THE DAILY NEWS i Baturdas THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly BRITAIN AND JAPAN IN THOROUGH ACCORD Efforts to Oreate Hos- FURS Ship yor FREE Geld eee J Write today, address To JON HALLAR Jonte eE== MAY GIVE TITLE | TO POINT GREY LOTS The Government is Considering Suggestions Made by Mr. Cc. R. Drayton | Guaranteed Largest Circulation | German mon, tienen ati an titit re Meeting Hi, FP, MeRAR, EDITOR AND MANAGER 7 Failure. HEAD OFFICE cn Daily News Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. already frowned on the iWe®) London, Dec, 20.—The German z ; | and since his consent for a dis reas is endeavoring to sow dis- TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract) oj ition is necessary it is pos rates on application. sible that this is the sendhlion cord between England and Japan ila ali teem om x ee block. Perhaps, too, the gov by depicting Japan as a treach- DAILY EDITION oR er: Saturday, Dec, 26, 1914 ernment has realized that an|erous jailer, who is holding Eng Mi a Te : appeal to the people at this/land's Eastern possessions dur- time would be disastrous. The|ing the war to secure the keys to E D I T O R I A L S trouble is that they fear the|India, which it will never relin disaster” is coming anyway |qduish Today's London con | and that the longer they wait;ments on the exehange of mes Anybody who disapproves of ters have no parallel through- the greater will be the crash.|sages between Winston Churchi itl} the methods used by local poli- out the length and breadth of It's the same old ease of be- and the Japanese Minister of Ma ticians in militia matters is the civilized world, and is cleat ing “between the Devil and the reveal the futility of these disloyal and opposed to further | evseunns ‘tam nih pe _ cana deep sea.” attempts to undermine the Anglo- SCREEN. 18 SO SONNE OF SOR) Pai ah beste hae Ero highe Empire. So says the farmed 6 «@ «¢ FRANCE ALREADY . a : ihe linens alk a Journal. No wonder the fa- Two bye-elections take place | as : yy oe : ' ' ~— a mous Dr. Johnson once said) shortly in New Brunswick, in HAS SPENT FIVE aes ates aie Se that “Patriotism is the last re- the counties of St. John and] BILLION FRANCS the Tokio press that the war sort of the seoundrel.”’ That Carleton. Both of these seats | - ot only. seale the alliance with witty saying was never better are strong government cen-| Paris, Dec. 24.—The cost of oe rland, but begins a new era in illustrated than in the present! ters. The former was vacated|the war to France for the first sb tehittiens of the ant and west case. When men will drag the | by the disgraced premier re-|Six months is offieially figured at) , ‘ honor of the nation and the ef-| cently found guilty of graft by {5 929,442,865 franes or about} enn ae aaag sae ficiency of the army in the mud} a Royal Commission. The/%200,000,000 monthly, This tota \ 3 nm auiadiiniiiea: rinci al and then try to oscape the con-| other was vacated because its|is in addition to the usual expen | ct Met of emai ae Mr. been appointed sequent odium by flag waving | and loud talk about patriotism | it should want their loyalty to be} known by a better name. | * * @ Nobody can hold any ill-will} against the man who shoulders Baxter, Attorney member, Gen- is no wonder if honest men}; eral and was compelled to seek It will be esting to see what the re-election. inter- electors will have to say about the mis- conduct of their former chiefs | | It is quite certain that Premier his gun and goes out to fight) Fleming was not alone in for his country. Even should “holding up” the timber men he have received that position | of the province. When the by questionable if he| makes good the people are 4 too willing to forget the past. | means head is rotten it is a safe guess that the whole body is corrupt. If New Brunswick is true to her The people who are beneath | best traditions, she will wipe contempt are the ones that| out this stain on her good name prevent capable officers from] in no uncertain manner. fighting for their country | = ex? while they themselves skulk in| It begins to look as if the the shadows of their own home| second attempt of the Bob and rejoice in their villany. Rogers element to force an The outrages that have been election in Canada has again committed in Prince Rupert in been defeated. It is well known that the Governor General had eile sialon afoot oie connection with military mat- = ae FORE KNOWLEDGE FLOUR When we say Royal Standard Flour is the best flour you can use, we know what we are talking about, because we test not only our own wheat and flour in our laboratory, but also the other flours which are sold on this market. We test for strength, nutrition, texture test the wheat BEFORE we buy it. and color. We has just{ditures of the army, | cludes but it in- allowed to $4,000,000 §101,400,000 of persons soldiers, out of for the driven the and to various other items direct- families to $10,200,000 of homes employment maintenance their Invasion persons from by German ly due to the war. The the to consider the application committees of French parliament met today budget, the first six months a total of 8,,525,264,407 (81.705,052, 881 of next which ag arewates for 1945 franes The monthly in rate £200,000,000 about the present for year is the seale of expenditures for five months of war_in the year. Real Relief — ge means true hap The trouble due to in reation and eee is eomneeé certainly and mag? by BEECHAMS PILLS eee Aoi emt World APPLICATIONS WANTED The owner of the Victoria Lodging House, First Ave- ization, fit- and right to take rank with Japan is proving her ness the The Morning Post says the great world powers.” Jap- proved themselves anese have friends and allies of whom any nation may be proud. Her fighting forces have showed themselves in war to be as humane as they are formidable. Anglo-Japanese com- radeship has set an enduring seal the and won on Anglo-Japanese alliance, for assured the nations of the west. Japan as place in comity of civilized The Chronicle says it would be affectation to pretend that every- where under the British flag Jap- anese expansion would be wel- comed without misgiving by the self-governing dominions, which shared the suspicions of the United States, but now the An- glo-Japanese comradeship in arms would assist that mutual appreciation whieh alone can produce complete solution of the Asiatic Chis gives hopes for the future of humanity. new bond with our people. | ‘The plight of a number of peo | | Iple who purchased lots at Point |}Grey from the firm of Alvo von i Alvensieben, Limited making thei ir payments through the Dom inion Trust Company only to find that their nearly completed that neither the now payments are Dominion Trust Company nor the Alvensleben concern have obtain eda title to the propérty from the government, has been laid before the provincial government by Mr Cc. R the Drayton, provincial liquidator of the Dominion Trust Company. This was one of the objects of Mr. Drayton's recent visit to Victoria. The suggestion of Mr. Drayton that the ment should accept the payments govern made to the as if they of the issue title Dominion Trust Co were made to agents and direct to the lot pur- government, be taken at the next sitting of the Legislature to be done will The property by in question was purchased the payments, and one man, . Gee Dunlop, has even paid the fee for his deed. An enquiry made and the Company sines the Alvenslieben company Dominion Trust have gone the into liquidation Alvensleben the first payment of 25 per the course is expected to revert back company had only government paid to cent. on entire property, which in due again to the government — dustrial Towns Just Now. London, Dec. 26.—-One signifi- cant sign of the growing trade ac tivity Many northeast is in evidence today shipbuilders on the should chasers on completion of the purchase price was given a) friendly consideration. ee probable that steps to permit this) shows that} Unusually Brisk in English In- arriving Vancouver at 3 P focal S.S. Prince George Baile for Vancouver, toria and Geattio on Fridays at 9 A. M. G. T. P. S. S. CHRISTMAS SAILING FOR THE souTH S. S .Prince John Will leave Prince Rupert ‘eg Teitoarer a 7 P.M. Tuesday, Dove steamers for Victoria and Seattic MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY Next sailing for Masset and Port Clements, December 28, 10 Pp. w Next sailing for Gkidegate, Jedway, eto., December 91, Special Betpens Rates for Christmas and New Vears Bei ’ on @.7.P. Railway, commencing Deo. 18th, good for return up t a For Reservations, Through Tickets, eto, Apply at @ T. P Tick: Third Avenue. AGENCY ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP Lines Vio- ¥, December 24, connec: 10 PL Mm Oo MUSIC Teacher of Violin aad Ali Band instruments A. PESOOTT 452 Eighth Av Prone Wreon @27 FANERICAN TAILOR CUT PRICES — Call and Save Money OR. GILMOY, DENTINT Grown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Alvensleben | company thre years ago from the MAJESTIC ROOMS CENTRALLY LOCATED Steam Heated—Ali Conve- niences—Very Moder- ate Price SPECIAL RATE MONTHLY government, About forty acres was divided into 33-foot lots which were sold at a price of | from $700 to $950 per lot. In| many cases the ultimate chasers have comp ve their | | | $ gare rereeeererre 35~-PHONE--35 TAXI ALF HALLIGAN DOMINION Undertakers and Embaimers FUNERAL DIRECTORS Gaskets and Undertakers’ Supplies at Wholesaie Prices Terms Keasonable—Phone 41 bay og oe Manager. SARA AR ERR ARK AEED Grass-Widowers be ed SSPESEEEEES hone 554 P.O. Box ¢ APERHANGIN AINTING OLISHING AND WALL TINTING Martin Swanson Seeond Avenue, near } New elinglon The favorite Household Ove OCisaneat, Brightest, Ber: |\NEW WELLINGTON COAL oo, | Office: Smith Bik., Third Avenue Rogers & Albert, Ag _Beoond Avenue Phone 119 Phone t74 74 | FOR PLUMBING AND HEATIN : 0 © | SMITH & MALLETT Largest stock of Pipe oor Vatouver, Crane Valves a ' tings, Pipes cut to order DUC | SERRA RR ARE RARER RE | Helgerson Block | Third Ave, Heed of Beoond Birer: Prince Rupert Alert M. Manson, B. A W. B. Williape WILLIAMS & HANSON Garristers, Solicitors, Et WOnEyY TO LOAN Box 1585 Prince Ruy B.A * [Ottis corner @nd Street and $ PACIFIC CARTAGE uu TED Successors | Genera! Cartegs LADYSMITH COAL 83 Phone —#5 JOHN CURRIE Contractor & Builder . Estimates Given on Moving & Phone Biack 294 eoreeret C. B. PETERSON EXPERT ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Phone 318 Secooor oer -seeere eecernrrt , we We know exactly what nue, instructs us to offer coast will be unable to aceept fur- | | ° sa ee so be atm ate alg this building for rent at a ther orders until the end if next| and JAMES GILMOR! 3 § - nominal price, to some de- year. The demand for skilled me i dence that there is no better flour made anywhere than serving person. The rent chanics continues greatly to ex. | Bachelors Architect Royal Standard Flour, made in British Columbia. collected to be devoted to ceed ‘the supply and nies wee Royal Standard Flour gives employment to and maintains the war fund. We shall be are tempting men from other| DON'T WASH =| swarantee 3) 2nd Avenue, near Mel) over a hundred families in British Columbia. So when pleased to receive applica- works by higher wages. Birming- | IN emetak | = you use Royal Standard you not only get a first class flour, tions. ham manufacturers declare they | icy waTER fi") you gree eosooooren, eer om share towards helping out the present sit- | re-employ every mechanic whol THIS frst thing in | 6 4 uation in British Columbia. migrate } i ; : ra PATTULLO & RADFORD emigrated to Canada during the WINTER me : 00 of town, oF can be hed } ‘ SECOND AVENUE | MIS SMABEL BOARDMAN. a me a ok —ifteen minutes after you | Pure Bre aanry ve | Vancouver Milling & Grain Company, Lid. \« hief executive officer of the Call Is Easily iseneee, have started the fire : Fulton Cash Marke Vancouver, New Westminster, Maneine and Vicleris ‘ shiiiestatnneenitensatianiin | American Red -Gross Society, idk EASY TERMS 17.50 Cash Milk Govt. Inspected (ow ; | recently in annual convention, London, Dec, 24.—A eall of 30,. | ae — ‘fe | Th d and Most ; ADVEKTISE IN plannig relief measures for|000,000 pounds on the war leant $2.60 3rd Month areapes gaeBee a belligerets. Miss Boardman is|which was due yesterday was ar-| MARRY Manso eee f° ; ’ ~ . al recognized as one of the ablest| ranged easily. There was no a N 1 Ty ; td hee ane fol @ 5 @ lo @ lo} OF Or® THE DAILY NEWS S| women in publie work today. turbance of money rates. “es | = tie Siemew Prince Rupert oe What Chance Has A Poor Private Got? ee ecttaetths. nove wy ee ~° om . ae : »” “rr - GOSH-T DONT FEEL A BIT LIKE. FIGHT “TO DAY ‘A CELLARL | STANS~ May LIVE. TO FIGHT DARE “OU BE so YELLOW - SHAME. - WHY- YOU UTTLE COWARD-WHAT DO MOU MEAN BY COMING IN HERE TO HIDE - HOW - JUsT MY LUCK THE ONLY HIDING PLACE ON HE. BATTLE FIELD AND THE GENERAL ®iau - inh “SIND —wALe> ee