 1888 FOR A TAXI § |. wae emit to curnys|and tr | oom eee, S| 8Chool, where the boys had jus ae ee | ee Sc ymmenced their morning les Expects No Russian Victory. | New York, Dee. 17.-To her a . | While the Germans have been |servant, Tillie Anderson, Mrs : r ~ ~ They fled from the schoo! j ) is i } checked and driven back in France |Catherine A. Buchard, who died o- oe house and took refuge in nearby place f safety j and Belgiun he s not s0 sure | last August at 489 Herkimer St \ places of safe j about the permanence of Russia's | Brooklyn, left an estate valued at} u } Made for Sea. , UT PRINCE RUPERT AUTO CO : oe ‘ rhe si heck ip the eastern field of war-|#50,000. A clause in the will,| POEL RARER RARER ERERER Dordrnon! last bwenty minutes and 2he: BO! does he look in that di-|which was made on January 9, | ] — then stopped for thre aE ection for “great and decisive|1896, and was filed for probate| if | ; ot th neal tered ; tories But even if Germany |yesterday, said the domestic was hy i lle ‘ areh . urnes on " ] : were to advance into Russia, “the made the beneficiary because aa ice R ré ree. Th began again ; j a 6: ti tt > mare =| Pri ce ‘upert Feed Co. 3 i ta ; ; i the | 8" iter he believes, “will be the | Mrs Buchard'’s daughter Gani’ P| © Ss as e ninutes, wher P i | map cots d emediueh 6 {disaster in the wake of Germany. |Josephine, had left her in 1878 to| KNOWN THE WORLD OVER vad ade straigh sea at | y, Grain, Feed And all this time the army is di-| become a sister in an order of ' , top speed . . > | ond ae le lone here wae/minishing, sickness is rife; it is|the Protestant Episcopal Church] ff A gift of a Gillette Safety Razor a to one of man’s || ' i”? cdamagce ¢ iere as) } | “ ’ . el ale g exhausted, while both|against her mother’s wishes | fel strongest “weaknesses”, his love of ease and comfort. It } OMICKEN FEED A SPECIALTY , #s which were y aS ; ' 2 ol I : . . | eres ry veloc. The ind ms eat.| The daughter was regarded as =] makes shaving quick and easy—a pleasure instead of a task. [| Agents fer ‘ i vecause thing ad en =) 5 . : 220 =i pig ptentit » af Gil Biome € cons od beca thing had be So naturally it wins his whole-hearted appreciation, renewed le DOMINION NURSERY & i a heard m her since her de-| * ORCHARDS CO. , ed an She ented Meni tied jai 6every morning. — , ail ‘ g i i h tate g » Mis : , = = ; jee mon ordere Gremmneiy anbee : s ‘ nae deviant tie itebiin The selection of Gillette Sets is this year Then there are the favorite Standard Sets a promptly « sted to ’ t = ve . j Se f th ' . i a - os better than ever. one, the hanes ogee: Samana saree oe fF t ediatle ind at ier deat 5 o reve t i ? ; — = , 4 D D. W — el There is the new “Aristocrat”—a superb V@™ety of ted Metal Leather i paign s ul ! cs, x ex- : ; ; } é Ave Phone 68 witt r » 4 ) . sipevee) = besa ana a me 5 Set in white French Ivory, blade boxes Ce, at prices from $5.00 to $6.00. \ euiind wan) noel al pros scement, star. | May ae Bis =] to match, with a handle of new and you can pick out a Combination Set, ee we 8 a few)** was Mrs. Buchard’s counsel. S| graceful shape, as illustrated. as elaborate as you wish at prices up to vindows | “In the spring the German; Mrs. Buchard was drawn | = The patriotic “Bulldog” out just a month $25.00, { ai t force iflice of imet ; Jenks, s “ it”. : BERR ee ee . i have tost Baty its for Aimet 7. Jenks, | sh eo se nar Senne premsetous |e You cannot choose a more e : if not mé It will, however,|now presiding Justice of Appel-| ET | ogee weg =. adie Pape Christmas Gift for the man who is LATEST WAR NEWS ° ‘“ . ” still be a terrible force. All the|late Division. Justice Jenks said} = at gives a new - aio | ° Ing away at home, while for the soldier =} men like. The case is of gray Antique oy who is off to the front it is * e y ews lm reason why this sinister | last night he recalled the will, but = Leather, handsome and business like. ro even f st war bulletins * dean i =? a _ onree o »the did no »member op ch |} = 2 ‘ more accep xclusively by The . CLASSIFIED ADS. v which the curse of the |he did not remember under . hich =| These tue now Gillette Sets are priced ae Ps ted | «|. | wh world, must be destroyed|it was prepared and signed. He| = as usual— $5.00 in Silver Plate, 8 are Se tiie =! : . ifter Pc sam of * nee and fer all, never to rise}was unable to say whether the} El $6.06 in Gold Plate. at the following # FOR RENT jaga im ¢ g¢ centuries. If Ger-|daughtier of Mrs. Buchard was | a Look over the assortment at i] , . | neti tietees vistesinns cnn Mines tale, b= your Dealer’s. If you do not | gar Store, 3rd Ave * RENT —Purnished f mms | one . emint nk Ae aN =| The Z \ just the Set you want, jewelry Store, 3rd ® w bath. ent reasonable. Apply Flat|}the other nations. We mu t over- | | =| Bs _ a and 0s ll an ———. ei * wp Sullding =e sme, humble, and wipe out Ger-| He—Queer fellows these posts. | =! “ARISTOCRAT” Ky on ; R On RENT Furnished rooms with hot snes ; é ais . There's . for inetance who = et you supplied. upert Hotel, 2nd * ne ene i. tle 4 eemiortabls uny now and for all time. And/| There one, I be , } = : Saf | _ - - oe e2 me wy Tiondyke Hotel, ‘ _ . . » speaks of ‘’s ack x »id.”” Now | — —the new Gillette Set * Fulton and Seventh Avenue. f.|this task is reserved for the Al- | speak an aching void. 2 " i= Co. Hotel > llies now fighting, and in particu. | how can a void ache? She Have | = in French Ivory. ee : FOR SALE liar England, and Italy, Roumania|you never had a headache, Mr.| | ote a } tel * Tee i. and the Balkan States; and pos- Softleigh ? 3 OR SAL urniture and entire effects ‘ News windows, 3rd * ~~ —- mw go ms eacrifes | sibly too, for Spain. a : tie All italy Warts War. ‘ = "eee ecerrererer ee » agar + FOR SALE 4 bargain, mew drop-head| And once and for all regard i ! H ! H ! ba | te ee ee Cm, “apply. Plat | this as certain All parties in : ) ein y UITy - i Clapp Bullding s04-¢ | italy, al men, laymen and priests,|$ ALL GUESSING COUPONS ieenene } — — — -- — —_—X—_____ . : FOR Bais aos Rouse, Gocten, ye ay for, loudly invoke, desire § MUST BE IN BEFORE 12 P. + mi P. 0, Box 190. . 9488. | or on stria « Germany. You} RDAY EC. th HO ' Foy: jwer.se Apateia aap oe vont, GS. See, S wa { e TOUS IISIIDIDISIIIINISISI IAI IORI IDIIINISISISINISISIISIRIIIIIIISI IS IOI IO Ik ‘ | POR SALB--50-H.P. cageniag ogee, Bass | Will find that when the Chamber 3 First Prize, Kitchen Cabinet ! >, onary ne. | ted ‘ome _ exceuent order. att jreassembles this month every dep-|~¢ Next Ten Prizes: .Each get rw ri a eect ‘luty willl clamor for war—in the|} one large box of Fry's Del- > emi > : nena _— bites '. Vimtwers Association WANTED spring. No government can stand | icious Chocolates, valued at : i cnn ere os — veainst the nation that is de- | $1.00 WINDOOR HOTEL WANTED—Large Mail Order house wants! .ipous of assisting in the destruc-| ’ en ever . 1 to work a fow! M Glses Ave, Gas Gigte Os hours “To? “#20. weeklss Contract “given, tion of (he barbarians, Perhaps | Fuller s Grocery : THE EEE SSS W. © Wright, Pros — are -— tree. : The Co | for the moment it is as well that | Phone 572 311 3rd Ave. » . . _ Operative on, sor, Ontario. : pone olen Winton, Cala |e polde aloof; the Germans ? DAILY | for Prince Rupert and N B. NOT: nTHA WANTED— vous eettes ace wa ssh a | “— ‘ Aveuur Seventh S4 Five or Six for 10" fi European and amf®rican Pie» month until paid. Box 102, Daily News. N E W S The Daily News goes into nearly every home in meecire foo coeasmtt'! K AIEN HARDWARE COMPANY |) : arene’ SL ot eee ae t sonable, Apply Box 115, Dally —_ : the city because it is clean and reliable, It has all ' — ; THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1624 PHONE No. 8 > is the news of the city, and keeps in touch with events Ave, Between Eighth and Ninth WANTED—-Girl to assist with a, — rf} dt t ti to Northern British Colum. European P ht housework. Other help kept. Goo , i ) ritish Colum- pean Plan, Rates 60¢ to 61.00 tame Dut stall salary. Apply with full Builders’ Supplies Sheet and Plate Glass : SAFE Se ee o Per Day varticulars 10 Box 47, The News + oe : Plate Glass Mifrors * bia. It treats these subjects with moderate opti- Besner @ : 280-204 Plumbers’ supplies z : Besner, Props Paints HARDWARE saeven, Ranges SANE mism and reliability, —~ ae ‘ . : oh in; Oil inware 7. : : Kook , : WANTED ho to 62.000 mow il pay 8700 Vauiines Graniteware The Daily News is the most valuable paper te pe aoe came cust aud arrange balance. as 108, Spicy advertisers because it is read by the buying public. “no Daily News, - E : The “ Stay Satisfactory 3 IMPARTIAL It has a bigger circulation than any other paper ta | Ye sans eR EA ay Sati : =, Caen eee ano MISCELLANEOUS MONARCH MALL BLE Kange | : ie - the city, It is read by the clase of people the ) Rurcpean Pian, GO to 61 Per Dey WHAT PPERS ?—WUl lease Lot 2 Bik ee | ; Severeens CN re : : ‘ ’ i i ) —-—-—_-—_- 98 Section Five, Nauth Aven saat at * INTELLIGENT ee ee “ WOYAL HOTEL surchase, What offer wher, 1980 : ey & Burgess, Props ; Charies Btreet, \an ver, Bt 204-6 ; j ; fa ii THE ~~) : Hird Ave. and Sixth St ~ Ac nIP I eas Bacaveted 12! ¥, See ; : ; “remean Pian Gleam meaiec ash; balan years, 7 per cell, OF ° $3,000 cast J. Leduc, P. O, Bes ss Ss treal . 1} > “\AVER WHOLESALE LiQuOR oC on. Cae epee ; - 2 en ited everywhere, } anree COO ee val the village, for. tow SHINGL® . MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS jos oo Ave, end & oI hours work in spare Ume, experience a Phone 108 unnecessa’y, position permanent, The : Pe “OR RUPERT IMPORTING 00. LemiTeD ana ath “te hen THE DAILY NEWS. 'HARTL POOL CLAIMS Co- Operetive Union, Wihdser, Ont, one’ Why not w remain al ee = ; position? Our club is prl- vate and dependable Hest in the west information » stamps ideal in troduction Club, Box 204, Vancouver, B. ITALY TO BE READY IN SPRING PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. & 4+ BURROUGHS, Manager i Ave and MoBride + PRINGL RUPERT, 6.0 ; PHONE 2 Branch Yard et Smithers te rt } SPEER eee Cee eee eee ~~ ~