7 Leqisiativ® us ee OE THE DAILY NEWS ===| THE DAILY NEWS NSS \ NO, 206 PRINCE RUPERT, B. G., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1914 PRICE FIVE a MORE RUSSIANS MARCHING AGAINST CRACOW RESULT OF OF BATTLE IN POLAND IS IMPORTANT—-CONFLICTING REPORTS OF FIGHTING I IN WEST BAD OUTLOOK FOR RUSSIANS. GERMAN-AUSTRIAN ADVANCE CERMANY SEEMS TO HAVE SUCCESSFULLY TAKEN POSITIONS AT BZURA RIVER AND "ME ALREADY MARCH- ING ON WARSAW. TIMELY ADVICE TO PREVENT CHRISTMAS FIRES INHOMES INFLAMMABLE MATERIALS: ‘used FOR DECORATIONS CAUSES MANY FIRES THROUGHOUT COUNTRY — HOW TO EXTINGUISH FIRES. (Special to The Daily News) | : , The following is supplied by|its should be kept perfectly clear Dec. 23.—The pes en ng the J ; the Conservation Commission and/to avoid dangers of panies. ture of the Russian of-' Rive th Soch r is worthy of notice: In business houses electric wir- port today, which fra ha crossed th In many Canadian homes everyjing and gas lighting for special the advance of the Ger-/B now and Skis ee rh year Christmas festivtities cause|displays should be carefully in- trian forces in Poland nbine Ay Germa arn regrets and in numerous cases|spected. Do not use paper or cia, has dampened the ording to the report mov- loss of life among those taking| muslin shades close to the lamps, ism evoked by the succ ess it nt Poland along a front part. as they may take fire from the Allies in: Bennee outhweet of. Piothrow to the XK | Uluminated effects as Christ-jheat. Some one in authority Kast Peussia.the Germans! da Rive In Galicia they have ‘mas tree decorations in private should be given the responsibility een driven back on the line eached the River Dunajec and _homes are dangerous, and wher-/of seeing that the fire hazard is denburg, Soldau and Lau- north of the Carpathians they oc- FLEEING FROM THE WRATH OF WA4R.—Iliere is a Belgian familly with al! their earthly posses- lever either fire or lights are used/not excessive, and that every pre- itoo much attention cannot be|caution is taken to protect life \given to their safety. The Christ-|and property. Insuranee may re- THE SCOTS GREYS IS Svein un pecnme, LOCAL SPRARERS AE a ee stea to esac a | eee See RS ie cen nea] ae TALKS VERY WARLIKE MEETING WITH SUCCESS London, Dec 15 The Daily | Poland is that the battle at * Newsletter. jdangerous material, it is only by \ ‘ i iden al Calais »& New rrespondent alt Bzuro River is still raging * Canon Rix, chaplain of the 68th the exercise of great care that XMAS WITH TROOPS (Spectel ty The Dally News.) (Specia! to The Dally News) ivs the Freneh light cavalry have sidns loaded in an ox ei e cing j war ; f e says a French state- « the lines of Gribow, Smigrod ns loaded ' x cart fl fro mothe ur zone, to Franc and Sanok * * without apparen any def- * Light Infantry, was the principal fire can be avoided. Where Christ- exter: cteceanbmpemandaga os . sO onaongtatnng OS INpPesing gallant deeds |, , ;: sella” tb toe tensile * speaker at a patriotic meeting mas trees are erected in carpeted . a ee —_ -_ anaes eport says that slight prog- : ; 7 Cologne, Dec. 23.—The Kaiser vies Geenreem, ceplare : si vith the Scots Greys. Up to last » | vesterday’s dispatches * held at Progress Hall Wednesday rooms, sheet tin or zine should reached here today on his way to me hesitation, that the ™ was made yesterday between | 4. they had sedred, but a few » were true the Russians oceu-* hight to discuss the war situation |pe placed under the tree, to catch ’ snout Swiss have closed ranks" a, Aas ee _ ar a myst us Wako * py very strong positions and * and subseribe a sum to be used the candle drippings. It should Se Snaseae ae French and Ttalian- combined Anglo-French offensive movéd up from the British base. » if they are routed it will be #.as a Christmas gift to the Terrace |be one person’s duty to watch the will spenc thristmas wi 1d. GBe.nationa! ices that aaa ni aos i little packets emit- by superior forees and * boys who are in traiming at Wil- candies, that instant action may pPareM hatever quarte the na eny ea La Basse Heay fog the undisguisable aroma of » tre end s sacrifice. Dis * vs Camp neal Victoria prepara- \pe taken if the tree takes fire. London, not. -O0..ctiin depar- ‘ ‘ will | toppe i \rra chemist’s sho number of ttehes peeeived early this * tory te going to the front with) [py public halls, Sunday schools, ture of Emperor William for the —— — ras mae* | prand new pails, and a quantity rnit ndicated that the * the second Canadian overseas etc., where numbers of children|fpont, announced yesterday, is me ewies Sf _— a _ ~ - ps lof whitewash brushe These all « advantage was with the Ger- */ contingent, are assembled, unusual precau-|.aid by the Exchange Telegraph arms with those fight ab ind slight but perceptible b labels address« “Urgent./* mans but the later dis- #* There was also a program of tions should be taken. Fire ex- Company's correspondent at Am- enemy udvances in the forest of La). ii. Greys Camp. With Great) patches do not confirm this * songs, speeches and recitations tinguishers and pails of water|.terdam to: have been decided om Pe OT a Phere was great but se-|* and leaves room to believe * by local talent, and Dr. Clayton, of should be in convenient places./,5on against the advice of the jars, smokers’ sets( the situation is unchanged eret rejoicing in camp when this, ¢nat it is not so. The new * Prince Rupert, who happened to/Santa Claus costumes should be} pmperor’s physician, who strong- trays, steins, decante et nsignment arrived * Russian army, marching on * be in Terrace on a visit respond-jdipped in a solution of four ly opposed his making the trip at ther suitable gifts for mer PLEASANT EVENING Yellow Washed. * Cracow, is a surprise and in- * ed pleasingly to a request for an ounees of phosphate of ammonia this time. The military chiefs, Wallace's 295-297 FOR § S CHILDREN lo every man who still posses-|y qgicates that the Russians * address. to a quart of water. If clothing |p owever, insisted, the correspon- — 6 gray horse there was hand-|% jaye an ample supply of * The amount of the meeting’s catches fire throw the person dent adds, that the Emperor spend Booklet no ‘ sal { the Presbyterian Hall last}« " whitewash brush, dne)y% men. * contribution was $34. This, less jdown, and roll him in carpet, rug,|@pristmas with his troops and he s Drug Store. A most’ ing an entertainment was giv-| pack« 1e cheical concoction, | x y a % ae eK RR RH incidental expenses, will be for-|pblanket, coat or anything handy, | goeciied to do so. priate Christinas } ent en by the Sunday Schoo! childrenjand one shining pail. He care- > Seeaeeseeaeesees warded to Victoria to be dividel|to sniother the flames. The ex- that was very unique in charac-j| fully emptied the packet into the “ HELP FOR THE BOYS. % among the Terrace recruits as a} ——-—-—_______—___—____—— THE WEATHER. te! Instead of spending large|pail, filled it up with water, stir- * * Christmas remembrance. * DNR EEE ‘cquenniiitnialin early buyer abways gets the sums on presents as on former|red it and then proceeded to paint * laos it cdhnaiieen lineata. Wt The committee in charge of the « BATTLE DEVELOPING. * ee by F. A. Dowling. ction: be an ¢ buye ears each child was induced to|the mixture upon his surprised ss ic’ ‘gies: eda “baad: teekiee Ff 3 eveniag’s entertainment consist \y oe ae * 5 December 23, 1944.) et the pick of our stoc ntribut mething to the Bel-|/and objecting charger with the otha evasennn-eonkiuenih sie ed of H. M. Macpherson, Robert,» Petrograd, Dec. 23——Large * Barometer. ..+cscsss +++ ae Importers, Ltd if gian Relief Fund and a sum of|whitewash brush The mixture tt he ceiver du ithe. Ramee Corlett. aad T. J. Marsh. \* bodes of Russian troops * Max. temp. ....+se.+00seesmnnen ibo 820 was realized Of|was so many parts diluted per-). 4) 4. \ lecture will be #, ae subject chosen by Canon)* are moving toward Cracow # Min. temp. .....-- cence AO0 ae a 2 pi course an excellent treat of can-|manganate of potash, and the re-) Ganon Rix, on #/ ix was “Our Empire.” He began|.¢ gpon. the north and east. An #|Mainfall ......... ¢oseess ae ig variety to choose from verd shed and every lit-js vas that in a very short time ai or ' a by paying (he recruits from ‘his},: important battle is ap- # a re dele ace’s 295-297 call hee i hemieiiains indians Snide bey sini * “The ae ow ove pes : district the tribute of his belief}, voip developing. * Ladies’ and Misses’ Sweaters, he whole of Santa Glaus’ store|form a thorough curry-combing " 5 fat eR ™ ao + * . » that there are no better soldiers |» ae ae oe ae ae ae ae He ae ae RR ee all sizes and colors, at a heavy Rockers and Easy Chairs. Big — i levery white horse remaining in|. ne ns wo wed em M ’ " |than themselves in the EB mpire's | Re: diseount.—At Jabour’s. 296-7-8 Xmas reductions at George ©. rh follow program wWwasjthis famous regiment was trans- .. - — ~ ower we Service. Chis led to a discussion | eee eT kes veve esas lere by the youngsters with|formed in color to a ghostly sort B every Cages, of the part played by canadians |(CHARGED WITH PLOT Uf you Rave: never eeen:6 real . a {eee OS OF HOO S00 8 18 live Dreadnought ready for action, anil oo excell effect jof khaki tint, invisible as horse} in the present war. He pictured | T0 BLOW UP SHIP see the windew of the Acme Im- R Me Meery Xmas" | and rider dashed across the ter-| . % the Empire as being made up of| atte ie candle tf OS Ge 6m ‘90 _ ee Henr Wickeinaien oo jrait in the misty morning or the | Xmas Bargains . number of parts, none of which | (Special to The Daily News) pee eee Secon we. | . h te Aunie Stewa : aan faewy eve, and appallingly fright-| alone might be of great account,| New Orleans, Dec. 23.— Four Xmas S opping Reeitat A Ser tale x! Nina if to the-enemy. The earefully R. W. Cameron's high- but which all together comprise | sat saindias aden a aan Just arrived, handsome new de- EARLY . Bile oe ‘ _ " kept casualty score is now con ] ok ld t ll powell that rates tirst on the |" _ i ; signs of Carpet Squares. Specia a Recitat An Overworked | Blocution Oa ies sal ee diednaee class stock solic actually a ciarged with a plot to blow up| prices at Geo. D. Tite's. 282t moma et. canbe pecken tiate's. Stendat Greys Whenever the Germans} BELOW COST Fritish and French passenger) ~~~ one lo get the little special Isobel Kirkpatrick ne see these spectre horses swoop- | ‘ ships by placing infernal ma- things you are looking for. Gordon Kirkpatrick : : | at BIG WAR VOTE N’T Lome in today at Christmas Bells”|ing upon thm they turn and run DO FORGET chines in their cargo. Margaret Met j > Our store is full of the § , ‘Way Up 1 the Clouds” —— Cc, C. Loop s : To a ates and Hockey Stic ed fror 5 to 840 at Jabour's ‘commander, Colonel Roeodas, has PIPES TO FIT ANY FACE Get “™ a raincoat, New! pantorium Pioneer Gineners.| “uetes an ) ‘Maohey. Stlens o> anes n nh : Tickets at Ormes, $1.00. at Waiiave’s Phone 4. tf |t red Stork’s Hardware tf 206.7.-8) retreated, leescereeeccosccsecococorsocoees ~