THE DAILY NEWS. — = £=j%weanesday, Decem} 1944 | j ! ei cocccencccvcnsetbeceteeeeeeseeeees | Sehool children should be METHODIST SOCIETY Ladies’ Desks ain that jg LOCAL NEWS ITEMS taught fire precaution HOLDS MEETINGS appreciated. Furnce Golden an: Mission Finish. ay Geo. D. Ty Toys of all kinds—reasonable The Young People's Society of Try Smith & Killas’ ice cream. prices,—Wallace's. 295.297 the Methodist Church is having a Fresh estan tole in individ- > splendid course of entertain | i , ween des or delivery. 7c Mrs. Raymond returned last ments on every Monday evening Phe Prince Ru; WV } aber f i. jevening from an extended visit to ‘The entertainment consists of im-|eeneral towing; tt You ado not ish . pound - a friends in St. John and New promptu speeches, addresses and|tug “P.R.T. No. 4 rhe Queen Mary Chapter of the} York She will spend the win- | debates. Last Monday evening |391 or Black 999. 4 a . alum im our 100d 1. O. D. B. have sent off a Christ-|ter with her son, Mr. W. J. Ray-/ the pastor, Rev. J. F. Dimmick,|Box 96. Agency | ‘ . AY mond, of The Empire staff. mas present to each child whose gave an interesting address on|Crude Oil Moto; You desire to avoid it. Dr. Price’s Cream Baling my | father fe serving with the Ker! Powder contains no aluin or lime phos hate. Ite 4: Grey's Own Rifles at Victoria. The use is therefore a safeguard against objectionable \ wifts were made by some of the Mohammed the Prophet and his The general delivery and reg-| eareer, He also gave a short his Sweet Corr t istration wickets in the postofiice tory of the people of Arabia, trac. | Fuller's Gr will be open for business from 9 mineral salts which are left in the biscuit and cake ay [ett of Peeane Repay Sine Spel ie a: a. on ee Oa MOM ee cee ate when made with inferior powders. «= that -they will gladden the hearts se. whom ey descended through! Lsaiier cushions with inc ‘ 1X f little J , ‘ Ishmael. The society has had a : : nan Chemists have shown that a larce » f the little kiddies. Don't forget the Xmas Eve | , : - er ; ' ne heads. Special Xmas prices - . et yg ty , —o~ & e—"s . jrapid growth and is constantly ’ fhe chemicals of which alem hekine o Ml WeatedMen wh ar dance at the National Sporting | | inte Geéulh cantitin. Canes Geo. D. Tite's. ps mone e : en antec e o are rece r esh recruits efres made remains in the food in the form of puzzled to know what to give to Club Hall, Majestic CEE biaele are served and once a A beautif Salt, hydrate of aluminur 1 and other i npur their ladies——to have their prob- Gents $1.00 Ladies free 190-7 month a eollection is taken to de kerchiefs at Den Read the label on the can. Reje ta ba! ing pn fey AN ms easily solved at Wallaces. ie a FTs ifray expenses, unless ihe label shows cream of tartar. Buy and use Ny 7 5 eo a re ‘ ‘ Salvation Army For a comfortable room, come Xmas. Trees sold and set wu ubliec ' f to the St. Elmo Hotel, 836 Seo. |100 Freight Cars Daily, and Mail | 8 a dand s P Public eeting Delivered free, Fritz, phone 583.| Thursday and Sat nd Avenue, near Kighth Street Parcels Average 220,000. 9 ny y ‘Sundays at 7:30 » , Newly opened Steam heat and ae : ue 7 8 I BS = it hot and cold water in every room. Paris, Dec. 23.—The number of For every $2.00 purchase dure | —__———— niiidicieenereeii a *’ j : i ns ree baths ates reasonable : : j o hance | Cortineate of impro = A ds - ~ — Bes M 1 Clair ated . the Acme Importers, Ltd tr. |found it necessary to issue a note) AG gy Oe, TE d . to the public suggesting to the} Too long to print—the list of | the head of Alice Ar : bi ‘ e 0 . | servatory Inlet Made from Cream of Tartar No Alum * se a — Ipresents suitable for everyone | yer ime ies Mr. P. R. Harris, of The News |families of soldiers that they re . . Miner's Certificate N RORGE ion that can be found at Wallace's. | sixty days from the da reof - Job, left last evening for Taco-|duce their gifts to a minimum 906.207 |" the Miting Recorder for. apply r ‘ . arre 7 . | ee ” Improvements, for the t ‘ a, where he will spend Xmas The heavier parcels now re-| taining a Crown Grant of the « : take rot with Mrs. Harris, Mr. Harris has| quire for their transportation no . (mas sents at pater, geen ot es he eee For useful Xma present al fore tBe issue of such Cert re¥ mnectes The De less the 00 freight cars y, “ _j been connected with The Daily {le han 1 freight cars a day moderate prices, see the Acme |provements Pla eae aaa de Dated this @ist day of & ee SS ee Fa] News for three years and there is|while the lighter weight packages | jImporters, Ltd tf, | 1994 . Sees ey = e not a better pressman on the}going by mail are averaging 220,- | PEDRO SALINAS Coast 000 daily. | FAREWELL PARTY took part in a number of games, Fairburn, Ross, Bellhouse and sca. e | | the first of these being an adver-| Donald Useful Nmas gifts to suit every (MONTREAL MAYOR WANTS | F and Biliou 4 FOR MRS. PETTER tisement contest in which Miss fancy ot the Actio tameried, FOUR-YEAR CIVIC TERm| Or snéss — |Hanna won the prize. Much WILL SHUT OFF WAR Ltd. tf. pea ie, Oe those foes of comfort and well-being, there is on Terrace, Dec. 19.—A most en- amusement was caused by the NEWS FOR CHiic.. A oe Montreal, Dee. 23.—Mayor Me-| family _ ae universally oes = the be t . a ag — . corrective ged conditions rans of Joyable Potluck supper in| round games which then follow- -- Mr. Wm. Denholm left this|derie Martin has ambitious plans. digestion. > aan suffering is lowed "sremetls honor of Mrs. W. J. H. Petter, who | ed, “Mum,” “Forfeits” and} London, Dec. 20.—The Official |morning via the G. T. P. for Lon-| He contemplates asking the Que worse sickness prevented by timely use of left for Toronto, was given by the | “Grunt.” A very successful party Press Bureau and Censor Office d England. Mr. Denholm is|bec Legislature to so amend the and ladies of the Civic Club and other|was brought toa close by the proposes to take a holiday from st recovering from an accident | city charter as to extend the may BEECHAM’S Pil I S friends at the Lazelle home on singing of “Auld Lang Syne.”|2 o'clock on the afternoon of De-|whereby his leg was fractured | oralty term from two years to four Monday evening last. To the Those present were: Mesdames cember 24 to 9 o'clock Christmas some three and a half months years without an election, and to Let this wonderful remedy tone your stomach, stimulat: guest of honor, the whole function Marsh, Dover, Long, Large, night, during which period no ago. He expects to pass the win lextend the terms of the alderman your liver and kidne ys, regulate your bowels and was a complete surprise, as was Sparks Lezalle, Ross, Petter;; news will be passed for transmis- ter in London and will be able to|from two to four years. He pro- you will feel improved throughout your entire systen also the address and presentation | Messrs. Little, E. Eby, 8S. Eby,' sion. get the war news fresh from the| poses to have these changes ap few doses : will prove to you why, for x ‘ * epi aoe m © Rave these changes af common and minor ailments of life, Beecham’s Pills of a gift of money which follow-| Moyer, Vigor, Soucie, Giggy, coitanccsinnene chia field. Mr. Denholm usually} ply to present incumbents of ed towards the close of the even- | Howe, Gordon, Quirk, Gilbert, The largest variety in Men's sy; ds part of every summer in! these offices He also wishes to Are the Ri ht First Aid ing. Monroe, Kirkpatrick, Bound and Neckwear and Fancy Silk Muf- Rupert, where he has large realt — vevane , ; ‘ , . ‘ ' } : = : realty extend the borrowing rr Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, Foglend. During the evening the guests; Barber, and the Misses Hanna, ‘lers at the Acme. tf. holdings the city $10,000,000. Sold everywhere in Canade and U. 8. America. In boxes, 25 cents } : Soon The Last Word Before Christmas! We are now at the last few days for Christmas Shopping, and most people find themselves confronted with the same question, “What shall I get?” that will be useful as well as economical. Below you will find some useful articles which always prove acceptable gifts 'o men and boys The Monarch Knit Men's Our Stock of Steamer and We have a Large Stock of Sweater Coats, Travelling Trunks Leather Suit Cases asinetpeinannined in all shades and styles. ls complete in all sizes and in all sizes and shades. Prices eae Prices from $2.50 to $6.00 prices from $5.00 to $20.00 maprerunre a 7 =“ = © OO POE OOREPEPEPEOEOEOOPO® What shall eerrcee- fil : bel? nae A¢ : ’ : ow * Pency Git Mutiors Men's Suspenders Our Stock of Underwear , in all shades and sizes, from seth every pair in a fancy box in both Stanfields and Cee-Tee 75c. up A Very Fine Assortment of Price from 75c. to $1.00 is absolutely complete Men's Ties eoee OOO 6 PROP ROROE OPO OOCE ; ; win in all the latest shades of Everything for Men and Boys | sits.“ | + Second and Third Avenues: 50c., 75c. and $1.00 These are only a few of the many lines we have to offer you. Call and inspect our stock; all inspection at THE ACME IMPORTERS, LTD. —_— — goods are open ready for your