- igative Library LD THE DAILY NEWS | makes a Spoolal Effort to ve War News Immediately it 1s Received : i PRINCE RUPERT, B. G., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1944 THE DAILY NEWS PRICE cstiaaia GERMANS AGAIN HURLED BACK AT BZURA RIVER BERLIN ADMITS THE GERMAN GERMANS ARE DRIVEN BACK WITH HEAVY LOSS AT THE BZURA \TTACKS AND COUNTER ATTACKS ¢ ON WESTERN FRONTIER FAVORABLE TO THE ALLIES — FURTHER Suc- CESSES ARE REPORTED IN ALSACE. (Special to The Bally News) Lec e8 The official per Al { itains the announce - f Aspach t the German attacks IM th the eas iver have ceased at he Fr h rt we “ie 6 ; eeded 4 lec 26 The Freneh ge the By Rive uth of § rde artillery duels be haczea ! bac with sea and the Lys On | he ay i lin twee! self a heavy fog makes |Tlow and I hiv impossible Between | « ibb fizhting « t es and the Oise several Al e the entire ¢ f the itiacks of the enemy | Nik River d- south of the V lsed Between the Oise tula he fighting is fa al to \isne, on Thursday a‘il RK anes German attack was No Late Changes Chikin, northeast of Petrograd, Dee The Rh S ne German eount i Mt atement say eXx- ere repulsed near Sou that the 7 h offensive at Pethes From Argonne iki Arm 1, ha ! n Meuse there is noth repulsed, thers . h n eport. The French made ‘the var fronts )VERSEAS CONTINGENT GETS XMAS-HOLID!Y BOMBS DROPPED ON CITY OF NANCY (Special to The Dally News) by P. F. G Pa ly Ya ' \\ ws Camp, Dee. 19 b ' st closed has seen tiv ” , g I w we f the new doubi ne tae ll and in associatior a a npany of the 90 BO yew LAW PROPOSED A mpany has been pul FOR “DRY” STATE pace, under the com- Captain ©. W. Peek. wWoge Petition Started in Wash- moneeneeTe on msn; ington to Annul Prohi- emble the battalion bition Act. d down in the iit " {914 book provides tor Olymp Wash Der \ stic handling of units ; wee e virtually to re- eth If the new foer-| ea) the prohibition law ad pled adopted there will be a t the N r election has been eductions in the bon ted here wher Ferdinand i@d ranks, as some Six TT a ealthy resident f ants will be dispensed 7 f i with S« tary of Meanwhile the provisional). I M. Howe a copy a nuts for B Gompany still he proposes subi tine to the Legisiature Dy itia- Christmas holidays nth A special elec arge proportion of Lb b ion of the bill to have put in for Christ , asked for Novembe! which will be from O45 to the following Mon he bill would permit the oper w will return to Prince | ation breweries and would au- the festive season, |tporizeo the sale of their product; | ll journey te Vaneouver | y id allow hotels with more] le and not a few will be|ipan fifty rooms, in inc porated | ests in Victoria for the|, to liq t their There is every indica and to serve the sam I a liberal allowance will | ¢h, dinner rooms, restaurants or those companies whi aft would auth e the the outside, and those bb to buy for home consump no regimental duties o ion not less than twelve quarts ure eagerly looking for more tha forty quarts of al- the five days’ vacation oholie beverages ne week a further ad rhe proposed law would bee ill be made in training the|,ome effective January 1 ivi, it the Seeond Overseas the sar date as the new prohibi { in treneh making, tar-|ijion Jaw. It is specified that this practice, ete. Owing to the { be construed as an ulation, company and | amendment to tl dry" law or ued on Page Four. vibe tatute but is to be con ‘ paramount bo them all freee rhe proponents of the! muse Don’t Argue! fino vis: snd sanuary 2 as pe tn iit hn he ready days ; 0 to Cole’s Segar Store before the | lature COnveReE jar uvy (1f EVERY Soe PURGHASE YOU easter GET A GOUPON noms = Onn children’s $280.00 Motor Oyele Pirst prise vhich they are selling at $66.00 Victor Vietwola Seeond Prise 296-7.8 Given Away Free on New Years Day BATT prios PIPES TO FIT ANY FPAOE Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, eee. | Phone ' tf. “THE AVENGER OF THE GOOD HOPE AND THE MONMOUTH.”— Ad Sir Frede Sturdee, who one month ago was chief the British navy. Following the if the Good pe and the Monmouth he is despatched charge of a cruis iadron t ear the high seas of the German foes H fleet traveled 7,000 miles diagonally across the At ic au the Germans off the Falkland Islands, where he sunk « m cruisers Scharnhorst, Gneisenau, Leipsic and a i m ter the Nurenberg. CHRISTMAS WAS QUIET | WHAT BERLIN SAYS | hier a was spent very (Special to The Dally News.) erli . 26 The official ie aiitacail the cits Berlin, Dec 2¢ rh fficia press bureau states that genera! ‘ i a absence of even}! quiet prevailed at the 0 sual noise of Christmas Eve juiet prevailed at re front on \ uple of publie dances were |‘ hristmas Day East of Festo- u sed, but were poorly at-|bert the Germans have wrested cle Most of the festivities | from the British another portion hout the eity eonsisted of their fortified positions The . oe French offensive was beaten back i ! ches held watch night e Che magne om Souain 4 on well-attended th hampagne frou ‘ through — the Argonne to the ri Anglican Chureh also held ; : iorthwest of Verdun. munion services at 8 and 11 “ Christmas Day es Ladies’ and Misses’ Sweaters, all sizes and colors, at a heavy BAPTIST CHURCH. ae SERA BPN my ae y diseount.——At Jabour’s. 296-7-8 Morning worship, 41 @ ™3| Ogee eee eee eee ee Hie Prince of Peace” RUMANIA EXPECTED . woreh a ns OH TO DECLARE WAR * ‘ Good Gifts for the King.” AT ONCE FOR ALLIES * Special Christmas music at both * vices * Paris Dec. 26.—The Fi- * . or ee esa garo declares that an agree- * THE WEATHER. * ment has been reached be- * * tween Bulgaria and Ru- # By F. W. Dowling, Observer. * mania whereby Rumania has * a. m, December 26, 1944, * a free hand to join the Al. * Barometer 29.805) © tins and Bulgaria undertakes * Max. COMP .-0s-eeree eee 44.0 * to enter the war only on the * Bim. SOR. o a0 v0'ead ood 408 6.0 ®. Allies’ side Af she Game onter © = eo is * the war ¥ BUT NEVER AGAIN! eeunRER EPH RHR HEH HE © i dreampt that | dwelt on an isle of ji eracked lee, the midst of a lake of champagne; Where bloomed the mint julip in mead ows of green \mid showers of lithia rain i reclined on & divan of lager beer foam With a pillow of froth for my head While spray from «a fountain sparkling gin- thas Descended like dew on my head in WINNERS OF Grand Turkey Shoot of And then | awoke on a bed full of rocks With a boister as hard as a brick; H. C. MOBLEY. .28 pts. With a wrench in my heck, a rack in my head And & stomach detestably sick R. MOODIE. . 27 pts. Then | groped for the thread of the eve ; ing betore _ ROD. McDONALD. .26 pts. in & mystified mage of a brain tnt! a @reet light burst upen me 1 c a oe v 2 8 OUT OF POSSIBLE 30 PTS. TM OFF THE WAGON AGAIN!” GENERAL CHRISTIAN BEYERS Shot in an engagement on the Vaal River, his body falling into the stream rebel leader of importance re- maining at large. CHIEF JUSTICE SCORES Tries to Act for Two Sides | of a Case. Vancouver, Dec. 23. A refusal Hunter of the by Chief Justice Supreme Court to grant an alleg- of the attorney-gen- firm a hearing in a provided a pass- the nember al’s law riminal appeal, sensation at courthouse The by matter arose peal three Chinese recently istrate for keeping and frequent- a gambling joint, in which W. B. A. Ritehie, K. often acts as counsel for the ing Mr Gas who firm | this morning, and was made the oceasion by the court and Mr. Jo- seph Martin, K. C., for some strong comments on the propriety if the Attorney General's firm ap- pearing on persons seeking to have their | convictions quashed. out of an ap-| . ’ convicted by the Chilliwack mag- | ‘the states He was the only - produced. He has been com- = SSE naa ee "PROMINENT DAWSON LAWYER PAYS PRINCE RUPERT A VISIT iF. T. CONGDON WAS FORMERLY COMMISSIONER AND MEM- BER OF PARLIAMENT FOR YUKON—LEAVES FOR TORONTO OVER G. T. P. . of Dawson, was | ber FAILURE—-AUSTRIAN CRUISER IS REPORTED AT \ VALPARAISO | vr. we a visitor in the city yesterday and | !rict. Mr. Congdon is one of the most brilliant men in Canada. As an ; - orator he has few superiors and east on today’s train to Toronto, | ;. exceedingly well read. A few where his family resides on ac-!jourg in his presence is like a count of the educational advan-|breeze from the South Sea Is- tages which they require. He ex-|lands. He can quote the greatest peels to return in March. authors by the page. Mr. Cong- i Mr. Congdon went to the Yukon/don is a lawyer by profession and j 1901 and is one of the most | practices in Halifax. Before 7" prominent publie men the North | coming west, as a partner of Ben- jamin Russel, another of Nova Congdon, of Parliament for the dis- |met a large number of his former | | friends from the north. He we in | THE ATTORNEY GENERAL CRUISER AUSTRALIA Bowser Through ugh His Law Firm behalf of convicted prevailing in northern New York ‘Suffrage Association, in a state- ; summary of Bowser, Reid & Wallbridge, ap- peared on behalf of the Chinese. Mr. Joseph Martin, K. C., appear- jed on behalf of the magistrate | jand the township of Chilliwack. “IT have a preliminary objec- ition,” said Mr. Ritchie rose to his feet. jan appiication by the firm Reid firm the | Bowser, & Wallbridge, } iwhieh jis a member, Anon. of opportunity to compete for seven Attorney General ‘more electoral votes, enfranchises and I claim that the 99,881 missioner and member of Par-|Scotia’s brilliant sons, who has liament for Yukon and in allisince been promoted to the probability will be The next mem- bench. PARLIAMENT HAS NOW AT VALPARAIS® BEEN CALLED FOR JAN. 4 (Special to The Dally News) (Special to The Daily News.) Valparaiso, Dec. 26.—The bat- Ottawa, Dec, 26.—Parliament tle cruiser Australia entered|'* called for January 4. Business will be confined to war measures, including tariff and stamp tax. RETIRED GENERAL DIES (Special to The Daily News.) London, Dee. 26.—General Sir Thomas Kelly-Kenny, who com- manded the Canadians in South Africa, is dead. He had retired some years ago and was 70 years of age. port here today. the largest warship in the Aus- tralian navy and has been on the The Australia is lookout for German ships. COLD IN NEW YORK (Special to The Dally News.) New York, Dee. 26.—Tempera- tures of 24 to 40 below zero are and northern Pennsylvania. EQUAL SUFFRAGE EXPANDS. A Hu Will Not Meet Gbligations of Alen Enemys. Dec. 24.—Even in where women's suf- frage last month, the largest vote ever cast for the Washington, New York, Dec. 26.—Austro- Hungary will pay no money for the present, at least, to alien en- emies who hold her 4 1-2 per cent notes, due January 4, next, ac- cording to an announcement made here by Dr. Constantin Dumba, Austrian minister to the United States. Dr. Dumia said that the redemption of notes held was defeated suffrage cause was recorded, says the National American Woman ment on the recent elections. The “A the that statement also says: of the results of November elections shows Martin, as Mr.'the addition of Nevada and Mon- by citizens of countries at “This is tana to the of | states number of suffrage with Austria-Hungary is tempo- gives equal suffrage an rarily suspended, , The Salvation Army will hold the}a special Christmas meeting in women, increases firm is therefore debarred from!amount of suffrage territory by|the Barracks on Tuesday, Decem- aoveaning for accused persons | 256,904 square miles, and in-jber 29, at 8 p.m. Rev. Mr. Dim- seeking to have their convictions | creases the suffrage population|mick will preside. There will be aie * Mr. Martin read from j|by 157,928. ‘ songs, recitations and music. All the British North America Act,| “Pull equal suffrage now pre-|are welcome. 298.99 and the Attorney General's Act | veils over 4,738,040 square miles chebencayenmmnnneguanghinnietii to show that the administration|of the United States, or nearly TO OUR CUSTOMERS. f justice was vested in the Ai lene eal the total area. eee torney General, who had the sole | Women now have an equal voice WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR tine and control of the va- | with men in casting ninety-one|PATRONAGE DURING THE YEAR iagistrates of the province, |electoral votes, or more than one- AND WISH YOU ALL THE COM- and he protested that it was im- | sixth of the total number in the |/PLIMENTS OF THE SEASON. |proper that the Attorney General | electoral college. GEO. D. TITE. should be interested in both sides| “The total population of the Se of the case. \full equal suffrage states is now Special prices on furs—ladies’ ‘T am not a member of Mr.|g.253.240. mufls and stoles at half price— Kowser's firm, T had been asked “The total population of the at Jabours. 208-7-8 Lo take this case by the solicitor,’ states where women can vote for Mr. Lee,” protested Mr. Ritehie. President of the United States is rhe papers have the name of/43,534,834, or 45 per cent of the M Wallbridge on Mr. Wall-/total population. bridge is a partner of Mr, Bows- Dinihecniasilines +,’ said Mr, Martin.” Ladies’ Long Cloth Coats redue- Chief Justice Hunter —They led from $415 to 810 at Jabour’s. were responsible for the initiation | 296.7-8 of these proceedings, Mr. Ritehie ——— To Mr. Martin.) By the way you | Rockers and Easy Chairs. Big were responsible for the pasing |Mew Year reductions at Geo. DB. Continued on Page Four, Tite's. 2eete |